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You are in the EU, you can go into any other member country, even Poland...

Were you attacked by a Somali or something?


Let me rephrase. I love my country but it has literally turned to shit. I'm going to stay until the next election, hope SD wins and hope they actually do something. If not, I'll join Nordfront and hope THEY do something. If nothing happens and it only keeps going on like this, I'm fucking out. Suggestions for countries that are decent? I have blonde hair, blue eyes and am 6 feet tall

No, not yet atleast. I live in a nice suburb of Stockholm, but my mom works as a psychiatrist and her clinic or whatever it is called is in Botkyrka, which is literally like Rinkeby. It's a fucking shithole and I'm worried that she might get raped/murdered or whatever the fuck the nigs do these days

Well if you want a white stable country go for poland or the balts. If you want a land where you can regulate your own existance, go US.

US seems to be going down the same road as Sweden though, i dont want to relive that shit all over again. What is Poland like? What are their political views and how do they like foreigners? Will a Swede get accepted? Do I need to speak polish or can I get by with just english?

Well they are mostly right wing and catholic, but as far as I know, they are shit at foreign languages. Might try our country if you want a white mostly english speaking country, but we are going down slowly, same as all. Northerners are accepted by both nations, you are seen as better educated and so on, so you would be quite welcome.


How old are you? Fellow blondie blue eyes here. I get you here via University

I'm 18, turning 19 this year. What's it like over there?

Emigrate now, SD wont win and Nordfront will never have power.

Are you absolutely sure? I still want to have hope. Why haven't you left? Where would you go, if you could/would?

What is the situation over in Slovenia? Don't know anything about your politics or anything in general about the country, actually.

If by winning as in getting a majority, then this will never happen. Best case scenario is a coalition of SD+M+KD. Nordfront will become irrelevant when SD grows, its mostly the same people who has always been in it for years. Im going to move to denmark if it gets really shitty, or norway/finland as second/third choice. Havent left cause i still have hope.

t. skåning

Stockholmare här. Do you live in Malmö? Whats it like in Skåne? I'm still holding out hope for a coalition. This might sound completely fucked up, but I want there to be more terrorist attacks here, since that would probably just increase the % of people voting for SD. You gotta lose a few battles to win the war.

can't you just walk across the border to somewhere nicer?

Well it's still quite nice. Niggers are hard to come by, but more common and only seen in the capital. Quite a few ex-jugos and albanians, but not that noticable and only saw 1 hijab woman in the capital and I live near it. Regarding politics, it's still like it was in 45, you grand pa was a partisan/fascist, so it's 50/50, but most people I know are racist and hate immigrants, which are kept in their asylum homes. The country is also a nice sight to see, the capital is truly the most beautiful in the EU, the healthcare is not bad, unless you need a specialist, then private healthcare is the option, we are also one of the safest countries to live in. Also, the economy and sallary is quite nice, not a bad place to live in, even with minimal wage.

You could get an american friend and get married

Like I said earlier, I most likely will if nothing else changes. I'm still holding out hope for the political parties that are against mass-immigration.

There are few countries you can move out of more easily.

Doesn't green cards or whatever the fuck they are called take like, 10 years to get?

I dont live in malmö anymore, i moved out to the countryside, although i did grow up there. Malmö is a shithole but the rest of Skåne is fine, especially the east side. We have the most amount of people who vote for SD in skåne and my kommun has 30% SD. I actually have the same thoughts as you, sweden should actually have more terror attacks since it would be better for the opinion...

Stockholm is the cespool of degeneracy in sweden and i really hare that city. If anything, you should move out to the countryside.

>thinking your situation can be solved at the voting booth
Your country is done for Sven. I am genuinely sorry that your countrymen fucked you over.

I didn't say it was a quick solution

That actually sounds awesome. I'll have to check out the details more once I completely lose all hope of a healthy Sweden in the near future. Thanks for all the info, Slovenian bro. I'll buy you a beer once/if I get there.

I have a house out on the west coast, close to Grebbestad. I've actually thought about moving out there a few times. Do you know what the general view on immigrants are there? I dont think I've ever seen a somali or a muslim during all the summers I've spent there.

Come to America, Swedebro. We need your help. Your land is lost, but there are many of you left in your colony here (Minnesota)

I live in suburbs outside Cleveland, Ohio. Cleveland State Uni has some pretty horrendous affirmative action, but if you are stem major you could probably get a ton of tuition off and room and board. If you not a lazy fuck you can actually make profit while in school

I know that many people think that it is unsolvable and I don't blame you, you are probably right but I truly do love this country and I'm not ready to give up on it just yet.

He's in the EU that's the problem.

US is on the top of my list and especially Minnesota, since I know that there is a lot of real swedish heritage there. It actually makes me so happy to see some people genuinely trying to understand the situation of the ethnic Swedes.

Like anywhere, it depends on where you live. If you want a white, overall nice place, look into the South (there's a lot of Nigs, but look into the whitest parts of Southern states and you'll find some great places to live), the Midwest (Iowa, Idaho, Montana, the Dakotas, Wyoming, parts of Missouri) and the Northeast (Maine, New Hampshire, Vermont might be easier for a Swede to assimilate to) California isn't all that bad if you find the white counties up north, away from the coast.

Honestly, I'd recommend you come to Uni in Maine or New Hampshire.

Honestly cant speak for västra götaland since i dont know much about it. You should use this map in terms of how people perceive migrants in different areas. Keep in mind that this map would look a lot redder if it was from now.

No. A few months, provided the relationship is real. Then you get the permanent one inba couple of years if you're still married.

are you implying you want to be a refugee?

Fuck, that map is just beautiful. That right there is evidence that not all Swedes are leftist cucks.

For non-swedish speakers, the map shows the amount of support for the party SD, the altright-ish party in Sweden that is against mass immigration.

Immigrant and refugee is not the same thing. Especially if the immigrant is someone who contributes to society, appreciates the culture and does not force their own religious views on their new home.

Not a bad idea. I'll have to spend some time in the US, find a nice american girl

how many muslims are in sweden....like seriously.

whats an accurate number?

Idk if you know this or not, but how do you even study as a foreigner in the US? Do you get some type of special visa during your studies? Can you keep that visa when you are done?

around 13%, which is like, 1,3 million

At least 500,000 BEFORE migrant crisis

>6 feet
Holy shit, I'm 6'2" and I'm a midget compared to younger people. You need to be sterilized

Generally, university websites have tabs dedicated to international students. From what I've seen, you need a student visa if you're staying longer than 6 months, but I could be wrong. They do make it generally easy for foreign students to study here, though, so a specific university website should spell it out for you.

You dug your own grave, Sven. Rot in hell!

This is most likely what I'll do. Thank you for your help!

We're not going to be islanig gommunism like you tho. Just third world corporatism

Oh fuck off Kiwi

We need more non cucked Europeans, the ones I know that came here to live (mostly for work) are all massive leftist cucks that hate the Constitution, our history, and blame white Americans for everything. They ultimately admit they're staying long term because the pay is good and they can lead a good life and have a bigger house. They don't deserve to be here (almost as little as poc)
A European who appreciates the Country is more than welcome in my opinion

Sweden has been lost

No problem, friend! Good luck to you, I hope you get voting rights here one day

We'll take you in if you're not a complete shithead, OP.

God knows he could use more whites. Normally I'd give you shit for abandoning your motherland in it's time of need... But it's fucking Sweden, I'll make an exception for Sweden, you can only do so much.

>we could use more*

Come to America; it's gigantic, and you'll certainly find a place for yourself if you have job skills.

Look for sponsors and it shouldn't be too hard.

I hope I do, too. Even though I'm not American, watching Trump win the election is a day I'll never forget. I was hoping I was going to get to relive that a few days ago with France, but alas, they are too far gone.
Thanks lads, appreciate it. I love the States, but if I could stay in Sweden, I would. As I've said plenty of times now, I love my country. Always have, always will. I'll do what I can to restore it to its glory, but if not, its every man for himself and then I'm fucking out. See you in the States.

Crime has barely even gone up in Sweden though how could you possibly be contemplating moving countries?

Sounds lovely.


You've made your grave, now lie in it.

Move up north

Once you're done and a sponsoring employer finds you or let's say, are engaged to a girl you want to marry (and stay with), you can change the nature of your visa at the immigration office by applying before the student visa is expired, if I'm correct. Look into it, it's doable, lots of paperwork but not impossible

Fight the good fight, OP. Sweden, for as shit as it is now, has a grand cultural and historical legacy and it shouldn't be destroyed.





America is always looking for tall Blonde Swedes. Not even kidding. I know dozens of them in my city. And I'm in Mass. Not even bumfuck midwest.


>Muh statistics.
Shit has already been proven to have been manipulated. Even if those stats are correct, I've lived here for almost 19 years and I've seen the country slowly deteriorating. Going through the Swedish equivalent of High School/College (gymnasiet) in Stockholm, we "ethnic Swedes" are legitimately, in every sense of the word, being oppressed. Give me a few minutes and I'll type up some stories for you.

Nice to feel wanted, actually.

> Cleveland, Ohio
Oh god I'm so sorry. I hope you take a road trip and / or get to see some other parts of the country! Try Maine. Don't let word get out though.

Unless you have a well-paying job lined up in the US you'd be a fool to immigrate there. And frankly, if you have a well-paying job lined up there, you'll probably have a lot of other options too.

>Shit has already been proven to have been manipulated
Its based of victim reports not police or government crime stats

>Even if those stats are correct, I've lived here for almost 19 years and I've seen the country slowly deteriorating
>When I go into the city I see brown people

>in Stockholm, we "ethnic Swedes" are legitimately, in every sense of the word, being oppressed
look forward to this

DO NOT let swedes into your country, they will always be tolerant and attract niggers wherever they are.

Oh fuck, a fellow Cleveland suburbanite.




I think we all have those thoughts.

no, you misinterpreted my quote. I'm not saying that everywhere in Stockholm ethnic Swedes are being oppressed, I'm saying that we receive different treatments in HIGH SCHOOL. Typing up some stories now.

We haven't left because we love our country. You don't just pack up and leave at the first sign of shit, you stay and try to solve it. If there are literally no other options, I will emigrate.

We need to start a breeding program for tall blonde swedes, so eventually we will be able to repopulate sweden after it goes to shit


>DO NOT let swedes into your country, they will always be tolerant and attract niggers wherever they are.
But I want to live around other races

Just move to Åland or some swedish speaking finnish town.

The pay here can be incredibly good compared to other countries, and the lifestyle is more up to you and with enormous potential. I think many in Europe (and in the cities here) people have a distorted view of what life is/can be like here

Mass. for all it's ramblings about being a Blue State is filled with modern day Dixiecrats.

That's the thing the rest of the country doesn't understand about my state. They vote blue but think red. It's bizarre as shit. I'm not saying there are no enclaves of SJW, Boston is filled with them. But we are progressive as long as it makes sense.

Don't hate someone because o their skin color. CHECK.
Hire a bunch of white kids with no experience because nepotism and tradition. ALSO CHECK.

People vote Democrat here purely based on tradition more than anything.

I'll talk to people who spout centrist/conservative ideals all day and then say "Those damn Republicans!"
Not that the republicans are any better. They are just as much shit. But it's just to make a point.

Don't go to America you dumb nigger, we're less than 50% white. You will guaranteed have mulatto Mexican grandchildren if you come here.

Move further North, I know a Swedish girl and she tells me there's no Arabs up North.

Or move to Czech, almost no niggers

Just get out of Stolkholm, don't move to JewSA you dumb faggot we need to save Europe

No. You voted for socialist government almost every year since the Berlin Wall fell.

You must take accountability for your actions and face the consequences. Your people committed collectivist seppukkuu now lie in the bed you made. Fuck off we are full.

Brown as fuck, don't come here. These Americans are delusional. Have you ever seen the HWNDU threads? All the Americans on here are mongrels with white dysphoria

>When I go into the city I see brown people
Why are there brown people in the first place?

Sweden is not like Australia, Canada, and the US, its not a immigrant society, its literally the home of ethnic swedes, there should not be any brown people there.


dude you're a fucking IDIOT, stop listening to Americans and their fucking delusion about

Sweden somehow in the last 20-30 years convinced itself it was to blame for the plights of minorities.

Then it tried to one up any other nation on Earth that mentioned "progressivism". After a generation of kids were brought up in this shit ideal they believed it and now spout it to their children.

Dude go live in the middle of Montana or Wyoming or something you won't see a black person for weeks if not more

this was their plan all along

Quality thread. Not Sup Forums tier trash at all.


Why haven't you joined NordFront already ? Do you really think SD will be able to fix the mess the previous governments did ?
The real question is, in what state is it the most easy to get your hands on firearms ?

>Why are there brown people in the first place?
Because people want them there

>Sweden is not like Australia, Canada, and the US, its not a immigrant society, its literally the home of ethnic swedes
Well ethnic Swedes seem to want brown people there so who are you to deny them that?

>be me last year
>taking a rhetorics class
>The best speech of the group will get the opportunity to speak in front of the entire school right before we get our winter break.
>this is a good opportunity, since the person who does this ALWAYS gets a free A in the entire course.
>I write an argumentative speech about strengthening the border controls
>After I hold my speech in front of the class, the teacher comes up to me and tells me it was very well written but she can't allow me to speak in front of the school since it is "controversial"
>the girl who wins is a fat immigrant chick who literally just complains about the fucking song White Christmas
>she starts off her speech by singing parts of the song, and she does that terribly.
>"Why is it called 'WHITE' Christmas? Do they not understand how the concept of celebrating Christmas is offensive to other religions? Mixing in the colour white just makes it worse" etc etc.
>gets standing ovations.

Second story coming up, I know this one wasn't about me personally, but its still fucked.

This is what pisses me off the most. Sweden did absolutely nothing wrong but they are the ones dealing with the most crap.

When in school we were taught about multiculturalism in school, I figured it was just a Canadian and American thing, because it sort of made sense given the history of immigration, but they are trying to pull that same bullshit in countries where it makes no sense.

I feel bad for your country OP, Sweden used to be on my list of countries that I would move to in case I had to. I also really like Swedish women and it pains me to know what they are going through thanks to those fucks. I wish you the best.

But its obvious they don't want them there. Its just if they say they don't want them there they are called racists.