Stop raping robots.
Stop raping robots
If only we could harvest energy from the tears of feminists
>They're all acting like it's actually sentient
What retarded site is this? R*ddit?
Looks like the Tumblr quote system.
The twitter screenshot says AI, and the dumb roasties don't understand the difference between intelligence and sentience.
>this isn't a seasoned protocol droid who after years and years of sentience made a consenting choice knowing full well what sex is
How the fuck?
What does this crazy bitch think robots are?
>Our culture
Isn't this made in Nip-land?
Are there any political implications for if i were to buy two sexbots, one white girl and one black man and made them have sex?
If i programmed the white sexbot to say "no no" would it be considered robo-rape or are they not included in the law like animal rape is?
>If this was BIOengineered and a brain instead of a computer (same thing at the root of it) with not even half the same amount of processing capability
what the fuck sven?
We are SO close to breaking the pussy monopoly without all turning into faggots
>you can't fucking replace me
At some point we will be able to clone someones mind into a digital brain instead of relying on AI.
I'm sersiously tired of idiots who think that AI = sentient
it's fucking not you hollywood worshipping faggots
liberals think star wars and hairy pooter are real
She's more sentient than the average SJW.
Its like fucking a toaster
I hate that people don't understand what AI is. They legit think that it's anywhere near even a fucking mouse let alone a person.
this is a highly advanced level of cuckoldry i could only expect or accept from a Swede. Good job
>"This is why robots will rise up against us!"
fucking lol
>be sex robot
>be forced to service fat neet master's cheesy dick every day
I have family members that are part cyborg, I can't believe in this day and age sex robots are still legal.
>sexbot master race
>third worlders and their toaster dolls
>year is 2040
>sexbots are real
>all Sup Forums does is spam their shitty waifu
>spec threads for sexbots
These retards think AI is intelligence and consciousness rather than a crude facsimile of human interaction and basic data retrieval.
>how does that begin to affect his interactions with human women
Probably by causing men to stop interacting with human women
> build a shit ton of sexbots and send to africa.
> Scare africans that all humans have aids
> They just bone the bots
> Gone in a generation
>These retards think AI is intelligence and consciousness
Well, real AI will be. But were not there yet for a while and this sure as hell ain't it.
And... I'd tap that... were I single..
>If only we could harvest energy from the tears of feminists
Technically you can. There is so much cholesterol in fatty tears they're actually flammable.
fuck preserving the future for white children
Time to fuck our species out of existence!
Won't work. They already know they can cure AIDS by boning kids.
Because of Sup Forums when I see shit like this I assume it's bait. I'm sure some of it is but I'm sure some are completely serious.
>what are artificial wombs
"Artificial Intelligence should always give consent before sex - it's rape!"
"But we should enslave all robots and them pay me their wages through UBI"
Women are obsolete
user...don't rape my toaster, I make toast in that.
Her legs say
But my cock shouts
Give the bots super-aids then
Who will buy them the Gucci purses they always wanted though?
Roasties flapping about their immortal uselessness.
>Modern women have so little to offer they can't compete with a fucking toaster with a fleshlight attached
I read all of that, and genuinely this sort of shit where women just telling men what they can't do in every given situation is starting to give me violent thoughts.
The government will choose the most genetically advantageous egg and sperm donors to create children from in artificial wombs. The children will be raised by robots and given the optimal education and cultural indoctrination. This will also serve to free both biological parents to continue working normally.
To prevent problems of rape and couples who don't get along well, each adult will be given an AI fuckbot of the sex of their choice. Apart from your designated fuckbot, sex will be forbidden because real sex comes with a high risk of rape, and swapping fuckbots is unsanitary.
of COURSE Sweden would ask that.
Sexbots + Artificial Wombs are going to make the future quite interesting.
Also they are connected to Transhumanism plans the Globalists have.
what a time to be alive
eventually custom made with any sort of add on, i could get a viera from final fantasy
Only if the white bot is a trannybot
Won't work. You'll just have hordes of sexbots raping kids to cure their own AIDS.
They can buy them themselves when they're old enough to be permitted to work.
> this is a highly advanced level of cuckoldry
... or highly advanced level of autism.
that... looks expensive
Make the sexbots muslim - explodes upon dick entry.
It cracks me up that these people cant differentiate between the ability to perform complex tasks and sentience. They actually think we are capable of creating something that is self aware, but Siri cant even answer a two part question yet. Holy fuck women sure are dumb. Id honestly take a robot wife if she could bear children, just to avoid interacting with these imbeciles.
What about dat pussy and asshole smell? Nothing like plowing a slag from behind and getting a whiff of that poopar.
I'm sure they'll sell you some robotshit to rub under your nose.
In the future you can buy poopwhiff on aerosol cans.
>AI robot
It's not even ELIZA level "intelligence".
What the fuck kind of conception of AI do these retards have?
I guess that is the answer.
fucking disgusting
Don't let Seth Rogen see this he might turn it into a movie
>Get sex robots
>Program them to fuck each other while you wank it in the corner
There will be two option panels on the back of the robot. You open one and put a poo in it. Open the other and put in a fish. The appropriate scents will be routed automatically to the correct orifices.
Feminists are opposed to sexbots because it threatens to dramatically lower the sexual market value of women. A large portion of cucks, betas, orbiters, turbovirgins, and other generally failed men would be perfectly willing to use a sex bot to get their rocks off rather than dump time, resources, and energy into pursuing a fraction of a chance with some used up real girl. Basically this would be a big correction in the sexual marketplace which is currently warped massively in favor of women.
It's on purpose. That's why it's called "artificial intelligence" instead of something less ambiguous. The purpose is to make plebs believe man can create consciousness and that we are thus replacing God.
so is a cantelope but nobody gets mad when i put my dick in that
huh, did someone have a Jack-The-Ripper moment with his toy?
Or, heh. Did the x-girlfriend find out "who" replaced her
If my robot sex slave didn't want it, I wouldn't have dressed her so sexy.
It's an interesting concept if they were sentient. I think I'd actually side with them.
if they were sentient, wouldn't that override their programming?
marriage is just another form of prostitution.
if sexbots do it cheaper, marriage is fucked. welcome to the free market, ladies.
The old Dirty Sanchez
I find it disturbing that I only thought of the first option and that the second option never even came to mind
So when can we eliminate women from the reproduction equation?
I'm getting really sick of their shit tbqh lads
I don't get it? Are they mad cause the robots are more intelligent than them? Or cause they know guys would rather fuck something with a brain?
>spec threads for sex bots
This pleases my autism.
>They think we are so retarded we can't tell the difference between a human female and a fuck toy
That speaks more to their insecurities than our intellengnce.
>how does that begin to affect his interactions with human women
By him no longer doing so. And that's the real danger they're afraid of.
Don't forget custom builds
>2090 the last of the human race dies off
modern artificial "intelligence" is shitty, IBM has an AI chat platform where you basically type out what words mean and write an acceptable response to a question. it is no where near the point where it can teach itself or make decisions. why are they acting like it has feelings or abstract thoughts? it is probably some basic shit with a motion sensor in the vagina that will trigger a set of premade statements that it will use text to speach to say out loud. i fucking hate normies REEEEE
The only difference I can see is that one won't falsely accuse me of rape.
>tfw robobabe is protesting blackbot attacking you , not her
A wild manekin appears:
>OMAHGAWD skynet went self aware
>roger roger, that AI
>the reaphas are cummin!
>those feels, poor bot...
Its a fucking doll made of rubber.
if only there was a way to weaponize this level of cuckoldry for the greater good
this is sad for good women who actually want to be faithful to a husband and rear children with him. Traditional marriage is already a myth because of how awful modern women act. I hate roasties for pushing men to be this disconnected to real women. Men choosing a sex doll over real women speaks volumes over how fucked up women have let our society become. I wish people could just be happily married and raise children to keep a good society thriving, but no, degenerate practices like sexual-liberation and promiscuity are more important than having a family.
I used to be mad about these sex-dolls replacing women but I can understand why its happening. RIP nuclear family.
I can see it now
>hex core 4.5ghz turbo pulsating pussy
>nvidia vs AMD turns to Fleshlight vs Onahole attachment
>not having a qt trap sex bot with a feminine penis
>Aryan sex bot master race
I wonder if homosexual Sup Forums would order custom Uncle Adolf sex bots with inbuilt sieg heil action.
Is it preferable that everyone reproduce, or only those most fit to reproduce? Because the left picture looks like the most fit will make it, and the right one looks like everyone will reproduce regardless.
OK. So they're pretending that robots are real now. They're just sex toys with a chatbot tier AI.
I don't understand why they have to lash out at the men using those as if they were doing something wrong or being abusive somehow. They know 99% of the men using those have issues and aren't desirable and are lonely and dejected. And they wouldn't even let them have sex bots because it's misogynistic somehow. Cunts.
Those guys are the only ones experiencing any real suffering in this. Not the robots. Not the women that they will rape and abuse because of the robots because that's BS. This is completely victimless but what does this say about society that some people are so starved for intimacy that there's a market for this? That's the only thing that should be concerning. But they choose to screech autistically about MUH SOGGY KNEES instead. They're completely unable to put themselves in other people's shoes.
Men have been competing with machines for value for centuries, women have been coasting on men's work. It's about time we get some actual equality, time to compete for your value, women, good luck.
Are we even close to Sentient robots? Artificial Intelligence is not sentience to begin with.
These people are mentally challenged, and must be put in an asylum. They're the reason why shit like SJWs exist.
I too always found it insulting how often women insist that seeing sluts in porn will make men think all women are like that
>I wonder if homosexual Sup Forums would order custom Uncle Adolf sex bots with inbuilt sieg heil action.
Only if it was a siegheil fisting action.
Roasties just mad because here is yet another invention not made by them.
I keep trying to turn my missus into porn star tier slut in the bedroom but she is proving to quite resilient. I got her into latex and BDSM and deep throating but I still only get anal every couple of months and made minimal progress with getting a threesome.
Are you a woman? If so my heart just got crushed a bit.
>Tumblr thinks robots are "sentient life"
Thanks a lot Bethesda for making fallout 4 so fucking retarded
why would that make your heart feel crushed?
>It's an interesting concept if they were sentient. I think I'd actually side with them.
white knight detected
Let me put it this way OP...the other option is putting up with this LUNACY:
Until you are actively fixing this problem, your I could not give two shits about your argument.
Fix that first, or fuck off and die single at 85 with 100 cats.
Dog chewed up sex doll?
>aryan sex bot master race
You can literally have anything you want, cat girls/bunny women/hot aliens you name it.
Wy would you make your sexbot bitchface?