Reality is niggers are inferior to whites. You can ignore reality but you can't ignore the consequence of ignoring reality.
Reality is niggers are inferior to whites...
as a burger in niggerland, I can attest that every good nig I have known is at least 50% white
Uh yeah, no shit
But muh dick?
I simply don't understand how people fail to realize this. It's like learning the alphabet. The constant brainwashing ain't that good and certainly doesn't come anywhere close to trumping casual personal observation. I've known this since I was 7.
How a full grown adult can get to that point with all the data and anecdotal evidence and think otherwise honestly blows my mind.
Imagine being born in America.
Scary thought.
Women hate nogs.
*chimp out ensues*
Niggers should stop walking around thinking they're equal to whites or even superior.
I ignore it everyday. Even if they are inferior how are we going to get rid of them? Loads of them are citizens so they have rights and I don't want to give the government powers to deport, kill or oppress citizens so that's a no.
Mass deportations are impractical and costly, a waste of time and funds better spent elsewhere.
If we oppress them we give the left moral ammunition and again it gives the government the right to marginalise groups.
Could stop them coming in but then that will look bad to the left as well and normies will side with them and we'll be cucked again.
Most think they're vastly superior. The lower the IQ, the stronger a person's delusions of grandeur.
i'm half nigger half jew. i have a high iq, family wealth, girthy throbbing dick, impressive length. you europeans cannot compete.
I need a chart on halfbreeds by % with picture.
Make it female and hot.
The media tries so hard to hide the real truth about niggers....
>half nigger half jew
there's a simple solution for this, lynching in a gas chamber.
It's partially that, but more so that nobody's ever dared tell them otherwise
i understand you're upset but acceptance is the first step in mental healing from the fact that you will never make 7 figures a year while emptying your massive brown balls in beautiful white women
You can't even explain the facts to normies. They can't comprehend the fact that people are racially different, and that races of people have their own genetic adaptations. Negroes aren't adapted to the conditions of life in a European-styple liberal democracy, in much the same way that Europeans never developed a genetic resistance to malaria.
Niggers ruin everything. Don't live near them. Don't interact with them. Don't ever find yourself outnumbered by them. They're useless animals who are never going to amount to anything, and they're hellbent on seeing to it that no one around them does either.
pics or i wont believe you about the girth...
>Blacks kill more whites on average
Seems like you cumskins are the ones losing
Sup Forums btfo
Stop caring what the left thinks would be a good start. They sure as hell don't care what we think even though we have reality and facts on our side.
>Superior insecurities, too.
Earlier today downtown this black man calls over to me and asks for the last few sips of my soft drink. I say no and maybe five minutes later he comes up and does it again. So at this point i just want him the hell away from me and give it to him
That's because we have too much self restraint which usually comes with higher intelligence. That's why we even tolerate you jigs. We are simply too good of people to you.