
Soooo, I need your opinions, lads!
I met this beautiful gook chick half a year ago, and she's great fun. I like her a lot, but from what I've got, I think she plans on having kids with me in a year or so. I'm fucking 22, I don't want kids now, especially chinks. What if they are going to be weird looking mixed race idiots with micro penises? Does it worth it to be a race traitor? What do I do?

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They will look typically Russian.

Leave her, malchnik

If you're in love and you think she's the kind of person you'd want to spend the rest of your life with, then go for it

Tell her to fuck off. Chinks aren't people so it's ok


Eh, post a picture of her and I can tell your if it's worth race mixing or not. Not every half asian will turn out ugly as sin if both parents don't look like shit. The reason most happas are ugly is because their dad was an ugly beta cuck and their mom not necessarily the most beautiful, even by Asian standards. What kind of combination do you expect out of it?

Don't do it your kids will hate themselves and people will judge you

russians are half mongol anyway, its not going to make any difference

I'm the product of a WMAF relationship, my mom is Korean. Ask me anything.


How often do you consider suicide?

There she is

I made the mistake 10 years ago. If i had to make this choice once again, I would just dump her right away, it would have been best for her and for me...

Your children will despise you for bringing abominations such as them into the world.

What does it mean, newfag here

Well she doesn't look bad but I suspect a cosmetic surgery or tons of makeup. If she looks like that without makeup and you know that she hasn't had any surgeries, I'd say race mixing isn't as bad.

It means part of your DNA is mongoloid, like most of us, though a lot more in Russians.

Never miss a chance at love.

Asians are a fine people, but they are not, and will never be, our people.
Also,don't racemix with an Asian, because then your son will be a confused weirdo.

It is not a matter of appearance, but the fact that you are culturaly way too different. Perfect osmosis will never occur, annoying differences will become more and more significant, and just forget the idea of raising your kids the way you want or consider "normal".

What does she look like without the makeup and the filters?

Actually who cares, if you don't want mixed kids then don't have them. It's hard enough for them as it is, it'll just be worse if deep down you want kids that are more like you.

How old were you? I know it would be a terrible mistake to have kids in early 20s, but fuuuuck, I think I love her, and she wants them


are you sure she's not a sakhan?

I was 24.
Of course she wants them, and let me guess how many 3? 4? Were did she comes from in China?


Go for it. Dont let a Cantonese aquaculture forum tell you how to live your life.

Vietnam, she's just saying 1, but how could I know

Your son will be a retard who will bitch on r/hapas 24/7

Is your family rich?

Get some mileage, and dump her in a year or so.
>deal with problems as they arise

Yeah, white kids is the only option, but chink-white isn't as bad as black-white, right? We don't have those here anyway, I heard they stink

Middle class

Nope, we're middle class. Maybe upper middle.

it doesn't matter whatever you do

Do what uncle donald says.

May KEK bless your family

Does your white parent love you?

If you are both mentally stable you'll have good kids

Anything with nigger dna is polluted

Thank you

Papa bless?

Yeah, all of us have a good relationship. We just ate out at a restaraunt as a family and had a good, sustained conversation through the whole meal. Honestly the only time I think WMAF is degenerate is if the woman has a heavy accent or only speaks in broken english, then you can't even form a relationship properly so it's really obvious you're just with her for your yellow fever.

My mom speaks perfect english with no accent, btw

Try to picture what you want your future to be.
I know it's easier said than done but, give it a try...

Part of me will never be french again, my kids are nothing like the ones I could have with a blonde qt. The home I get back at night after work is not the kind I grew up in. My wife will never fully understand some typically white things, jokes, behaviors.

We cannot share our life fully...

When you get older you tend to get more interested in your culture, your roots, your childhood, etc. I makes me sad for me and for my wife...

Nah, she's good at Russian, English, Vietnamese, so it's ok

Europe is dead, especially France

Love your children, that's all that matters

Well, she's kinda Russian in that way, but her parents are not, that's what bothers me, how much influence they will have on us?

You're not ready.

You're casually very rude about your potential wife in an attempt to impress a gaggle of anonymous fucks. Despite what Sup Forums will tell you, if she's your wife, she's on your side, always, and you're on hers.

"Oh shit, I don't want to appear uncool so I'll be utterly disloyal." If she speaks of you like this, you should drop her. That you speak of her like this says you're not ready for a family.

Families are serious business. Those who don't take care of their own instead contribute to the ruin of society.

Viet Gook. lol BTFO Sup Forums

No point in fighting back anymore? We lost?

100% guaranteed.

make sure your children have access to firearms, and everything will work itself out

You haven't

Your shithole country will develop nigger free whilst most of Europe will perish

Russia can look forward to swallowing up our mongrel nations in a hundred years

They'll look Finnish.

Evey post starting with an unnecessary so is astroturf from a leftist cult.

You're welcome.

Good answer.

DO NOT RACEMIX WITH ASIANS. Their genes are dominant over white genes, your kids will look more Asian than white. African and Mestizo genes are also dominant (which is why Jeb Bush's sons look so Mexican despite technically being about 75% White). Weirdly, the only racemixing combination I could see working is with nonwhite non-Muslim caucasoids, which is just Arab Christians and Indians. Half white half indian is pic related.

You are so fucking stupid for even having to ask this. If you love her, go ahead and have kids. Race mixing isn't ideal and may produce fucked up kids, but at least she's Asian instead of black.
Imagine being so insecure that you had to make this image.

She's ok with these names, lol, I posted this thread to know if there's cultural differences that will potentially ruin my life

They'll be good kids despite being ugly fuck-eyed gooks
Same with the wife, Asian chicks will do anything you ask them

Okay, I'll answer seriously. Personally, if you want a mother for your kids; pick someone not just "fun" and good "looks". Make a list of what you want out of a mom. I think you will find that Vietnamese and Russian are two different culture. It depends if she is already assimilated but honestly those Asians are very resilient to assimilation. If she is okay with that cultural change, you might be able to too. (assuming you are okay with it as well) Think about it. You're quite young. I never think things through with relationship when I was younger but soon I realize what said turn out to be more important than I've realize.

Good luck OP. Just keep in mind that the right choice is not often the easiest one to make.

Oh shit, Maybe I spoke too soon but I have doubts that you are ready if you're asking this question. In their culture; asking the parent to be with their offspring is a formal thing. If you dont even notice this yet, I dont think you're ready.

Don't do it

Thank you, I'll think about that, she's mostly Russian, but scariest part is parents, never met them

My girlfriend is Chinese and very well read in Western literature

She is far better at creative writing than her peers, a top student. She is creative, intelligent and wise

That being said, quick witted humour, sarcasm and fast paced emotionally charged interactions aren't something you'll find with Asians. They don't often get banter, and sometimes it comes across as mildly autistic or strange.

She, her parents and relatives are also very finicky and particular. They will happily go abroad but would prefer to pretty much just eat Chinese food

If you are looking for completely westernized personalities and behaviours you won't often find it with Asians. if you do want it, be prepared to sift through roasties until you find one that isn't a loud mouthed, selfish cunt

Pol can shitpost about Eliot rodger all they want, but you'll probably have a great a relationship if you are moral and healthy , and great kids

Thank you

Overall good bone structure, strong jaw and chin, nice lips, only down side is nigger nose and chinky eyes. I say do it.

Well you have a lot of time in your hands even if you're not 100% ready. Take your time bro. There also plenty of women out there for you to choice from if this one doesnt work out. No need to rush.

Also have a Chinese girlfriend, and agree with this guy to the fuckin' T. There are some issues regarding her world prospective but she understands its a part of her culture and is actively trying to remove it. If you are not a beta and know how to raise a boy into being a man, your son won't be a huge loser NEET. Also, remember the same anons in this thread that will tell you not to rice mix will be the same ones saying Russians aren't white, so understand where their comments are coming from.

Hahahaha, I know, I just hoped for some genuine answers, ty

There's no such thing as "dominant genes" you absolute blithering retard. The reason why half arab/north indian children look white is because those groups are very close genetically with whites. Leave.

Also in terms of cultural differences, you need someone willing to adopt your way of life, but keep the integrity of their heritage. Chinese culture in general was once quite interesting and worth while, all the culture you experience now is Maoist brainwashing. Chinese people, and likely her parents, are very very fucking selfish. They have some semblance of love for their daughter but would threaten suicide in an instant if she didn't want to marry some bucktoothed gook whose parents would give their family a higher status. Even if she isn't selfish, dealing with her family will be a nightmare, although most in-laws aren't the greatest.

True about quick witted humor, but I think that's ok, hope I won't have to sift through roasties until you find one that isn't a loud mouthed, selfish cunt

fuck off nigger

You want genuine answers? Okay I'll take a step further. If you have any cultural questions regarding Vietnamese. I'll answer them. Protip: I'm Vietanon. I shit you not.
I dont know much about Chinese but OP's gf is Viet. Most oversea Viets were refugees getting away from Viet Congs; and they 100% hate Chinese because China arm the VC. There's a good chance they're already red pill from their experience getting away from the onslaught. Nothing red pill a group much like genocide. I can't speak much on the new generation though.

Okay, I don't see any cultural differences between me and her. What bothers me is her parents, will they accept white boi in a family? They keep pushing her into marriage (reminding her that it is gonna be late soon). What happens if we play a secret wedding, and then announce it to them?

>I met this beautiful gook chick
Congratulations, here's your future.

>sakhan living in USA
>NOBODY knows what the fuck that is
>first and only american who knows about us is on fucking Sup Forums

Read up, friend.

As a disclaimer, what I said might not fully reflect your situation. I'll will answer with the best of my abilities. In the East Asian cultural sphere, we have different calendar. It's commonly known as Lunar Calender or Chinese New Year etc. Her age according to Western systems is much younger than ours. For example, I'm 24 but I would be consider 26 if I go to Vietnam. This is probably why they might be pushing for marriage. We also recognize that women have a harder time getting men if they are older. They can accept a white person. In fact, my parent wont mind if I have a white partner but prefer I am with my own kind. As long as you're a fine and healthy gentlemen and are able to take care of her, I think you will pass. I dont think you should play a secret wedding. It much more respecting if you formal ask them to hold hands.

Alright, thank you, I'm just scared of having kids this soon I guess

Yeah, family is very important and normally we (Viets) emphasize on the family unit. Not many Viets I don't know around here are rushing marriage to tbqh! In our culture, family is the blood and life. That being said, I do think you should take your time and think these things through. For your own sake; her parents might want to it soon but only do it if you're certain you're ready. I dont want you miserable because of what I said. Haha.

Don't have gook kids you race traitor piece of shit.

The Jew constantly tries to pit Whites against Blacks, Christians against Muslims, etc...

If you're not sure whether you want to have kids or not, don't fucking have kids. This isn't hard, man.