>25 years old
>make $18/h driving a forklift
>most other people my age are making at least 60k-80k, own houses and vehicles newer than 2008, and married with children or engaged
Who else /failure/ here?
>25 years old
>make $18/h driving a forklift
>most other people my age are making at least 60k-80k, own houses and vehicles newer than 2008, and married with children or engaged
Who else /failure/ here?
Youre the norm dude
you think the average 25 year old is making 60-80k?
>most other people my age
Most 20 something year olds are poorfags living off their parents or someone else.
you make this thread every week
chin up faggot don't be a defeatist little cuck
That's excellent pay actually
Get an education, turn your life around, its not too late
LOL. Yeah. I never knew any 25 year olds living like that unless they had a trust fund or rich parents....in which case, if those demographics are indeed your peers, you are truly a vapid loser.
start doing drugs
>>most other people my age are making at least 60k-80k, own houses and vehicles newer than 2008, and married with children or engaged
no they aren't
OP is a kike.
OP is setting an impossible bar for success in order to make you, "white people," feel doubt and insecure about your own futures.
Here is the Truth:
our money is fake. it's created by Jews to indebt the People to itself. give up your false gods and follow what I tell you: lead yourselves to freedom.
>finished school just 2 weeks ago and currently unemployed/not looking
idk m8
>most other people my age are making at least 60k-80k
>believing this
This is the result of social networking
>Get an education
Not sure I'd call it that nowadays
Kill your fucking self, entitled fuck. I would gladly trade places.
>27 years old
>gf just dumped me this morning
>just lost my job
>have $300 total in my bank account
>will have to move back in with my parents
>deciding fuck it all and going back to school this fall to become an RN
Computer Science grads start off at 70k, at least by New England standards
$18/hr? Nigga, you need to be happy. That is good money.
>tfw starting salary is 60k
>tfw after 2 years salary is 100k
I'm going to retire at 28, jelly much?
>mfw i'm worth more than all of you
You're doing better than me in a lot of ways. I'm in my second year of college at 26 and I have two part time jobs that pay 10 bucks an hour each but I'm hoping when I graduate my life won't be quite as shitty. Keep trying and if you don't like operating a fork lift then think about other careers. 18 an hour is way better than a lot of people our age.
r u a grill?
quit your bitching
haha you're poor
I'm as old as you never worked a day in my life, always fail job interviews.
Thinking of immigrating to canada, I'm or Sweden. I have a degree in business management and masters in management information systems.
Can I find a job there?
No, I just need a job that pays well and is always available.
welfare does not count ahmed.
>23 year old man
>full certified electrician
>got an apprenticeship but company I worked for went under 4 months later
>have put out over 200 resumes this past year looking for another company to take me on, got 2 interviews that I thought went well but didn't get the job
>currently working at a Booster Juice for $11/hour with 16 year old girls, only job I could get besides Janitor at a Cabelas store
>the more time that passes by, the less knowledge I retain from trade school and less hire-able I am
>on Citalopram but it's not working, just pretend like it is so my mom doesn't worry
Job market here is garbage, and it's even worse for immigrants
I would go to the USA if you can
I make 17 an hour and Im 26
>most 25 year olds are earning 80k, own a house, have a wife and kids, and drive a $20k car
In what reality do you live in? Did you mistype 35?
Too bad you're country is over run with shit skins who will end up raping your wife and kids in front of you faggot
Holy fuck dude I was making $18 an hr after high school. Now I'm making anywhere between $100-$130 an hour as an electrician.
just lie on your resume
God I wish that were me
>graduate trade school in 2015 just in time for the oil crash
>2 years later still haven't found a job in my field, probably never will at this point
USA is too difficult for Europeans they rather have niggers and gooks
Are you me? I make 18 an hour palletizing bags that a forklift driver brings to me
t. larper
probably true. 29 years old here. dead end job (earning around the same as OP) but in an engineering firm with plenty of upward mobility provided the qualifications are there.
really motivated me to enrol in college for mechanical engineering. finishing my first year in 4 weeks, on track to finish with double-distinction. for someone who always did the bare minimum in education for lack of aspiration, it does feel weird to invest in it so heavily.
i guess sometimes the threat of failure isn't enough, you need the experience of it. let it be your driving force.
no Sup Forums user will ever make that, but people who actually went to college and got a degree in STEM or business do indeed make that.
>27 yo
>Master student in a stem field
>Solid C student
>Sometimes take online IQ test, so I can get the short lived feeling of being "special".
>math phd
>any job I want
>300k starting
>>make $18/h driving a forklift
Sounds like fun
you have to be fucking kidding me if you think you're going to retire at 28 even if you are making 100k/yr. lmao
Bro come to Australia. Melbourne or Sydney is always demanding trade jobs. I run my own business (24) and I'm making bank. Some months I'm netting 15k. No joke. All my friends in trade are making big bucks too.
>just graduated as an electrical engineering major
>no student debt
>don't want to be an engineer
>hate my major and want to die
>don't even want to apply for engineering jobs because its full of boring autistic faggots
>mfw I just want to join the military and kill people or achieve something greater than being a wage slave
I don't know what to do Sup Forums. I literally graduate in a few days, but I hate all of engineering and realized it was boring soul crushing work way too late. Any ideas of what I could do with an electrical engineering degree that doesn't involve actual engineering?
it's a different guy every time but so many people are down bad the thread pops up every couple minutes, that's my theory.
>24 years old
>making $55k a year in the midwest doing CNC programming with no degree, lots of upward mobility as i work in my profession longer
>not a single dollar in debt
>plan to buy an at least $150,000 house in a white area with good schools next year
>qt polish catholic gf of 3 years that wants to be a housewife
a-am i gonna make it lads?
Lol, I've made 100k+ every year since I was born from dividends from my families company.
he said the average 25 year old, not the average STEM graduate.
The average American can't afford a $500 surprise expense. The average Canadian doesn't even have $200 in savings. The average person is poor as fuck.
25 just graduated with a meme B.Sc from top tier uni, currently unemployed, but I have made a fuckton of money in the past and spent it on all kinds of enjoyment.
to be honest I'm enjoying the neet life so far, I'm training, sleeping really well and overall just having fun.
Life is not a fucking race seriously, get your shit together and there will always be a woman to tag along you. You think that poor people don't get married? They breed the most. So you shouldn't think that your salary is what defines your person or whatever, of course it's nice to have a huge mansion and a brand new ferrari or whatever but not everyone wants those things.
Steer away from material happiness, find happiness with yourself and with others.
>Not getting skills to get a better job you deserve
Kill urself my man.
>with good schools next year
dont ever send your kids to public school
I feel you, OP. I'm in my mid 30s. I've been at Walmart for 11+years and have no GED. At least I make $14/hr and get a guaranteed 40 hours, which is the best paying job I will ever have.
Ask a total failure in life anything.
Australia is fucking killing it in jobs, most of my friends (21-22) have IT jobs or well paying trade jobs and and are making fucking bank for doing simple work.
God bless this country.
Just become a farmer. Seriously the best thing to do if you are stuck in a rut. It's a lot easier getting started than you think.
t. Apple farmer.
How can I get a similar job?
did you get an engineer or an engineering tech degree? No way in hell do you make that low amount of money as an engineer.
100k is fucking nothing you stupid cunt. I've been working as a tradie since 17 and I've got 200k saved at 24. Made 95k last year. Will probably make more this year. By the time I'm 28 I'll probably have a house paid off.
go away /sci/
Stop being a lazy cunt and put in a few more hours and get an education you loser
delusion: the post
avg household income is 55k that includes ALL married and single households in the country
>>most other people my age are making at least 60k-80k, own houses and vehicles newer than 2008, and married with children or engaged
most other people are making $10/hr doing freelance webdev or graphics, you're the lucky one
>average 25 old makes 60-80k
How much IQ do you lose when browsing Sup Forums?
>major with focus on accounting
>make 60k
Here's the kicker I'm inside San Fran with zero chance of ever saving anything more than say a highschooler with a min.wage job. I share a fucking apartment for the sweet sweet price of 1500 month with fucking nothing included in that price (not even utilities so that's also split). Then there's my parking spot and a whole host of other bullshit. I could legit save more if I was a neet living with mumsie with a pizza delivery job.
Job pay in Sacramento or Reno is fucking laughable so I guess I have to stay here for a minimum of another 2 years.
its worse for me, 9 months out of the year I make minimum wage, 3 months out of the year I do salmon fishing, I make like 60,000$-85,000$ in those 3 months, but if I don't get pick upped by a large boating crew for the year I make basically nothing, the last two years there hasn't been much fishing, so I've kind of been on an actual furlough. so this year I am hoping I get picked up, after this I am going to buy a house, and just get a regular job and chill though.
i really wanna do private catholic schools but i have no idea how much it costs. let's say i'm making $80,000 per year when i'm 31 or so and i wanna have 3-4 kids. how feasible is private school on that salary?
>putting your worth in shekels
German has become the jew
You are 25, you can pretty much go in any direction you want right now. Plus $18 an hour isn't that bad, a lot of people make $8
Nice rp bro, if you had that attitude you wouldn't have made it through in the first place
>buying land as a poorfag
nice b8 chink. that would be my dream though.
You're young and have a college degree. If you're anywhere near to being in shape enlist or apply to OCS. The military is ok for a couple of years, unless you become an operator, which you won't. Just don't think that it will be extremely satisfying, because odds are you'll be bored most of the time.
Honestly it is worth coming over as a welder?
I'm 27, masters degree done in 5, days and made $20 an hour with my bachelor's, not married but have gf. I have so much anxiety about what to do next with my life I can't sleep or enjoy myself. So stressed I'm starting to get thinning hair. What to do user?
>neet living with mumsie with a pizza delivery job.
Guess I lost some IQ living here too.
>implying a mix between /sci/ and Sup Forums isn't the best
>and married with children
>by 25
are all your friends muzzies or niggers
>no job
>single, virgin.
I win.
I'm a desktop technician working for 18 an hour. I got this job at 19 and too much of a bitch to ask for a raise.
you could probably find work in dick sucking, you ungrateful homo
I'll give you the secret to getting rich. It is two rules:
1. Spend less than you make.
2. Invest the rest into something you understand.
>make $18/h driving a forklift
Nigger I make 7 euro per hour
60 to 80k? Don't be stupid 25 year olds rarely make that much
>24 y.o
>unemployed college dropout
>fucking average looking tinder bitches every other week
>parents gave me one of their apartments in NYC to live in and to rent out
>its worth 1.2mil
>getting paid 5k a month from tenants
I'm 24 and make like $30k. Live like a fucking kang in the Midwest. Why the fuck do people want to be married by 25? I have easily two more decades of baby making years assuming I marry a younger woman.
You don't even know. In Canada it is very easy getting grants from the government just to start up your farming. They are begging people to start up, so I did.
Are you me?
I'm /failure/ but not mad or disgruntled.
All the people I know living that 60-80k are fucking miserable as fuck!
Guy I know started a 70k job 2 years ago a year after college and got married in October. Already divorced and has all her debt.
Almost all my friends between 24-26 are in mountains of debt work 2hrs from home have a mortgage on a home 10 years ago that was worth 70% less. They're paying for the artificial bubble.
I'm fucking happy as fuck though.
Work 30min from home. Own 4 acres innawoods, have a temporary 50k modular home on it and don't give a fuck about tomorrow.
Saving til I can get out of here and use my 'blue collar' skills for some foreign work to stop paying taxes and finally get out of this kike-nigger American system.
>make $18/h driving a forklift
how the FUCK do i get involved in this? you just sit on your ass in a warehouse all day and make $18/h? the sun is shining on me this moment
Keep doing your thing. Save money. Think about a business plan, or perhaps college if you feel you'll need it for life after the forklift. I assume you are in Alberta, since there are so few men to the east (looking at YOU, spineless Ontario faggot cucks). I don't know how well your $18/hr in leaf money treats you, but at least you are working and have goals. Hang in, you'll find a decent White woman yet.
On whose land?
>how feasible is private school on that salary?
It isn't. With that many kids it would be cheaper to have your wife stay at home and home school them.
>NEET living with parents
>kissless touchless virgin
No I win.
That's not that bad.
>24 years old
>Make $18/h fixing the world's largest retailer's network
>Just had a house built and bought a new sports car
You're probably just managing your money poorly, or you need to find somewhere else to live.
>naturally gifted with an almost perfect memory
>realize at a young age that I don't have to try hard to do well in school
>just bank on my ACT getting me anywhere I want to go for college
>2.0 GPA in high school
>don't study for my ACT because I don't feel like I need to
>get a 32 first try, was going to retake to do better but I got pneumonia the night before my retake
>get to college, get surprised by the amount of stupid people there with me
>makes me confident I can skip classes constantly
>miss too many, flunk out
>go to community college
>get depressed about the hole I dug myself, give up totally
I'll never be back where I should have been
Bro $18 an hour is bretty good for 25.
Regardless of how you feel about public schools - good public schools = high property values
The old rednecks a few districts from me crashed their home values by failing so many school levies. It was pretty sweet.
Fuck yes cunt. Every single cunt I know is making good money. Only thing fucked up is that tradies splurge like crazy and don't know how to save and invest. If tradies were smart enough to invest they'd overtake white collar cunts in no time.
But yer even my white collar mates are killing it. Got accountant and IT friends and they're also doing very well.
Cheers for this great country!
If you aren't making at least six figures by 25, just collect welfare.
had an amazing GPA until senior year, failed some classes, didn't care about school anymore, graduated with a shit GPA but I have a degree. Fuck engineering, fuck cheating gooks and ginders, and fuck my university
I was thinking about it, but I need to actually sit down with a recruiter or something
and see what I would actually get from it.
i'll just kill myself
>few more hours
>40 is the max
>overtime rarely allowed since the 2008 crash
>community college is over $20k in my state and will be in remedial classes for years
I have no dreams that are worth an entire year's net pay to attain. I sure don't feel like dealing with age bias/discrimination.