Why did he fire Comey all of a sudden?

Why did he fire Comey all of a sudden?

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Why is firing Comey good? Didn't he prevent Hillary from getting elected?

Ironic coming from Podesta

Because he lied about hillarys emails.

>she did this illegal thing
>but she shouldn't be arrested

That nigger should've been gone on Day 1.

I'll give you four hints

Because after the Clapper/Yates testimony, there is 0 evidence of Russian collusion. It's over for Obama et al

Because he didn't throw her in jail.
>We have enough evidence to prosecute, and anyone else we would, but we're not going to


lmao all these democrats really just get to walk arround and act like they didn't rig the primary and lose a huge election it's hilarious to me that the people of the democrat party are not revolting.

I'am getting tired of this shit of firing people, wake me up when they actually start going to jail


>didn't go after the pedos
>didn't go after hillary

into the trash he goes


Who gives a fuck

If you think anybody shifted that late in the game over a small thing like this you might be delusional. This election was solid won long before due to how radically different the candidates were and it all boiled down to how happy the citizens were with the path america was going. Nobody gave a shit about the letter the dems just needed an excuse.

he prevented her from being arrested

because it's become painfully obvious he is an ineffective leader of the FBI. He is undermining public confidence in the chief law enforcement body of the federal government to enforce the laws.

Podesta is next.

It's not, but admitting Trump fucks up sometimes is impossible for the average Sup Forumstard. I expect a lot of 'LOCK HER UP' even though this was clearly about covering his own ass, not going after Hillary. He even says as much in his letter.


Jesus, they really do control everything.

>don't do job for over 100 days right
>still chasing boogiemen
>no evidence constantly stated
>still leading investigations wasting FBI and tax payer dollars

Comey was either influnced by outside sources to keep this shit in the news or just plain incompetent at his job

he's married to an Armenian

food for thought

Uh, he said she was fucking guilty but we aren't gonna do anything. He's a fucking cuck faggot and deserves to be fired.


Because he's a guilty treasonous cuck and I hope his public execution is death by drowning in spectator piss.

He should have never been retained in the first place. He is in a position that is supposed to be unpolitical yet he has managed to politicize every decision hes made. Trump should have done this so much earlier and it baffles me as to why he just now did it.



As far as I can tell he's getting fired for running around in circles throwing smoke in people's eyes with nothing to show for it, the only likely "conspiracy" is that he wasted FBI time and funds so he could get his epin detective clout up

He got too close to the truth.

Just the opposite, if he actually wanted her arrested, he could have. He straight-up said that she was guilty of what she was accused, but that they would not follow through with prosecution. The clearest and most open case of corruption I've ever seen. Trump should have fired him on Day 1, he's a traitor.

He should have been fired on day one.


lol You are delusional

This desu

I guess he didn't want to be Comet Pizza'ed

Trump couldn't fire come right away would have made to many waves the liberals will cry about this while Trump does something else probably pushing shit through the supreme Court


kill yourself

Great analysis retard. Really made me think off your awful opinion backed by nothing.



Comey is fucking with the pedo/Clinton/emai/Huma/Weiner investigations and needed to be removed.

LET THE GAMES BEGIN. Finally a GREAT move by Trump.


Comey is headed back to Mayberry

>Muh false equivalency


because comey a shit


Who is he? Besides being a jew.

>linking to bezos post
>'sources say'
That article is pure fucking trash

mods pls delet

Your autism is impeccable.

I'd get cable to watch this

Run of the mill jew lawyer from what I can see

This is some really stupid shit

>didnt you onow youre supposed to act like a crypto kike child raping shitweasel and not like a whiteman

This fucking creep.

but how do we know he wasn't being forced to give up the investigation by Hillary?
What if he really was our guy?

Not gonna happen. Peasant law does not apply at this level of power. Thrones before bones bro.

based sessions aint playin no games

If he had said the FBI recommends charges, that hippopotamus looking nigger -- the one that met the rapist Clinton "by chance" in her airplane -- would have been trapped. Prosecute or admit being partisan and corrupt. Comey gave the hipponigger cover. He had to go.

>Pedoesta talking shit

Better be on Trumps list as well

and whats your point? I wish these jew apologist "based black in a trump hat" faggot redditors would just suck start a shotgun.

Breivik is that you?

Comey was an idiot and was found chugging globalist cum.


Guy has some fucking nerve.


Weird name to use when talking about someone firing someone else.

His spirit cooking and pedo ring must be getting to him.


It was getting too spicy for the pepper

The President. Good afternoon. In recent months, serious questions have been raised about the conduct and the leadership of the Director of the FBI William Sessions. Among other matters, the Department's Office of Professional Responsibility has issued a report on certain conduct by the Director. I asked the Attorney General, Janet Reno, to assess the Director's tenure and the proper response to the turmoil now in the Bureau. After a thorough review by the Attorney General of Mr. Sessions' leadership of the FBI, she has reported to me in no uncertain terms that he can no longer effectively lead the Bureau and law enforcement community.

I had hoped very much that this matter could be resolved within the Justice Department. The Attorney General met with Judge Sessions over the weekend and asked him to resign, but he refused. In accord with the recommendation of the Attorney General, with which I fully agree, I called Director Sessions a few moments ago and informed him that I was dismissing him, effective immediately, as the Director of the FBI.

-Bill Clinton July 1993.

Confirmed, I guess.

Baruch atah

If their precious Obama had any integrity, he should have fired him right then. How does it look to have someone running for President of the American people that is above the laws of the American people?

Trump is just cleaning up Obama's mess once again.

Because his AG and Deputy AG recommended he be fired.


Guy has some fucking nerve.


interesting word to use when talking about someone firing someone else.

His spirit cooking and pedo ring must be getting to him.

Do you guys think that Trump will actually do something about Hillary?

Or was he just firing Comey to save himself from the Russia investigation?

I hope you die in your awake

can someone give me a quick rundown on the Yates hearing yesterday?

Is this the beginning of the arrest and conviction of Hillary Clinton?

So people will stop investigating him for fear of being fired.

>even though this was clearly about covering his own ass, not going after Hillary

It's always a shame when public officials start thinking about shooting themselves 14 times in the back of the head. Good thing he got over it.


He did it to push start defensive narrative that the FBI was corrupt and compromised at the time of the investigation

>Do you guys think that Trump will actually do something about Hillary?

>Or was he just firing Comey to save himself from the Russia investigation?

the second one. reddit trumpcucks on suicide watch. trump already said he wouldnt go after hillary.

Is he reverencing The Night of the Long Knives?

Well he's said a few different things about Hillary.

There was a recent interview where he was asked about Hillary and he said "...Well.. I mean...We'll see"

So I dunno. I could see it happening, but I doubt it.

>le ebil comey sabotaged #her
>wtf i i love comey now!!!!!

If you believe in all that Russia bullshit when there was absolutely no evidence to back it up.

Then youre a shill.

Is that what you tell the kids pedosta.

Because Shillary's going to prison.

Wow it sounded dubious until I checked the digits. Holy fuck

>trump called hillary a brave woman and gave her support to relax and recover for being a "True American"

Trump is a sack of shit himself who gets to fire him?

It's fake but on point

Holy shit nu/pol/ is so fucking stupid

No, I don't believe in the Russia stuf. But there is clearly an effort to build the Russia stuff into something and to try and impeach Trump. They are doing absolutely anything they can do impeach Trump, it would not be surprising if they forced Comey into planting evidence or something like that.

Every single person that has the power to oversee an investigation into Trump and Russia has been appointed by Trump. Everyone else has been fired.

This actually isn't good news.

Real reason? apparently Sessions and the AG office thought he handled Hillary's email investigation horribly, and his fuck up about weiner this week sealed the deal.
That said that does not mean he's suddenly going to lock her up like Sup Forums is creaming itself over.
that's an obscure canadian reference for non leafs bro, he means this from the Nixon era

Trump back to playing 1D chess and trying to cover his Russian connections

Thanks for clearing that up. I'll inform the American DOJ while you stay on Sup Forums where you're most needed. Thanks again.

Good, one less puppet of Hilary's and Obama's in the Gov.


Trump praised Comey over the Hillary stuff. Trump is in office because of Comey. That is just a ruse.

No such thing as nu/pol/ faggot

It's been pretty damn funny to see both sides ping pong between attacking and praising Comey over the last year. How does anyone take these fucks seriously?

>Trump praised Comey over the Hillary stuff
that's not in doubt, hell in the firing letter he mentions how Comey on 3 separate occasions (anyone know when he's referring to?) cleared him. That said this was not Trumps initial idea but was pushed by the AG office and by Sessions, and if you haven't noticed Trump is malleable to being persuaded by his advisors

Since when do we have this many shills around?