>tfw my wife said she's going back to her home country to help her parents house migrants for a few months
>her Homeland is France
What the fuck do I do?
Tfw my wife said she's going back to her home country to help her parents house migrants for a few months
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tell her about how her parents will be raped and she will too lmao
She and her parents support the migrants and their new president.
Get a mail order russian bride.
When she gets home let her catch you in bed with her.
Say "oh I just wanted to house some migrants"
Divorce or make her stay. You and I both know what she will be doing over there
>What the fuck do I do?
Tell her she might as well stay there, and hand her divorce papers. Sounds like she is more interested in foreign black dick than yours.
tell hew she cant go because its to dangerous
Go with her. It's your duty as a man to protect your wife.
I'm sorry OP. Tell her it's dangerous after the election.
>>my wife
Not anymore if she goes back to France
Divorce her first before she divorces you
She needs to burn a lot of coal user.
You obviously aren't man enough for her.
You can either prep the bull, save SOME face and get divorced, or kys. I recommend the 3rd
divorce for sheer stupidity
file for divorce and move while she's gone?
your wife is a piece of shit and you should divorce her.
Be a real husband and guide her. You need to convince her to stay. Use logical arguments, but be kind with your delivery. Do not act demanding, but provide facts. Show her videos of the migrant crisis and educate her. I am dissapointed that you have not educated your wife on this topic already. Good husbands educate their wives, if they don't their wives will seek guidance from other sources such as corrupt media. It's your job to protect her and a way to do that is through education. Do your duty as a husband and protect your wife.
You either go with her or she doesn't go. Enforce
>being this cucked
i hope youre just trolling
hit reset and start over, you already fucked this game up
Amen. you are the man, you dont have to put with this shit.
>save SOME face and get divorced
>implying OP is a man and in charge of his own life
W-what if he strapped a dozen black dildos to his torso? Would this satisfy her coal-burning drives?
Stay with her and help her bring up her son when she comes back
Threaten to divorce her.
Tell her no? What's wrong with men these days
Lterally "My wife's son"
Don't be an ass and help her, her parents are part of your family too you know.
When she get back you should be nowhere to be found. Sell everything and leave the state. Start a new life in Alaska or some shit, she isn't worth it.
Yep. Do this op.
Your wife will then quickly hide the divorce papers she had drawn up so that she could marry Abdul, "because we just had this connection," and will cry and moan. Just be sure you get the truth out of her
russian post best post
Get a new wife
Pray. Maybe God will show your family mercy
And? Did she invite you? Does she know your opinion? Have you ever been on a trip without her?
At any point did she mention she needs "me-time"?
Explain the reality of how dangerous and stupid the situation is. If she blindly persists, divorce. You don't need that mental illness polluting your future offspring.
good questions
OP pls respond
This is stupid and childish. A man would tell her she isn't go and explain to her why the migrant crisis is bad for Europe and the West.
If she persists you let her go in all ways. The day she leaves the country you file for divorce, sell everything, leave her what she is entitled to legally and restart life in a new city/state/country. Sounds like OP already fucked up marrying her, no need to waste more time on this marriage.
>2 posts by this ID, only saying that she's leaving and supports migrants
How much black cock do you think she will take?
and your children?
Be a proper father figure for Abdul's son. Raise your new half black child with good liberal values and tolerance.
Plz dis
She's going back to get railed by Mohammed and Ahmed in a migrant camp. Sorry bro.
start getting used to the idea of prepping the bull
Divorce her, obviously.
Ultimatum, the only choice and logical one
BTW divorce her is not an extremist, 'pol being edgy' response. You should literally divorce her, this is a huge betrayal.
>help her parents house migrants for a few months
Jesus fucking Christ your wife is ok with this?
Drive her to the nearest ghetto, then kick her out of the car and strip her naked before driving away and leaving her there. "Enjoy the full migrant experience you slut."
Your wife while in Paris
>house migrants
you are no longer wife
It's not about color, it's always the masculinity which OP seems to lack of.