Name a more cucked race than the white man.
Protip: You can't.
Name a more cucked race than the white man.
Protip: You can't.
the police saves minorities which is kinda ironic
Bix noods in the shanty towns of Brasil that get their balls stomped on by their rich counterparts daily.
The races not in power
non whites who have been getting destroyed since the dawn of time
shariablue manning all canons on deck I see. Post more interracial
That would be black people. easy. and they will be more cucked when we enslave them again. Imma make you my bitch nigger!
t. mad white boys
She is right, you know. We need to fight back.
Into the oven she goes.
So far you showed me a bitch that wears too much makeup telling me she has self-esteem issues, is a major bitch, or is naturally unattractive, and an underage bitch with braces. Coal burners will always pay the toll and I honestly could care less.
Isn't it too late?
that's definitely a shitposter account, disregarded
Better be late than never.
>Coal burners will always pay the toll and I honestly could care less
Nope. Most of them live well these days. They even get some white boys to carry them.
>act like thug and commit crime
>get long sentences for it
>cry "I dindu noffingz"
>call everyone racist
"Black boys taking over"? - sure they taking over all available spots in local jail
I take it you're not from America, if you were you'd know that once you have a mixed-black baby, or are known to have been blacked, you're essentially branded by society as untouchable, and you're only contact will be with dope slingers and other nigger-tier trash.
Honestly try harder, I'm not even slightly upset.
japanese men are the cuckiest now, what a fall from the samurai
OP is correct. It explains the prevalence of SJWs, and other bullshit in the society.
Look at this pissed off brazilfag lol, what did a tourist white chick turn you down?
It's ok, maybe some day your country will actually contribute to the 21st century. Until then, please keep trying. The only thing you contribute is most liveleak videos with people dying.
Shit, I'd be pissed too. Work hard, stop hating, and get out there and make money, then maybe you can get a decent looking woman OP.
That changed completely recently. Just look the number of likes in this picture here.
Yes yes show the butthurt its what he wants after all.
This is so true its hilarious.
Once you go black, we don't want you back.
The toll eventually gets paid, every time.
>pancake tits
>thinks anyone but darkies desire her
I cant find this news article
>Modern Americans
Pick one and only one, eurocentric.
>monkey posters
There is no god but Allah and Mohammed is his cuck...
Girls are not afraid to show how much they love black cock anymore. White girls have gone wild.
>saggy breasts
>probably has pancake sized areolas
The worst combination
Congrats on the long marriage and no divorce I guess? One of them must be fertile.
White men truly are pathetic
You know, I can't find any evidence anywhere of the story. And this is Arizona State's Demario Richard, my monkey identifying skills aren't perfect but I'm pretty sure he's not even in that picture.
He's not wrong though.
Who cares? Coal burners usually end up dead or a vegetable after the buck has a class 5 chimp out. Troll harder nigger.
Do you have the version that wasn't made with that shitty fake snapchat site? Lost mine a while ago.
Its astonishing really its like looking at a textbook sociopath when you observe white females in action.
Yh he is wrong calling women that fuck blacks trash is just a rationalization for why they would sleep with a negro. It hinges on some silly idea that white females are these pure maidens of goodness or some childish bullshit Disney sold to you as a child. Reality is white women are disgusting evil whores.
I'm all for it, these women have a poor moral compass and will go on to birth mixed children in single parent households. Those that manage to breed within their own species will continue to have strong, Caucasian children with good genes. Question; if she was willing to take black cock at any point, would you prefer to know before or after you took the little swamp donkey as a wife? To me, this is selection process is a genuine litmus test to weed out the inferior white slags among us.
You subhuman baboon. You literal nigger.
How dare you speak, you swarthy jungle monkey? How dare you open your big lipped, rim encrusted, menthol cigarette smelling mouth?
You are human trash, Diego Tyrone LeShawn de Maradona. Universally despised, derided and mocked. Your nationality and skin tone offers no hope to the world that South America can ever prosper. Crawl back in to the Brazilian jungle you came out of, you literal orangutan.
I hope you decide to sail your grandfathers skip to the Falklands and rape some sheep, as is in the negroes nature. It would still be the whitest pussy you ever had. Give Nigel and Robert a chance for some target practice, your sole use to the world. Argentinians obsession with a few windswept islands in the Atlantic is hilarious but sad. Coincidentally its the only worthwhile contribution Argentina has made to the medical field. The MUH LAS MALVINAS sentiment in the average negro Argentinian is both an early warning sign of autism in children, and early on set Alzheimer's in adults.
Take your black hairy fingers off your keyboard, and never talk about the human species again, you mockery of our supposed shared ancestor.. No amount of olive oil and wheat flour slabbed on your face every morning will make you white. It's about as delusional of an idea as your daydreams of European heritage.
You nigger.
You make Bolivia look like a beacon of civilization. You are the Baltimore of South America.
Go fertilize the pampas with you and your families corpses, its the best you can hope for in life. For the first time in your life, nigger, you have a job making food for beings vastly superior to yourself. Uruguayan cattle. Coincidentally, it would be the first time an Argentinian "man" provided for a family.
Die, Diego. No one would miss you. Except for Australian Aboriginals, who now would have no one to make them look good.
You aren't allowed to, racist. You need to just sit down and take it, white boi.
As a black jamaican man, every girl in England has bowed before my BBC
How am I supposed to compete with that?
Into the oven she goes!
she's not wrong
Waste of time as all women are stupid whores, there is no such thing as a woman who can think for herself at all, they are all slaves to their vaginas.
If it were not a nigger it would be a spic or a muslim or a white criminal.
Implying a sensible white man would be interested in an ungrammatical roastie like that...
beat me to it
Blacks don't usually use this kind of sites, you know.
Only the genetic minority of negros can even feel love thus this is a worthless statistic as most niggers only care about fucking and chucking.
>black men have to pursue women outside of their race due to how disgusting the majority of their own are
Im surprised brazilians can afford internet.
Lol nigger that's why on dating sights black people get 27% the replies that white people get right?
You're in denial. You will always be a nigger. It's so funny watching you subhumans posture to white people. Your insecurities are fucking hilarious
>Muh dick
Every race in the world hates niggers. Keep trying, black boi, maybe you'll convince some obese roastie or drug addict to fuck you. I doubt it
Jesus Christ, did some tourist come by and fuck your wife or something?
what are you talking about Tumblr is full with niggers crying ''muh white privlage''
no, but i use it to prove the point to the mongrel half breeds, and the beta cucks.
Being from Brazil we know which one it is.
>a fucking she-male
Only to vanish, poor girl. Oh well.
Oh, wait.. was that actually bait? It was, wasnt it? My, why would anyone go online and do that, just save random pictures of people he doesnt know and post them to gain whatever?
Well would you look at that..
here's the real version
Why do I come to this stupid fucking board?
This is all you faggots talk about anymore
Late night shitposting , god I miss the old days with just straya cunts doing it.
No rationalization needed its actually what happens 95% of the time. Bitches running around with random kids are usually to be avoided. Random nigger kids are even worse. Such women are in fact destined to spend their days with the lowest of spics, niggers, and other assorted trash.
>Brazilian cuckold
can you please get killed by gangsters tomorrow?
Anyone got that white mother black father stat pic?
I look at it like this. After this thread gets 404'd you're still going to be in a shitskin third world country. I will not. I will be a white man in a white country fucking colored women until i get bored with them. Can you even find a white women in your shit skin country? Lmao
burger education, everyone
>Every race in the world hates niggers
That's not true at all, fag. Japanese people love jazz and black music in general.
haha, serves you right whitey. african queens know better than to waste time with white men
>A group of orcs came in and attacked some human children wow orcs sure are masterrace amirite?
>real version
He used the real on lard ass, his show the lowest attraction and yours the highest...
proof. That some nigger posting this garbage on twitter trying to get white guys mad
i don't know why a Brazilian would gloat over this phenomenon, desu. If the races mix, the whole world will be like Brazil - a filthy fucking shithole. A little mudfaggot Brazilian should sing a terrible warning to the world - "don't racemix or your kids might end up like me! Retarded, depraved, disgusting!"
Fortunatly niggers are seen as niggers in my country, mostly.
Tinder is nice here
Not true, there are plenty of women in my family that would never consider dating or even having a fling with a negroid. Hell, there are plenty of pornstar actresses that refuse to do interracial scenes or sleep with blacky in real life. What makes you think non-whores don't have at least some preference?
Well yes, that's why we're trying to uncuck ourselves
But you'll know for sure that you can't get a white gf otherwise you're gonna be KEKED.
nope, if they could, blacks would be their slave caste. AND they would castrate them all, they won't give half a fuck.
Blacks men may get the white trash women
But white men can pick and choose your "best" black women.
oh no some whore's opinion I'm so triggered right now
I remember that post being one of my first redpills.
What a disgusting journey. I wish I never came here
So what? They are still white females with wombs that could have been used to make new white humans, but instead you prefer to being a little bitch and allow the woman to make the mistake rather than idk beating her oh wait thats impossible because of this feminism nonsense.