What is she planning ?
What is she planning ?
Other urls found in this thread:
she's having a baby
lol. is it worth joining twitter?
Blacked.com shooting.
to prove she isnbt a racist or anything,.
seriously though, fuck this e-celeb kike.
Nothing's worth joining Twitter over.
Hwndu next season
yeah, it's like an RSS feed for everything you're interested in and you get to troll back
you can unhealthily project your stream of consciousness on the internet and pretend that you have a voice that matters when you have thousands of tweets but maybe a handful of non-bot/shill account followers.
Please happen
She's going to go full 14/88 finally
Stop listening to false prophets who will tell you anything you want to hear for shekels. God damnit, you fucking sheeple
salty edge, the best kind of edge
She's going to be gangbanged by niggers.
Making final prep for a new Alt-Lite media conglomerate.
only because I kinda want to engage more in politics but don't know if that's the way to go
antifa for example, if you do a simple search on twitter and spend a few minutes on their accounts a lot of times they pretty much have all their personal info on there, lots of pictures etc. While on the other hand a lot of right wing are accounts are pretty much the complete opposite
Converting to Islam
Oh look its the obsessed finfag shilling for the love of his life again
Previous finfag shill threads:
She's going to visit her great grandpa's old house in Spain.
I didn't start this thread retard
You were right earlier but not this time. Also I have a pro-tip for you: just ignore the threads where you don't care about the subject matter.
She finally came to the wheat fields.
Haha you couldn't resist joining it though could you, you obsessed lovestruck white knight faggot. Also I'm not convinced you didn't start this thread and aren't simply using a different IP (probably from your phone) to the one you used to make OP. Shill tactics 101.
she's wants to get gangbanged by a pack of wild niggers and she needs to do it in the uttermost secrecy or her career is over
Honestly, I wish there were less Lauren threads because I'm getting tired of having to prove misinformed people wrong this much. One a week tops would be ideal, now we're having threads that devolve into talking about her 4-5 times a day.
not politics
what an attention seeking baiting fucking cunt
god damn I hate her so much
What's with the circlejerking around e-celebs on this board nowadays?
You fags need to go back to plebbit
I don't believe you, faggot.
>t. (((trs)))
It's the same obsessed white knight finfag making all these threads about her.
Lauren Southern is on a vacation with a based black man. Not the one in pic but another one.
These threads don't even do anything for her popularity, they just make most Sup Forumsacks mad from oversaturation. But whatever, that's the name of the game.
>It's the same obsessed white knight finfag making all these threads about her.
I can't wait for you to go so deep down the rabbit hole that you'll start claiming every Lauren thread is made by me even if the flag is not Finland. Also can you please stop bringing up meta-discussion that is completely unproductive? Just stop replying and this thread can die faster
My post number says your obsession is getting BLACKED as we speak
These threads are designed to subliminally push her as /ourgirl/ and you know it, you disingenuous obsessed white knight faggot. The more you try and ram her down our throats, the more it will backfire.
I can make you a list of 9k followback accounts if you want to get started with a bunch of followers.
You're more obsessed with me than I am with this woman
What motivates me more is BTFOing low IQ retards in arguments, that's what I've been doing on this site for 10 years before I ever knew of this roastie. The fact that I think she is politically beneficial is a bonus.
>honest guize i'm not an obsessed white knight faggot, here look i just called her a roastie that means i totally can't be a shill now.
You sure you know what that means, newfriend? It used to mean someone who is paid to advertise stuff here or JIDF agents using psy-ops against Sup Forums. Talking about a single topic a lot doesn't make you a shill.
Please stop, even if you aren't one of the disgusting newcomers you're jsut encouraging them.
obsessively shilling for e-celebs makes you a shill
how do all these alt-lite twitter people just dick around and have no jobs?
how do these people support themselves?
Milo steals money with stuff like the scholarship scam, he is a Jew after all.
But tons of alt-lite twitter personalities clearly have no job and aren't really doing much monetizing. I don't get it.
Milo didn't steal that scholarship money. They announced the first recipients over a month ago.
these always confuse me... joke or serious, your still advocating cuckery... so you are either an actual cuck, or just looking like one trying to make a joke. Dammit Aussie, why?
Do you realize we make our enemies stronger by trolling twitter and social media? It's pissing in an ocean of piss, and we risk even strengthening their controlled chaos by teaching them how to deal with us effectively. There's no reason an individual user shouldn't troll if he wants to, but to really damage them we need to start thinking into using our economic weight and directly boycotting these cultural marxist forces instead.
(more like hair jail)
Holy shit I hope so. I hope she ends up on facial abuse getting cock slapped relentlessly.
I'm so tired of this bitch. Bait bait bait.
>average looks
>below average fashion
>average opinions
no offense lauren