>The Senate Intelligence Committee ranking member Mark Warner just confirmed during a national television interview that James Comey will still testify before the committee this week during public hearings, as had been planned. But the testimony will now take on a whole new meaning, as Comey is no longer in charge of the investigation into Trump, but instead a victim of Trump’s attempted coverup.
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Drumpfkins on suicide watch
Hey dumbfuck... if Trump was the least bit worried about Comey's testimony, why would he fire him 48 hours beforehand?
Clapper killed the Russian narrative.
tic toc...
Clapper did no such thing, you retards just misunderstood because Trump is using the words against you.
Clapper said he's seen no information that indicated Trump colluded. But he ALSO said he hadn't been privy to the FBI investigation.
And Clapper hasn't been in office for FIVE MONTHS.
If he makes it...
Sweet! We only have to wait a couple of days for you stupid shills to be proven wrong. Again. And again.
Do you morons ever get tired of being wrong all the time? j/w
Also, saged.
>fire the guy investigating you
>blame it on something from a year ago
>everyone will definitely believe me!
Prison. It's happening.
I truly hope with all my heart that you are stupid enough to believe that lol.
Your inevitable disappointment will undoubtedly lead to more angry posts for all of us to laugh at.
Thanks, friend!
Also, still saged.
I won't be disappointed, because anyone with even a small chunk of brain sees it happening.
nah, fbi is going to start leaking like a faucet about all the shady shit Trump's been up to
Enjoy "winning" while you can bud
>Thinking this wouldn't have occured already if true
>Thinking Obama didn't do infinitely more shady shit
>Thinking Clinton hasn't set the bar for shady shit to an all time high
>Probably thinks Bush and Trump are the only non-boy-scouts in POTUS history
>Trump most likely clean anyway
Don't you canuckistanis have better shit to do with your time, like voting the last rights you have away?
watergate took 2 years to unfold tardboy
enjoy the sinking realization
>enjoy the sinking realization
so they're going to address all that wikileaks shit right?
war with russia is a given because petrodollar and BRICS but what about the wikileaks shit
Oh, you want to talk about Wikileaks huh?
>Thinking investigations work the same way
>Thinking that Trump was under investigation when even Comey said he was not, contradicting himself
>Thinking the CIA investigation is an FBI investigation
>Thinking that Comey isn't retarded and incompetent in general
>Not realizing the left called for Comey's firing literally up until yesterday
>2 years with no internet
Get raked.
Trump said that Comey said he was not under investigation.
Do you honestly believe the head of the FBI would inform a target of their investigation in order to give them time to destroy evidence?
Are you retarded?
>Oh, you want to talk about Wikileaks huh?
yes, honestly I'd like to see somebody shake Assange's hand, or cuff him, either one is fine
They'll never leak it to Wikileaks, it'll go to a trusted American journalist or straight to pastebin or some shit.
>This is what Canucks actually believe
Obama had the FBI start an investigation into Trump for the sole purpose of campaign/election interference in early 2016. Comey stated openly that he was under investigation, and later claimed that he was not, contradicting himself. It wasn't as if the first claim was a secret; it was on national TV. And yes, in the US, you have the right to know you're being investigated.
>Inform a target with enough time to destroy evidence
>believing the FBI is on Comey's side and that a mutiny during the election almost happened
>believing the FBI wasn't pissed at Comey because they were receiving orders from the top down to back off the Clinton foundation case
>believing anything Clapper says
>we have yet to see any evidence of Trump and Russia after 9 months
>believing Clapper wouldn't know if there was something there and that a majority of his answers were actual non-answers because we all know there isn't shit about anything
Lol. Yes OP NOW the Russia story will really break open.
Comey: Do you recommend charges against Donald Trump
Andrew: I recommend no charges.
Comey previously worked for USB which was in trouble with the law for laundering money
He made millions
The prosecutor against USB?....Loretta Lynch
Amazingly no one was ever prosecuted...they received a fine and kept on making money
The swamp is beyond full
>Trump's attempted coverup of the investigations that don't exist outside Democrat-led committees
Muh 15 intelligence agencies
>Jones talking about pussies
>literally got haymakered by a troll at his TV show when he was in his prime
>literally never layed a hit on the guy
>his daddy had to pay for the guy's shirt who he bled all over
Wew lad.
meme is bullshit... jail her if she wont take fall for her retardation..... or there is alwayssssssss......
Will you faggots actually believe the planted made up bullshit the Globalists will throw at Trump? If his happens you better start the civilwar or you're just as cucked as any other country
Found the retarded memlord.
Found the jew
LulZ nigger newfag
I'm sorry, which one of us support the jew-in-chief Trump?
Oh right, you.
dont be a nigger
> a trusted American journalist
Don't be a jew
If he Comey flip side, he will be killed.
Come on guys, this is common sense.
>people unironically feel betrayed that he didn't say "GAS THE KIKES RACE WAR NOW"
Spencerfags like you are so pathetic it defies description
If he gets to talk, why silence him after?
He'll shoot himself twice in the back before he gets there.
What an airtight argument. I will never get bored of you idiots continually hanging yourselves. Tell me. How many Supreme Court justices are we going to see this administration put in place over the next almost 8 years. You brainlets keep screaming about the POTUS while the real spoils of this election will ensure a constitutional originalist majority for decades. I recommend pic related for you.
you fags arnt even good at ur job
You seem to have inhaled some noxious gas already.
It's called alt-right news.
Holy shit. As someone who supported and voted for Trump in November, kept faith through February, was in denial in March, this is the final fucking straw.
It became clear day 1 Trump and crew have no fucking idea how politics work, are willing to sacrifice the people for profit, and are puting party and person before country. If that was not enough, this is the writing on the wall all but confirming that Trump is
a) destroying American values of transparency, check&balances, and due process of law for his own leadership
b) was complicit in some illegal transaction and interaction during the election
I have voted Right most my life and see myself who was duped. The entire right has been duped. This isnt conservatism, this isnt freedom, this isnt what we were promised. This is how dictatorships are born. For the first time in a long time, Im afraid.
Sure Nixon did this and got the boot. But this isnt the 70's we are talking about the most united and extremist government we have had in over a century, with full control over many functions of the government, with (likely) outside interference. This is only going to get worse if we, the people, dont stand up for ourselves.
But seriously, the nuclear codes
Where is Kushy goyim
Digits and Ruth Bader Ginsburg dies this year
Trump is meeting with the Russian tomorrow who helped hack the election.
But hey that scandal isn't real, right?
>implying it isn't leftist trolling
>hack the election.
How can you expect anybody to take you seriously when you say things like this?
>Head of State meeting with foreign officials is evidence of collusion
Why don't you head back to your Shariablue discord server, and debate whether Trotsky or Lennon was the true torchholder for Marxist ideals.
Do you honestly think Trump is smart enough to consider all the angles before making a quick half baked decision. Him and Bannon probably cooked this one up in 15 minutes. Putting a band-aid over a deep laceration ain't going to stop the bleeding.
Sup Forums is full of conspiracy theorist but can't seem to put two and two together when it comes to the most basic shit.
It's not that they can't, it's that they won't.
They only invent conspiracies, they never actually uncover any.
>can't seem to put two and two together when it comes to the most basic shit.
Your explanation for Trump firing Comey, is simply that Trump is stupid and didn't think it through.
How well thought out is your analysis?
CNN had the Flynn subpoenas news hours before the Comey firing but hadn't released the news yet.
Trump probably found out and thought this would be big enough news to bury the Flynn news.
My explanation is that the purpose of firing Comey was to issue a letter falsifying a statement that Comey told him that he wasn't under investigation.
Firing Comey was just a vehicle to issue that statement and make it seem legitimate. Trump didn't give two fucks about Comey's performance until an opportunity was presented to him by the DOJ to make himself look good - not under investigation.
Flynn subpoenas from today?
I find no mention of this online.
As I was not aware, I can't speak to it directly.
Do you really think it is likely that Trump would not be aware Flynn was being subpoenaed to testify against him?
Or that he was not aware that Comey would be testifying in a few days?
Even if the move to announce the firing was used only to control the media narrative, that doesn't mean the decision to fire Comey was made thoughtfully.
I just don't understand how saying trump is stupid, is a better analysis of the situation, than assuming Comey has nothing against Trump.
Trump is a master of making grandiose gestures to bury news he doesn't like. This might just be another example. They sat on their excuse to fire Comey until another story hit that they needed to bury. It seemed very rushed, if you notice.
was not made thoughtfully*
What leads you to believe that part of the letter is false?
Also, if the DOJ advises that Comey be fired, why should Trump keep him?
I assume there is some kind of evidence, circumstantial or otherwise, that supports that decision.
Who knows if we'll ever see any evidence, but we should get an entertaining senate committee meeting.
>An Obama pick for Attorney General of Maryland...
>who was confirmed as Trump's deputy attorney general a few weeks ago...
>by a margin of 94-6 in the Senate...
>deciding that his new subordinate, James Comey, isn't suitable to head the FBI...
>and writes a letter explaining his thought process in no uncertain terms...
>urging the President to fire him...
>backed up by Attorney General Sessions...
>Is a coverup.
If anything, Democrats are on suicide watch.
People aren't stupid. Comey was barely even tangentially involved in the Russia investigation and the reason for his termination is pretty airtight. Even democrats agree he completely bungled the email investigation.
>The subpoenas issued in recent weeks by the US Attorney's Office in Alexandria, Virginia, were received by associates who worked with Flynn on contracts after he was forced out as director of the Defense Intelligence Agency in 2014, according to the people familiar with the investigation.
It seems like this has been ramping up for a couple weeks
The only "new watergate" is the news coming out of how Obama had his political enemies electronically surveilled for the past 8 years.
So when does Trump get kicked out of office?
Have a sage, CIA.
Have a bump, fucking leaf.
If Obama had fired Comey while he was investigating Hillary you would have shit your pants.
For anybody other than hard core Trump supporters, firing Comey looks like a Nixon move.
You trust a dem cuck talking to CNN, half of what any news outlet says is fake , half of what the government says is fake , there's almost no way to know the whole truth ever
>but muh public school education
>public school is propaganda , essentially
damn. The Trump shills are in full force right now. Feels like panic.
>Do you honestly think Trump is smart enough to consider all the angles before making a quick half baked decision.
Um yes, he's been running circles around you leftist dipshits and your media puppets for the last two years. Don't you fags ever get sick of getting played over and over?
Maybe. But Susan Rice refuses too. Ironic isn't it?
>So when does Trump get kicked out of office?
January 2025
ahh yes it's the trump "shills" that are panicking at the latest "RUSHKA AND BLUMPF BTFO" thread.
Wow, the drumpf shills are working overtime. I hope they're getting paid extra, but they're against fair labor laws so they'll probably deny it anyways.
Yeah no shit, that's why all you libtards fucking shitting your pants and screaming are extra-hilarious.
Trump would never do anything that stupid, and this was another calculated move in the 4D chess game. You'll get played, again, and we'll laugh, again.
>literally made himself look guilty
>it's the liberals who fucked up
Wew lad, that's some gymnastics
tho doth protest too much
JOHN DICKERSON: George W. Bush said the reason the Oval Office is round is there are no corners you can hide in.
PRESIDENT DONALD TRUMP: Well, there's truth to that. There is truth to that. There are certainly no corners. And you look, there's a certain openness. But there's nobody out there. You know, there is an openness, but I've never seen anybody out there actually, as you could imagine.
>truly running circles
You make it sound like Comey was involved in money laundering, for reference to everyone else Comey was appointed to help the company transition AFTER it was punished for money laundering. He was not involved in the case.
I'm having fun, how about you?
You're the same parallel evolution of brain damaged albino basement ape that literally turns a blind eye to Hillary's actual, obvious, and overbearing corruption in which she should've been prosecuted for but will jump so hard to this unsupported and absurd conclusion that you almost hurt yourself when you land.
At least when we talk about the political figure we hate going to prison, there's a real possibility of it lol. You fucking morons are like yapping dogs-you literally make zero sense.
Watching the panic unfold, a good demonstration of what's to come.
Hillary was found innocent. Get over it.
please, go back to r/politics
or go upstairs and put your lips firmly around david brock's tiny little dick
either way, fuck off, kike.
Yes clapper did kill the "collusion" narrative and now That commie is gone we finally end this nonsense that was debunked long ago.
>a good demonstration of what's to come.
Another 7 and a half years of your morons getting suckered and us laughing our asses off.
No one can be this stupid..
You've been saying that for months. The what you got is Flynn might not reported some money.
>prison. It's happening
What, you gave up on the dossier threads you sad, pathetic cunt?
There is no crime here. You don't even know what's going on.
Nice attempt at damage control faggot. Kek has risen again. Your liberal power plays are sand in the wind. You are collapsing.
> t. God of Divine Justice
Also, how many times has this guy claimed that everyone else is a russian shill/kike? That and calling everyone traitors and telling them to get out of his country is a common post scheme.