Why the fuck do we hate based Comey now? What the fuck happened?

Why the fuck do we hate based Comey now? What the fuck happened?

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He failed to do his job and publicly refused to his job.


he should have locked her up

Dudes incompetent.

threads over boys

He's a failure, he pussied out of hillary's investigation

He has eviden that will put Trump away for the rest of his days.

Trump doesn't want to go to jail.

He refused to cooperate with the president. He has been colluding with Hillary Clinton and may have more hidden collusions.

cause god empowa trump is our guy shill

He did his job. Trump cucks have irrational emotional double stanards because Trump is therir Daddy even though Comey did the right thing twice. And he would have nothing to do with locking Hillary up.

He did the right thing against both corrupt politicians. Comey is a bro who does his job and doesn't play partisan games.

Comey is a good guy.

He was cucked by (((them)))

Comey is not hated. He is based, as you observed.

This is literally history in the making. Even Nixon wasn't this stupid.

he shoulda arrested the ppl trump said, when he said it. if tyou dont like that, fuck off outta democracy.

He covered for Hillary and Huma just to avoid shaking the political boat, at best.

At worst he is colluding.

Because he is a cuck and can't do his job with integrity although I feel bad for his dumb ass for being such a people pleasing cuck.

>He covered for Hillary

That's bullshit since he released all the true info against her despite knowing he would hurt her.

Based Comey. Not everyone has his moral fiber to ignore the parties and do what's right based on what he knows.

>He should have arrested everyone our leader disagreed with, and if you disagree with me, you don't support democracy
Oh the irony.

He's been caught in the middle of two warring factions of the FBI and has no idea how to lead.

>Comey, did Hillary break the law?
Yes, but we didn't see intent
>Did Huma break the law?
Yes, but we didn't see intent
>Did Weiner break the law?
Yes, but we didn't see intent
Did Rice and Clapper unmask the Pres?
Yes, but we didn't see intent

Classified. Intent. I cant answer that.
Fuck Comey.

you call yourself american? shit im more american than you are at this point. just tell yourself that this is all bout trump clearin out the commies and youll be able to sleep at night.

He made the call to not recommend pursuing charges against Hillary Clinton after saying that she definitely did commit a crime. He directly had control over whether she was charged as Loretta lynch publicly stated she would defer to his judgement (and also met in private with Bill Clinton, which is by the dojs standards a conflict of interest. She should've been fired, and Comey should've recommended charges, and since none of that happened they either have something on him, or he's in collusion with the clinton camp.

>im more american than you are
Get out irrelevant leaf. You can dream but the line is that way --->

He should have jailed Hillary. Sessions is going to headhunt her now that her judicial shield is gone.

>trump fired him
>trump can do no wrong
>comey is bad now

i bet you dont even exercise your second amendment rights.

FBI role was to investigate and present the facts to the court. Whether or not she was prosecuted was up to the courts.

I bet you want to but your bets are useless against my dollars.

>tfa everyone says authoritarian clamping down on all dissidents for money from foreigners is "unAmerican"

>anyone who stops me from giving American taxpayer dollars to other countries is not American

Jesus Christ.

Apparently not. Do you trust YOURGUY over the DOJ?

comey always sucked. he was integral for protecting HRC from prosecution.

>does not recommend prosecution

>I bet you want to
>not knowing rights are god-given
fuckin nu-americans

>Trump is Our God
>Trump hates Comey now
>We hate Comey now

It was up to the head of the doj, who was hired by Hillary's husband. Whole situation is a clusterfuck of rubbed elbows and scratched backs. None of it was handled appropriately.

After Hillary he was no longer "ourguy", not that he ever really was. He revealed himself as a liberal shill and I hope he breaks his fucking neck falling down some stairs.

>bad when Hillary commits crime
>okay when Trump interferes with our democracy for money from Putin, goes against the constitution and commits perjury over and over, which is a crime, and Kushner literally sells parts of America off to the Chinese

Makes sense. Go team, right?

stay relevant leaf. you have a cuck as a president lulzzz

Wait... so you're saying that he has evidence and that his firing is proof?

What purpose does the firing serve? Where is the evidence?!

I have no need for a gun, so I don't own a gun. Have I shot a gun before? Yes. Do I support a person's right to own a firearm? Yes. I might debate whether certain types of guns should be available to the public, but I am willing to accept a responsible gun owner being allowed to own most weapons. Do I support every fatass and retard being allowed to have a gun on them at all times because they watched a five minute video? No.

You are a huge faggot

Hes a failure and a useful goy, he shouldve served his country honorably

>stay relevant leaf.
wont be hard with how fast americans are forgetting their own culture.

Flipflopping piece of shit that only pretends to be an American enough to keep his job. Luckily the Donald knows a traitor when he sees one.

is that what this is all about? FBI deeply divided over two political parties?

You're such a faggot but those are some nice digits

>americans are forgetting their own culture
Cuck as a president, cuck as a Canadian. Stay relevant.

Is that why he hired Flynn?

Shills, please, you know that your heroin will be locked up

he didn't do his job at all. he thought he was AG. he never was and never will be AG.


>I might debate whether certain types of guns should be available to the public
>Do I support every fatass and retard being allowed to have a gun on them at all times because they watched a five minute video? No.
this is exactly what happens when you forget your rights are god-given.

Comey did as well as he could in a bind. Some faggots here will finalize anything Trump does no matter how many times they have to double back and change their opinions retroactively.

appointed positions regularly change with new presidents

I don't know why Sup Forums hates him now. He lost me when he blatantly said that Hillary broke the law, but still recommended that she wasn't prosecuted because reasons (none were given).

Fuck Comey, he deserved this.

It's funny how shills are so caught up in their own narrative that they don't even understand why Trump supporters hate Comey.

Here's a hint: Nobody here liked him after the Clinton exoneration. Nobody thinks he's "based" for announcing the investigation was reopened since he took it back a few days later. That's because nobody here thinks Comey changed the outcome of the election.

We want Hillary in jail.

you told 5 blatant lies in your post.


Comey was clearly compromised... something wasn't allowing him to hold people accountable for breaking the law... As soon as he was fired, the Clinton Kabal erupted in agony as would a dragon taking a lance to the heart.

Russia shilling (an absolute facade of a narrative) is using this to try and blow hot air into an already tired angle... because there are no other angles for them to use!! The public has grown tired of it and it's going to backfire tenfold...

The belly of the dragon has been exposed and it is wounded!

Only retards from Reddit ever thought he was "based." Anyone with a brain always knew he was a traitor.

Here's a quick rundown on law, she did not commit a crime. A crime is a violation of criminal law prosecuted by the state. To be prosecuted for the crime of treason, there needs to be evidence she intentionally handed the classified documents to hostile entities. What she did was breach protocol, which MIGHT fall under negligence. But it did not.

To be prosecuted for negligence Clinton would need to meet three requirements
1) She had a duty of care to keep the documents seen only be authorized people (yes)
2) She breached her duty of care of by not reasonably protecting them (arguable)
3) She caused damages to the state because her email servers were breached (no evidence)

With no evidence of the last one, the case is already thrown out of the court. She wasn't prosecuted for the misdemeanor also because her lawyers proved successfully state servers were outdated and even less secure.

Trump was going to fire this scatterbrain all along. He chose this time to do it for reasons known only to himself. Never in history has the FBI director given press conferences about ongoing investigations and given out information about evidence. This queer has a screw loose, Trump was right by shitcanning him.

The Don is a businessman and a gangster. He knows not everyone is going to see eye to eye or even like him or even like his policies. But he expects them to do their jobs. He gave Comey plenty of opportunities to do his fucking job.

mere proxy shills

Democrats Summer 2016, Comey refuses to prosecute Clinton

>"He's a hero that's protecting Democracy! She dindu nuffin' wrong!"

Democrats October 2016, Comey reopens Clinton email case after intense pressure from FBI rank and file

>"He's a fraud and a Trump puppet! He's working for Russia! He's trying to destroy our nation!!!"

Comey only reopened the Clinton email case because the FBI rank and file (God bless them) were in full revolt.

He isn't a failure. He's a criminal.

>She didn't have intent

stay godless nu-american

Lynch was nominated by Obama and confirmed by the Senate. Even so, what argument do you have that the investigation wasn't solid?

Remember when they went through 6 gorrillion emails in less than seven minutes? He might've been "based" to you but he was a shit representative of the FBI, he seemed more like a premadonna and opportunist, and who knows what kind of compromising shit his overlords had on him, if any.

I am a POS on Sup Forums, won't act like I know but we have been talking about the guy here for a few years and I don't think like him.

>based Comey

TOday, I will remind (You) fucking faggots from r/AIDS-ridden-faggot-land-of-niggerlovers...

>Comey was running a screen for the Clintons, this has been said from day DOT by anyone who actually pays attention to this shit and not just spergtarded meme-kids from "kekistan" (aka Rebbit)

>Lynch dropped Charges against Comey and the rest of the HSBC board (whom Comey was a member of) for HUNDREDS OF BILLIONS ON CARTEL AND INTERNATIONAL ORGANIZED CRIME MONEY LAUNDERING!!

>Comey left HSBC during the investigation... WHY???

TO BE APPOINTED TO THE FBI BY OBAMA OF COURSE (at the request of the Clintons... who he was colluding with in their globa racket)

When Trump was looking to be a serious threat to Clinton... Comey ran defense for her by...

This was done for two reasons....

1.) To set a narrative in the hopes of dissuading the people from voting for Trump.


Now that you know this... go back and watch all of Comey's testimony in the hearings over the past year... it'll all come clear to you.

Fuck that god damned weasel.

I'm really tired of retyping this so I'm now making it into pasta because this is like the 4th time in half as many hours I've had to type this shit...

You are literally saying that it's only a crime if you get caught, user.

There was no decision made one way or the other about Clinton's guilt. Prosecution never went ahead.

>To be prosecuted for negligence Clinton would need to meet three requirements
>1) She had a duty of care to keep the documents seen only be authorized people (yes)
>2) She breached her duty of care of by not reasonably protecting them (arguable)
>3) She caused damages to the state because her email servers were breached (no evidence)

Is this first year law school? Have you learned that negligence in tort law and negligence in criminal law are not the same thing, yet? Duty of care and standard of care are civil tests. They don't necessarily apply in the criminal context because criminal law only requires actus reus and mens rea. Negligence is part of the mens rea requirement in the offence, and since negligence is the standard it is actually by definition easier to satisfy than intention.

The fact that mcshit is aginst the firing of comey we know its a good decision

It was up to the Justice department. Loretta Lynch, the AG at the time had disqualified herself from making a non partisan decision by meeting with Bill Clinton privately during the investigation, so it left to Comey to justify it publicly. Hilariously, now Trump and his AG are getting rid of Comey because he is too independent for them.

Trump was our best choice, when all is said and done, Sup Forums went with Trump for Sup Forums reasons, but don't worry, we don't respect dumb cunts, but we do interact with them when they shill here.

Why go out of your way to be a fuckface? There are other websites, you might find someone who agrees with you. I started with Sup Forums years ago when I was a degenerate so maybe you should head over there before you try to interact here

I won't argue that Comey should have been more thorough in the Clinton investigation. I absolutely agree that, at the very least, charges should have been filed. But if Trump actually thought he was incompetent, he should have fired him Day 1. Only doing so now as more and more people are looking into his campaign's alleged ties to Russia only makes it seem even more suspicious.

>be Comey
>have to investigate Hilldog for having classified materal on a private server.
>know you'll have a (((mysterious accident))) if you go against her
>let her know you're coming for the server so she can wipe it
>still find evidence
>"Lmao we found evidence of wrongdoing but we're going to move not to charge because reasons bye"

The whole fucking FBI hates him.

Bingo. He couldn't lead.

They don't want to lock up main figures.

>t. edgy 15 year old
How would you know you fucking idiot

>Shilling this hard.
Jesus I don't understand how comey of all people is the one you would come out of the woodworks for.

Yeah, because firing people is a good way to keep them quiet.

The numerous independent reports of agents almost lynching Comey over the Hillary emails

As I said, Comey did his job just enough to keep his job, until now. We know what a cesspool washington is. We could not know if Comey was incompetent or just bullied. I would just say Trump was giving him a chance to come around. But he didnt.


It's like you have the attention span of a goldfish and the judgement of a teenage girl in the trailer of her favorite rock band.

It would have looked worse if Trump had dealt with Comey as soon as he was sworn in. Leftists would have spun it as evil Kazaloompus getting rid of him for helping Hillary. Now best they have is the tried an true "muh russia", which is just as toothless now as it was when the leftists first wheeled it out.

The investigation was solid and turned up evidence identical to and greater than evidence that has led to felony convictions in other cases. Comey did not recommend charges anyways.

It's almost like Sup Forums doesn't blindly support everything Trump says.

No ones realistically accusing her of treason, we aren't libs or standard normies, treason is impossible to prove in this scenario and also doesn't apply, what she did wasn't treason.

They didn't press charges because they'd have to go back and hold all sorts of people accountable for similar acts. That and it would have made a lot of people look like shit, we can't have that appearance to the rest of the globe. We aren't South Korea

Considering that bunch of senior FBI agents threatened to resign due to him dragging his feet on Clinton. Yes I have a good feeling he was not that well liked but imagine the media is going to go out of there way to paint him as a saint which will be hilarious.

Trump needs to rethink this though. The problem with this country right now is the lack of law enforcement. If no one in Washington obeys the law, the people wont obey the law either. It will destroy this country.

And they're fully aware that she's been compromised by China, Israel, and Russia- that's all fake news now?

This much was stated in their own emails

>read it on breitbart
>still believes pre election reports from anonymous sources making convenient claims
You're not very smart

They didn't press charges because she was Hilary fucking Clinton. Rule of law does not apply to those who rule is what happened.

He knows too much. Simple as that.

Anyone who disagrees is a retard or a shill.

Comeys flight.. enjoy.. I go to bed now :P


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>it's only a crime if you get caught
Practically it is, user

>torts and criminal law
Negligence mens rea uses the reasonable man test, which you have to use in context of duty and standard of care. Nice to see someone around here who actually knows some law.

>first year of law school
First sem, pls no bully

Those were anonymous sources making claims that were convenient for one side right before the election, they aren't worth shit, certainly not enough to justify the firing of the director of the fbi

FBI found no breach. You could say they didn't detect any but the court requires evidence

You shouldn't love any of the feds.