Are Germans white? Are Nords white? Who is more white?
Are Germans white? Are Nords white? Who is more white?
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All Europeans are White.
Indians, Latinos, West & East Asians are White also.
Everyone is white
Black people are white
Only East Slavs are white.
Finland has some of the most blue eyes population. I dont know why Sup Forums keep memeing about them being mongol rape babies.
post-1945 germany was mostly slavic due to the mass rapings by soviet soldiers
post 1990s germany is semitic
East Germany was always mostly Slavic, but not due to raping.
This, all white but different and unique tribes. As for modern day population it is a gamble.
doesn't matter if you have blue eyes if you look like a mongol
Good thing light traits correlate with extremely European populations.
and coincidentially east germans (excluding berlin) and bavarians are the ones fighting back the pakis
keep your borders tight and tall Poland
this is now your average german and swede. I think norway and finland are generally white though.
The only slavs in east Germany are the tiny minority of the sorbs.
Define German/Nord. Northern Germans are quite similar to Scandinavians, both in looks and in being autistic as fuck. Southern Germans have more Slavic/Celtic features and are less retarded.
Guess which type of Germans managed to keep a proper Empire together for more than 50 years.
Only i am white and not even i am white
Bavaria is the best germany
Very cute mongol loli
Nobody is white exept for varg
Name of that people? I am curious about the tentacles
>Who is more white?
>same thread each day
Mod really should stick this map
Himba tribe. They're the indigenous people of northern Namibia. They coat themselves with Earth clay.
Thank you for the information
>is X white
Friendly reminder Jews create these threads in an attempt to confuse you as to what is and is not white, thus resulting in the loss of racial identity. Don't forget how evil the Jews are, and how much they hate you.
"White" isn't a race. Our race is the Aryan race, today called "Indo-European." Who is an Aryan? Anyone who descends from the ancient Aryan peoples who spoke an Indo-European language. Who is not an Aryan? Anyone who does not descend from the ancient Aryan bloodline.
White people don't exist.
Actually indo-europeans are just a language group that spread to europe few thousands years ago while europe has been inhabited for tens of thounds of years. People are the same but languages have switched many times in that time.
Why don't people remember
i thought that was lil yachty for a sec
>just a language group
>i dont know how genes work
>i dropped out in the 6th grade
>fuck drumpf!
>what are genes?
Only the Irish are truly white.
Subhuman Slav rape baby's (germ*ns) BTFO
Danes are honorary whites, as are the Japanese.
>what is a common shared culture?
>Im as educated as an African child slave worker
>what is the swastika?
Only R1a1a1 is true Aryan.
Mongrels please fuck off from our lands, we've been here 1000s of years.
What's the indo-european gene? Are you saying the indo-europeans suddenly came from somewhere and killed of the natives?
Basques are the rememants that we have from the paleo-europeans.
Yes, that's literally what modern research is saying.
>what is the indo-european gene?
>Are you saying the indo-europeans suddenly came from somewhere and killed of the natives?
more like gave them civilization.
>Yes, that's literally what modern research is saying.
What's wrong with it?
Newfags, please don't respond to these 1 post OP nigger threads. You are wasting your energy.
Your ass is more white from all the nigger cum.
whats wrong with what m8?