Do you guys honestly expect me to believe that Trump fired Comey because he was unfair to Hillary Clinton?
You do realize that's been his justification for this.
Do you guys honestly expect me to believe that Trump fired Comey because he was unfair to Hillary Clinton?
You do realize that's been his justification for this.
Other urls found in this thread:
Its time for a Civil War - gnight right side
butt blasted, cry somemore it tastes amazing
>he knew that comey knew
>lawyered up and sent a letter to congress
>>Unfair to Clinton
You stupid nigger: COMEY LET HER OFF!!!
He was unfair to Clinton. Billy should have been locked up the moment he met with the AJ to compromise the investigation.
I've probably been voting Republican longer than you have.
Believe me user, I've been asking for months now WHERE THE EVIDEMCE THAT RUSSIA INTERFERED WITH THE ELECTION IS and I think it's bullshit that the left have yet to produce any but keep telling us anyway that it's "clear they did it".
But come on now, the president has an active investigation againstbhis camoaign led by Comey and the second details emerge that Comey misled officials on the severity of the weiner connection, Trump uses THAT to fire him?
It makes no sense.
He lied to congress, if Trump hadn't fired him, the liberal media would be on his ass
Do you even know why Comey was fired today?
Anyway, at this point I've given up on Trump and the right holding in to power for more than 4 years. My only hope is that the extreme vetting can be solved and the wall gets built.
That's all I'm asking for. Those two and obamacare.
I don't care. Comey is a faggot
He was fired for being a piece of shit.
>I don't care. Comey is a faggot
I agree, but if you don't look at the context of when he was fired and the fact that Trump used the most pathetic reasoning to fire him when it CLEARLY doesn't line up with his actual opinions on Hillary (you know, the woman he threatened to lock up) it just seems dumb.
Sometimes I think you guys know absolutely nothing about politics outside of "lol fuck dems"
>american intellectuals
Leave shill.
You never supported Trump, or you're just retarded enough to think all of Trump's promises would happen in less than four months...
When you voted for Obama the second time, at what point did you 'give up'?
>Brazilian pseudo-intellectuals
>I've probably been voting Republican longer than you have.
im one of you I swear goy!!
>But come on now, the president has an active investigation againstbhis camoaign led by Comey
see your story stops making sense right there. Sup Forums has known since the beginning that this whole muh russia thing is just a larp by the dems to keep themselves out of hot water. So your appearing to be concerned about what trump did during a fucking fictional witchhunt is outing you as a shill
dont let the electronic door hit you in the ass on your way back to pleddit
The truth about immigration, by the numbers:
Cultural Marxist Jews Admit Organizing White Genocide
The plan to eliminate the white race:
Cultural Marxism in action… Political Correctness, the tip of the blade:
Cultural Marxism & Social Justice Explained:
Why are we in Decline - Cultural Marxism:
also see
The facts about slavery in North America:
Cultural Marxist Jews fund media propaganda against whites on an enormous scale:
Does this sound familiar at all? (starting at 6:52)
The Holocaust:
The assumption of Sup Forums as a collective of knowledge is not the base beginning point to which you expect an answer.
We (the collective 'we'), already retain the answer (regarding the Comey hearing where he injected 'intention' into her crimes), while your reconstruction of a long past conversation would be a waste of time.
I love the smell of sage.
If it's all made up then why fire Comey now? Why not wait for the investigation to be over and yield zero results?
Why wait for evidence to come out by the justice department today saying essentially that Comey did not properly handle linking Clinton emails to Weiner and made it seem like a bigger deal than it was and use THAT to fire her?
I'm talking about what happened TODAY.
When the justice department concluded that Comey's handling on the Clinton investigation was not appropriate in the sense that it was too condemning. That is the evidence Trump used to fire Comey.
Are you really so fucking 'tarded that you haven't noticed the mass quantity of people trying to dig up dirt against Trump? Moreover, how long has this been going on?
My Glob! If evidence existed of anything, it would have revealed itself by now. Until then, it's more Jew tricks.
Hillary lost, GET OVER IT!
>Hillary lost!
You'll have to do better than that.
I'm glad she lost. I'm not talking about the election you idiot.
Yeah, it's called political opportunism. Do you think his constituents would have let him do so if it was because Comey protected the elite?
Jesus, are you new to politics?
He was fired because he is incompetent, his Senate testimony this week proved cannot handle the job. Listening to the guy was a disgrace to reputation of FBI.
Democrats Summer 2016, Comey refuses to prosecute Clinton
>"He's a hero that's protecting Democracy! She dindu nuffin' wrong!"
Democrats October 2016, Comey reopens Clinton email case after intense pressure from FBI rank and file
>"He's a fraud and a Trump puppet! He's working for Russia! He's trying to destroy our nation!!!"
Wow bro what other opinions do you have, do you have a blog or something I really want to know what you think
You and your friends in the media would cry no matter when Trump fired him. If he waited until after the investigation people would claim it's revenge.
t. R/politics Redditfag
>he was unfair to Hillary Clinton
Whoever said this, faggot? He let her off the hook. Comey was possibly the high-level leak.
It's just another lie from the white house, won't be the last
Wow, I'm sure Trump has no ulterior motive whatsoever. Here's a venn diagram about people Trump has fired. Really activates my almonds. Oh well Kek meme magic maga vote Trump 2020 just watch and believe
Fuck you, faggot. He's been in office since January. Shit doesn't happen overnight.
i don't care if he's firing comey for his own personal reasons, i want him to, i want consolidation of power desu
So did Trump right after the fucking election but the emperor's clothes are amazing to you assholes so this somehow means something
Sally was fired for not enforcing his EO.
>people fires people obstructing his administration for democrat party witch hunts
almonds on OVERLOAD
>leave shill
>you never supported Trump
>outing you as a shill
>Hillary lost. Get over it!
>you and your friends in the media
Literally go fuck yourselves with a rake.
You're being just as stubborn as the liberal left right now. God forbid anyone criticize our God Emperor amirite???
Here you go, pricks. Notice the letter on the right from the RNC chair because I donated a total of $40 to the Trump campaign and these ducks are STILL asking me for more money. They even gave me a Trump membership card. I can post that too if you want.
I'm not a fucking clinton shill just because I'm finding the conditions of this firing terribly suspicious. I believe in Trump and want to continue to believe. But I won't do it blindly. While you were meming on the internet I was at Trump Rallies, putting out signs, and even convinced people to vote.
I could hit airplane mode right now and pretend to be multiple people but I've kept my IP trip through the entire thread specifically because I'm NOT a shill.
So instead of blindly shilling about how the election is over, why don't you actually answer my fucking question.
Comey was fired TODAY because the justice department determined his handling of the second Clinton investigation related to the Weiner emails was exadurated. Trump used this as evidence to fire Comey. Thats terrible reasoning considering he wanted to "lock her up".
>> Expects everything immediately
>> Doesn't understand politics
You must be a checker player...
of course not, but now dems are gonna look fucking retarded if they keep going around saying its all comeys fault while also attacking trump for firing him. I'd bet anything that Trump will call for an outside investigation now
Because it was retarded
>Believe me user, I've been asking for months now WHERE THE EVIDEMCE THAT RUSSIA INTERFERED WITH THE ELECTION IS
LOL no point in trying to use logic, or appeal to emotions here. I just wanted to ask: why do they think the DNC was hacked, and why do they think the RNC wasn't?
Personally, as a libtard, I don't really need to see evidence. I mean, if they were to show it, it'd be some IP Address in Russia, and many people would simply say 'well what if they used a vpn??' etc.
I don't think the intelligence community is trying to deceive the people either.
As stated earlier, I think Russia hacked both the dems and republicans. It seems odd to me that there are at least 3 people close to trump that seem to have ties to Russia. Or that pro Russia policy was pushed in the RNC, considering how big and tough they wanted to look on Russia in the past. Considering Trump's history of fucking over banks, I think it was hard for him to find american/brit/german/arab investors for his projects.
Personally, I think trump is just a pawn in the bigger scheme of things. It may be the pee tape doesn't exist, but I do think there are people around Trump that has Russia's interest in mind.
>Trumptards believe this
You are a literal retard. Kys kikelover
We will see if Hillary goes to jail or not. If not, then Comey was fired to take the blame for those who won't go to jail. Look at it like this: when boss screws up, then workers pay up. Comey is just little higher than workers, but those above him are even higher.
bait in a slide thread
It certainly looks like his path is set to safely go after Hillary... but she's still hanging around. My guess is that she's still got allies in the worst places.
When she leaves the country is when we'll know he's clear to investigate.
No he wasnt.
For a board based on politics, you guys seem to all operate several months behind current events.
>sally Yates BTFO a constitutional lawyer who has NEVER LOST A CASE
she was arguing about a different statute because she is a fucking retard.
The Executive has the authority to block ANY group of ANY people for ANY reason at ANY time from entering the country.
This is a fact, she didn't do her job and let her political leanings dictate what the executive wanted and therefore deserved to be fired.
not yates is literally an idiot.
Wow. I really triggered the T_D brigade. Why are you so mad nigger? You need more of Trump's semen in your mouth?
What did you mean by this?
>"according to a person familiar with the office."
Try harder
>"I-I'm not retarded!"
You 58D chess fags need to STFU and realize that something is wrong with this.
Something is definitely not right here.
He was a liability and target. Dems blame him for sinking Clinton's campaign and will cry conspiracy and politicize any investigation he is involved with. Having him involved with the Russian investigations would simply add fuel to obstructionist dems' inane accusations. Under these conditions, he's simply not effective. Although Trump missed an opportunity to explicitly outline these reasons in the letter to make the public aware of just how insane the dems have become.
elaborate...whose plane
>Personally, as a libtard, I don't really need to see evidence.
lol thisQuote: "Former U.S. Attorney Preet Bharara, who was removed from his post by the Trump administration last week, was overseeing an investigation into stock trades made by the president’s health secretary, according to a person familiar with the office."
so basically smoke up my ass.,
>Trump fired Comey because he was unfair to Hillary Clinton?
He fired comey because comey is a shithead incompetent piece of shit. And trump didn't fire him the AG made the call trump just agreed it was the call to make.
God you shills are really going all out its hilarious to watch you fail.
point is he should have been fired long ago. He let major criminals get away in Clintons and Obama
Comey lost the confidence of the FBI itself.
Trump fired him on the advice of the Attorney General, and investor who knew this.
He lost confidence because of the botched handling of the entire Clinton investigation.
I wonder why they withdrew that EO after she denied it?
>you shills
So you're just going to ignore my post up there with that Trump sign in my basement and the letters from the RNC?
What more proof do you want? I have emails I can post too if you want.
>Something is definitely not right here.
the FBI director serves at the pleasure of the executive
over the last year Comey has been overly involved in political clusters; in particular during 2016 election
Trump tries to keep Comey on but eventually decides to axe him probably for this and many other such behind the scenes examples.
But the president can fire so actually nothing is wrong with it.
wow thats also a list of Hillary supporters who have come up with zero evidence over the last 8 months
the plop thickens
Goddamn like a fucking boss!!
Trump unceremoniously threw Comey out like the trash he is.
>Did Trump
Hey OP did it ever occur to that LYING is really bad to do to the Judiciary committee
>Defending corruption
Why don't you try harder Schlomo
>Falling for the Cruz is a genius meme
Kek why didn't he BTFO her then if she was wrong? He didn't and he couldn't because he was wrong. Your post reeks of T_D. Get out!
Nobody buys it. If the problem stated (mishandling of Clinton emails) was really the issue, Trump should have canned his ass the day he walked into office, rather than speeding weeks congratulating the man on a job well done for damaging the she-beasts campaign.
Trump has zero credibility. He burned through it at an astonishing rate.
This is the last attempts of the administration to batten the hatches before the shit tsunami absolutely demolishes them. There is no escape anymore. The TV President is fuuuuuucked.
>immediately reverses campaign pledge
>Hurrrrr he's making chess moves you don't understand
He can but the timing is wrong.
Why fire him now? Why not when he took office?
It's looks even worse when you take into account he asked Sessions to look for reasons to fire him.
Even if there isn't some ulterior motive it was a stupid move to fire him before the end of the investigation, he gains nothing from this.
Go ahead and read what Benji Shapiro has to say about it
Yates was wrong, why didnt cruz call her out? Idk he probably wasnt sure what she was on about.
Would love to have FBIAnon back again...
shut up nigger
its 4d chess you cant just do anything you want especially in trumps situation
>It's not real because I don't want to believe it
Kek. Why did he fire Preet then hmmmmm? Can your T_D infected mind conjure up a reason? No it can't because you KNOW I'm right. Lmoa kill yourself and raise the average IQ little man
Wow and you're a fucking Leaf. Go die
>it looks bad because he should of done it sooner
>uh oh hes fucked now
do you fagget teens live in a fantasy land? He fires people when he has a reason to fire them.
its because of all the leaks
>when the only person in the fucking thread that actually answers your question instead of just labeling you a liberal shill might actually be a liberal shill himself
I should have known better than to come to Sup Forums.
Just the other day there was a thread on the obamacare vote and 90% of the thread didn't even know the specifics of the bill. They just memed about "Lol repeal and replace"
>He fires people when he has a treason to fire them.
>You should trust rumors because someone put it on a fancy letterhead.
you need to work on your bullshit detector.
>Ben Shapiro
Exposed yourself. Alright let's get you back on over to Reddit. Come on sonny it's just a click away. Let's go
I miss the tall fuck already
A fucking Sunnyvale trailer park leaf
do you know what treason is?
Id guess no.
>You need to be from reddit to read Shapiro's column
are you a fucking retard? Honestly?
That's because Sup Forums is a wasteland of shills, bots, trolls, and bait.
There are good posts, but the SNR is like -30dB
Pointing out the insanity helps to heal their in-fighting.
When your enemy is failing, you don't intervene.
shill harder jew, better yet, go make some signs and trick some goys into parading outside the whitehouse for a few hours. Im sure Drumpf will crumble under your whiny assault in no time at all, hillary and the gang wont be rounded up, you guys wont be outed for committed 9/11. America wont bring the full weight of its arms upon your country, and greater Israel will still actually happen...kek.
You do realize that the Right is aching for you retards to spark the fire, right? Heck, I'd make the trip over the pond just to fight Liberals and SJW's. That's how much I hate your kind.
You're being naive. People don't get fired just for fucking up in Washington. Tell me what he has to gain from this that makes the political fallout worth it.
He's either stupid or guilty, neither of which are good.
Give me another reason then shill. You know it and I know it. I bet your literally sitting in front of your computer sweating because I'm exposing you as the reddit shillkike that you are.
Hello leaf, how about you read the fucking thread where half way down I defend myself as not a shill before you project