Russia is para bellum

Hey, in Russia mass media acts like we should prepare to WW3, as if NATO want to fight us in the next couple of years.
How about this shit in your countries? Will Russia attack/occupy you tommorow?
Хoхлы - дaжe нe cтapaйтecь.

Thats what our media would have you believe. Everything is a "russian conspiracy" and you get headlines like "russian wargames show putin is preparing for WWIII" or "russia provokes the west by showcasing military power"

Literally nothing, other than mention of Victory Parade.

If this is how the allies/axis lines up, I'm enlistin for some motherfucking adventure....and hopefully I'll get to kill some muzzies, chinks and HOPEFULLY JEWS.

Also mention that Victory Parade was tamer than usual but some new shit was also shown.

Compare Russian military to other cunts militaries

literally less than nothing - our media pretends that we are handing over our countries to russia by election non-establishment
also every hack is blamed on russia and you guys are the eternal hyper hacker cracker pope lord

western media = russia already controls everything

Chinks are honorary Aryans you kike.

Our media still thinks you're the USSR and the cold war is still going. Maybe it is.

According to our media you guys have already won and are controlling our democracy already. No need for a war to be fought I guess.

If you think China will side with you you are wrong.

No one is attacking anyone. Its so both sides can more easily control their populace by portraying the other side as the bad guy. Both sides have nukes up the ass and if something like the OPs pic happened everyone would be glowing in the dark.

(((They))) want WW3 so more whites die.

Like I give a flying fuck. Yellow is not white.

pls bomb saudi arabia

If the Aryan migration occurred the way in which many think the Northern part of India, sections of China, and pretty much all of Japan actually is Aryan.

Cold War still going. Nothing new.

Apparently Russia is make my my neighborhood more brown by hacking my toaster. Obviously we can't let this stand and the president is stooge of Russia a country so powerful they hacked our elections and everyone else's elections and makes Hillary act like she has kudu.
I guess it means we have to fight.


I want me some Polish qt refugees

Dude, no one is going to fight anyone. It's just standard media propaganda to keep the population in pre-war hysteria

At least once a week media will talk about Russia wanting to invade the Baltic states or how they "hacked" any elections which may have had an outcome the financial elites didn't want.

So yes it appears both of our elites are preparing us for war with one another.

The problem with this stupidity is this:

>parts of China

China is predominantly one sub-section of filth, Han Chinese. What parts of China are Aryan? This part over here that is Han Chinese? Or this part way over here that is also Han Chinese?

Chinese people are subhuman kikes.
