Be honest, he would have done a much better job then trump
Be honest, he would have done a much better job then trump
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Yeah look how hard it is to pass an obamacare repeal yet bernie definitely would be able to pass free healthcare for all
Better at destroying the economy sure
The only good thing about a Sanders presidency would've been the heartbreak of all the commie and socialist faggots out there when he eventually cucked and went full neo-lib warmonger/bank dicksucker.
yeah true, kinda disappointed my taxes aren't going up
fuck off commie faggot
Fuck Bernie 'BUILD MUH F 35s IN VERMONT' Sanders
Jim Webb is the patrician choice.
What the fuck has trump accomplished aside from embarrassing himself and getting impeached?
He's maintaining white male supremacy in place.
Why did you (you) me? I clearly said Jim Webb was best choice
Everyone he has done so far has been to impress kikes
Stupid illiterate socialist.
You are pathologically mistaken
>What the fuck has trump accomplished aside from embarrassing himself and getting impeached?
Im crashing this class system...
Look at sticky hes going to get impeached 100%
>neolib cope
Screencapped for when he wins his second term. Sorry pablo, but with all your taco friends employed in factories and no new immigrants, Trump has no way to lose.
I will never understand how some Americans can be stupid enough to actually support socialist who has been sucking at the teet of Washington, living off tax payer money, never accomplishing anything his entire life, other than to mooch off the system.
This old nigger may as well be an actual nigger.
Stupid liberals.
>implying trump isnt the biggest zionist shill americas ever had
He's draining the swamp for starters. And if your bitch ass Democrat judges would stop interfering we would have a lot more done
Fucking childfuckers the lot of them
Yeah I would much rather have a complete retard who constantly shills for Israel and wants to spend more money on our military in office
>draining the swamp
>cabinet is full of goldman sachs kikes
hmmmm really activates those almonds
Text book shill responses.
Do not further bump this thread
Who kushner? That kike? Or who user please clarify and use sources
>da jooz
you sound like a nigger blaming white people. grow up kid
>anyone who disagrees with me is a shill
Think youre on the wrong website man. Let me redirect you.
>:[ yeah we hate reddit lol go back
What do they pay you anyway? How cheap of a whore are you?
You do realize Bernie is jewish? By now we could have potentially had nearly free college but instead we have a clown about to get impeached. Every other country thinks we are complete fucking retards and this just furthers the point.
not his fault retards voted republicans with no written plan.
Worse standards my science teacher had for my science project in 8th grade.
>unironically defending reddit
kill yourself back to t_d faggot nobody likes you here
read the sticky before posting, nigger
white men only
Man hit the nail on the head through and through huh?
Fucking piece of shit.
LOL no.
Fuck off bernie bro
All kikes must be gassed
>thinking giving money and shilling for Israel is a good thing
>You are the naive nu-male fuck who sucks that Israeli dick because your afraid to call them out (muh holocaust) too bad they are carrying out a holocaust on the Palestinians, but wait thats different because oh wait its not your a fucking idiot anyone who supports Israel because the holocaust is a hypocritical idiot who doesnt have an ounce of self thought or critical thinking
>go back to the donald you stupid fucks
I'll bash your fucking head in mate how does that sound?
Bernie lost because he is a loser. The man loses. When it's revealed that he lost unfairly? He grins painfully and takes the L. You Berniefags keep crying about "Muh Trump" meanwhile your biggest enemy is yourselves. Hillary and the DNC literally colluded to keep him from winning. All the people he begged to vote for him (and genuinely wanted to help might I add) left for a shitty candidate.
>Genuinely wants to help lgbt and has always fought for them
They go to the lady who takes money from nations that literally kills them and also opposed their civil rights only a couple years ago, but it's okay because she danced on Ellen.
>Genuinely wants to help women
They scream he's sexist for trying to keep the first vagina from becoming president. They'd rather get to say "we had a vagina as president" than say "we had a president who actually wanted to help us"
>Genuinely wants to help blacks
They storm his stage to take the mic from him and call him and his supporters racist. Then they flock to the candidate whose pitch to them was "I carry hot sauce in my purse".
Trump has nothing to do with your shitty candidate who simply just can't win. Think about it. Objectively speaking, Trump is a shitty candidate. He was literally caught on tape saying he likes to grab women by the pussy. HE WON. Think of how shitty that must mean Hillary was as a candidate? Now realize that your candidate LOST to the person who LOST to Trump. See this picture? This is your candidate. This is all that he will ever achieve. He will be remembered as the "nice guy" that never actually achieved anything.
I'm not a bernie bro I actually voted for trump. Seeing him not fufill a SINGLE promise, obeying his kike overlords, and on top of that getting fucking impeached is remarkable. Do you know how fucked everything is going to be when he gets impeached? Trump will be known as the worst president of all time and an outsider will never win again because of him.
Not really, all of the final 4 choices were pretty shit.
Better dead than red. Get your filthy commie ass out of the US.
>cucked by hillary
>toes the party line in tears at the convention
>doesn't immediately see how corrupt she is and go public to save America from her because muh drumpf
>being this weak
No, fuck that faggot. Don't even care that he's probably the most uncle tomstein of the DC Israelis. Even if trump is worse than cnn pretends he is, at least he put that bitch in her place. It's his turn for that reason alone, if nothing else.
Fuck Bernie and fuck you.
You do realize that no one on Sup Forums likes trump anymore? You faggy donald kids need to fuck off
Would've done a much better job at dying before the next election
There is no way he would be able to do this without Hurting the economy. He is Jewish as well, which was the first redflag
Maybe instead of spending trillions of dollars on the millitary we could put that money towards things that actually benefit everyone instead of a few greedy kikes who knows haha :p
He would be dead of old age by the second year of his presidency.
>huurrr i'm a trump supporter br0
>fucking kikes fuck drump
>we shoulda had a kike as president that would be better than having kikes controlling the president
>wut you don't think the kike would have made a good president? Wut r u sum kind of reddit kike lover hahaha?
>socialism is actually totally red pill
Fuck off and recuperate shill. You're all over the place.
He's got 4 years to earn my trust. If you weren't a shill, retard, or faggot you'd say the same. Sort yourself out, dickbutt. Do it back on reddit as well.
Even Jeb would have done a better job then Trump.
You do realize hes getting impeached very soon
Yeah, I am sure, ANY day now! Don't you have a dossier thread to start autismo?
guy was a fraud and never wanted to be president. he was just there to make lots of free money.
Bernie was never even popular with his own party, the dude is basically Dennis Kucinich (minus the integrity) who only got popular because Hillary was so terrible
>for the untimely dismissal of a FBI Director
sure it's strange, but I don't think it deserves impeachment
If he was a white nationalist and traditionalist, sure.
Maybe. But look at all other small countries like Australia and Canada. Free healthcare, extremely small military budget. Still not enough for education, still not enough for welfare, still not enough to control inflation, and the raise of the dollar.
Do a bit of research.
Also how does spending money on the military contribute to kikes you ameritard. Yes there is foreign AID which Bernie would still have to pay to Israel. He'd probably increase the AID
>gun grabbing sjw kike
He would have beaten Trump in a landslide.
Too bad he was totally betrayed by the DNC and Hillary Clinton. Democrats are fucking idiots.
lol none of his socialist policies would make it through congress
he would be a lameduck president for his whole term
Look up military industrial complex.
He never shilled that hard for gun control that wasn't a big focus of his campaign.
If Republicans thought that someone like Bernie had a chance at becoming the Democratic nominee, they could very easily nominate someone like Rubio (not necessarily Rubio himself because he's a manlet spic), and would then have a shot at flipping many of the wealthier blue states like New York and California.
Republicans are DYING for the opportunity to get rid of the stormfags, libertarians, Jesusniggers and all other assorted retards and subhuman waste that are plaguing their party and become the de facto centrist party as Bernie brings that subhuman waste into the Democratic party.
This is why you keep losing to Republicans all the time. Republicans are constantly adapting to to new events, thinking in terms of 4D chess and trying to predict every possible future outcome, whereas your party is always stuck trying to understand things that have already happened 1 year ago. Republicans are already planning the 2020 election while you and you retarded reddit retard friends are all jerking each other off going “hurr look at this poll from 2015 it shows him beating Drumpf XD” fucking dumb kike. Fuck you and fuck your mother and your dog.
Better job at what? Being a lazy commie jew? Sure
Right wing retards love chaos, they love crashing the economy so no they love Trump.
>He would have beaten Trump in a landslide.
Makes you kind of wonder if Trump wasn't just part of the Globalist Agenda all along.
The dems had to know they were betting on a loser
only Republicans crash the economy
Honestly I liked Bernie. He meant well.
Now, I also dont trust a Jew whose bad with money. I think his economic policies would have been terrible. I think he would have gotten nothing done.
But as long as the Republicans controlled everything I think he would have done OK.
This early on, yes, better than Trump. By the end of his 4 years of not understanding how money works, I bet the country would be ok, but heading toward a worse disaster than Trump could ever give us.
You're retarded. He supported an AWB and voted for one. He would have passed it.
He's a weakling and a cucked faggot
His wife is under investigation by the FBI for legitimate reasons.
He lost for good reason, thank God
>only Republicans crash the economy
Not really how that works, it's Usually the Entitlement programs dems enacted while in office that crash the economy, like Obamacare is eventually going to do
>He meant well
That's what they want you to think. No one ends up with that much power by being a bumbling idiot. You're just manipulable.
He still has a chance tho
At this point any faggot might have.
I'm pretty sure he cost le pen and wilders their elections.
Real stand up guy
Did he trigger you?
I rarely use this but you are fucking a shill
he listened faggot.
lol i thought u right wing retards gave up on the obamacare job killer meme
no. i fucking hate Seinfeld.
No. He isn't, but whatever you have to tell yourself to calm the feels and sleep. Aren't you sleepy, shill? Get some rest.
Fuck off Obamaleaf
converting 1 good job into 3 shit part time jobs... thanks obama
Ha, Bernie wishes he was Stalin
Lol you right wing retards make up bullshit in your heads. 95% of Obama job creation was full time. You retards just made up a magical split or "conversion" that never happened. Seriously how autistic are you retards?
Did you ever just once think to check the jobs data and see if you're a full blown retard?
Fuck you man. I'm about to get paid those sweet taxpayer dollars for the next 5 years. Looking at at least a quarter of a million going straight into savings.
Plus my free Masters degree, free healthcare, free teeth.
You support socialist pigs so much? Well guess what homie, I'm about to reap what you sow.
inb4 1 fake news headline that this right wing retard bases his entire ideology on
Is this graph supposed to mean anything? For starters, it conveniently starts at the financial crisis during 2007-2008, so you can't compare job growth.
Second, you can blatantly look at the trend of jobs increasing 'before' the ACA was passed, so you can't attribute the job creation to the ACA, it was already growing. Third, correlation does not mean causation, the moscow metro bombings that happened around the same time have as much to do with job creation as the ACA.
You right wing retards told me Obamacare was a job killer. Just admit you were wrong and retarded.
A dumb lazy communist kike. No thanks. The senile retarded prick didn't even have a real job until he was 40 years old.
Are you in the same Australia as me mate get the fuck outside and look around and talk to some people
Or they set it up to grow