Palestine should not be a state

Palestine should not be a state. Israel should invade it and relocate Palestine's population in Mexico. What do you think pol?

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make more threads bro

Yeah, praise G*d and Erdg*an and all that now fuck off.

Agreed, I've been there, arabs are vile creatures

> arab man selling juice in the Old City, Jerusalem
> Cockroaches absolutely crawling over the walls and his stall
> "You want orange juice" he says
> "what are they" I ask
> "oh just flying bug from sewer" he says
> overcharges me by 10 shekels

Ahmed!!!! Is that you??? how was your trip to germany!!!

just modify 'relocate' with 'nuke' and 'palestine' with 'all the fucking world'

Palestine is a lie by muslims and arabs - Hitler did the good thing with the Havaara Agreement

>Sup Forums is suddenly pro-kike

the fuck happened?

of course the little brown man with a moustache and a sombrero has to take the shit from the desert, we have enough with narcos, we don't need another bunch of retards beheading us

But you still bought the juice..?!

Not exactly, as long Israel exists, we have a legitimate reason to call them out of our countries

Israel > palestinian muslims

well earned, shlomo blinstein.



Brit fags and burger kike fap post. Get gassed talmud pedes

I really have no idea. Suddenly, it became cool to like Israel or something. Filthy Jewish swine.

Yes plz

Havarra has the right attitude - that's why they use globalism to turn us all into cucks these days
So they can helicopter all our treasure to fucking Israel
Fuck IT arm them all, Muslims and Jews, withdraw and sell the Jews guns til we get our stuff back. And all the sandpaki oil too.

Manufactured in Europe by jew rats

>muh (((Haavara Agreement)))
Why would you post something that has long been debunked?



Debinked?! Explain the colonies there then?

Brit fag?
Twelve year old virgin takes a random attempt at manhood

*Debunked - sorry

Binked isn't a thing then?
Glad you cleared up that old chestnut

>Sup Forums wanted the ruling classes of their countries to be infested with seditious leftist globalist kikes
the fuck was happening?

Debunked as in Hitler and the 3rd Reich had absolutely no intentions of helping the Jews establish a Jewish state in Palestine (today known as Israel). There were documents showing high ranking officials wanting to transfer some Jews there, but they would not be under a Jewish government, but under an Islamic rule. There is no evidence of Hitler ever wanting this, in fact the opposite, there were reports of him, for years, having major issues with this. Ribbentrop and Luther were the main instigators behind this transfer agreement, with Himmler having had to approve it - but they all came to the conclusion that in the end it would either be transferred to Eastern Europe or barren (emphasis on barren) lands in Africa. Establishing a Jewish state, in such a strategic location, was strongly against their interest and the interest of their allies in that region.


You can also look at what the ultra Zionists (Stern gang IIRC) said at the time, the ones that wanted to work with Hitler against the British in Palestine, so that in return they'd get their autonomy there. He never got back to them on it ever. It was never his interest.

Palestine never was a state

Sup Forums jas always been pro israel

Who is behind this post?

kill the sand niggers, let the israelis bulldoze them into the sea

The fact that Hamas/Palestine is still around is one of many reasons why "Greater Israel" is not really possible.

Nah, Schlomo.

Oooh man!

Go for it kike
Twisted subhuman garbage fighting their closest human genetic cousins?
Can you say self cleaning oven?

The West Bank is historically Israel.
Squeeze the Muslims into Gaza
Most of them moved to the area to spite the Jews in the first place,
Palestinian is no more a thing than binked.

go to your quarantine thread, Jeff

If you're anti-Palestine, you need to support their right to self-determination and fight for their right of the Gaza Strip and West Bank to be unified as a single, internationally recognized Palestinian state.

Then they'll run it into the ground and destroy it and turn it into another Islamic shithole and therefore chop themselves at the knees.

Problem solved.

What are you talking about go- faggot, Sup Forums always loved their greatest ally.

Hi Schluz

Fucking germancucks

>Palestine's population in Mexico

Calm down - The Palestinian's are not that bad!

Fuck off jew

because then we'd get a bunch of palestinians as well as spics. damn it germany

Go back to tumblr cuck.


Palestinians are an ethnic group, and I believe in the fundamental idea of self determination, simple as that, they have a right to their homeland and even more of a right to defend it from those who wish to take it from them

Hardest part about seeing all those dead Jews would be my dick

Is it just me that hates both sides equally in the whole Palestine vs Israel situation?

I say give the territory back to its rightful owner: Great Britain.


Greetings to the readers who desire to know why Europe is under duress of invasion by the foreign peoples that seek to sack, ravish, pillage and plunder the cities, towns and villages.

To discover the truth of why and how, look up the name of the late elitist political organizer and Europhobic philosopher Count Richard Coudenhove-Kalergi. He authored the obscure manifesto book Practical Idealism (original title is “Praktischer Idealismus“), which details his desired plan to destroy Europe by engineered and induced dissolution of the European White race. This serves as the pathway to fulfill the Oded Yinon (Greater Israel) Plan. This man is the founding father of a precursor to the European Union, the International Pan-European Movement.

also see:


and *especially:*

(check google etc for archived page if down)

Everyone in Israel and Palestine should be killed.
They should re-settle the area with Mormons

they're artificial ex-ottoman vassals that never had a state and suck shit at fighting for one
sure, just wait until it fills with enough kikes so you can genocide them all at once

Dead Jew bugaboo 2
This times for realz


Palestinian is not an racial group.
Muslims from every state in the region flooded into the area to try to keep 3rd holiest place Muslim from 1922 to 1935.
It's a Muslim hoarde just like the hoards in Europe and they need to loose.

>Israel should invade it and relocate Palestine's population in Mexico
Relocate to Syria

>libfags are trying to slide the sticky off the catalog

The word you want is "horde."

Jews are not a racial group
You silly subhuman filth you rats scurried there too

Not even Palestine likes Palestine, so i don't expect complaints there.
But what keeps them together is a hatred of Israel, and that's where i do expect problems.

Oh yeah.
Apple usually cleans my shit up, I'll try pressing the screen harder next time, if it doesn't work I'll shout at the dog. Beyond that can't make promasses.

Who doesn't hate israelis ?

?(backing towards the door/avoiding sudden movements)
Erm... okay.
I wasn't thinking they were, your psychic powers are failing

he never implied they were you dumb fucking leaf
your precious mudskins have no claim to the land either, it's a matter of who has the power to take it

So the Germans were justified expelling kike filth?
Eagerly awaiting kike mental gymnastics to justify this cognitive dissonance

who else thinks the middle east should be a nuclear wasteland and total ancaps state like in mad max?


Nutter is Paki island speak. Speak American nobody understands your trousers on head gibberish

I'm beginning to suspect you don't like the Jews

It already is Libya, Iraq, Syria, Yemen, Israel,
They're all shit hole failed or soon to be failed states

Who does?

Fuck Israel.

No fuck off we have enough mexicans coming in from mexico imagine having those fucks running over to? fuck off germany why dont you take them if you love taking in people so much

They didn't like me first

>Authority on etymology of word 'nutter'
>Claims not to understand word 'nutter'

Proves case against himself

Who does?

Palestinians should just become Israeli citizens desu d e s u

fuck "israel"

Agree about Israel invading, but not relocating - Why would we want them in Mexico?!? Then they're our problem - I'd take a thousand hard working Christian Mexicans before a terrorist roach who'll mooch off welfare.

Go fuck yourself you (((cunt)))

Only relocate the babies to Mexico, and have Mexicans raise them. They look pretty much the same, so they'd never even know they're sand people and they'd be just like a normal Mexican


I am 100% Palestinian. The Christian Palestinians get along fine. The Muslim ones are indeed giving us a bad name.

false flag jidf, let it slide

Israel should not be a state :P

Agreed, but people on this board can't tell the difference between Israeli Jews and American Jews.

do it

I used to always think that Jews are just as bad as Muslims and that the land should belong to the Vatican or something instead. After visiting both Israel and Palestine, can I say that I prefer Israel over Palestine any day of the week, Palestinians are absolutely disgusting, but it would still be best if neither Israel or Palestine existed.

No that's just prolonging the problem.

>pol now believes literal debunked fake news

fuck jews fuck jews fuck jews fuck jews fuck jews fuck jews fuck jews fuck jews fuck jews fuck jews fuck jews fuck jews fuck jews fuck jews fuck jews fuck jews fuck jews fuck jews fuck jews fuck jews fuck jews fuck jews fuck jews fuck jews fuck jews fuck jews fuck jews fuck jews fuck jews fuck jews fuck jews fuck jews fuck jews fuck jews fuck jews fuck jews fuck jews fuck jews fuck jews fuck jews fuck jews fuck jews fuck jews fuck jews fuck jews fuck jews fuck jews fuck jews fuck jews fuck jews fuck jews fuck jews fuck jews fuck jews fuck jews fuck jews fuck jews fuck jews fuck jews fuck jews fuck jews fuck jews fuck jews fuck jews fuck jews fuck jews fuck jews fuck jews fuck jews fuck jews fuck jews fuck jews fuck jews fuck jews fuck jews fuck jews fuck jews fuck jews fuck jews fuck jews fuck jews fuck jews fuck jews fuck jews fuck jews fuck jews fuck jews fuck jews fuck jews fuck jews fuck jews fuck jews fuck jews fuck jews fuck jews fuck jews fuck jews fuck jews fuck jews fuck jews fuck jews fuck jews fuck jews fuck jews fuck jews fuck jews fuck jews fuck jews fuck jews fuck jews fuck jews fuck jews fuck jews fuck jews fuck jews fuck jews fuck jews fuck jews fuck jews fuck jews fuck jews fuck jews fuck jews fuck jews fuck jews fuck jews fuck jews fuck jews fuck jews fuck jews fuck jews fuck jews fuck jews fuck jews fuck jews fuck jews fuck jews fuck jews fuck jews fuck jews fuck jews fuck jews fuck jews fuck jews fuck jews fuck jews fuck jews fuck jews fuck jews fuck jews fuck jews fuck jews fuck jews fuck jews fuck jews fuck jews fuck jews fuck jews fuck jews fuck jews fuck jews fuck jews fuck jews fuck jews fuck jews fuck jews fuck jews fuck jews fuck jews fuck jews fuck jews fuck jews fuck jews fuck jews fuck jews fuck jews fuck jews fuck jews fuck jews fuck jews fuck jews fuck jews fuck jews fuck jews

I think Mexico deserves better. Could just relocate them to the middle of the Atlantic, I think that would work out best for everyone.




One timne i worked ata a hotel. had to clean jews room. white dad. knock doors lokced, kids, hotel, want me to clean room? no our parents bvlah blah some shit. im from housekeeping? no my mom, ok bye

so they lell me go up there since they left room eventually.

nasty fucking like some shit covered in shit but one of the shits in some slime. UGGH FUCK PUKE BARF

this guy later, i see them leave, he looks so like he looks down but he like is kind of like, hi uh, .. i was like, oh my god

>but it would still be best if neither Israel or Palestine existed.

Fuck you (((Hans)))

palestine should just die

How pol thinks: Hitler > Jews > muslims. I like it

before that the world citizenry should invade the Holy Land and take the Khazars back to Khazaria (Khazakhstan)

Fuck Pa-lies-tine