So it's been deicded, the only way for humanity to advance is if Canada Colonises the world, we need to spread the leaf everywhere.
You wont be playing soccer anymore, now you'll play football
No more field hocky, now and it's normal hockey
No netball, now it's basketball
No more cricket, now it's baseball
Canada will spread freedom, democracy, and advance the uncivilised savages of Europe and the USA and help create a civilised world free of conflict and hate. And finally we will rid the world of the french,
Say it with me Sup Forums God bless the Canadian Empire
So it's been deicded, the only way for humanity to advance is if Canada Colonises the world...
Other urls found in this thread:
We will rename Berlin Kitchener, just like we did with our Berlin
We will rename Paris Montreal
We will rename Vienna Vancouver, because they both start with V
But if you colonize them, they win.
So what are you going to rename London? Or did you just forget about that, you hackneyed leaf.
London was already named after London, Ontario you stupid cunt, learn history
We will rename the capital of Georgia to Canada, because I don't know what georgias capital is so it will just be Canada
New Islamabad.
>no leaf
And Islamabad will be renamed Brampton
>can't see the triple leaf
You're dumb or blind or both
>Say it with me Sup Forums God bless the Canadian Empire
You won't have enough people for an empire until all Pajeetland finishes immigrating. Even then you'll remain Burgerstan's Northern Corporate Appendage.
Leaves confirmed as bankrupt for ideas. Nothing new to see here indeed.
That's the cuck leaf tho. It's tiny like a shriveled up chode.
Hey stupid nigger look out your window? See any red leafs NO because the leafs re alive and green, red is the death to Canada
I'm okay with this provided we can keep our monarch. Also, we should annex Iceland to teach them the consequences of stealing our cod.
>mfw Canadians think they're British
>names a whole country after our province
>names their capital after a shifty town nobody cares about
>France names their capital after a tiny village in Canada
>Germany names their capital after a shitty city that changed its name because it didn't want to be associated with germaniggers
Wow how cucked are Europeans
>sniffs the air
Do you smell that? That's the smell of maple syrup, top grade cuckoldery and "free speech"
Don't forget the damn spaniards they will NOT be a part of our empire because they won't exist anymore, give Spain to Portugal
>freedom of speech in Europe
Do you see "Estonia" written anywhere in that text? No?
Go nibble on a pair of big nigger balls
Estonia is Europe you stupid fag
The swastika and other insignia of such isn't illegal here.
>The first Estonian World Festival was held in Toronto in 1972.
those faggots ran away because they didn't want to fight for their fatherland.
We'll annex you after we're done with Lithuania, we won't need Latvia as Ireland will provide her majesty with enough potatoes
After Brexit has been finished then why not.
Or they just realised Canada is a better country
>minimum wage in Estonia is 4,600 euros a year
LMAOOOOOO I make nearly that much in a month and I never even finished high school KEK
Just take us with you, sick of this EU.
The pound looks more a e s t h e t i c, driving on the left side of the road would be interesting, having 400% more pubs would be pleasing.
what kind of pathetic colony plays baseball over cricket, you've disgusted me even more then just your leafy presence does
And everything is a 100x more expensive +higher tax rates
The United States of America will be renamed the British States of Ottawa, and their burgers will be confiscated until further notice
not quite as funny as canuckolding threads
Things are 100 times more expensive when they're 100 times better. Enjoy your 300 square foot apartment.
We invented baseball that's why we play it stupid nigger
Except that's wrong
no wonder its so bad
Sorry, could you translate those units of area to non-retard units?
What the fuck is a foot even?
You're just a retard that can't understand our sophisticated Canadian culture
Go back to your "superior" Australian culture, with your walkabouts, maccas runs, and VB
>he thinks he's superior because he fell for the globalist Jew
Yes goyim abandon your culture use the french system of measurement don't use your own
canada is fucking degenerate. its the gay capital of the world. also, their army is shit. they can not stand against the might of United Shlomos of America military.
Canadian Army
American army
Alright, i will now measure everything in plow lengths.
But you know, whatever. Annex us, whoever you are. In the end it's still going to be under kike rule. I really don't give a shit anymore.
Estonia sucks so use imperial instead it's better because we use it
This whole thread is just really bad bait and i fell for it.
Forgive me god.
>We will rename Berlin Kitchener, just like we did with our Berlin
Your mom baits me every night, masturbates me ;)
>the world is asking to be colonised by us
Fuck that. UK will flood all other anglo nations with pakis. Leave them out of it!
NZ and Aus can send all their chinks to BC and the conservative anglos of canada can migrate to australia to create the ultimate shitposting paradise
Is Sup Forums pro science? Than you support the theory of Canadian superiority
We will conquer, we will rule, we will spread a cultured, enlightened society to every corner of the globe
>and that's why he's no longer involved in government.
>'could be'
Spoiler: it won't
What did Denmark ever do? Canada is more relevant than your shithhole who's your prime minister or queen? Nobody knows because cabada is better
Canada: known for it's cuckery, weedman and a sport no one plays.
Canada single handed defeated the USSR you should thank us for your freedom
Clubbing baby seals near Russian waters doesn't count as 'defeating the USSR'
You've managed to learn the rest of my language (in the process of your culture being destroyed and replaced by mine), so go learn what a foot is for yourself. You're going to need to teach your children this for when they emigrate here and start working for mine.
>The series is also seen by many Canadians as an important win in the Cold War
>1 billion people around the world speak our language
God bless Canada