possibilities are endless! we can create our own ideology. why should we adopt an ideology that is notorious for many atrocities including starting a world war, instead of creating a whole new ideology that responds to the needs of out time and situation?
Why nazism?
We're fascists, no nazis here.
there are a lot of national socialists on Sup Forums.
can't find the poll, but most are libertarian or fascist, less than 10% are nazis, we just like the nazi pics.
there is at least a dude in almost any post that unironically defends the third reich and its justification for world war II. i would say they are definitely more than 10%.
also how would one conduct a poll on Sup Forums? how would you get people to be honest about their political opinions?
>how would you get people to be honest about their political opinions
what do you mean? If you wish to speak of a certain problem make a thread, if you want a plain poll on what everyones ideology is, make a poll.
And the reich had a quite solid casus beli for war, no denying that.
yes, but Sup Forums is a site notorious for its irony, and people would most likely not be genuine when voting on the poll.
also, what was the solid reason of germany for ww2?
Sup Forums stopped being ironic quite long ago, but that's why most polls have another ironic option to choose.
Reconquest, liberating their dispora and the poles treating them almost as bad as jews, hitler did warn them to stop several times.
Because muh edge and muh rebelliousness.
And actually thinking for yourself is hard and if nothing else nazism was even better at propaganda than the americans, he might've been a murderous retard but Hitler was also possibly the greatest natural seecher this world has known.
The stuff he and his minister of propaganda made is potent even after all these years and more than capable of subverting weak minds.
>most polls have another ironic option to choose.
eh, i guess we are going to have to agree to disagree on that one.
>Reconquest, liberating their dispora
but poland had a guarantee of independence from the allied side. that was in the treat of versailles so no doubt hitler knew that. he declared war on poland knowing that it would drag the allies in. not to mention he had virtually zero allies. i don't know what was going through his head, but he indirectly killed millions of germans over some german dispora.
makes sense actually, especially considering the hive mind-like behavior of Sup Forums.
And what was he to do, stand by wheilst the dispora was treated like dirt? He tried the diplomatic way, but it didn't work. Also, he actualy pleaded the brits to not get involved.
>we can create our own ideology
Hahaha. This larping shit is getting funny
>nd what was he to do, stand by wheilst the dispora was treated like dirt?
still, starting a world war over it? if every nation did that, the world would be in crumbles.
>Also, he actualy pleaded the brits to not get involved.
yes, but brits had no choice. you have to follow the treaties you signed if you want to be regarded as a country. pleading the brits to not enter the war is like pleading a judge, it won't work. the guarantee of poland was clearly stated in the treaty.
>if every nation did that, the world would be in crumbles
Wars were started because some king wanted some pussy, but we're still here.
Brits could have picked the easyer path, he could have counquered them at start, but he was too soft on them.
>Wars were started because some king wanted some pussy
yeah, war was the norm in medieval times. almost every kingdom was at war at any time. it was glorified and was even regarded as trivial by the many living at the time.
however, modern warfare is different. as humanity evolved from using swords and shields to tactical bombers and panzers, the need for self control was apparent. war was just too damaging that most nations could handle, and the power levels between nations that would be considered roughly equal in the medieval times have increased. war stopped being the norm, and instead it became a last resort.
>Brits could have picked the easyer path, he could have counquered them at start, but he was too soft on them.
well yeah, but you can't just declare war. you need a proper justification for it. and also, world war I dominated the politics of britain at the time. it was supposed to be the war to end all wars in their eyes. and they also had many other problems to worry about, their overseas colonies trying to cut their ties from the empire for example. i think their reluctance towards a war with germany is understandable.
fuck yeah!
>became a last resort
After Haag and other institutions that try to uphold the international law, not to mention embargos do far more harm now than they did then.
>proper justification
They had a perfect casus beli, reconquest is still a perfect reason for war in the courts to this day.
off to /mlp/
>Why don't we just make up our own truth
political ideologies are not truths, there might be, and usually are, more ways to deal with a single problem. and that is usually how a political ideology is born. there can be many different ideologies based on the very same truth.
You mean national socialism
Well it's one of the best social philosophies for Ethno Nationalists
>political ideologies are not truths
NatSoc is.
but you don't see nearly as much war as you would see in medieval times. war is seen much differently now than it was in the medieval times.
reconquest might be a good reason, but that specific reconquest was against the treaty germany had signed. you simply do not break a treaty and hope to get away with it, especially if that treaty says what would happen in the case the treaty was disregarded, and in germany's case, it was allied intervention. it was stated in the treaty, and hitler knew it would start a world war, yet he carried on with the plan.
its ironic. nazism probably hurt the german people the most.
yeah, but it is notorious and unlikely to get international recognition, yet alone international support.
things could be much easier with a similar ideology that has a cleaner history.
Can anyone link me to a legit WWII Nazi collectibles Website? Canada or u.s.
no, it is an ideology. it tells you what things should be, not what things are as opposed to facts. it has roots in many realistic ideas and facts, but by itself, it is not the truth. it is just a mere idea derived from it.
>you simply do not break a treaty
Hitler didn't care about that, he even broke the NAP with the ruskies.
>nazism probably hurt the german people the most
Hurt us all, gave us a bad name. Would be a much brighter world if he would have died in the punch.
But national socialism exists wether one chooses to identify as one or not
The ancient Spartans for example
One does not have to bear the swastika or seig heil to be a national socialist
>Hitler didn't care about that, he even broke the NAP with the ruskies.
yes, and that is not how stable politics work. that is why it lead to a horrible war. try to get away with that shit in modern times. pro-tip: you cant.
>Hurt us all, gave us a bad name. Would be a much brighter world if he would have died in the punch.
yeah, and that is my argument here. it might be easier to start anew with a brand new ideology instead of trying to wash national socialism from its bloody history.
if it is not broke don't fix it
Can one pull the NAP card if they are communists?
i do accept that they exist, nothing challenged there.
what i am saying is: mainly because of the events of ww2, natsoc is unlikely to be revived and see sunlight again. it might be better to adopt a brand new ideology as it probably would stand a much higher chance at international recognition and spreading.
Because they are leaving us no choice.
Adopting the symbolism of the Third Reich is idiotic. The inner concept of striving at all times to defend and preserve your people is key and many forget that.
>why nazism
Because it de-legitimizes the movement, silly. This is a containment board.
Would this ideology involve Ethno nationalism with a state incorporated government to secure the existence of the people of said nation?
>brand new ideology
such as? I might say that I favour roman fascism, but as said in the link, as long as we don't outright call ourselves fascist, but let's say nationalist, there is no reason it couldn't work.
There gonna call us fascist any ways
there probably would be some changes to disguise its similarity to natsoc so that it can garner sympathy, but i reckon it would overall be striving towards similar goals to ethno nationalism.
i dunno dude, i haven't created the ideology, yet.
>why nazism
>Because it de-legitimizes the movement, silly. This is a containment board.
They're calling anyone that isn't left fascist already, even le pen which had left economic policies was a fascist to them.
Define fascist.
fugg gooby
This will help
Sup Forums is libertarian
we need to be more icognito, we want to spread quicker, and garner sympathy for out cause as quickly as possible. nationalism would probably work, but it might run into problems in europe, seeing how anti nationalistic they are. hey, if we get out ideology adopted by one government, and if that government does decently, then it would probably spread to europe as well, but is ways away though, or so it seems.
Would you consider yourself in the alt right tent?
Individualism is for fags
>alt right
use proper english, not leftist drivel.
Yeah, changing the whole government from a republic into a fascist single party state would be quite hard and would require a vote. But most nationalistic parties are already that, fascists under cover, look at the Slovakian SNS, they guys wear black shirts, like they did in 39
Because it was right the first time.
It's the ultimate redpill
nat soc / fascism is best way to deal with the amount of degeneracy that has accumulated over the last 40 or so years
Come join the fight u niggers:
Are ye an Ethno or civic nationalist
Is a nation its people or ideas
There is no civic nationalism, it's called patriotism. So nationalist, as in for the nation/people.
And the lord spoke spoke upon the profit Jeffery tucker saying keep my commandment thou shalt not initiate force upon another human being
And he took down this commandment upon a golden tablet
Because NatSoc was brought about exactly for the purpose of countering progressive bollocks and Communism, and it was exceedingly effective at the two until every country that mattered said "hey, stop it guys Jews are actually really cool, sometimes they take me out on walks and give me treats".
but you are not from here
Because no matter what we create it'd be characterized as fascism. Embracing the label is the best thing the right could possibly do. It destroys all preconceived notions that being a nazi is impossible.
history rhymes
>...the revolutionary Jewish spirit clashed against the conservative German spirit. The overrepresentation of Jews in secondary education diminished the numerical difference between Germans and Jews and made schools in cities as Berlin and Breslau into a mirror image of the armed struggle in Germany between revolutionaries and conservatives in 1918–1919. It was the Jewish overrepresentation in these revolutionary movements and their zeal to destroy the Christian and nationalist foundations of Germany that led to a surge of NS as a racially defined counter-movement against Jewish cultural domination. In short, Jews had become and were seen by Germans as a hostile elite which attacked the culture which most Germans embraced.
no need to reinvent the wheel
Well said.
Besides, the ideas would die with the people.