Is she /ourgirl/ Sup Forums?
how many liberals did he trigger?
Is she /ourgirl/ Sup Forums?
how many liberals did he trigger?
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unironically would fugg
"""""""she"""""""" makes me H A R D
she is.
look some people's brains and identity doesnt fit their body/genitalia. no one is going through all that shit for a laugh.
its PC fascism about pronouns and the like we should oppose
Someone give her the redpill.
Trannies creep me out too much..
I hate trannies, but if he/she/it triggers libtards, then I approve
fuck sake just fuck of narcissist. stop fucking spamming us with your stupid as pictures you fucking degenerate
he's /ourboy/
GTFO with this faggot shit
>look some people's brains and identity doesnt fit their body/genitalia
>the rate at which this is occurring in the 21st century is genetic and has nothing to do with mental disease
nice try rabbi
But I drink tap water all the time and I have two kids and jerk off all the time, why isn't my weiner all shriveled up?
Fuck off cunts stop posting bs e-celeb and trap bullshit here. Not politically related.
He'll burn with the rest of the insane fuckers that refer to him as a "she" when this world finally collapses.
did drinking water actually turn me into a faggot?
yeah. sorry m8. jews did this too.
100% of faggots consumed water in their lifetime
stats do not lie
The fact that you fucks put up with this dicked laci green just proves you guys enjoy fucking men..
(((They))) are ironically turning the fucking frogs gay.
She'll only be /ourgirl/ if she decides to have 5 white children.
>the Blaire Switch Project
/ourtrap/ > /ourgirl/
post yfw you now understand why a frog represents the altright
>ywn violently fuck that face
pic mostly related
If you think traps are gay then yes, Blaire is unironically turning the frogs gay.
>its PC fascism
A lot of us are unironically fascist, newfag
I'm not a liberal and "she" triggered me
8/10 bait
>The US government and FDA are allowing this corporation to put atrazine in American drinking water and food at high levels despite being banned in other countries
Just out of curiosity, who did you vote for in the election?
what is the mechanism of this chemical that causes a psychological condition?
>who did you vote for in the election?
There wasn't one.
At least it has a sense of humour.
All trannies should die.
research it m8.
then when you learn something interesting, create a meme and start spreading it. if i see ill even spread it. want a juicy protip?
find out who created the chemical in the first place. i wonder if theres a Jew in there somewhere?...
you've misunderstood. My challenge comes from a place of skepticism not curiosity.
>They're turning the freaking frogs gay
trips of truth
Is she saying that is the ideal body males prefer? Or is she saying that she in fact a guy?
Do you wanna suck his dick and cum in his hairy asshole? Still hard?
>Blaire White
Sup Forums doesn't have a "girl". None of these beautiful bitches are our "girls".
You make Blaire seem as unkempt as Moldylocks when that's obviously not the case.
>all these far-left leftist sodomites ITT
You queers need gas chamber ASAP.
>this is what passes for the right in 2017
its a guy
why dont these threads get deleted
>Is she /ourgirl/ Sup Forums?
>that man hands
wtf is the source on this pic
ive seen it like 4-5 times in random contexts
She doesn't have any hair on her asshole. Confirmed it in a livestream.
If I recall she waxes and bleaches.
>she, her
>talks about his degenerate pozzed anus on streams
>you watch that shit
kill yourself faggot
He's looking like bruce Jenner already and he
ain't even that old.
Would destroy his boipussi tho
I think Blaire phrased that tweet to trigger leftards via multiple routes.
How do trannies end up with hips like that? Is it hormones?
If I give my girlfriend estrogen injections, will her waist-hip ratio increase?
Yes, it's HRT.
trannies are actually very hygenic and keep their hole clean and nice. it's great to fuck one that's got a tiny penis that's kept in her panties. they get so turned on and become literally whores when you stick it in their ass, it's great. also, any guy who tells you pussy feels better than ass is gay.
I generally don't approve of this degenary, but she(male) looks pretty good.
Its a model
would you pic related?
She's got far better pics than that by now, too. OP's pic is pretty old.
she's balding isn't he?
The bangs seem a little rough but she looks cute.
I think she's getting married to a transdude chink.
Natalie's alright. I'd play a video game with her.
What are those marks on her shoulders? Is she a Trill?
I think she's getting married to a transdude chink.
Why does google have to throw niggers in?
fat yes, hips no
its wearing hip pads look closer
dick or gtfo
I could tolerate cute traps like that in our society unlike the freaks we have. Fucking looks great, would fool anyone. As long this is the only problem they have and not marxists, fine with me, be happy then
That one is the minimum
>inb4 gay!
Looks better than the 3/4 of women I've fucked...
Those two are the same person. Stupid leaf.
Why are Americans so dumb to pay 2k a week for the shots of every transgendered person from 6 years old up for life? Its part of trumps healthcare that they all get their free hormone shots.
Yall niggas got played.
Sure? Looks like Tactical Tranny on instagram that some posted here - You got me burger
She's helping push the Trans Agenda, but on "The Right".
Speaking of the Trans Agenda, Hollywood & various other forms of Entertainment have lots of Trans in them.
Well, you were right, the eyes colors duped me
How the fuck you knew? Faggot?
there is no trans agenda. it's fucking psychology. humans aren't attracted to chromosomes but to secondary sex characteristics as in pic related. you can't help but find "him" attractive unless you're actually gay
I am all seeing, stupid reddit spacing leaf.
"She" or "He", the Social Engineers want to remove & dilute Gender going forward.
This has the side effect of causing the "Oppression Olympics" between Genders/Sexual preferences, while destroying each Sex.
It exists & is part of a Social Engineering program.
What they want to do is make Trans more prevalent in the population then Gay to a point where Gay is just phased out completely since they would all be Trans.
Who is she and what did she do?
Jesus, Malta, really? As a Maltese myself I can't condone this fag shit.
Who is he and what did he do?
She's just triggering leftards again because she's a Twitter shitlord.
I wonder if it's the same here in europe.
we got a lot of fucking fags
most of these trannies are petty hot tho
Triggering hairy fat TERFs, I think.
I want to bend him over and fuck him in the ass like it was his pussy
she's got a weird shaped penis , great bum tho, can fit lots of stuff inside
is his name Faggot Ron or Faggo Tron?
That looks like a man.
He will never be a woman. Cutting off your genitals, pumping hormones to grow breast tissue or beating society to pretend he doesn't look like a man in a wig will never change that.
Let's flip it.
Hormones are bad m'kay. We shouldn't eat chicken or drink milk with the bad hormones m'kay.
Let's give a 5 year old hormones to grow tits m'kay. It's good and lawful to shoot up a child with hormones m'kay.
To the fags out there:
what's the benefit of fucking a guy that looks like a girl, instead of fucking a girl that looks like a girl?
Just fuck a woman who looks like her. PLus you get your choice of 3 different holes