What's going through her mind right now?

What's going through her mind right now?

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The pleb thought Ronny hated me lel

hopefully a bullet

quads confirm

>I could use a drink

Only half way there, m8.

>"Which countries can I run to that will give me a luxurious lifestyle without risk of extradition back to america?"

Who gives a fuck? She's bat shit crazy.


You beat me to it.

Kek rolling.

>after that, I sure could go for from sleep... I sure am sleepy.


Trump just gave the Democrats prime ammunition. By firing Comey while the Trump team/Russia investigation is still ongoing, he's tainted the post of FBI Director, and the credibility of anyone assigned by him to that role in the future.

Trump firing Comey was a boneheaded move and it will cost him dearly.

plotting her next escape attempt from the old folks home

Getting out of the country.

Trump isn't under investigation

Don't fall for the fake news.


>too bad cheeto Jesus went ahead a pulled a Nixon XD XD XD

Also beat me to it; good work soldier

>Which retirement home shall I move to?

>Puerto Rico talking about something costing dearly

The Trump transition team IS under investigation.

Despite what that letter said, Trump may also be under investigation. FBI Director is not allowed to disclose to POTUS whether they're being investigated, for obvious reasons.

Shouldn't you be out there fighting commies?










I honestly think that it was more about benefiting the DNC in other ways. Comey revealing the facts about Huma forwarding (and consequently reading and dealing with,) classified emails from Hillary's email server, at the last Comey hearing, was a devastating hit to the DNCs credibility. They were incredibly pissed at him for that, to add to the numerous other things they were mad at him for.

Kind of makes me wonder why Trump really fired Comey.

Some jigilos 12 foot cock.


Brazilian and puerto rican thicc goddesses are the only thing i fap to.

If she's smart, a whole fucking lot of morphine.

Oh fugg xD

It's literally just a power play. Most people know the Russian stuff is bullshit, and if they move into high gear or impeachment mode, we can play the McCarthy card and point out what big communist faggots they are and that members of their party collude with every authoritarian dictatorship in the world.

So he has nothing to lose by firing Jim Cucky. Now get out of here Texas

>is it my turn yet?

>yfw whom'stever gets quads gets shot irl by killary

Endorphins from young blood.

She's shitting her pants.

>What's going through her mind right now?

How will I make the rent if Obama gets all their money?


Your shitposting aside, anything that went through her head would be bittersweet at best. Whether Trump is impeached or not, she will NEVER EVER be president and like just about any politician any joy she gets from impeaching Trump would be eclipsed by the lack of her own gain.

Trump is her white whale, the most singular focus of the fact that she will NEVER EVER be president. Anything she gets out of impeaching him would be consolatory at best.

Nothing. She's done.

Isn't that the artist of the mural under the eiffel tower?

>a power play
At the worst possible time. If the Trump team/Russia investigation were not happening, no one would bat an eye at this. But it is, and it looks bad. Whether or not there's anything actually there is another matter, firing Comey at this point in time gives the impression that there's some shady shit happening, and that perception is more powerful than most any fact.

"We are all go down! That Fascist Fuck wants us swinging from nooses! Where is that nigger Obama and SOMEONE GET THAT BITCH OFF BILLS DICK!”

like these?


tbqh killing herself might be her best move if she actually thinks she's in trouble and cares about her legacy...
She hasn't had this much public sympathy probably ever.

She's got nothing on Trump

>What's going through her mind right now?


like these? quads?

I think I smell something, when was the last time my diaper was changed?

like these quads nigga?

>>At the worst possible time.
Wrong, faggot. The Yates/Clapper double-teaming was humiliating. If he didn't fire Comey, it'd be sending the message that they can walk all over him. In a sense they didn't give him a choice. This firing was months overdue, ethically speaking, but they gave him the perfect opportunity to show that their media circus is over.

fuck this shit

>it'd be sending the message that they can walk all over him
POTUS is not an infallible deity.

take these quads bitch

I hope he denies your statehood

I mean walk all over him without consequences. The swamp is not an infallible deity either.

>POTUS is not an infallible deity.
but the God Emperor Is!

>don't you have a failed economy to suffer through? no time for /pol!

"Do I wait for the Feds to knock on my door, or do I just run away now?"

>, he's tainted the post of FBI Director

didn't Comey do that himself when he failed to prosecute while admitting he had evidence to support prosecution?

>what's going through her mind?


>her mind

Nothing. Always nothing

Let him do it. I can be in the mainland in 3 hours.

>I mean walk all over him without consequences.
Doesn't matter. If they were called to testify, they go testify. Trump liking it is another matter. White House isn't a private company where you're CEO and everyone has to suck your dick.

If anything, he tainted his own credibility. What's happened today taints the credibility of the post itself.


I hear Qatar is nice this time of year.


several % by volume of ethanol and thoughts of suicide while she stares at the gun cabinet I hope

faking her own death in a plane crash and blaming it on white male right-wingers somehow