How can Trump supporters justify this. Ide like to see a Drumpf supporter step up to the plate on my man Jimmy.
How can Trump supporters justify this. Ide like to see a Drumpf supporter step up to the plate on my man Jimmy
A 13 minute Sob story.
not my problem.
its already been said here before I'm sure
but Jimmy Kimmel is a rich mother fucker, his acting like anything trump does effects him is a complete load of bullshit
I didn't mind this guy, but this was a level of bullshit I couldn't deal with, he doesn't give a shit, his kid will be fine either way, he has the money
Jewmee Kimmel can suck a cock.
So a multi-millionaire is complaining that the public aren't going to buy him infinite free health care?
Maybe his son's health problems are karma coming back his way.
Was the son born that way because of his father's retarded DNA?
>rich as fuck
>why doesn't the middle class pay for my son's insurance
>he will not divide us
Kids have coverage, it's called SCHIP
Shut the fuck up nigger kike
Is Jimmy Kimmel even white?
fuck this loser he can afford his own bills.
I'll step up. Ur man has been on the CIA payroll for 9 years.
(((white))) not huwhite
All people should get free healthcare, free college and free food. But who will pay for it, who will pay?
What, does he want to abort it, or something?
>step up to the plate on my man Jimmy
is this how the words came into your mind or did you jumble them up on their way out?
Please let me know when you find out your a complete shill. Bitch as OP.
>getting your wife pregnant in a world of easy access birth control when you're both well beyond the years of conceiving healthy children
His SHIT DNA produced a baby that should not live.
Muh based Jimmys kid
>give money for muh nigger bebe
You people are weird.
jymi have millions in his bank account he could buy a new boy if he wants, millions of babies are murdered by leftist.
I've got no clue what this thread is about but I haven't taken anything this literal fag has said seriously in many years.
He literally cried on air over a LION getting killed in Africa. I'm not even shitting you. One of the guys that used to host the Man Show actually cried in front of millions of people over a dead animal half a world away.
Absolutely pathetic.
he's a cosmopolitan elitist, and a filthy kike. i wish his whole family painful deaths, knowing they would not lift a finger to help anyone outside of their tribe. it's fucking easy to dehumanize your enemy when they are this evil.
how can kimmel shill his dying kid for obamacare
Have a heart kimmel cause your shitty at making them.
> heart.jpg
Not the point assclown. The point is millions of people who DON'T have Jimmy Kimmel's money will be drastically affected by this policy.
Kimmel became a piece of shit after the man show. He had a wife with kids and after stardom, he divorced her.
reducing the human population is good for the environment.
Look at this dumb motherfucker taking Sup Forums liberally.
start with the basics you new piece of shit
>It's Republican's faults that Jimmy Fallon has bad genetics
kimmel is a lying sack of shit or ignorant.
Probably both.