Is this the end friends?
Is this the end friends?
fuck off
aka the Jeff Bezos rag
the normies have done for pepe already. You're kidding yourselves. Digits confirm.
I just hope they don't find out how much we love Hitler. They might try something against him too.
Is this picture real or a shoop?
For as long as we have pepes in our harddrives, he will live on.
Also post your folders
you shoulda posted 1 sec earlier friendo.
>A make believe character is make believed killed by the faggot that drew him because Nazi's.
>And now for some reason people think it actually means something, like Pepe was a thing that could actually be killed.
Nigger this ain't Who Framed Rodger Rabbit! If Hillary Clinton and her faggy Anti Defamation League underlings couldn't kill Pepe what makes you think this would be any different?
there are dupes, but it's been a good run
is that pepe, the friendly ghost!? oh my
Seriously, how much more 1984-esque do they need to get? They just attempted to, symbolically, kill an idea, rather than try and argue against it. These people would rather just make the stuff they disagree with go away than even attempt to persuade people to not believe in it. That's the problem the left has, they lost the ability to communicate and now just demand that things happen the way they say it should. It blows my mind that they are considered the "anti-fascist" side.
Memes can't be killed, and the fact that the ADL and Jew-run media came up with this little idea and made Furie do it just goes to show how stupid and pathetic they are.
>pepe comes along and to galvanize the silenced masses
>is killed in a symbolic public execution
>rises from the grave to lead is to salvation?
Pepe confirmed for Christ.
Even if they could kill Pepe, Pepe ascended to godhood when he merged with Kek, and we all know what happens when Jews conspire to kill a god, it backfires on them.
They are the anti-fascist side, they're the communist side, this is what communists do. Fascists only suppress shit that's damaging to national interests and public morality.
No. It's the beginning.
He has risen. The true believers know it is so. But the jooz continue to deny it.
One of the dumbest stunts the left has tried.
It's a cartoon frog, you moron.
You make it whatever you kekdamn please.
>WaPo and major outlets becoming so out of touch that they're seriously reporting about a fucking cartoon frog
No wonder people hate them, they're like your dad if he wanted to start listening to Sup Forumscore and think he's now a modern hipster faggot.