Do you believe that you are superior to anybody because of your race origin?

do you believe that you are superior to anybody because of your race origin?


If I am I am if not then not but I am iberian and you are not.

Yes. I'm a neet virgin, but since my ancestors did all good shit, I'm automatically superior to all darker skinned doctors and engineers and shit. I'm White, and this means I'm so innovative and creative individual. Shitskins BTFO.

No, but I'm thankful for the IQ points

Not really, i go by individual potential rather than race, even though races of people have higher iqs than others on average, there is always the exception (i.e Ben Carson vs. An Autistic white kid..) People peopke that go above the average should be respected , the idiots... well, just let nature take its course..

Thank white people for:

- that computer you're typing on
- the software that drives it
- the internet & nearly all web applications
- recorded music
- motion pictures
- tv
- radio
- camera
- telephone
- light bulb
- the automobile
- rocketry
- satellites
- spacecraft
- airplanes
- skyscrapers
- telescope
- printing press
- eyeglasses
- contact lenses
- microwave oven
- metallurgy (most discoveries)
- materials science (plastics, compounds, & most other synthetics)
- 95% of medical advancements
- 95% of life saving pharmaceutical drugs
- modern food preservatives
- most scientific breakthroughs over the past 1000 years
- the bulk of mathematics, physics, chemistry, and biology
- astronomy (most discoveries and mapping techniques)
- sea navigation (most advancements)
- discovery of DNA
- microscope
- laser technology and it's myriad of uses
- harnessing electricity
- nuclear energy
- wireless technology
- air conditioning devices
- refrigeration
- modern agricultural techniques
- modern democracy
- modern capitalism (the greatest wealth distribution system ever, yes, even with all it's faults)

Where would the world be without white people? Stuck in the stone age, that's where.

Exactly! I didn't contribute to any of those inventions, and even failed my own life, I claim myself as a superior being to any other scientists who are not White!

Yes, but I also believe I'm superior to most people of my race. Either way, this it not to say there aren't nigger or asians who aren't better than me, there most certainly are - but racial averages are a thing.

nah, im german irish, the man makes his own individual merit

Superior by what measure? IQ? Yes, superior to most. Building civilizations? Yes, comparative history is obvious. Military prowess? See above. The ability to think abstractly, to put the needs of the group before themselves, and to generally work and live as a group better? Absolutely. The asians compare in some ways, I would sometimes consider them equals.

Us white people can't fucking dance though. Gotta give that to the niggers.

On a personal level? I am superior. Genetics plays a part, but more because I am too fucking stubborn to stop. They aren't. (Maybe that is the genetics talking.)

Comparing one of the lowest forms of white people (And a relative outlier) to the higher forms of negroid (and an extreme outlier) is a totally valid comparison.

>all darker skinned doctors and engineers and shit.
All 10 of them?

No, my ancestors were great and i have to live to their standars or be better than them. Thats the only way to bring honor to the family otherwise, Shame will follow me for ever

That's not the point. Being proud of your origins is perfectly fine. It helps to bind a people together and provides an emotional impetus to support the continuation of the civilisation that helped to create these things.

Also the probability of a white person going to become a great scientist, inventor, engineer, is far higher than that of a sub-saharan african. So, we can and should be allowed to as a united culture and society provide a safe existence for our race, a race that has contributed so much. Some men must be soldiers, some great thinkers, but race will always be what ties a people together and allows them to work together.

I just like to take credit for scientist, inventors and artist, and apply it to my self to try to give myself self worth without actually accomplishing anything and, contributing real value.

>Implying him doing anything to contribute to society (For example: Paying taxes) isn't still superior to the average imprisoned or otherwise welfare sucking shitskin

You can do better, negroidanon.

But pol told me if I'm white, I'm automatically superior to any form of shitskins.

On average they wouldn't be wrong either.

Are you a special case?

Sup Forums doesn't say this, you strawmanning retard.

genetically speaking my race has a pretty solid portential, and heritage speaking many of my ancestors have worked hard and accomplished much so I could enjoy everything I have today, but personally speaking? action makes words, so no, I'd be hard pressed to find someone inferior to me unless i was comparing myself to african niggers.

A man is only superior to others if his actions are superior.

Superior as a whole? no, of course not.

Superior/Inferior in particular aspects determined by genetics? Yeah, you'd be retarded to not think that.

>Twitchfags on my Sup Forums
This is getting out of hand, I don't know how much more I can take.

Italian here, we invented western civilization & gabagool.

hes not taking credit you stupid fucking autist

hes commemorating the achievements of his ancestors.

But now I see your just a fucking nigger who will never understand this concept because they have nothing to commemorate


Your picture is stupid, and so are you.

You are the person that says "PEOPLE ARE ALL THE SAME!" but would pick a german shepherd over a yorkshire terrier for a police dog 10 times out of 10 without any thought to the sentiment you express in your post.

Or maybe you are the idiot who would actually pick the terrier, in which case I do wish you luck. I'm sure his enthusiasm will overcome any barriers his genes bring along.


Is my race better than yours? Who cares?
Is my particular set of genes superior to yours? Absolutely.

depends what you mean by superior. by my standards, yeah

I just don't think that people of other races and people of my race will be able to coexist within a single state.

I'm a Eurasian (half japanese) and we're the master race. As long as the father is white though, we get a white Y chromosome so have all the benefits of white intellect, combined with the determination, focus and discipline of Japanese.

I'm 28 years old and absolutely wipe the floor wth people double my age and white all the fucking time. They get bitter, envious and jealous and I just stick the knife in further.

Hitler was right, but when you mix both you get a fucking GOD like me.

Who gives a fuck. Those were their accomplishments. What have YOU done with your life? I know this world would be the same without you.

Too bad about the penis though.

Yes. Mixed and Black People do not create good societies and do not contribute to the human kind development


I do, actually.

I believe that, because I am white, I am going to have a life full of advantages that I take for granted.

It's called privilege.

I believe the likelihood that my race will produce someone worthwhile is higher than that of other races, and therefore my race must be preserved at all costs.

you tell me mongloid scum

Varg Vikernes the superior Nordic man here , don't trust people with brown eyes they are Africans.

He's literally taking credit for it. It's one to commemorate your culture, language, history, etc, it's another to commemorate the invention of, say, a Swedish man when he's, say, a French dude. They aren't even related.

It's really the lowest tier of white pride.

You are what God makes you

No, race is only skin deep. We are all the same.

Good analogy. Except for the fact that dogs have far more genetic diversity than humans do. In fact genetically, humans differ from one another by about 0.1%. Chimpanzees are more diverse than us.
A better analogy using dogs would be that golden labs are genetically superior to black labs and therefore make better police dogs. Which is retarded of course. Like you.

you are touching your neck right now seeing which group you belong to.

>No, race is only skin deep. We are all the same.
A stupid opinion clearly contradicted by genetics, physiology/anatomy, medicine etc etc

Judaism is, literally, based on this.

The Torah is a Master Race mythos.

doubt me? okay - try reading it.

daily reminder that nordics are literally pale niggers and that continental and mediterranean europeans are the only ones worth a damn

Do people like this statue even exist today? This face is surreal

Don't bother
This place is too autistic at times, genuinely autistic.

Uh, yes moron, a black or chocolate lab bred for field work WILL make a better police dog than a golden lab bred for show.

Go snuggle up to an abbo and tell them they are your equal and maybe it will make you feel less racist.

Though I do like how you went from "GENES DONT MATTER!" to "IT MATTERS BUT ONLY ONCE THE SCALE GOES BEYOND X POINT!" though. Now that we are on the same page, we can begin to narrow down what that exact value is.

Yes, but not because of race. Although I'm not white, I approach whiteness. Also because of intellectual capacity.

no my peoples history culture and achievements make me unironically think the anglo saxon man is the master race of this planet

the only ones who can surpass us is the american culture (not the degenerate new age shit)

No. I believe my race as a whole is superior.


i dont think im superior as an individual but i value my culture above all others from a subjective point of view. i strongly beleive that my heritage and culture are linked to the ethnic and genetic make up of my people. i look at those of my race and i am reminded of friends and family, i am reminded of my history and of my land and i feel strongly that this is currently under threat considering the way things are going.

there is so much talk of diversity and multiculturalism these days but nobody seems to realise or point out that as europeans we are vastly diverse both in genetic makeup and culture. we have all the diversity we need and we dont need more. these are all personal beleifs and will obviously vary from person to person

that being said it cannot be denied that white europeans especially, have been at the forefront of innovation of every kind for the past 500 years if not more. now that might not make us superior per se but we have been the most successful civilisation in recent times up until now and that cannot be denied

Look, maybe there's too much lead in your water. I never said genes don't matter, I said you and your dog analogy are retarded, and that you differ genetically from a nigger by about 0.1%. Maybe a little bit more if inbreeding is prevalent in your trailer park, which I'm assuming it is. And I'll judge a Labrador on its abilities , not the colour of its fucking fur.

And yet that 0.1% is enough for the two populations to display vastly different behavior and average capabilities.

And sure, you keep judging said labs by their abilities, just make sure you forget to notice that they might just all start coming out to be the same color. Wouldn't want your delicate worldview to come tumbling down.

>Labrador on its abilities , not the colour of its fucking fur.

then youre in denial.

although i am no expert and dont know if we can hold humans to the same standards that we hold dogs to. all i know is that i and others have noticed that some peoples work well together overall and others do not. this will take it's toll over time if nobody finds a solution or if it doesnt resolve itself

Anglo master race. All others are inferior.

Except being half white has actually DEcreased your IQ opposed to being full Japanese...

We all evolved at exactly the same time

>white people
Which white people? Nords? Anglos? Slavs? Romans? Greeks? Magyars? Spaniards? Each of these peoples have differences in hair colour, eye colour, water retention, lactose tolerance, alcohol tolerance, IQ, skeletal structure, skull shape and facial features, vitamin d absorption, the list goes on. Saying "white people did this" is like saying "northern hemisphere people did this". It means nothing. There is no racial superiority, only superior suitability to native environments. A northern European sent to central or southern Africa or even Australia would not survive without tap water and air conditioned homes, but a black person would. Likewise central or southern African couldn't survive in most parts of Europe without vitamin d tablets and artificial lights.

Unless i consider everyone significantly smaller than me as "dwarves" the answer is no, not on a racial basis.

>- the software that drives it

Do people here find it weird that the idea of race mixing offends a non white like me?

It's not about being superior; it's about standing by your tribe when the other tribe comes to fuck you over.

Y'all can disagree if you want, but IMO, white men have been effectively cucked.

No other race of men would tolerate their women copulating with banana niggers, as have white men. You all can hate on me all you want, but you know that I'm telling the truth. Its a fact of life.

Good for you for being an equalizing cuck

Now go prep the bull

No, it'd be weirder if it didn't.
Why wouldn't you want your kid to look like you

Why would it be weird? Survival of one's genes is built deep in all living things, and the disgust towards foreign contaminants is almost as deep.

You don't want your blood mixed either brah


Yes they would because if you say anything about it they put you in prison and if you hurt someone who isn't white you get triple sentencing for hate crime.
It's been a very slow creep by some very clever kikes

Why would it matter? It would halfway for a boy or girl

>newfag hasn't already done so

Huh, I always blamed that flat spot on the back of my head to my mom laying me on my back as a baby, guess I'm just atlantic/nordic

*it would look like you halfway anyways biologically.. dont hate the human baby.. hate the real assholes and pricks who left their kids behind to grow up trashy....

It's called occipital lobe, and it's there to make more room for our big brains.

Of course not I beleive I am superior because of my genetic traits that were passed down by my ancestors im aryan btw

No. I am superior to everyone around me because God wills it.

It's kind of like being born rich

I know that I'm in a good position, and some of that may be because of some inherent merit like high IQ or good values, but it doesn't mean I'm inherently better than somebody from a poor family

Since I was born a reject, no. But what I do see here is a common trend: there's no third world white countries, except maybe russia.

now list all the people involved in the creation of these technologies who are jewish :^)

people who cling to their race are pathetic

in the end, they are always wageslave cucks who married too early and try to justify it by preaching traditionalism and racial superiority

>Yes thank our white ancestors that were puppets of a Jewish controlled regime where the elite laugh at us while we sit on computers bitching about how everything is shit.

Bushman life may have been hard but at least I could've raped a bitch anytime I want

>do you believe that you are superior to anybody because of your race origin?



>I know that I'm in a good position, and some of that may be because of some inherent merit like high IQ or good values, but it doesn't mean I'm inherently better than somebody from a poor family
Of course it does. It's retarded to claim otherwise. You have more resources, better prospects for education and employment etc. You might not be better than someone who is poor but smart, but you're objectively better than someone who is you but poorer. There's a reason some people employ bodyguards. The baby of a rich man is worth more than the life of a bodyguard. You might say that everyone is the same in the eyes of a god, or from the perspective of some universal human value, but these things have no relevance to real world, so we can ignore them.


>do you believe that you are superior to anybody because of your race origin?
>American flags even posting in this thread

I don't believe so, I know so.

Why not both ?

There's IQ and testosterone levels

And then there's your own accomplishment

no, and anyone who thinks they are are no better than the "we wuz kangs" niggers who's only value in the world is claiming links to the success of others who have been dead for a long time. Superiority comes from action, something whites used to understand but have seemed to forgotten.

Most of those are not even white

Jews are probably responsible for a good chunk of those, but they're white only when it makes you look good right?

Was there any other race that made something like this?

no. i am proud to be white though

Fuck off to reddit, retard.

Our superior cultures are manifestations of our inherent genetic superiority. And those genes are something we share with all our countrymen. The greatness that allowed my ancestors to achieve great things is also inside me. I damn well can be proud of my grandparents' struggle against foreign invaders. I can be proud of the company my father built. And my children can be proud for their parents and the future we built for them. None of this is extended outside whites, and very little of it extends even outside Finnish people.

Yes, but based on collective IQ only.

Wrong. Many great people have come out of poor families, especially in America. The fact I'm rich has no objective bearing on whether I'm better than that guy or not. Just like with race. There's no telling if a black guy I see on the street is less intelligent or moral than I am. We could look at percentages and say on average I might be better, but not in a specific instance.