Brazil is going to unify South America and later Latin America and then invade and colonize the USA
Brazil is going to unify South America and later Latin America and then invade and colonize the USA
Someone has been playing to much cowadooty
I hope they try, after slaughtering their armies in like 2 days their women will be ripe for the taking.
>Using machetes and football ball´s against tanks
Inb4 American education, but what's the difference between South America and Latin America
Mexico up till Panama is Central America
You can't even unify your shitskin country, let alone a continent and a half
if anything we are more united than the US
Guess its time to my state cesede
Brazil would lose against a single one of our super carriers (though most nations would, honestly). There is no hope for a land invasion and Brazil has no navy.
No, it isn't. You have barely time a resources to fix your own mess made by the commie fags.
But do you know what's more likely to happen?
That you become ust like Venezuela is now.
fuck off with your rise of the apes idea, brazil doesn't even talk spanish
why dont you guys go F U L L C A P I T A L I S M and reform Gran Colombia, then legalize all drugs? I feel like that would solve 99.72% of your guys' problems.
no, brazil better watch their ass cause when mexico tries to take ca and texas back we are going all the way to the panama canal bitch.
Brazil has no means to move the millions of soldiers needed to capture even one country.
Good luck trying to invade Colombia and it 500.000 soldiers while at the same time controling our 2,8 million sq kilometres land.
>No hope for invasion
Stupid burger, learn some fucking geography.
>Panama Canal
>Brazil watch out
This is why everyone make fun of your education
you have to annex south brasil
this isnt call of duty: ghost fuck off br monkey
Your country will be the first invaded.
Not before the Favelas unify with your daughters
Don't make us defend little pothead brother again!
>500.000 Soldiers
Pick one...
>Our effective is 1.3 million
>it can be 1.5 million per year
>Available to service more then 50 millions
>have better equipment
>Colombia depend on us economically
>Have better Marine
We can just starve Colombia to death while bombing then, we don´t even have to invade then
It would be surrender or bombs.
Please South Brazil come back to us.
>We are together the greatest Union of roman Catholics in the world
>We descend the Latinos
It is time!!!
A union like Holy Roman Empire is the only choice
Us together, the South will Rise
the efficiency you showed dealing with Malvinas indicates that you, ofc, are not capable of conquering anything, you cocoliches
Good luck, then. You are risking to be nuked into oblivion by everyone. (Not by us btw, we are family xoxo)
Latin America's collective IQ is around 80. Until there is an artificial way to increase fluid intelligence, you're all fucked.
This flag made me kek. Do you even know what the colours mean? Pure saturn (black) would make us gods.
We can come to an agreement but send TP first.
Imagine an army of skinnies with capris, flip flops and a variety of old, shitty guns.
I love homeland. I always get hit on.
You can't gete more delusional than this...
>Our effective is 1.3 million
>it can be 1.5 million per year
Sure lad! And the economy to equip and train those soldiers is coming from your asshole.
Brazil could barely get 1.000.000 soldiers, and then it has to transport them 3.000 km up to the frontlines in the colombian jungle...
i said it first , i want those brasilian coast!
You know that North Korea,India and Russia do that right?
Since Brazil is so great, maybe they can help the less fortunate peoples in africa relocate to their great land :^) it would be : : ^) the catholic : ^ ) thing to do
We already have 100 million niggers in a country of 210 million people, we're full they can go live in Argentina.
Nah man. Lets just chill.
lol, we prefer to become a part of Chile
Dont be so intolerant, just look how big your country is, you wouldnt want to be a racist now would you?
Goddamn it, stop posting these dumb fucking bait threads which do nothing but embarrass the rest of us even further.
Fucking Alberto Barbosa did have a lust over nigger pussy. At least we didn't mix with niggers, holy fuck.
South cone?
Shut up, globalist
6.435 km of coastline
>wants more
Greedy weon is greedy
rubbish, look at the state of brazil. its chaos, couldnt run a piss up in a brewery
You have a problem man.
You have a coast lines hoarding problem.
when we become ultra chile , all problem will be gonne
exept bolvia , those fuckers will still around to anoy us
How does that even make any sense at all?
I didn't know that was on the focus tree in Hearts of Iron IV
Conscription is not the same as real soldiers ready to fight.
And stop memeing, jesus! You actually believe that breazil can generate 1 millon soldiers per year and not only that.
Also has the logistics to feed, equip and transport them 3.000 km north to a jungle in Colombia to fight millions of posible enemies...
And that's only ONE FRONT.
To invade us you should need your antire Navy, and at least 1.000.000 more soldiers to somewhat control the 8th largest country in the world.
And the it comes the chileans that woudl quicklly deploy in Cuyo (as we would obviously be allies at that point) and their Leopards and F16s, Perú and Bolivia with at least 200.000 soldiers on the north.
Realistically, couldn't Brazil annex the Amazon jungle part of Venezuela in the chaos with Maduro? Maybe Colombia can have Caracas.
Isnt there an anime or game with giant robots / armies where one of the largest groups have a brazilian flag? Like if brazil has taken over the world?
Aren't Argentina and Brazil about the same size as the continental U.S.? Couldn't you guy accept hundreds of million of European immigrants without becoming too crowded?
Sounds disgusting and commie
gas yourself
well, we already have almost a million venezuelan aliens, i guess the other 20 million + the oil would not hurt
>Willingly annexing california
If you sure...
Brazil is a monkey shithole full of corruption and crime. You guys ain't doing shit.
fUCK T- May and the U Key
You have to get your own countries in order first, user.
>t. bundaism
We need some time to prepare to keep in mind that:
>We're 50% of South A population
>we're 50% of South A territory
>We're 50% of South A economy
We are literally half of South America united under one single country.
In other news terrified USAnians adapt their zombie-kits into monkey-kits.
Sales of toxic banana varieties soar, resulting in countless premature american deaths and succesful repulsion of would-be monkey invasion.
Muslims rejoice as they're no longer the least respected aggresive mud/sandcrawlers on the planet.
Mexico has already colonized us you dumb favela monkey
>forgeting the helicopters
you need to learn more
>brazil the only SA country that does not speak spanish unifying anything
fuck off
This has been in the works. The continents are uniting before coming together under a global government.
I do like that flag.
I would love to see a unified South America.
lol cia willl never let that happen
No, and they would be surely killed in Brazil, and probably harmed or killed here too when they try to ban pork and alcohol.
You don't want pic realted to be mad at you in the middle of a southamerican street, at nigth, while you call his bitch a whore for not using burka.
And the other half lives in mainly rugged terrain composed of deserts, high mountains and even tundra of which most are nationalistic potential guerrilleros and the other part have professional armies with a large industrial base for latin american standards
Go back to playing EUIV
oh shit
Brazil has been half of a continent the last 200 years and it never did shit!
All this sabre rattling is typical Hue behavior
>Muh size
Not even when we were for over 60 years on total civil war Brazil dared to conquest, they in fact helped the Federal side but never anexed anything.
Hey, i found it:
Brazil is gonna rule the world as the Earth Federation according to Gundam.
cause we are of peace and love :)
>chile will defend us from the commies by throwing them all out of helicopters
I'm ok with this
We're coming for you Burgers
We already have massive trouble organizing the shithole the size it is, you want to make it BIGGER?
The Catholic thing to do would be to kill all those dirty mudslimes. Deus Vult
But Brazil, think about those giant space robots?
Don't you want giant space robots?
not according to the pope apparently.
Me? No of course!
I dont hate you Irmaos!
But I have seen this "gonna conquer SA" meme even outside Sup Forums and facebook. I think some of you are "dreaming awake"
very accurate pic related.
>America is ok if we kill all his commies off
Will you considerate us first world country if we take out all the other shit of your country like the feminist?
You will not be laughing when we use our Voodoo to send Ultra Mega Chicken to crush your Island.
Brasil has 300k active troops and another million in reserve. It's anual mandatory conscription is about 1 million per year, but almost all of these are discharged after the mandatory boot camp training is completed.Though if we were going to a war the military wouldn't discharge them and instead keep them as grunts for the army.
So face it Argentina, you're getting conquered.
>sharing a country with Venezuelans, Mexicans and Salvadorians
I think brazilians are enough to fuck everything up.
the pope is a meme, people follow him as much as they follow jesus teachings, he wont be in the minds of flipflop wearing favelados as they bash muslim skulls in because shariah doesnt allow bunda