Is anyone more /ourgirl/ than this?

Is anyone more /ourgirl/ than this?

Then why is she sporting nigger lips

no one wants to follow your stupid larp twitter account you attention whore

>tweets are protected

she's hispanic lol

Guess I've never noticed how they have a thick bottom lip
Would be prettier if she was smiling normally instead of making a 1/4 duckface



I swear some asian women look like aliens.

>this is considered pure European stock in the USA


The right image looks irish

I love this /our/ thread
I wonder who is behind this!
anyway we find always them to be kikes or shills

>metal head. 17 y/o. justifiable anti-semite. anti-political correctness. straight edge. virtuous.

This has to be a troll account. The odds of finding a metal head anti-semetic latina who is leading a straight edge life are 0 to none. Fuck off OP, you're troll account is shitty bait.

Irish confirmed as the white nigger?



It was funny watching her go from "le dems r da rel raycisss", to a full blown neo nazi. Shes really stupid and thinks she has a place in this movement. She talks about how white people need to have babies and stop white genocide.
>Has white boyfriend
Just in general the girl is kinda annoying and i wouldn't be shocked if its actually her who's the OP.
- the nog nose and dead on yeah

fucking kek

fit as fuck tho imo. whoever the pic is. is it not a bullshit account then as anons said?

No, the account is not bullshit. Also is kinda ugly. She posted a picture of herself without makeup and it was pretty funny. She also has pictures of school shooters in her room. Like i said, very annoying girl.
>"White people save your race!!"
>"I'm a neo-nazi :^)"
>Lives in white country
>Has white boyfriend
When does she plan on going back? The girl is trash

>beautiful compared to the blacks
What an unattainably high standard, she should be less tough on herself

>brown eyes

Seriously fuck off with these threads dude.

Are you a lonely virgin or something?


Are they more intelligent than the informed men you know?
Are they funnier and more entertaining than the informed men you know?
Are they more reliable in battle than the informed men you know?

No. They aren't.

So why do you care? Do you fucking think she's going to fuck you or something?

Women mate upwards, and men mate anywhere they can. That's just the brutal fucking reality of it. If this girl thinks she's got more social clout than you, and she probably does, then she's going to be a heat seeking missile for some billionaire cock. And she could probably get it.

She's not going to fuck you because you agree with her.

Purge this shit from your mind.

Also something funny i forgot to add on. There was this old israeli jewish guy who used to stock her account with really reddit tier memes and she actually turned him into a bit of a nazi (think he might have only been doing that for her underage puss). He was like 40 if i recall. The guy was date rape tier

>pictures of school shooters in her room
kek. Avoid
