Islam is the solution for all the West's degeneracy. Prove me wrong. (Protip: You cant)
Islam is the solution for all the West's degeneracy. Prove me wrong. (Protip: You cant)
Because slicing clits off isn't degenerate.
People always say that Hitler liked Muslims, but he would have despised them as much as he despised Jews if he knew what they are doing to us.
Hitler never said that and he was christian
one more fake quote.
Its literally all a psyop. Every single "muslim" terrorist group is propped up by the ((west))
>Taliban and Al-Qaeda were formed by USA to fight Soviets
>Hamas was given tacit approval by Israel initially because they wanted them to grow as a rival to Fatah (the main enemy to Israelis at the time)
>ISIS, Syrian Al Qaeda all formed from Iraqi Baathist (armed and trained for decades by the USA) and Syrian defectors backed by Qatar and KSA and Israel (all US allies btw)
And the cherry on top ((the media)) wants the whole west to be overrun by Muslims. Name any Islamist terrorist group, and it had its roots either as a US ally or a proxy for a US ally. Remember those terror attacks in France, where the attackers had just returned from Syria where the French allowed them to go to in order to fight Assad?
Albert Speer's memoirs are the source of that quote
Kafir have no arguments only hardened hearts.
Gang raping women doesn't strengthen the moral foundations of a society
Lol.. no..
There is no Oriental solution to an Occidental problem
>There is no Oriental solution to an Occidental problem
Albert Speer? the guy that got off easy? gee, i wonder why?
It's known Albert Speer wrote bullshit to avoid the gallows. The man was an opportunist and lied his ass off to get in favor of the new German government. None of the former officials of the National Socialist government liked him for specifically this reason. He was a rat.
Hitler did think that Christianity in its present form was weak and didn't suit the Germanic or European peoples, but he didn't want Europe to turn Islamic.
>Gang raping women doesn't strengthen the moral foundations of a society
Agreed. Which is why it is forbidden and punishable by death in Islamic law.
>in prison from 1945 to early 80s
Yeah, so easy.
As resources deplete, lower quality stuff gets used. The dinosaurs are way older so their bones are high quality whereas humans have only been around for 6000 years and the quality reflects that. It's similar to how the pyramids are still razor sharp and perfectly aligned with the stars whereas modern skyscrapers are luck to last 30 years before they're completely eroded.
It's also why modern crocodiles can't grow as large as the original dinos, they'd crumble under their own weight if you tried to build one with modern bones.
Speer was in prison until 1966. He died in 1981 in London.
Islam will do nothing to raise the average IQ
Only if 3 males provide first hand witness testimony, naturally.
you're leaving out the part about how the death is that of the victim
aren't bones designed to break to protect vital organs?
Wouldn't strong bones be counter productive for humans?
the solution is time the degenerates are not breading.
No, this is the case of adultery not rape. Adultery is not coercive.
>you're leaving out the part about how the death is that of the victim
Salafist/Wahabists are cancer funded by yours truly.