Is libertarianism isn't coming back, Sup Forums? The core base of support were straight, white males, and they've all turned to far-right nationalism.
Is it a dead ideology?
Is libertarianism isn't coming back, Sup Forums? The core base of support were straight, white males, and they've all turned to far-right nationalism.
Is it a dead ideology?
i was libertarian until i realized the existence of the white race was threatened. Libertarianism will not preserve race or culture, and people don't need liberty.
Anyway, I still like the idea of libertarianism, but it will never work.
It appeals to straight white males because 1. It's the only 100% fair ideology that doesn't require everyone to live in 3rd world squalor as a prerequisite. Hatred of straight white males is so ingrained that the idea that government should not be standing on their throat with a jackboot is completely anathema to literally everyone except uncucked white males (which honestly don't even make up the majority of straight white males) and 2. It is the culmination of the best ideas western society has ever produced. Whites can love and appreciate this, shitskins don't get it and perceive respect for personal freedom/agency as a weakness to exploit.
If white men were the only type of human on the planet, libertarianism would be great. But literally every single other demographic would be furiously working day and night to chip away at a "perfect" libertarian system if one were to ever magically come into effect. MAYBE after 1000 years of a 5th reich, when nationalism dies off because there are simply no other nations left to conquer, then we might he able to seriously consider it.
If Ron Paul ran again I would vote for him in a heartbeat. I wish he would, but he won't. Given this Gary Johnson is a SHIT Democrat masquerading as a Libertarian. He went out of his way to put a gun-grabber as his VP choice which makes him NOT a libertarian. You get someone who is actually no-bullshit libertarian back in the party and they'll have my vote, but NOT until then. Until that happens I'm just in it for the keks.
We cannot have libertarian until the nation regains a strong sense of national interest and pride.
We need Trump first, and Paul/Cruz later.
The Libertarian Party is dead; the fedora wearing neckbearss killed it. The rest of us moved on to the nationalist platform. It's easier to get people on board.
the founding fathers originally made our rights apply to only white people.
That's because capitalism has to resort to state coercion to maintain the system.
> they've all turned to far-right nationalism.
No, nazi are literal memes, no one takes them seriously.
In your retarded electoral college system, only 2 party state is possible, sadly.
libertarianism is whites go full individualist, ignoring their ethnic interest in favor of the market and play a fair game, best man wins. Then Jews stay collectivist, gather assets and key positions through nepotism and ethnic networking because they are not stupid enough to forget about ethnic interests.
We realized freedom is overrated.
Libertarianism is unnatural and could only work if you implemented like a religion.
Otherwise people would continue to make the tyranny of the majority, elect superiors to rule over them, etc.
There has never been a Libertarian society just like there has never been a Communist one - because it's only an idea.
This....they were ALL white nationalists....need a founding father absolutest movement in the USA
True, but the democrats are falling apart which will create a power vacuum in the coming years. It'll be great when the next inevitable world war breaks out. No more jews at least. That's the best ending I could've hoped for.
>ignoring their ethnic interest
What's that in America? You're all mixed beyond recognition
why dont you support white nationalist libertarianism then instead of some nazi larper shit
very simple, modern cultural marxism is against liberty.
Either I am reading too much reddit, or dems don't actually seem to be falling apart.
Have you noticed that jews are collectivists voluntarily? I don't see how libertarian ideology contradicts it?.
It is not actually against freedom, it is just freedom from responcibility.
Dumb normies killed libertarianism. The best cure for our ills would be killing the welfare/warfare state, ending birthright citizenship and anti-discrimination laws. Of course that's too complicated to do and power will see-saw back and forth between cuckservatives and dems until this whole thing blows up.
I still consider myself a paleolibertarian, but economics got boring when you fight over a pseudoscience with a bunch of fags.
Did you see my flag, faggot? White nationalism will never happen in the US.
Always has been
Libertarianism was always just naive anarchism.
Such naivity dies with age.
All Hail Rothbard.
It's an ideaology that doesn't have balls.
Libertarian is not always ancap.
people will respect libertarianism more when economic bubbles pops again due to keynesianism or big state
John Stuart Mill
Friedrich Hayek
Ludwig von Mises
Friedrich Bastiat
Milton Friedman
Thomas Sowell
.....aaaaaand this pic related asshole
Libertarianism has a pretty deep intellectual and scholarly history. There is nothing deep about faggots like Gary Johnson who almost single highhandedly destroyed it's reputation.
In my opinion, libertarian philosophy started to die when a lot of old commies and hippies jumped onto the libertarian movement because they just wanted to keep cops away from their dude weed lmao.
Same thing is happening to the atheist movement too. Feminists and SJWs started invading atheism, and if atheism weren't cringe enough, it's one step away from going full blown social justice.
>and people don't need liberty.
Fuck you.
The lesson from the racepill isn't that liberty is bad. It's that we need to keep a predominantly white population to PRESERVE liberty.
Open border cucks and dude weed fags kinda ruined its image. Most people are just too stupid to understand the concept. There are too many shitskins and women voting for it to make any progress
We had a supposed "libertarian" strategist or something come on here a while back.
I mentioned to him that this Jason Lewis guy was making strides in Minnesota
But I don't think he responded to me much after that.
Well Jason Lewis actually won that congressional seat and is my new Ron paul.
Keep an eye out for him. Granted he's only a representative, but he's going to make a big splash in the next few years
Until we get the fat neckbeards out of the limelight, it's always going to be seen as another weirdo fringe party. Libertarians need some capital, then they need to buy some suave politicians, that would be enough to give them much more clout. But instead, they let retards speak at their conventions and shit everything up .
democratic process is a complete waste of time anyway.