Trump is still going to prison, this changes nothing.
If anything, Comey or his staff will just whistleblow now and rape him earlier than predicted.
Trump is still going to prison, this changes nothing.
If anything, Comey or his staff will just whistleblow now and rape him earlier than predicted.
Other urls found in this thread:
>protest in foreign nations matter.
You gotta love the shills
d-d-d-d-d-daaaamage controllll!
This happens with literally every new president.
There are people posting on this board right now that don't remember Slick Willy as president.
>that picture
Only makes it feel better
Fuck people in the third world
They don't know what the fuck is going, dumb shitskins think they're entitled to citizenship of a country they'd love nothing more than to destroy for gibsmedats
Then fucking do it, dump the info/evidence and let's be done with it if it's such a sure thing.
I think we can both agree on that.
So why don't all these cunts stop circlejerking and throwing out vague accusations and fucking do it? Tell that bug eyed democrat senator that was working w/ nunes to get w/ chucky schumer and dump what they have. Quit pussyfooting around or shut the fuck up
>Oy Vey!!! Trump is literally Hitler!!!
He still beat Hillary. Really makes you think.
The natural assumption is that the case is so big, and involves so many people, in so many locations in the world, that they want to make sure they have everything before they move forward. They could likely find something worthy of a greater charge, or that further confirms another charge, and it's better to have it all than go in half-cocked.
Oh bull fucking shit. The allegedly had this investigation well prior to the election, they need to drop something fucking solid if they expect to be taken seriously instead of damage controlling cunts upset that their "sure thing" didn't win. Fuck both the parties.
Whether you take it seriously is pretty irrelevant.
You probably don't even believe that Russia influenced the election, even though that's been common knowledge discussed in the intelligence committees now for weeks.
Comey is a scatterbrain and a flip flopping queer. How Hillary is not in a federal prison doing 20 years is a minor miracle. Hopefully, his firing will remedy this great injustice. Faggot thought he could just keep going to congress and changing his story every time he got caught spewing bullshit. Now, Trump can go after CNN, CNBC, PBS, McCain, et. al., put EVERYONE on trial for treason and hang them live, on pay per view. Then we can mine the borders with claymores and auto turrets to get the party started for 4th of July.
But Hillary did NOTHING WRONG.
You can't send someone to prison because you don't like them. I know that hurts your feelings but you have to accept that this is America and we don't do things because you're triggered by successful women.
If George Bush wasn't investigated for losing MILLIONS of emails from MULTIPLE private servers, then Hillary is a fucking saint.
>like 15 people protesting
Are you for real?
God damn you can't actually be this fucking stupid. You have got to be a shill if you're still peddling this garbage.
>You can't send someone to prison because you don't like them.
You MUST be posting from a proxy. Imprisoning people on trumped up charges is the cornerstone of the American justice system. Every case that's investigated by the FBI, results in a 95% conviction rate. That's better than Stalinist Russia.
>You probably don't even believe that Russia influenced the election, even though that's been common knowledge discussed in the intelligence committees now for weeks.
like the "WMDS" IN IRAQ? LOL
>For the first time ever
>Retards from every continent were suckered by the media and mass hysteria, and wasted their time protesting a man who they weren't even governed by.
Really, I may not agree with protesters here, but they live here, they can protest the amount cream filling inside a Twinkie if they want to. But once you start "protesting" against shit that you have 0 control over, you're just a fucking sheep. An easily controlled, malleable sheep. I can't wait for the elite to call them to slaughter.
>Trump is still going to prison,
name another presidential anything that went to jail, never happened, they only die or retire they are never jailed
Trump will be the exception because these are exceptional circumstances.
>remember Slick Willy as president.
you're old, he liked getting his cock sucked and he smoked weed but never inhaled any
he was a massive faggot
America is already destroyed and you are already a shitskin nation.
You don't even sound like a natural person. You sound like a script.
>1 post by this id
>Whistleblow and rape
>Implying there are people "sitting" on juicy details
Congrats, go get your retard gibs at the nearest gib me center
never happen, because then the next Dem can be cuffed with ease, tricky business but I don't really see them getting rid of Trump that way, they already are in his face nonstop which is all a completed impeachment will provide, the feeling that he is someone hounded into inaction, Trump is used to that shit, you heard him, he though reforming the nation would be a cakewalk, he's kind of nonsensical
they want a member of the public to act against him but I don't think anyone really hates Trump enough to attack him
if he is so disliked how come people don't like protest him more or something?
Bruh I'm not even 30
Hillary did everything that is wrong.
She colluded with Obama.
Comey was instructed to keep the email on the low low.
Congress did their job, realized Comey was concealing info.
Congress subpoena FBI.
11 days before election, Comey had no choice to reopen the email.
Trump is after Obama and Hillary.
Imagine if Trump managed to succeed.
Everything Obama did will be ruined.
The deep state won't let it happen, Comey will be killed if he switch sides- and he knows it.
Comey refuse to switch and get fired.
If he were to resign, it might meant he switch sides. It is very simple game theory senpai.
That was my second post in this thread.
You're such a fucking bot.
sure so how do you remember slick willy as prez again? wasn't that like 100 years ago? have you seen that woman she's like 150 right?
Hillary did nothing wrong. Your memes don't change that.
I mean you faggots believed pizzagate, which even Alex Jones doesn't. Your memes aren't worth shit.
>1 post by this id
>Hillary did nothing wrong
lying under oath and on an affidavit of truth isn't wrong now?
>which even Alex Jones doesn't.
Alex Jones is controlled opposition, he even shilled the (((international law))) jew.
>hillary did nothing wrong
Except she didn't lie under oath. There was literally no evidence of willful wrongdoing on anyone's part.
You need to accept this and move on, Donald.
>she didn't lie under oath
I'm not clicking your fake news, Donald.
Thats happened hundreds of times.
>neolibs being fucking retarded as usual
Let's see, destroying evidence, colluding and intervening with on going FBI investigation.
Learn to law. It is pretty simple, they have the intent to hide, they act on it by destroying evidences. They get found out, they intervene by colluding with Comey to keep the email on the low low.
Congress found out, Congress had to subpoena the FBI for information.
Tampering with evidence is a criminal offense.
(law in US, may face up to 20 years)
Obstruction of justice is a criminal offense.
(law in US, may face up to 20 years)
That's right, if only America uphold their laws, maybe the democrats won't be so corrupted and the people won't be so fucked up.
Except she didn't do ANY of those things.
That's why she's INNOCENT. NO CHARGES.
>clips of her lying to congress is fake news
Gr8 b8 m8
Is this the same kind of "evidence" where you got "proof" of Planned Parenthood paying for dead babies?
>doesnt believe quotes from Clinton herself
Wew, shouldnt you be crying about Trump golfing on reddit?
She also lied under oath and there is video evidence.
perjury is up to 5 years. (This is already confirmed.)
You see, I am hoping for the maximum. For a world without Law and order, is a world without Justice.
Tampering with evidence is a criminal offense.
(law in US, may face up to 20 years)
Obstruction of justice is a criminal offense.
(law in US, may face up to 20 years)
Is this the same "quotes" from Hillary "herself" as when James O'Keefe edited video to make it look like he went into ACORN dressed like a pimp with a hooker on his arm to get a business loan for a whore house?
Perhaps you're starting to see the pattern of fake news from the right.
Jesus Christ, this fucking bait
LOL just saying "Trump's going to prison" doesn't mean he's actually doing it.
In fact, just the latest silly hearing on "Russia conclusion" came up with what? NO EVIDENCE
There's literally more evidence to put Hillary in prison for collusion with her daddy Putin.
There is more evidence that Trump committed treason than Hillary committed any crime.