John Oliver

Is he such a bad guy?
He cares about Net Neutrality...

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Whatever John Oliver tells you to do (and in which he genuinely believes in, do the opposite.

So you think that the current Net Neutrality laws are too strict?
Is what he (along with the EFF, Mozilla, and many others) advocating for, a bad idea?


Trump won't win!!!

Even a broken ass clock is right on occasion. Doesn't mean he's not a broke ass clock.

No one who was here during the election would even ask that question.


You can be right about one thing and wrong about everything else

CURRENT YEAR man should be banned.


(((Net Neutrality))). The Internet is nothing more than a medium of surveillance and propaganda dissemination. It's worse than Television, as you choose which brainwashing path you take. Opinion shaping goes on all the time here, which is one of the freest places to post opinions on the Web.

>trusting current year man
I don't care if he does, unless he fucking either goes to a neutral standpoint on mainline politics or decides to actually take the redpill and support the right (No shits given if he talks badly about trump, I just want him to be biased to support him rather than trash him down) - Until he does, I'm not tuning in to listen to his le funny random xD sex jokes that are used to appeal to middle aged white womyn.

He questioned if Jared and Ivanka were hot shit, when we don't know jackshit about them.

>married to a conservative aryan blonde

Gotta respect him for that

Net Neutrality is not fronted by kikes. In fact, they'd rather be able to access every single part of the web - this bill will stip basic freedoms we take for granted now.You have clearly no fucking idea what agenda they are pushing or you're a shill.

stfu shill.

how is this possible?

>he sucks the FCC dick
Yeah. I mean all liberals are but him especially. Fuck off tumblrina

Grills like humor and money

Make me fagot
I just got paid .05 cents for shilling PREY® on Sup Forums too

Thanks Todd ;)


Internet freedom revolutionizes the world for 30 years

...until John Oliver convinces libcucks to let the government control it

I don't have the graphic, or if I do it's deep in my memes directory, but I recall seeing a graphic that showed the increasing homogenization of the internet since the early web--a small selection of websites are receiving more and more of the world's traffic.
Wouldn't rolled-back Net Neutrality catalyze that trend?

Plus she's a combat medic/combat health specialist. By his own admission, she keeps him grounded.



Net neutrality is a hoax fuck head. Take your shit back to the synagogue.

Can this faggot at least comb his disgusting hair

>giving the feds more power over a minor inconvenience
States are fully capable of regulating ISPs if they become a problem

Like most of the laws passed during Obama's tenure, Net Neutrality is good and has our best interests at heart!

Sup Forums doesn't care about net neutrality, OP. Sorry. They like whatever Trump likes. They hate whatever Republicans hate.

It's all toeing the party line around here.

Net neutrality literally only applies to googlefags. OP doesnt even have a premium account.

Imagine if you were educated on a few more issues. You might start loving broken clocks.

you can do some good things to clear your image WHY ARE WESTERNERS SO EASY TO JEW?

think like rothschilds donating to homeless and other shit

>he did some retarded shit therefore let's throw it all out


Isn't Oliver the same FAGGOT who blew up a giant 2016 because he declared, "2016 muh Worst YEAR EVAR!!!!" Kill Yourself Quickly OP

What are the pros and cons of net neutrality?

>compares TV's video-only bandwidth to out-of-order internet speeds

Anyone who can get 2 minutes into this without laughing at it and x'ing out is tech-illiterate.

PROS: ISPs have to deliver all the content you access at the same speed, regardless of who hosts or provides that content

CONS: It makes ISPs and their shills very sad :(

The only thing John Oliver cares about is shekels.

John Oliver and us have the same interests when it comes to our internet you fuck face nigger pricks.

he is a fucking shill for globalist kikes and other groups of faggots. He belongs in the ovens.

don't say us you stupid queer. There is no us

Even a broken clock is right twice a day. Make no mistake, the only reason he cares is because losing net neutrality hurts his side just as much as it hurts ours. So this one time we should help him and fight to keep it. Next time he asks for help, let him burn

Jon Oliver thinks he's a messiah when he's actually a four-eyed buck-tooth cuck who only cares about money.

I wonder if this comment will be on his next show.


Yes fuck that douche canoe.

"People do not want you to be president but they desperately want to see you run"
- John Oliver


Learn history and the diff between FTC and FCC and the changes Obama made to help the ISPs fuck American while leaving FB free to stomp on your privacy. The current rules were written for ISPs, not Americans.

Read the facts here...

Hi John.

More like net JEWtrality

I am not the host of the critically acclaimed Last Week Tonight airing Sundays on HBO at 11:00PM Eastern Standard Time.
Why not grow up a bit and help fight for a cause actually worth fighting for?

he is an Establishment shill.

So I guess it depends if you like the Anglo-Zionist ruling class and their media.

he didnt under obama

This thread has been made 1000 times shareblue and sage

Put me in your next week's show you insufferable cuck. Because I know you were one of the prime factors to Trump's election. I used to remember when your team did decent segments investigating shit like charter schools and predatory payday loans rather then xD REPUBLICANS! CURRENT YEAR xD xD xD Turns out attacking a cult of personality only emboldens them you complete and utter dumbfuck.

God fucking dammit they threw a truckload of money in my face. It's not like I make a fucking difference, it's a bloody comedy show. I just wanted to retire early and live carefree.
But none of this matters since net neutrality is still a good thing. I don't WANT to pay more to access certain sites, I don't WANT to have to fork over even more money to shitty American isps. Just fix this one goddamn thing

Net neutrality is liberalism incarnate.


Cons are it gives the feds the authority to regulate ISPs


When you have shows go from random crap to Donald Trump is the worst while ignoring everything Hillary did, yes. I stopped watching it mainly because of that. Also didn't he send trump a campaign check and told him to run?

Part of the reason isp's have a monopoly on everything is because of all the shit Obama's passed in the name of "positive" change for the people while also sneaking in much larger negatives in the long run and in the 6 letter font. Yes, much isp lobbying went to take down the regulations currently in place, but I'll cover that momentarily.

This moreso fucks over the standard person in the short term and helps isp's, but this also allows DIFFERENT regulations to be put in place down the line. Particularly (hopefully) to strike down the current monopolies and split them the fuck up. But if you're going to take action to hurt your enemies, you might as well act first in ways which they like and let all those fucks in Congress make a bit of money first. Toss them some bait before you reel them in. Trump's isp loving suited prick is proof of that, probably a compromise with the establishment - for now.

You're skimming the surface of the issue and not looking deeper. You do know who pays and gets paid from Oliver's exploits, right? Do you think they'd let him just advocate like that on this issue like that if it hurt them?

Screenshot 1/2

Screenshot 2/2

But Hey, at least anyone can use any Bathroom in the white house amirite xD xD xD

Just because he pulled that big fat dick out of his mouth for 5 seconds to say something worthwhile does not make him a "nice guy".

What's the stats of net neutrality now?

why do you know so much about this fag?

How many landline isp's do you have operating in your area? Do they already impose data caps without a package?

Those are relevant counter questions that you should ask yourself. Have the things Obama has done to """""reign in""""" isp's worked well, or did he realistically do much at all in the first place?

>(((net neutrality)))
even plebbitors can see through that shit

The problem with net neutrality isn't what it says it's goal is. (It's good if the internet infrastructure is agnostic about the data it caries.) The problem is that it is the government's foot in the door, so that it can regulate and control the minutiae of the internet. Not worth it.