BREAKING: Trump, not Tillerson, to meet TOMORROW with the Russian (Lavrov) who, per ex-MI6 Steele, *ran* Putin's election-hacking operation.
BREAKING: Trump, not Tillerson, to meet TOMORROW with the Russian (Lavrov) who, per ex-MI6 Steele...
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wtf i love Trump now! :)
Sup Forums will pretend that this isn't strange at all because they're cucked beyond belief.
Or they're paid shills, since we know Russia does that and had them here on Sup Forums.
wtf I love Jewish conspiracy theories now
>Sup Forums will pretend that this isn't strange at all
You might want to pick different words.
It's actually not strange for a crooked Republican President to abuse executive privilege to cover his own ass.
Hopefully, Trump will share Nixon's fate, but without that taking years.
Isn't this what a lot of you fuckers wanted, anyway? What about all those threads stuffed with Russiaboos, and those fucking "Putin, guardian of the West" memes?
I love how hard you faggots are trying to meme trump not doing a good job
Nixon did nothing wrong
>zero wins
>good job
Is that how Australia does it?
I mean not even the healthcare is a win, the Senate already threw it out and started over.
Christopher steel was a plant and the story was obvious britbong propaganda.
reuters is rothschild
>fires comey
>still in talks with kremlin
i think his days are numbered, he's panicking, and now that comey hates him. hell is gonna break loose
Gee, a nation's foreign minister is meeting heads of state.
Better melt down on CNN and completely destroy what little credibility we had left.
>Closed Press
>per ex-MI6 Steele
You realize that this man has more credibility due to his job than literally all of Sup Forums combined?
GTFO shill
You're literally a kike.
let me get this straight - you believe there should be no communication between USA & russia?
yawns and bluepills for everyon...
Steele doesn't even exist you fucking nimrod. The IC does not interact with the public. NOTHING they do is above board.
>retarded comment
Oh my god I haven't seen shill salt like this in a while.
Trump really triggered the liberals tonight.
We need a reset button and a uranium deal for this meeting.
If only Trump had a private foundation Russia could donate too if they play nice.
>Hopefully, Trump will share Nixon's fate, but without that taking years
Impossible. Nixon was smart enough to see the writing on the wall and resigned. Trump will deny he did anything wrong right up until the execution.
ur rly good at fitting in
>election "hacking"
>posting dank memes
>posting Pepe images
>spreading Clinton emails proving she was a disgusting and vile human being
>Impossible. Nixon was smart enough to see the writing on the wall and resigned. Trump will deny he did anything wrong right up until the execution.
I'm hoping Trump will find the whole experience frustrating enough that he quits like the 5-year-old he is.
Yeah, I wanted this.
No he will retain his position with his charisma.
And hopefully you will get your head out of your ass moron.
Actually we know that CTR and ShariaBlue have paid trolls here
Damn, glurmphglgurglederf btfo.
t. Ugandan lawyer
try harder, CNN
>Russian Ambassador to United States
>Surrounded by American Surveillance
>Operating an election-hacking operation in plane sight
really makes my noodle oodle
Trump continues to kick ass and take names
The Steele dossier that was debunked.
I can't wait until this gets kicked into overdrive and you have to face that:
>A - DNC hack resulted in a third party inspecting what was done and mistakenly attributing the Russian attack methods to Russia, even though said methods and software had been available to the public for months. They based their confidence around the idea that Russians were still the only ones with copies of that software, which was false.
>B - Clinton's campaign claimed these hacks were Russian interference even before the 3rd party confirmed this, a few hours after they went public.
>C - Neither Clinton nor the DNC would let the government near their servers to inspect signs of hacking.
>D - Nothing credible had been said or found and democrats revived this feeble narrative in an attempt to brush up public paranoia
>E - Now that the media has hyped Russian collusion for months on end, enough people have complained to create investigations, which have yet to find anything conclusive.
>No he will retain his position with his charisma.
You miss my point.
I don't doubt he'll keep the job as long as he wants.
Our only hope is that he'll get tired of being president.
It's a lot of responsibility, hard work, and most importantly, he can't keep pretending that most Americans think he's a semi-retarded asshole.
I give it 6 months to a year before he quits because his ego can't take the "abuse" of hearing what people really think of him day after day.
No crime has been committed
Not even one line of it was debunked.
I don't have to face anything, Hillary was proven innocent. Your memes don't mean anything.
Actually he has none.
Shut up SharePoo faggot.
>Alex Jones
How I know you're a degenerate, memey newfag.
Shut up triple 8 triple 0 faggot.
It all was.
None of it has been shown factual at all. Even Steele said it wasn't proven.
>that literally all of Sup Forums combined
>even the high level insider members of the NSA who leak state documents
Haha good one you dirty mongoloid.
Comey used it as evidence and it triggered Trump. That's all.
So what?
President Trump is President
He meets who HE wants. Not who an internet message board wants.
He's doing it to troll you retards.
Truly Canadians are the chosen people of Kek.
It was a pretty nice digit, I give you that.
>And hopefully you will get your head out of your ass moron.
Enlighten me.
Didn't Nixon also fire the man responsible for investigating his treasonous anti-democracy activities?
How is this different?
...ok, honestly it's possible Trump may just be an unwitting fool, easily manipulated by people like Ivanka, Carter Page, Steve Bannon, etc, and it was some or all of these people that actually colluded with Russia to undermine American Democracy, while Nixon HIMSELF lead the illegal undermining of democracy.
But that seems like a minor distinction, considering both used the power of the presidency to cock-block law-enforcement's attempts to uphold the law.
Nothing I talked about indicated Clinton's guilt or innocence.
Not sure what you've gained from shitposting but thanks for giving me a moment to organize the chain of events, I guess.
>No crime has been committed
Then why are there three investigations, two grand juries, and at least one guy that want's to turn states-evidence?
Yeah people are being delusional right now.
It's just a matter of time at this point until a new director is put in who will investigate Hillary and destroy her reputation even moreso.
>Then why are there three investigations, two grand juries
Because those are things that seek evidence of crimes. When they find evidence, the grand jury and the investigation go away. They haven't gone away because there's no evidence.
Fucking leftists. "Why are we investigating him if he's not guilty?"
>Actually we know that CTR and ShariaBlue have paid trolls here
Trump will simply tweet it didn't happen and all the Russian shills will echo
>>E - Now that the media has hyped Russian collusion for months on end
Is "media" code for "America's SEVENTEEN intelligence agencies"?
>elections turn out the way D.C. elites didn't like because Clinton was a bad, bad candidate and she didn't address any concerns whatsoever of the voting base, instead she made platitudes on a bed of lies
>Instead of politely conceding defeat and working on party reform and their messages for next time, they come out with "Trump hacked the election" and there are even ramblings that Clinton should run AGAIN
Lefty government is a mess
The CNN and Shariablue shilling around a simple DDOS is unreal.
Crazy - the President of the United States meeting with the FOREIGN MINISTER of a major world power. Must be a conspiracy!
>until a new director is put in who will investigate Hillary and destroy her reputation even moreso.
The one good thing about Trump's victory is that it SHOULD make Hillary completely irrelevant.
But you cunts are having such a hard time defending the retard-in-chief that we'll apparently keep hearing her name for the next 4 years.
Thanks based Brit.
Glad people outside of this country can see it for what it is too or I might have a bad day.
Russian Hackers fairytale was just made up to distract the public from the murder of DNC leaker Seth Rich
Doesn't that just show he's leading by example?
Why even shill man, you will just end up like the rest.
why isn't corruption bad on all sides? why do you people give one side a pass because you hate the other? you are ruining our country
>They haven't gone away because there's no evidence.
The CIA not sharing the evidence with a bunch of NEET neck-beards isn't the same thing as evidence not existing.
There must have been SOME evidence for the FBI to get a FISA warrant on Page, for instance.
The CIA also never shared the evidence they found linking Russia to election tampering, even though they said they DID have evidence.
Watergate took over a year. Hopefully this American Tragedy won't take as long.
Either way, you've got to be a special kind of stupid to not see that:
a) a whole lot of people betrayed their country
b) Trump is either high up on that list, or an easily-manipulated fool
Hey, shills
Putin's bitch is about to be spayed. We're happy, not salty.
trump is objectively a genius.
(12 posts by this ID)
wow lol
these shills
Keep dreaming fucktard
dude looks like bobby hill in his winter years
>elections turn out the way D.C. elites didn't like because Clinton was a bad, bad candidate and she didn't address any concerns whatsoever of the voting base
When will this meme die?
YES, Hillary was massively unpopular.
YES, it's the EC, not the popular vote that counts
BUT: Hillary STILL beat Donald by three million votes.
Any story you spin that says "hillary didn't win the support of the voters because...." ignores the fact that Trump did an even poorer job of romancing the voters.
>why do you people give one side a pass because you hate the other?
How many times can someone make the same threads?
>Hey, shills
I wish.
But If yelling "shill" is the only way you can refute my posts, then wow, I guess I'm right.
Time for another glass of cheap, grocery-store wine, a quick shower, then try to sneak into bed without waking the wife.
Good night, all!
Yeah I am sure that's what it will be. You will start another thread under a different guise soon. It's ok you autistic cunt, you should neck yourself instead.
I have to admit. This is very strange tb h.
>implying Trump is low IQ enough to try to campaign for popular vote
>Also implying he's wrong about the illegal votes
>a good job
OP is a fucking retard, Lavrov is russia's foreign minister IE if you kept up with this at all you'd know this is in no way unusual
>the Secretary of state cant meet with his Russian counterpart
Really?? man I need to brush up on my rules
Good idea. Read the part about not committing treason.
>says he is leaving
>comes back to shitpost more inane points
L M A O, thanks for the ez rubles
When did I say I was leaving?