If you take a look at the European DNA they have 4% Neanderthal DNA, due to ancient interbreeding. This could have led to the higher IQ that we now see in Modern Europeans. It has also been shown that the neanderthals were a creative people too, another trait we may have gained, perhaps it's because of this intermixing that we have produced most of the worlds discoveries. Importing people into Europe who don't have neanderthal genes could be weakening the effect, causing IQ's to dip.
European creativity and IQ a result of Heterosis?
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It's weird to me that there isn't definitive consensus on the history of modern humans from where they begin and spread, to how they came to be what they are today. It's almost like something is being covered up for political/social reasons.
So why were Europeans lagging so far behind the Middle East and China until around 1400-1500AD?
Also Neanderthals weren't smarter than Homo-Sapiens. Their brains were not as developed/complex although they had bigger brains in terms of size
What would happen if the ideological out of africa theory is dropped though?
I am not saying they were, more a combination of the two is better than the parts.
What's your evidence for that? because Europeans enjoyed superiority over the other peoples for ~400 years? What about the previous 4000?
Chinese DNA has Neaderthal DNA in it too. They may have also had a kick from Denisovan man.
This might be relevant to the discussion.
This guy has a theory that autism spectrum disorders are related to having a neanderthal-like brain.
it's literally in all DNA out of Africa, I was hoping you'd activate my trap card by trying to tell me further how because Europeans have N dna they were superior. It's in Middle East and East Asia too but these populations are less studied so most people are stuck back in time when it was first discovered European DNA had N admixture.
Denisovan I don't think is in Chinese DNA but it's in Australian Aboriginal DNA.
It's been a lot longer than that. Think about the Romans, and the celts before them. The Greeks. I'd argue also that it was only after agriculture Europeans could reach their full potential.
There's already the multi-regional theory. The "out of Africa" is far from settled especially with recent tooth findings.
everyone except niggers has neanderthall dna. asians have neanderthall and denisovan dna.
denisovan is in asian dna. asians and abos actually have a lot of dna in common amazingly.
The Greeks were a backwater compared to what already existed in the Middle East for thousands of years already (Phoenicia, Babylon, Assyria, Elamites, Persia. The era Greece is famous for (Classical Era) got going after Greeks made contact with the Near East and technology and ideas started flowing West. We know this because the Greeks themselves said this all the time.
Rome was a central hub for European advancement, they were pioneering in engineering especially, but this was mostly achieved through looting its neighbours and mass enslavement (1/3 of the Roman population). The Roman Empire at its peak was equivalent to what already existed in Persia and China for centuries already. European dominance began with domination of the trade routes over sea. If it had been the Chinese or Muslims that achieved this first, history would look very different today.
>he thinks the middle east was full of dune coons back then
What is anatolia
multi-regional theory has been debunked long ago. We have a common ancestor from East Africa from 60k years ago. The discovery of genetic testing has pretty much settled the Out of Africa theory to be true.
>muh persians
Persians were aryans at one point, Iran is literally synonymous with aryan
Silly boong
But they just found some evidence of humans in North America from 130k years ago, right? Doesn't that throw a wrench into Out of Africa?
Neanderthals had much bigger brains. 1600 cubic centimeters or so. They had much better genes for fat metabolism and cold weather. The brain is mostly fat tissue. Add lactose intolerance, the use of fire, meat preservation and the evolutionary advantage is clear.
While the team doesn’t know the function of those Neanderthal gene variants, it began to search for their influence by examining brain tissue from the prefrontal cortex of 14 adults of European, African, and Asian descent, as well as 14 chimpanzees. Although Khaitovich thinks that the Neanderthal genes affect the composition of fat throughout the body, the researchers focused on brain tissue first because it contains so many fatty acids—and was available from a brain tissue bank.
The team found that Europeans had differences in the concentration of various fatty acids in the brain that were not found in Asians or chimpanzees, which suggests they had evolved recently. The Europeans also showed differences in the function of enzymes that are known to be involved with the metabolism of fat in the brain.
Now the team is trying to figure out what the fatty acids do in the brain and how differences in their concentration might affect function. “We think it’s a very strong effect with very profound physiological changes,”
He suspects that these fatty acid genes were advantageous for modern humans and may have helped Neanderthals and, later, Europeans adapt to colder environments. The gene variants may have boosted metabolism, perhaps helping Europeans and Neanderthals break down fat more rapidly to get energy to survive in colder climates in northern Europe.
in the picture: Cucuteni, Romania, 7500 years ago.
What about Anatolia? They were the first to use metal coinage because of their proximity to alluvial metals deposits, they were still a backwater compared to what was in Iraq.
And if you think the Middle East was ever "white" then you're an idiot
Iran had advanced civilizations before the Persians arrived. Elamites, Sialk teppe and all the little ones around it. The Persians and the Medes were nomadic horsemen that conquered and mixed with people already inhabiting Iran.
google it fuck ya
Yes Neandethrals had much bigger brains, but they had much bigger skulls too. Bigger brains doesn't correlate directly with intelligence or it'd be whales and a bunch of other mammals smarter than humans. Neanderthal brains were not as developed as ours.
Not to mention the fact that our non neanderthal archaic ancestor was literally C A V E D, it doesn't explain why blacks are closer related to the bonobo than they are to Europeans
Parthian/Sassanid empire?
Or the Adiabene? All states literally on par with anatolia
"Go google it!"
Oh yeah sure proved your point bruv
The only thing that comes up is how the multinational theory BTFOs the out of Africa theory
>As Paabo explains it:
>"The team determined that Europeans who lived between 37,000 and 14,000 years ago were part of a single founding population that didn’t significantly interbreed with other populations. Since the drop in Neanderthal DNA couldn’t be explained by population mixing, the authors argue that the genetic material was forced out through natural selection.Further evidence bolstered this theory when the researchers found that Neanderthal DNA got culled more often near genes than in other parts of the genome.
>“The Neanderthal population, because of its small size, may have accumulated many slightly bad mutations,” said Pääbo. “It has taken tens of thousands of years to remove them from the modern human population, and it may still be going on.”
So race mixing made superior people? Tell me more Sup Forums.
>race mixing
Neanderthals aren't a human race
Why haven't we cured genital warts yet? Can't we just eradicate it from existence?
Human enough to breed with apparently. After all we share like 60% of DNA with a banana. ~95 with a chimpanzee.
>Black plague
>Catholic Church
That just about covers it.
>we share like 60% of DNA with a banana. ~95 with a chimpanzee.
You're geneologically illiterate
Ok buddy. I have sources to back these claims up. Do you?
It's part of who we are user.
Get rid of them and we'll be like Africa before you know it.
>American education
Well we know that genetic diversity (ie "mixed" race people) makes individuals better than either of their parents alone, so it stands to reason that 4% Neandertal DNA would just increase diversity among a homogenous population
I wasn't saying you didn't
But saying we descend from a banana as a strawman type counter argument is fuckin retarded lol
Middle eastern and Asian peoples have Neanderthal DNA. This only proves OP's point.
You also conviently ignore the effect Proto Indo European culture had on Europe, Persia, and India. To suggest PIE was "lagging" is absurd on its face.
You ignore the Megalithic cultures of Europe. Only Turkey has older (barely) megaliths than Europe.
You ignore the Vinca culture and it's advancements (possibly the oldest written language).
You are also very quick to dismiss to
achievements of Bronze Age European cultures. A quick look through the material culture of any number of these groups would show the level of advancement (in say metallurgy for example) that sub-Saharan Africa didn't achieve until colonial times.
Also, who are the Minoans?
[citation needed]
youre an idiot. horses x/a ratio are closer to europeans than monkeys. same with racoons. x/a ratio is simply the ratio of males to females in a species. stop sharing this as if it means anything you inbred retard.
dumbass britfag. try doing a little research. took 2 seconds to find out what x/a ratio is and it has nop relation to whether a species is related to another, fucking retard
source: en.wikipedia.org
there are no citations besides liberal articles. no study says any such thing. in fact, the opposite is true. genetic diversity "within a geographic population" is good, but mixing 2 different populations almost always produces mutations that would be considered to 'negatively affect' the organism
>If you take a look at the European DNA they have 4% Neanderthal DNA, due to ancient interbreeding.
Asians actually have more Neanderthal DNA than Europeans, but are much less creative. Abos and Southeast Asian jungle niggers also have plenty of Neanderthal DNA.
>It has also been shown that the neanderthals were a creative people too
Neanderthals lived in Europe for 500,000 years without significantly changing their toolkit, they were probably dumb as rocks.
>Importing people into Europe who don't have neanderthal genes could be weakening the effect, causing IQ's to dip.
Modern IQ has nothing to do with Neanderthal admixture. Farming in northern climates requires greater intelligence and planning ability, this is why Northern farmers have the highest intelligence of any major human populations.
Iran and India both had civilization before the indo-aryans arrived. Iran had the Elamites and Sialk Teppe, some cities dating back 8000 years before the Persians arrived. India had the Indus River Valley civ. These areas were long civilized before the nomadic (ergo. no settled cities) indo-aryan horsemen arrived and conquered it, leaving their lasting legacy.
>Asians are much less creative
Except when they were technologically ahead of everyone until around 1400AD. China was piping natural gas to their metropolis cities surrounded by immense fortifications protected by professional armies in 200BC, meanwhile and advanced city-state in Europe had maybe 50,000 people and possibly not even walled.
If it was to do with climates than Asiatic Sami, Siberians and Inuits would be the world's most intelligent people. Europe's climate wasn't that significantly difficult compared to elsewhere. The coldest capital in the world is Mongolia and there are huge swathes of the steppe where people will live and die without seeing a river or lake. Tough climates exist everywhere
It's not only one gene.
Also, fire as a tool was used only in this areal.
>the higher IQ that we now see in Modern Europeans
This is from 1000 years of eugenic western civilization in a tough climate. Hanging 1% of the population year after year, weeding out criminal, impulsive garbage. Limiting the reproduction of the lower class in many ways, including just letting their lives be hell and not helping them, so their kids had higher mortality and they had less of them. That's how you domesticate man and improve a race.
You should look at the time periods as well. The flow of neanderthal genes could be verified by other proxies as well.
>So why were Europeans lagging so far behind the Middle East and China until around 1400-1500AD?
Europeans did not demographically recover from the collapse of the Roman empire until about 1400. Middle East and China had much bigger populations than Europe during 500-1400.
>Except when they were technologically ahead of everyone until around 1400AD
It is easy to be technologically ahead when your population is 10 times greater than all of Europe. Once there were only 5 times as many gooks as Europeans, Europeans quickly overtook Asia. One European scientist is worth ten gook scientists because gooks are biologically incapable of creativity.
White people, especially those with blue eyes and blonde hair are descended from the ancient Atlanteans told about in ancient cultures around the world that brought civilization to the rest of the world.
You just proved his point. They had gunpowder before the west, and did nothing with it.
>If it was to do with climates than Asiatic Sami, Siberians and Inuits would be the world's most intelligent people.
I specifically said farming in cold climates. Hunting or herding in cold climates does not require incredible planning ability.
Neanderthals had much bigger brains. 1600 cubic centimeters or so.
They also had much bigger eyes. They hunted at night and needed are large visual cortex to process the data. They were not particularly smart.
I never claimed we did.
According to a team of researchers from Copenhagen University, a single mutation which arose as recently as 6-10,000 years ago was responsible for all the blue-eyed people alive on Earth today.
The team, whose research is published in the journal Human Genetics, identified a single mutation in a gene called OCA2, which arose by chance somewhere around the northwest coasts of the Black Sea in one single individual, about 8,000 years ago.
The gene does not "make" blue in the iris; rather, it turns off the mechanism which produces brown melanin pigment. "Originally, we all had brown eyes," says Dr Hans Eiberg, who led the team.
Listen i like science but on certain subjects science needs to be questioned. There really are tons of ancient cultures talking about blue eyed blonde haired people from the sea bringing them civilization. From what I've found these ancient stories are incredibly redpilled and not nearly as mythical as (((historians))) make it out to be.
Woolly mammoth remains indicate humans conquered the Arctic at least 45,000 years ago
>I'm more qualified than both scientists and historians
>Ancient myths are redpilled
>I like science but...
So much wrong with this post.
Danube Civilization script the oldest writing in the world. Google for Cucuteni Culture - 7500 years ago.
> Also, for neanderthals, all the neanderthal genes from Africa are only in the northern part and the result of colonization. The fat metabolism is crucial here. If you look at the tools and technology, even social interactions (monogamy, they were buried in individual graves with their tools and flowers - as opposed to mass graves in the east), even art, you could see they were much more advanced than the rest.
Just look again at these posts. Fire and art.
Then have a look at this documentary. Even tech was much more advanced (the first industrial process in the world).
Let me guess you also believe that the Pyramid of Giza is a Tomb and is only a few thousand years old right?
I would say the observed difference in apparent intelligence is due to non-Africans' ancestors migrating to less forgiving climates that forced them to evolve higher intelligence, in particular and most importantly a better sense of urgency and foresight, which are required in order to develop agriculture, unlike in Africa where agriculture was unneeded because back then food sources were plentiful and humans there did not need to create food stores, it was available year-round. And agriculture is always cited as the turning point for human development of complex civilization, so if Africans never developed agriculture and non-Africans as a whole did, then it would make sense that almost all non-Africans would develop much more complex civilizations.
Think about the so-called "African Time", which is the PC way to say that niggers have no sense of urgency or time planning, they are late for everything. Even my African friends joke about their relatives never being on time for shit, and I think that is the lesser sense of urgency and foresight expressing itself in the modern world.
Neanderthal genes could be found only in the Northern part of Africa.
Genetic bottlenecks are important too, as it was the case with Toba Event. It is supported by genetic evidence suggesting that today's humans are descended from a very small population of between 1,000 and 10,000 breeding pairs that existed about 70,000 years ago.
No they were 25 million year old granaries like Ben Carson said.
Fucking retard.
No, neanderthals were actually not very curious or creative. That is why they never left the small area they inhabited, and died out in favor of us.
Homo Neandertalensis had a bigger brain case, they also gave us spirituality and music.
They were perfectly adapted to a cold environment and had a much higher metabolism, difficult to sustain a growing population
Yes, I just finish up my evolutionary biology class and we discussed human evolution. And basically it can be said that every human except Africans contain some DNA from other extinct species of the genus Homo. So there is obviously something that sets Africans apart from the rest. And I'm familiar with the bottleneck effect in Europe, the initial migrants from northern Africa into Europe had a kind of founder effect, so a small population of humans that had admixture with extinct human species were the genesis of pretty much all non-Africans.
You really dont know wtf you're talking about.
Oh I'm sorry we're they beacons placed by the Atlanteans? Or was it the Ayys?
>No, neanderthals were actually not very curious or creative.
Exactly. The first industrial process (birch tar used for arrows and much better tools). Clothing. The needle. Preserving meat. Birch areal - the first receipts on bark peeled from the tree and even drawings..
The pyramid of giza was a temple. Around 13,000 years ago the holes in the giza pyramid that goes from the king's chamber and the queen's chamber each outward align with 2 different star systems.
They're usually thought of as a brutish, primitive species.
So what woman would want to give birth to a Neanderthal baby?
Yet this incredible scenario is the plan of one of the world’s leading geneticists, who is seeking a volunteer to help bring man’s long-extinct close relative back to life.
Professor George Church of Harvard Medical School believes he can reconstruct Neanderthal DNA and resurrect the species which became extinct 33,000 years ago.
His scheme is reminiscent of Jurassic Park but, while in the film dinosaurs were created in a laboratory, Professor Church’s ambitious plan requires a human volunteer.
>posts the same we wuzzing pic every thread
>oh here's some scientific evidence why you're retarded theory is wrong
>Listen i like science but bruh science is fuggin bullshit senpai we wuz nordz and shiet
I'm actually interested to read about those ancient cultures and their stories, can I get some sources to look into that further?
>beta's still trying to figure out why women prefer alpha's..kys.
We are a created species, just like every other intelligent bipedal humanoid (whether mammalian, reptiloid or insectoid) species in the universe.
We can see the splices in our DNA, and the non-planetary DNA we carry they label "junk DNA" because they cannot explain it. We are a hack job compared to nature's micro-evolutionary process, as we have over 4000 inherent genetic disorders, whilst the next highest species on this planet has perhaps a few dozen.
They made us just good enough to live and be able to do manual labour for a few decades before dropping dead, we didn't need to be better than that so they stopped once they refined us to that (this) point.
neanthertals were the master race it seems
Neanderthals were a precursor to Homo Sapiens Sapiens, an earlier model that was deemed to be too strong and intelligent for their purposes, they wanted us weaker and stupider because they were designing a slave species for this planet, not trying to create ideal beings.
Some of them either escaped or were released for whatever reason and they survived for a while until we systematically wiped them out, probably at our masters' behest.
Why are you letting him sucker you into having this argument with him? Come ON, man.
They're the Nordics many UFO abductees speak of. They are from the Plaeiades (sp?). There are many different breeds of "Humans" throughout the galaxy, we're just one little new sub-species of Human.
New DNA introduced after the last global reset, The Great Flood of Antiquity.
They're power plants, you run water at certain speeds/temperatures at certain angles/pressures and expose it to sunlight at certain points and this somehow draws out the latent electromagnetism from the pervasive electromagnetic field that we call reality. The metal fixtures that were present were key also, copper and gold and such. The capstone used to be coated in gold or made of solid gold, because gold is a superconductor.
Contrary to what Sup Forums believes middle easterners aren't retarded, or weren't. It's an easy mistake to make because violence and rape are associated with low low intelligence here. However the Ottoman empire once existed, as well as a multitude of incredibly ancient civilizations.
Something went wrong and it was Islam and probably incest, though can you really believe that staunch genetic changes that would cause a plummet in IQ just magically happened after the Ottoman fell?
Amen, leaf-bro. It's the fuggin Sumerian gods and shit. Enki created nigroes to work in Abzu (central Africa) and mine gold and shit, while also created a more pleasant whites to serve as administrative personell and fucktoys. Always sounded kinda appealing to me.
Think it has something to do with the governments in that area being heavily impregnated with Islam? Very little separation of church and state, it's what contributed to the Dark Ages in Europe.
I swear this nordic atlantean shit is the white version of We Wuz Kangz.
You mean the Ben-ben stone? It was a weapon, as far as I overheard, was it?
Islam creates cultural permanence. Every time an Islamic nation goes through an enlightenment period towards societal advancement that would allow better systems the religious majority get angry and kill them all.
It creates human stagnation, because the book sees no other world but goat farms, desert and conquest.
It's even happening in Turkey again.
>tfw an expeditionary military officer by the name of Enki led a military/mining/exploration force to this planet to mine gold
>tfw they were unable to return home for whatever unknown reason(s)
>tfw left here isolated, they created a slave species to labour for them, as promised by Enki in return for obedience
>tfw Enki, having granted the people he was charged with leading on this mission a Godlike lifestyle under his leadership, proclaimed himself a God to the slaves he had ordered to be genetically engineered on this planet
The capstone is the very top tip stone of the pyramid, itself a pyramid in shape.
It's called the dark ages for a reason you dumb fuck.
95% with a cow also.
Yes. The Black Sea deluge catastrophic rise in the level of the Black Sea circa 5600 BC from waters from the Mediterranean Sea breaching a sill in the Bosphorus strait. All the PIE religions have this story. The ones isolated from the region don't have this at all. IP Coulianu (The Tree of Gnosis: Gnostic Mythology from Early Christianity to Modern Nihilism”) and Mircea Eliade did a lot of research tracing back all the stories and myths.
Asians have a higher percentage of Neanderthal DNA than Europeans. In fact the only race that does not possess Neanderthal DNA are sub-Saharan africans.
Those same sub-saharan africans possess DNA from other extinct early hominid. This makes them, by far, the genetic outlier of all human species.