there's nothing degenerate about smoking weed
>inb4 bullied faggots start yelling "degenerate!!
There's nothing degenerate about smoking weed
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It results in permanently reduced mental cognition. In other words, giving yourself a partial chemical labotomy. Weed creates literal retards and liberal hippies.
Its degenerate.
this is true. Howeverr, its fun to ape psychosis from time to time using drugs
if its true show me some evidence, otherwise stfu. its just a plant, if people want to smoke it who cares? we are filling prisons with people who smoked a plant, thats an actual issue. not like "hurrrrrnnnngggg its degenerate"
No it doesn't you idiot, it causes neurogenesis and basically eliminates the neuron cool down time while high, dependent on the mix of cannabinoids. Basically with any sativa, it's a thinking man's drug.. you can barely keep up with your own mind, thoughts racing, imagination and creativity on fire.. it's glorious. I've done some of my most prodigious contemplating in such a state.
stfu and do your own research, fucking maori diaspora
Weed is for lazy inbreds and niggers.
The reason homosexuality and trans shit is gaining is because of weed.
It turns people gay im not kidding.
>prodigious contemplating
Not gonna lie, former weed supporter here. It's hilarious watching weed stash and burn. But in all seriousness I forgot where I was going with this.
I agree
We should introduce cannabis as a sophisticated and respected weekend hobby
(totally not shilling because I dumped tons of money into stocks)
the only degenerates are the druggies who sit around and do nothing
thats not how it works buddy. you made the claim, you provide the evidence. otherwise stfu
We should gas everyone that hasn't smoked at least 100 times. If they don't wanna face the chambers they have 200 days to do it.
When its legalized and the Monsanto Jews get their claws on the strains it will fuck your brains.
Agreed, in itself it's not a degenerate hobby but it can lead to degenerate behavior. It's similar to alcohol- most people can be moderate and responsible with their use, but some people drink all day and contribute nothing to society.
>Sup Forums is right about weed
damn didn't see that coming
rock on
You don't need to argue based on the harm principle. They will make up some bullshit excuse. That's not what makes it degenerate, and that's not why you need to avoid these people.
>tfw illegal substance
>tfw you lose your job over a piss test
>tfw having to get high every day to socialize
>tfw having to get high every night to sleep
>tfw sacrificing 90% of your liberties to get a mild sensation
>tfw you have to factor weed into your living expenses
Dunno, seems degenerate to me.
One time I took a weed and woke up in a motel next to a dead hooker and a pile of weed needles.
Not even once.
I love marijuana
I used to abuse it by smoking every day and it was terrible. Now I'm an old fuck and I enjoy it in moderation and it's one of the few things that I enjoy in life
Legalize it and leave me alone
Weed turns men into permanent children. Don't fall for the green-jew.
Smoking anything is degenerate. You are literally lighting a plant leaf on fire and sucking the smoke into your body. That is something a retarded caveman would try during a time of starvation.
That doesn't even address the fact that you are only doing it because your Pavlovian brain finds it pleasurable to disassociate from reality.
I actually tried pot today after years of hating on it, followed by being periodically curious about it. My first thought was
>how the fuck is this illegal?
It's like anything else really. It becomes degenerate if people over-do it and act like faggots with it. But the same can be said about pretty much anything. Fatties and their hamburgers. Faggots and their assplay.
It should be legal, but stop pretending like there are no real consequences to smoking the herb.
You "W33d izz gud 100%, #NoDownsides, l3galizex420" faggots are the reason it's still criminalized.
This, basically.
Smoking is harmful to your lungs.
THC is bioaccumulative in frequent users.
And it's downright harmful to children and young adults.
For mature adults it seems harmless (other than lung damage from smoking) when used in moderation.
Honest opinion on it is that it is a good thing to use recreationally in moderation and with mature adults, and is a great medicine and alternative to many way more expensive and harmful medicines and medical procedures.
As an example I've been smoking the tar nightly for the past week or so and I still hate jews or whatever the fuck. What I think is degenerate is having kids smoke/ingest the stuff but again it's been proven harmless in mature adults who have finished growing.
>thoughts racing, imagination and creativity on fire
If you smoke rarely you'll get this effect. If you smoke daily its completely different.
Alot of people smoke everyday so they dont have to think about real life :)
I smoked for about 2-3 years without really stopping, and i've definitely gotten slower.
Pot makes you lazy and lack ambition. Stimulants are better for the non degenerate productive types.
Forgot pic
Show me some actual scientific studies with humans instead of fucking monkeys who used 1000x that of a normal bowl. Of course you can't because there is no fucking evidence.
Fuck you I'm jealous.
how many pots is that?
Stop posting this JFC
Not sure what pots mean :) its 99.9 grams if thats what you mean
Listen up goyim
I tech the pioneering merit badge for the boy scouts of america and happen to love weed for this reason
It makes great ropes
Fuck the high I just want my best rope for knot tying
It is so hard to get
If we legalize it becomes easier
I can finally use the strongest natural fiber to tie knots with.
9/10 pasta
Nice mexican brick weed bro. LUL
It's easy, guys.
Niggers like marijuana.
Niggers are bad.
Other people like marijuana.
Therefore, those people are also niggers and hence bad.
If you like weed, you're a nigger
Do you never clean it or what?
>weed brick
Its hash :) weed is trash in denmark.
I was on vacation in LA in 2015, me and buddys were out drinking and we met some friendly 'muricans, we dranker with them and talked about weed and shit and planned to meet up the next day to smoke and chill because i was curious about all the 'murican fire i'd heard about. So we met up and smoked some weed and it was alright, i had 5g with me from back home though, they'd never tried hash only green. So i rolled up a joint with hash and tobacco, 1 gram 2 cigs.æ, and these dudes were losing they're shit laughing their asses off eating gummy bears. They called me Mr.Hash for the rest of the trip.
Maybe its gotten better since, but it really wasn't all that
That's pretty clean for smoking hash and tobacco in it :) that pic is old though so i dont have the glass anymore
Can confirm this
I smoked a joint once and coincidentally sucked my first dick at the same time. Been sucking cock compulsively ever since.
It's true, Americans don't usually mix tobacco and weed and hash isn't as common here as in Europe. I think it's just because good weed is pretty easy to come by, so you can have the luxury of smoking by itself and you don't have to fuck with hash or tobacco unless you want to.
my god you stoner fucks spamming HURR NOTHINGS WRONG WITH WEED are as bad as the potatonigger that spams his daily MARIJUANA CAN GIVE YOU CANCER thread
fuck off with your DUDE WEED LMAO anyone with half a brain doesn't give a fuck whether you smoke it or not
Weed without tobacco is definitely the way to go, it doesnt get me as high though. I guess if you never tried anything else and only smoke on occation you wouldnt have that problem.
Might be a dumb question, but do you also put tobacco in your bong? I've only ever seen people do it as a spliff (joint). In terms of health vaping is probably the best choice, but I don't do it as often as I should.
drugs are for stupid kids who cant handle life. only acceptable reasons to smoke pot are if you have to live with severe chronic pain or cancer.
Yes as you can see in Its pretty dirty from like 4-5 hits.
In denmark only posers smoke weed rly, people who wanna say they smoke but dont want to see the devil lol.
Tobacco and hash in a bong will rip your lungs apart, especially if you dont smoke cigarettes, but after you take the hit the nicotine kinda knocks you out like you're not able to open your eyes for 5-10 seconds.
I definitely prefer smoking tobacco and hash in a bong, but it fucks your lungs up big time
Yeah sorry I just couldn't really tell what you had in there. I used to smoke cigs so I know what you mean about the nicotine kick.
Protip- I've put cold fresh mint tea in a bong (clean it right after) and sometimes I put chamomile in my vape, it adds a lovely flavor to bud but I don't know how well it'd work with hash.
t. degenerate who doesn't want to be a human...preferring to be something less.
I've smoked Tea before haha, but that was only because i ran out, so i never mixed it. Might try that sometime
absolutely disgusting.
Snob :^)
I don't understand why it's your concern what people do for keks. As long as they're not doing shit, I could give a fuck.
What does concern me is that they're jailing the dumbasses who do smoke pot, and it's coming out of my pocket. It doesn't benefit anyone.
absolutely disgusting.
We have something similar to that called 'popper's where people mix cigarettes and weed into a special bong piece and smoke it in one hit.
people then get really addicted to it and fiend for their poppers before doing any daily activity
it is probably way worse for you than either of them alone
OP was paid money to make this post.
If that doesn't make you think that maybe there's a reason you should abstain, even if temporarily, until you learn what that reason must be a nigger.
Wake up, Neo.
>smoking the green jew
harmful plant make people feel good, people think it not harmful, people smoke more because it feel good.
Gov make illegal bc people literally too stupid not to smoke weed, ruining neighborhoods
lel saved thanks
Yes goyim, only buy taxable psychotropic drugs like Xanax and alcohol to maintain good health.
Of course they get addicted if they mix with tobacco lmfao. I dont really give a shit what you think is disgusting lol.
And yeah we mix tobacco and hash (roast tobacco, break down hash into small bits and heat it up together and blend it together) feels amazing and smells godlike :)
>he smokes the herbal Jew
Weed is absolutely degenerate and makes people lazy scumbags. It is no different than alcohol or masturbation. Short term gratification that degenerates the mind and body.
Rate of deaths per year
Weed: 0%
Everything else: 100%
>In a new study, scientists in London, Ontario have discovered that early marijuana use may result in abnormal brain function and lower IQ.
No, marijuana creates psuedo-intellectual thoughts. It lowers inhibitions and dulls certain senses. It draws more attention to the mundane.
It doesn't make you any more 'creative'. It certainly doesn't make you more intelligent; try studying math or chemistry or something actually tasking for your brain while high and you'll have plenty of issues.
colorado fag here. You can get weed with 2-3% THC to help with pain that will likely not even get you high. it's not just for getting stoned out of your mind. Also have to say despite all the riff raff moving here for muh weeds, colorado has the most responsible smokers I've ever seen. In Texas, almost every stoner I knew smoked every fucking day more than once, here most people look at you crazy if you try to smoke an entire bowl at once between 2 people.
It's legal in Alaska and they finally started selling it about 6 months ago. The line to get in to the actual store sucks though. People text me "was that you standing outside the weed store?" "someone said they saw you outside the weed store?" I just tell them I have Capnophobia then they say "oh... um.. sorry to hear that" So far nobody has googled it.
There's no evidence weed does anything substantially permanent. What changes in the brain do seem to be in long-term smokers don't seem to correlate to actual changes in behavior or cognition. Obviously if you smoke all day every day for years on end you'll be an idiot because it's accumulated in your body, but if you stop smoking for a few weeks it clears you and your body and mind go back to normal.
I should quit smoking
>legalize weed
>stoners shrink back into their caves and out of society
That's how you solve the stoner problem
>Some people have no self-control or shame so everyone who does it is bad
Just because some people are shitfaced drunk by noon every day doesn't mean it's bad to have a drink or two in the evening.
More studies linking marijuana to decreased, long-term and permanent effects on cognitive ability, intelligence, etc.
There are almost 50 full length studies on the subject in the above link, most if not all showing how detrimental marijuana can be to our minds. It would literally only take a braindead stoner retard to close their eyes and try to convince themselves what they're doing to themselves is okay.
>smoking under 20%THC flower
baka desu famalam
Can reconfirm, I smoked a my first joint and some dude who was also high sucked my dick lmao
It's the actual certified content done a weird way. The stuff is actually grown by some old master gardener, I don't even think he smokes weed, and it's about 3 hits for me and I'm good. But I look at it like would you rather drink a good glass of bourbon or everclear because it has more alcohol.
>Implying weed is addictive
>just because some people are extreme alcoholics doesn't mean it's bad to be an alcoholic
I live in Melbourne Australia, how to get weed with no friends or social life?
No. it's not.
I'm living proof fuck nut
>implying you can't develop a mental addiction to literally anything
Say goodbye to your brain faggot
The problem with pot is that it makes you fell good, it's relatvely cheap and have little colateral damage. Its the perfect drug.
That's common fucking sense you stupid mong. I don't have to say physical because it's such utterly idiocy to think that it's not mentally addictive.
>permanent chemical lobotomy
Just an outright lie from the 90's.
try again.
saged for repeat
Jeff Sessions says "no good people smoke weed". Direct quote.
Of course he's also an old racist fuck.
Some weed can probably treat that acute autism you have going on.
Fallacy by association and strawman.
jesus you're dumb.
Why are white ppl such faggoty squares scared of a plant. Oh right, because they came from albinism, a recessive disease. And they are weak.