When is Blumpf getting impeached? I'm getting tired of waiting. He had Russia hack the elections, he's a rapist and a child molester. He's a fascist, Nazi and a white supremacist. How much longer are we going to go on with the charade that he's currently the President?
When is Blumpf getting impeached? I'm getting tired of waiting. He had Russia hack the elections...
Other urls found in this thread:
But have a (you)
Not an argument. Come back when you want to argue for Trump's evil ideas, or, better yet, kill yourself.
Saged & reported
>he's a rapist and a child molester
they all are.
what alternative do you suggest?
but he's literally the opposite. the zionists have him in their pockets
I wanted Clinton. She had experience, was nice and sweet and an all around good person. But the biased media just kept reporting on her one mistake, (emails) to help elect Orange Mussolini.
>the lefty got triggered
12 year old attempts to bait on Sup Forums
>not a child rapist
they ALL are. even her.
Downvote all you want, fascist. Your time will come.
>He had Russia hack the elections, he's a rapist and a child molester. He's a fascist, Nazi and a white supremacist
none of those buzzwords are true
I don't believe you. Go worship your cheetoh hitler.
Except they are. I know you republicans are generally hateful, close-minded anti education types, but please keep up with the news.
Let me help you..
Nice bait.
go to bed kid
Also not an argument. Come back when you have an argument for Drumpf's Hiteresque policies.
How exactly is he Hitler.
I don't know why my professor wanted me to come to this neo-nazi website, but I didn't get anything from any of you except that you're all dumb, probably inbred, and you can't argue.
You're all pieces of human shit. The day will come when society no longer puts up with your right-wing, hateful views and finally eradicates you. I'll be there, on the frontlines, cheering as you're all fucking shot.
In your dreams, and this bait is pretty obvious.
No, tell me.
Its just sad at this point
Ohhhh my god. Lol.
Not an argument.
You never made an argument to refute in the first place. Just claims without evidence
He's a nationalist and a Globalist
Rapist/Child Rapist: huffingtonpost.com
More Rape from the disgusting human being that has no right to be president: fusion.kinja.com
White Supremacy, Fascism and Nazism are given, and he obviously had Russia Hack the election. Watch the news, dumb piece of shit.
When did he say he hated Mexicans. Oh, and your sources are really biased.
>Being accused means you are guilty
>Literally can't come up with ways that he is any other buzzword so just says that "it's a given"
lmao. By the way I think you raped me by making this terrible thread. I'm calling the police you fucking rapist!!!
All those court cases were dropped a few days before the election for some odd reason they no longer were interested. Hmm..
"are given" "he obviously" < not arguments
"a world expert on Hitler said..." < not an argument
Now show me where Trump was convicted and proven to be a rapist.
Show me how he is a white supremacist.
Show me how he is a fascist.
Show me how he is a Nazi.
And prove to me that Russia "hacked the election."
None of your statements are true, and you can't back them up with any 100% proven fact.
>He had Russia hack the elections
Even if Russia was related to the leaks (which is yet to be proven) they didn't "hack the elections". Not a single vote-counting machine was hacked. At most, they hacked the DNC.
As if Clinton would be different. The intent of trump is to show you something. It doesn't matter who you vote for.
1.) Allegations aren't proof.
2.) Show proof he got Russians to "hack" the election, and explain how it was done.
3.) How is he a Nazi when his family is full of Jews and he loves Israel?
4.) What do you mean by the "news"? CNN, MSNBC, and other lefty media are full of allegations and opinion pieces.
That's rich. Are you going to link Breitbart to prove that.
"Mexicans are rapists, drug dealers." - Donald Trump quote.
Yes, it is proof of him raping them. Women don't just wake up one morning and decide to accuse a man of rape, pig.
>says Trump is a 'bluff'
>completely lacks examples
>"world expert on Nazi leader"
The new nazis are against muslims, and are targetting muslims for their hateful propoganda. In another few years I fully expect Trump to start killing Muslims in America.
Fuck off rapist, don't reply to me
You raped me, now I am going to call the FBI and you will go to jail. I don't just "wake up one morning and decide to accuse a man of rape, pig"
>none of those buzzwords are true
This delusional
Is this some low tier bait?
Take a 6 shooter, load it with 5, stick it far up your ass and pull it 7 times you fucking faggot.
Yeah that's great, trivialize the crime of rape.
Literally jump off of a bridge.
Your slave Comey is gone, enjoy you silly cuck
>DiCanio (1993) states that while researchers and prosecutors do not agree on the exact percentage of false allegations, they generally agree on a range of 2% to 10%.
Yeah, false rape allegations don't happen.. Ever.
God, you're so right.
Fuck us pigs, amirite. Dumb right wingers. xd
Don't get our hopes up
>this thread
>this many replies
But why?
He said that Mexico was sending their worst, and that most illegals are clearly criminals. I would be concerned too if we had illegal immigration from a country with 2 crime syndicates.
No he won't, and nice bait once again.
Yeah, but you're literally more likely to be hit by lightning than falsely accused of rape, dumbass. This would be the equivalent of Drumpf being hit by lightning hundreds of times in the span of a few days.
And yeah, fuck you right wingers.
We are just playing along, we know it's bait.
You deny that Mexicans are rapist, drug dealers?
Prove there are no rapist drug dealing Mexicans coming across the border.
So nobody ever gets hit by lightning? You should try that argument in a court of law.
Overwhelmingly, white people commit the most rapes, dumbass.
That would only make Muslims into martyrs, become the new Jews and make laws to protect them like in Canada
Why are folks "playing along" With this bait without a sage? Waste of time IMO
That's not what I said, I said that it is unlikely for Trump to have been falsely accused that many times because it's more likely that a lightning strike hits him.
Learn to read, dumbass.
Because the idea that someone who is famous and well-known, as well as highly present in the media, is definitely not more likely to be falsely accused of rape.
This didn't happen to the YouTuber Sam Pepper when he was caught amidst some other drama either, right?
All the lawsuits that accused him of rape they suddenly dropped a few days before the election.
this is Sup Forums fag, not tumblr
He said that Mexico doesn't send it's best, which is true. Most people who immigrate are people of low social status. There are many rapists and drug dealers who enter the US illegally, because Democrats don't care about border security - Trump was pointing out that US citizens need to be protected from those people. He never said "all Mexicans are criminals".
The reason leftists are able to make this argument is because Trump said "they're" instead of "many are". Even though Trump later said "and some, I assume, are good people", many leftist media outlets ignored or omitted that statement, or made the claim that it wasn't genuine. Even after Trump came out multiple times after that rally and stated that he didn't think all Mexicans were criminals, the left still ignored and denied it; because it was in their political interests to push the narrative. That's why there was a silly TV ad comparing Trump to Hitler, and using the original "drug dealers..rapists..etc." quote, still airing in November.
tl:dr - leftists took a gaffe and made it unchangable truth
That's not suspicious at all
Aw fuck it, sage.
>He had Russia hack the elections
>which is true
Is there any actual statistic evidence to prove it through or are you just going off the underlying perception
And why single out Mexico, are other countries sending their best here?
Why is it that all the women that said Trump raped them got scared and backed down after the election, and it was announced that Trump would sue them for slander?
They did it purely because they thought it would make Trump lose votes at the critical moment in the election. They also realized that they would be in deep shit for slander, because they knew their claims were false and unprovable.
Absolutely false. The #1 crime with the greatest separation between blacks and whites is RAPE.
There is no other crime blacks commit more than whites than rape. In some parts of the world 1 in 3 admit to rape.
The number of white woman raped by black men every year in America is around 30k. The number of black woman raped by white men in America is so low it doesn't measure statistically.
This overused, unfunny shit again? Unironically consider suicide, you literal fucking plebeian.
Mexico doesn't have many white people. That user asked you for percentages of Mexicans.
Also, Mexicans and blacks commit more rape as a percentage of their entire population than whites.
The statement "white people commit the most rapes" is a misnomer, because whites are the majority of the population.
>saging on Sup Forums
>unironically announcing your sage on Sup Forums
wtf happened to this place?
>Russia hacks, Rapist, Child molester, Fascist, Nazi
Please do provide proof of one of those things.
Just one.
why the f*ck did we vote for him.....
>Shows fake stormshit statistics
>Expects to be taken seriously
You forgot his biggest deficit
>kike cocksucker
>Is there any actual statistic evidence
Why would somebody who already has a good life in Mexico want to move?
>And why single out Mexico
Because it's the biggest source of immigration to the US, and it has a huge border with the US, which Democrats intentionally try to limit the defense of. Also, Mexico is full of gang violence and has an unjust government influenced by drug lords.
It's shameful to argue against obvious truth with lives are on the line.
>racist cops disproportionately target niggers
>statistics demonstrating this are racist
Pick one, you fucking failed abortion.
clinton would have stirred the shitpile way more, trump is trying to keep this shit alive but we need it done,gone,restart.
We can defeat him by yelling "RESIST" over and over again during an award ceremony
why the fuck does this have 80 replies
i mean seriously, why do people respond to this superobvious bait?
fuck this im migrating to infchan
>calling statistics a fake just because I don't like it
Fuck off, moron.
Nationalist and globalist are literally antonyms. Look it up you fucking dumbshit.
False, FBI victim surveys shows there is amazing equality in our justice system.
If victim surveys show that 50% of X crime is committed by blacks. 50% of those in prison for X crime are black.
This pattern repeats itself crime after crime in the data.
>cheering as "you all" get shot
>but snowflake is anti-gun
>snowflake is anti-fascist
>snowflake is confused about what snowflake's actual beliefs are
>snowflake now worse than daily-trigger sessions, snowflake having an existential crisis
>multiple coloring books and puppies will be required
FBI crime stats = "fake stormshit statistics" ?
>All of these responses
Ignore these retarded types of threads, and if you feel so inclined to respond, make sure to sage.
>This reply
Ignore these retarded types of replies, and if you feel so inclined to sage, make sure to respond.
This bait is too obvious, OP. Please die.