This guy is a moron.
This guy is a moron
Other urls found in this thread:
everyone aruging against trans rights whilst being supportive of trans rights is.
t. person with messy room
>t. assmad trannie
He's a over religious fucking nutbag
Explain how.
>he hurt my feelings therefore he is stupid
You cucks go after your own, which is why you'll always lose, and SJWs will always win.
I thought you were that faggot Swede from the JP Rogan live thread who kept crying about him
Sort yourself out faggot.
I honestly think all the stormfags that call everybody, even allies, Jews are just people on the left trying to stir up trouble between parts of the right. Even if you are a stormfag you have to realize that supporting someone who agrees with you on everything but the Jews is better than just letting the ship sink.
He earned a lot of undue praise for calling out trannies but absolutely nothing he talks about in his lectures (some of which I watched) was particularly insightful or groundbreaking. Frankly, I feel a little sorry on behalf of his students because his lectures (which are more like some sort of motivational speeches or parental advice in substitute for an absent father figure) sure as hell don't seem like they equip said students with any practical skills that will land them a job. There's just not that much value in "sorting yourself out" if you're doing it from your mom's basement because philosophy majors aren't in demand within the workforce.
>SJWs always win
>checks who the president is
or, more likely, it's just a shill thread
>1 post by this ID
Eh I guess his lectures are like that but usually university classes have homework assignments, readings, etc. that are where you really hone your skills.
Peterson is secretly anti-semite. All the books he recommends, for instance have huge anti-semetic themes. Alexandr Soltzeninzn and Dostoevsky, to name a few.
sounds like you're suffering from a lack of sorting
Sounds like someone just watched Joe Rogans podcast and found 1 thing to disagree with out of 3 hours of talk but can't describe it.. Great thread OP
>thinking the map is the terrain
Wake the fuck up and sage.
He is constantly talking about how Hitler was evil and about the horrors of the Holocaust. I doubt he hates Jews.
Dogs can't do science though! So scientific knowledge isn't universal! It probably doesn't work on the dog-planet! IT PROBABLY DOESN'T WORK THERE!!!:
>"So anyways, long before we were practicing science, we were doing perfectly well - in a sense without any real knowledge of the objective world at all. Or at least not any scientific knowledge of the objective world. And so another thing that you might observe about that is that you can survive perfectly well without knowing any science at all in an articulated and developed manner, and of course animals are in that catagory. So that also I think in some sense undermines the claim of science to anything approaching a universal truth because obviously life can get along perfectly well without it." -JP
well whoopty fuckin doop. Seems like REALITY ITSELF is antisemitic
He said something very interesting that explains why Marxism is identical to Judaism or why jews tend to have a mindset or culture that causes them to push for Marxist type ideologies.
At some point he explained the difference between the old and the new testament in this way:
In the old testament the jews build up the state of Israel 5 or 6 times and always before it collapses in some way a prophet comes up speaking the truth about the ways in which the jews built their state or utopia in a flawed way. (usually an act that endangers his life).
The Israelites ignore it and they are punished by god. After that the jews struggle again until they reach that point of decadence and power and the same thing happens again.
In the new testament however Jesus comes forward and his idea is that it's never going to be the utopia that will safeguard them, it's the acts of each individual that determine if the community fails or succeeds.
That would explain why the Western mindset (based on Christian values) is more strongly truth loving and less statist, putting more responsibility on the individual vs the state, while Jewish culture is more deceptive (the ends justify the means) and statist. (of which Marxism is an extreme outgrowth)
le meme professor
yeah he's a conformist and B-grade academic but desu the reason he is such a hit at the moment is because he is like an internet father figure for tens of thousands of severely damaged individuals trying to find meaning and purpose in these strange times
>t. unsorted
He makes some very good points in his lectures and videos but he's absolutely terrible at debates, like shockingly bad. He can address questions but struggles with defending his positions on the fly.
jordan claims
>So that... undermines the claim of science to anything approaching a universal truth
and you represent his claim as
>scientific knowledge isn't universal!
please review pic related and lurk moar before shitting the place up any further. if you wish to shitpost, go to /bant/
What makes you say so, it's a bold claim to state a PhD is an idiot, I more so assume you don't like his thoughts, but that doesn't make him stupid.
He said that in today's Rogan podcast.
>sure as hell don't seem like they equip said students with any practical skills that will land them a job.
To be fair it's better than being paying for a womyn's studies class or any other soft skill bullshit sjw nonsense meme degree. At least you get a blend of history and psychology with Peterson and he also admits that most degrees are a worthless pursuit anyway
There is a weird cult around him. Most recent JRE had him kvetching about muh kikes, but the stuff about order and authority is spot on, get rid of parasites like niggers and faggots.
>At odds with the people running the universities
>he doesn't understand philosophy
>There's just not that much value in "sorting yourself out" if you're doing it from your mom's basement because philosophy majors aren't in demand within the workforce.
He's a professor of psychology, not philosophy, and he's spent a decent amount of time as a clinical psychologist. I'm not entirely sure what classes in specific he teaches, but if you are a psychology major who wants to go into therapy or clinical psychology, I would imagine these lectures might make you better able to perform those jobs.
guaranteed replies
did you watch his lecture on the Behavioral Immune System?
Does it have any relevance to the will of power and the desire to cleanse a society of subhumans?
It's leftist d&c agitators not "stormfags"
>He hasn't sorted himself
Mostly cunts and cucks.
kys faggot transfluid homostupid
He teaches a personality course and a course on his book "Maps of Meaning" here in Toronto. He is making a new course called "Self-Deception" not sure what that is gonna be about.
how does that explain why jewish culture is more deceptive and statist?
I wouldn't call it statist but tribal.
Statism is a natural conclusion of collectivism.
sure but that's a pretty shallow analysis as every group is collectivist to some extent just by nature of the fact that you can conceivably identify them as a group.
it's like saying ethnonationalism is statist (and therefore bad) because it is collectivist.
it's just a truism that doesn't go anywhere unless you're actually opposed to all group identities, which i suppose you could be but which i would be surprised at given where we are.
I guess the Peterson backlash has started. Can I just request that you all go easy on the poor guy. Remember that you liked him because he was going through a lot of shit, and it's pretty rotten to then do it to him again, just because you didn't really understand what he was saying in the first place. Anyhow, katabasis requires a second descent, so it probably doesn't do any good to ask you to give him a break.
Mad because libtards have no logic? Face it, anyone with reasonable intellect doesn't agree with you on anything.
Thats the biggest religion of our time.
Get your shit together rest of the world. Leafs are pulling their weight and then some,
t. post modernist
Check your presuppositions next time before you post faggot.
Because they believe that a utopia can be built if the right people control the development and creation of the society.
In essence its the destruction of the individual in pursuit of the "chosen peoples" utopia.
The only problem with JBP is he is tied to this gender pronoun stuff when his other lectures are 10x more interesting. But every show he goes on they ask him shit about that god damn Canadian hate speech bill.
>shit tier wannabee cult leader
>shit tier wannabee cult leader
>bimbo attention whore
>attention whore
>himbo attention whore
3 redpill 5 me
This, he needs to do something to make himself relevant in other spheres, but he won't be able to. He is a intellectual, and even though he has a flair for the dramatic, he will have to ascend while so many have chosen for him to disappear.
None of these are arguments
How dare you. Report to the ministry of gendertruth for re-education immediately.
pic of bedroom or gtfo
maybe "they" as in modern, secular, predominantly leftist jews do believe that but you haven't demonstrated a connection between that phenomenon and the old testament at all. which is what Austria wrote and i was questioning.
the old testament narrative is hardly utopian, it just demonstrates that if you don't follow god's laws you will become weak and be conquered and oppressed.
Nice try, but I'm gonna rescue my father from hell and my room is gonna be sorted to FUCK
At this moment I am enlightened by your wisdom.
Uh. He's fucking amazing.
Smarter than you.
The fact you had 0 rebuttal to anything he said speaks volumes.
This is the Dunning-Kruger effect.
You think he's dumb because you're dumb.
I know it's scary to hear someone who knows
what they're talking about and has actual data,
history, and philosophical mastery to back it all up.
When you get wrecked by your intellectual superior
just admit that you're retarded and read some books.
Or maybe intelligent people are familiar with what's in the Torah and their actual ideology and speak honestly about their goals then idiots say it's "anti-semitic" because they're dumb/uninformed?
>that are where you really hone your skills.
not true. lectures are central to a student`s development.
I agree
mentally ill tranny detected.
he's one smart motherfucker but he prepackages his philosophy for academia
he may not go full red pill or black pill on events, religion or people.... but use him for your inner well being
Sam, it's time to get off of Sup Forums
>Jamie explain shitposting, you know it better than I do
Young Jamie confirmed for satanic shitposter
>muh eendeeveeJEWalisum!
he is a liberal fag, he is the alt-lite cuck who tries to appease SJWs
Because jews are snake people.
I don't think he's very insightful but he seems like the most inoffensive person in the world to pick a fight with. Not sure what the point of this thread is.
Probably you are too stupid to learn.
>sjws don't constantly eat their own
Most of our infighting is bantz
Some of those people are muslims too
You on ly say that because you have no fucking idea what he is talking about. god i feel sorry for half of Americans that they have to put up with dickehads like you. And you prob just bias against him cos he's Canadian.
I think Maps of Meaning is pretty cool. Discussing the structure of stories through psychology is a neat idea. Maybe it's more common than I know, but it's new to me.
Jordan got BTFO by Sam, especially in the first podcast.
Stay mad libtards and stormcucks
Fuckin KEK!!!
Yea he's not even religious, he just sees the power of stories and myths and how every culture has had them, and what this says about human nature, meaning, reality, etc.
If you're not sorting yourself out and rescuing your father from the underworld then what are you doing?
fuckin saved
>b grade academic
Link is to some of your books and lectures so we can determine if you're in a position to make that claim
It's a nice idea but it seems more suited to psychology than to philsophy.
Psychology is only a new age philosophy.