How do I save myself Sup Forums?

>be in ultra liberal politics class

>have to present libcuck theories and write sjw tier essays otherwise I get shit marks

>Im starting to believe the stuff I write

Am I fucked bois

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Simple, have a right wing idea and expand on it. Then, make a leftist counter argument(then submit it). Not only will it be a mental exercise but with every essay you will see that leftist arguments are stupid with every essay.

You Redpill yourself with every essay!

I believe its called indoctrination. And yes, you are fucked. You could try exposing the bias in the class but that most likely wont go well for your academic career.

name two subjects you've written about

How terrorism rates are actually declining and why religious intolerance is skyrocketing in western countries

He could anonymously spread writings showing said bias or the stupidity of their arguments. If the teacher supports some extremist ideologies, you could make a compilation of every time they say something extreme and release it at the end of the year or when you are in the clear (you already graduated or no longer taking class)

O shit this is a good idea

sounds like facts t.b.h.

enjoy getting enlightened by education

Thanks, also if you want to do this:
You will already have potential ammo. Fun fact, lawyers in training actually argue against their own points on a CONSTANT basis to improve their skills.

>>Im starting to believe the stuff I write

pls go back to plebbit

Just keep coming here every night for the antidote to the poison they're feeding you.

First one might be true on a long term "in the middle east" basis. However, terrorism in other places are increasing and even in the middle east terrorism seems to be going up.Second one is forgetting the fact that islam is inherently hateful and that hate breeds hate and so on.

>How terrorism rates are actually declining

They're increasing, it's just classified differently, it's the liberal way of getting around admitting that it's rising because terrorism is not legally defined well in most countries

>religious intolerance is skyrocketing in western countries
This is true, but intolerance is not necessarily bad, I don't hate Wild dogs, but I don't tolerate them in my garden

This place leeches time though. I have been here all day for the last month.It's really hurting my work. I don't really think a college student can afford that.

>How terrorism rates are actually declining
Depends on the country. Places like France and Belgium? LOL no. But maybe in NZ, don't know much about you guys.
>religious intolerance is skyrocketing in western countries
Well yeah, no shit. Due to Muslims who are intolerant coming in, and people becoming intolerant of the Muslims coming in. That's pretty straightforward. And nothing wrong with it at all.

Why not try to spin it on that point? Present reasons why religious intolerance can be a good thing because it preserves culture etc. If you think you'll get bad grades, write it on behalf of the sand people and see if you get progressive points.

Be like bill nye. So liberal that cucks opt to be redpilled

I, too, was once a Sup Forums addict. Just gotta have the discipline to limit yourself to 10-15 min a day and scan for the most important threads.

Kek I wonder if I could outcuck my professor

HOW THO? I just came here last month.(insert Lurk More comment here)

>implying nu/pol/ drop any redpill
>pretending it's not attacked every single fucking second by robots porn bait, shariablue, bronies CIA, CTR shills etc..

if he want redpills even youtube is a better place.
OP, just go on cripplechan, here on 4chin you will finish even more cucked than in your uni. This place is a gigantic psy ops MK ultra induced by perma_cuckery.

not even kidding.

Well that is a bunch of horseshit.

Declining worldwide, rising in the west.
> massive Muslim immigration into the west due to "refugees" crisis correlating with increase with terrorist attacks; coincidence I think not.

And yes people are becoming in tolerant of Muslims because of their archaic and barbaric you which the vast majority of the Muslim population support

WZB Berlin Social Science Center: 65% of Muslims in Europe say Sharia is more important than the law of the country they live in.

95% of honor killings in the West are perpetrated by Muslim fathers and brothers or their proxies.

Pretty rational for people to start getting fed up or "intolerant" of this kind of shit that is completely antithetical to Western society.

Use the catalogue, open 3 or 4 interesting threads in tabs, close the catalogue, read each tab and then close them and do something else.

Just hide the bullshit threads, man. Not that hard. I've seen so many cuckold pictures I'm not even phased anymore. Just think "not this bullshit again" and report/hide without commenting. It's not making me watch cuck porn or hate racemixing any less.

cuck so hard that you become uncucked? Could work for an essay. Something like "women in the middle east" or "inner city volence" could make good fooder for that.

Make sure you mention this fact To your class! Don't be a coward… The best thing is I provided you a source from the New York Times. Liberal media can't even deny it, of course they trying to spin and make light of it. But according to the global terrorism index every year just four or five Islamic terrorist organizations account for 74% of all terrorist related death. Imagine if they included all of the Islamic terrorist organizations into the equation. Unfortunately the global terrorist index is trying to lighten the data and would never do that because it would show that islamic terrorism is almost responsible for all terrorist related deaths.

This doesn't include battlefield deaths Isis pretty much killed 30,000 people in 2014

statement from the Global terrorism index 2015: "Over the last 15 years there have been a number of large and devastating terrorist attacks in Western countries. This includes the September 11 attacks which killed 2,996 people, the Madrid train bombings which killed 191, the Norwegian massacre which killed 77 and the London bombings which killed 56. However, it is important to compare these significant events with the more persistent and severe impacts of terrorism occurring in the rest of the world.
Attacks in Western countries accounted for a small percentage incidents, representing 4.4 per cent of terrorist incidents and 2.6 per cent of deaths over the last 15 years. The four large attacks listed above make up 91 per cent of deaths from terrorism in the West during this period."

On the Norwegian massacre was committed by another westerner, the rest were all Islamic.

Hell, even some stuff from vox would help in certain arguments.

Now with the November 2015 Paris attacks killing 130 and the 2016 Nice attack resulting in the death of 86 people and the Orlando shooting which killed 49 all of which were perpetrated by Isis or a lone wolf inspired by them. Adding these to the equation will definitely increase that 91%. The staggering fact is 6/7 of the most deadliest terrorist attacks in the west involved radical Islamic extremists. Even with the Norwegian massacre removed, and then adding in the three major terrorist attacks we had in 2015/2016 The VAST majority of deaths by terrorism in the west involved islamic extremism. However obviously far right/far left terrorism, anti-government, nationalist, supremacy organizations, criminal organizations etc. would account for the majority of terrorist incidents within the west they just proved to be far less lethal.

> I have completely decimated liberals with what I just presented to you, left them completely speechless. If you have the balls go drop some truth bombs

Here is something you will find interesting, I actually took the time to calculate the percentages this study determined according to the Muslim population of each of those 37 countries evaluated these are the figures:

Total Muslim population of countries in study= 1,077,802,424

Of The 37 countries studied consisting of roughly 64% of the entire Muslim population 755,924,039 want sharia law as law of the land, about 70% of the evaluated Muslim population.

sub Sahara Africa was not evaluated by pew research in regards to specifics on The support for the Hududs (criminal punishment of sharia law, this study only included three of them(. Therefore only 20 countries were evaluated in that regards; of which totalled for a population of 856,665,726 Muslims basically 50% of the entire Muslim population. Of that 611,721,634 (71.4% of the 20 countries) want sharia law as law of the land (moving forward we need to subtract the Muslim population of Morocco as the study did not evaluate the specific support for the hududs of the Muslims that support sharia law, within that country which makes the total Muslim population of the 20 evaluated countries 824,284,726 48.4% of the entire Muslim population of that 584,845,404 want sharia law as law of The land 70.9% of the evaluated Muslim population in the remaining 20 countries).


You there OP?
You could make an essay on a group of people who promote violence and hate of women but don't mention islam until you feel that the essay will make the reader hate the oppressors. This could send them down the path of redpilling.

You need to find out what you truly believe and make a choice, user, so that you can have your own views that cannot be swayed by elitist professors and pol user silliness.

Why is terrorism in the decline, and where is it in the decline? How does your professor define terrorism?

Religious intolerance is on the rise because we are living in a polarized world. The only people who are not picking sides are either the ones trying to keep a cool head and observe, or they are wishy washy and dont want to be percieved in a negative light by their peers. This world we live in is a strange, terrifying, and wonderful place. There are many horrors in it, but there is also great beauty and hope. The battle between good and evil is raging at a fever pace right now, and it is only going to get worse. You are going to see more fanatics fighting for their causes. You are going to see tyrants of every type and color on the rise. You are going to see things slip further into chaos.

You gotta make your own decisions and find your center. What do you believe in, and where do you want you and yours to be in the future? What are you doing to help your neighbor? Shit, I still have some bits and pieces that I have not figured out yet, but I know primarily who I am and where I need to be.

384,059,798 (46.6% of the total Muslim population in the 20 countries evaluated, and 65.6% of the population that want sharia law as law of the land) favour stoning as punishment for adultery sadly that sentence greatly favours women, almost exclusively.

365,045,426 (44.2% of the total Muslim population in the 20 countries evaluated, and 62.4% of the population that want sharia law as law of the land) favour corporal punishment for thieves and robbers such as amputation of the hands.

299,717,714 (36.3% of the total Muslim population in the 20 countries evaluated, and 51.2% of the population that want sharia law as law of the land) favour the death penalty for converts/apostates.

Keep in mind that's if the sub Sahara African were equally evaluated It would've greatly added to these numbers in support of these barbaric practises. Also countries like Saudi Arabia, Yemen, Sudan, Somalia, Qatar, Syria Iran etc. were not included in this study these are some of the most fundamentally Islamic countries in the Muslim world. Many of which practice the law Syria Iran etc. were not included in this study these are some of the most fundamentally Islamic countries in the Muslim world. Many of which carry out The various hududs legally, as in the countries judicial system.


You have to make them realize that terrorist attacks is actually not even the real threat of Muslim immigration it's there completely indoctrinated, severely uneducated population's that believe in completely archaic and barbaric practises that belong back in the dark ages. Overall completely antithetical to Western society, these would be considered the most heinous of crimes but to most of them they are just even righteous because of their ideology that refuses to modernize

I would also advise you to learn about the reality of the Crusades, this video is a good start reading the expert they brought in Paul Crawfords work, on the subject of the crusades would be even better. Dr. Bill Warner also has done a tremendous amount of good research, although I would say it's not quite as qualified as the man in this video… However his most famous video "why we are afraid" has never been bebunked and his critics agree that almost everything he said is historically accurate, however they don't like "his message" typical liberal logic if we can call it that.

Even more importantly I would advise you to educate yourself on the history of Islam, these two men that I just reference are a great start. You will realize that the religion is entirely predicated on war, conquest, genocide, slavery and of course forced conversion. These were the tools used to literally build the religion into what it is today, just go read some of the Hadiths Muhamed is praised for his warrior like abilities, he was a brutal man and so were his disciples who took over after his death in 632. You'll also realize that the Islamic golden age was a complete myth . Of coarse it was a golden time for them after so much successful conquest, however historians speak of it as a time of great learning when in fact the Muslim destroyed centuries of knowledge throughout the agent world including the great ancient library of Alexandria ( it wasn't the first time it was understood, but it was when it was finally annihilated at the hands of the muslims) and probably the second greatest library of ancient times naladna in India. All of this knowledge was destroyed during this "golden age" what they deemed not to be a blasphemy they plagiarized. The Islamic golden age is a fabrication to make Muslims feel like they contributed something at some point .

Agreed. Most of the shit you find on here about the garbage, but there is knowledge to be found on Sup Forums every once in a while. For example what I just provided is all excellent and authentic… I'm not being arrogant it was all made by better more qualified man that I learned from, but still that's the truth.

With all the people saying "if I could time travel I'd kill hitler" Why not kill muhammed? After all, his cult killed more than hitler ever did.

You should have been in my class when Trump won. It's not even our country, and they went apeshit. Even the teacher made some sarcastic remarks about it. I felt like an alien
stay neutral you teacher fucks