What is the likely hood that we will get Chaffetz or Gowdy as the new FBI director?
Was he told not to run because he is going to take Comey's spot?
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praise kek
I know Gowdy would be good but can somebody redpill me on Chaffetz.
Lurker here. I'm curious, are they really going to audit the fed? If so that's huge.
Chaffetz puts DEA in their place.
Wait, what? When was this?
A few weeks ago, said he was going back into the private sector.
Neither Gowdy nor Chaffetz would be good. They're both either terrible prosecutors or deep state agents. They've let so many opportunities to indict genuine criminals in Congress go. None of their investigations bear fruit, even against people whose actions were hardly defensible.
>Trey Gowdy as FBI director
I came
Whatever moron is nominated still has to get confirmed genius
Bye Bye ooompa loompa prez. Lasr guy who fired the dude investigating him was Nixon. Buh bye!
Chaffetz wants to spend time with his family..
>Before suicides.
Gowdy would be a better choice but he can be seen as partison by the left.. which I'm okay with. Whatever puts Killary in jail the quickest.
Trump and pence impeached. Dems get house. President Nanct Pelosi hahahahahahaha
I so hope so!!
Odds are good
Gowdy for the win. Fuck chaffetz
Have you been drinking marijuana gin again, Antifa?
Still have Ryan and others before Pelosi.
>Before suicides.
hillary has been de-clawed . she cant hurt any one now. all she can do is make faggy public statements for money
In a perfect world of contingency.
Gowdy is a boss and would have Hillary on death row before he finished furnishing his office.
This would explain a lot of questions. Keep me posted
you can tell the blonde on the back is getting the fetz in a regular basis