Think about it... im a heroin addict, and i get girls hating me all the time. They say "arent you going to buy me a drink?" I say"im a heroin addict sweetie, i do things that are 1000 times more fun than your stank ass pussy". Ive even been slapped before.
Women are cunts. They want you to want only them and nothing else. They are just as bad as the consumer product industry. Everybody wants you to be FORCED to buy their stuff, whether its cars, jewelry, or pussy.
Is heroin the ultimat MGTOW?
You've got 2 years to live, tops
no. go die you degenerate
Good for you. Keep up the good work
You fucking idiot.
Bedtime kids!
Dont forget to french kiss your mommies when they tuck you in...
wow, sweet, you give money to the afghanis so you dont feel sad. nice work. You just made me an opioid addict!
It means you're the lowest on the social ladder. You're a junkie bastard. Sort yourself out and when you reemerge then dictate morals. Don't tell the world how to behave from the underworld.
you know, the point of mgtow is the realize how unhinged sexuality can subvert your passions and drive. you've only traded one degenerate addiction for another
there was another heroin thread here the other day. mossad shills are trying to make Sup Forumsacks heroin addicts.
Duterte did nothing wrong
>heroin addict
the stuff floating around right now will kill you instantly. Fentanyl and Carfentanil.
People, never take a mysterious pill or powder or joint. It could be laced with these two opioids, and you'd drop dead instantly. It only takes a couple grains of fentanyl to kill a person, and even less carfentanil.
And if you don't die, you're hooked for life. These opioids, these chemical weapons, are impossible to quit. You will take them until you die.
Opioids do not make you feel good. They make you feel terrible and lousy unless you get a hit, which then will return you to a normalcy for a little while.
t. bubbles
That stuff destroys peoples souls.
If you're smoking things from unknown sources without security you probably should die anyway. Thin the chaff.
I love how easily idiot millennials are taking to heroin. Keep it up, the more of you that die, the brighter the future.
Can you have sex on heroin?
If so, what's it like?
I have no idea what I'm talking about since I'm not a total fuckup.
>I do a drug so powerful that it ruins all other aspects of my life
Just OD and die, faggot.
Its borderline impossible to get a bomer on heroin. If you somehow do, you cant feel a thing.
Her teeth look pretty healthy for a junkie.
>It means you're the lowest on the social ladder. You're a junkie bastard. Sort yourself out and when you reemerge then dictate morals. Don't tell the world how to behave from the underworld.
There are hundreds of videos on youtube about this fentanyl/carfentanil crisis. It is not 'low-lifes' 'losers' 'criminals' dying from overdoses. It is regular people. It's kids who make ONE mistake. Kids who take ONE pill given to them by a friend.
And these kids are being discovered by their friends and family, dead on their couch, bed, in the bathroom, etc. Eyes wide open. Stone cold dead.
This stuff is a WMD, a chemical weapon. It is like nothing before it. Thousands upon thousands will die this summer.
Are they over there? Here in Australia the big problem with millennials is meth, I don't think heroin is still an issue with young people but can't say for sure. Was huge in the 80's and 90's.
nah too expensive, Gentlemens prefer fentanyl
I make over 100k a year and i live a balanced, fairly healthy life. Gfy inferior boy.
A friend of mine just hung.....well, technically he repeatedly garroted himself in a closet with a metal-wire coathanger. Was a heroin addict for like 3 years. He was 34, had been a millionaire from dealing drugs his entire life due to his father passing away when he was 6 and his mother being a sociopathic cunt that forced him to fend for himself at 10, but spent the last year of his life homeless and penniless, sucking dick for money to get H. Not even memeing.
He did it in his 99-year old aunt's closet at her condo, she was looking after him at the time. I wouldn't recommend H to anyone, personally.
>to the afghanis
The CIA gets 99% of that money.
Almost every junkie I know has a junkie gf.
this. you're the worst aspect of society. worse than niggers, liberals, and jews.
no matter how much you think you know the sources, you don't.
It's fun for a while but you can't really even feel your dick. Good luck managing to get off. After 5 hours of frustrated rough fucking it's just a chore.
Its kids like u that are dumb enough to od bc u dont do a tester shot/dose etc..
Keep fucking up fag...
No, heroin just makes you sleepy and euphoric. You "nod out" on it.
Buddy described it as a warm silky blanket that wraps around you and all your problems are gone from your mind and you're just warm and happy. It's the perfect escape for sad souls, and thus it's so hard to stay away from one you try it.
Sadly I've met functioning addicts who can live for decades high. The people who die are the ones who quit and then relapse.
You dare question trips? Well you make a point. You have to control yourself, if you don't have control over your addictions to the degree of being a detriment of society than perhaps don't tell women how to act. I know it's the genetic fallacy. It's not like he makes a argument to address. It's just hateful irrational shit, for some reason he blames women for his douchebaggery.
>Women are cunts. They are just as bad as the consumer product industry. Everybody wants you to be FORCED to buy their stuff, whether its cars, jewelry, or pussy.
You might even say they are like drug dealers
It is for weak people. Live in Western PA and heroin is rampant here, so degenerate.
I shot dope for 14 years dude (probably a few less than you've even been alive)
NEVER ONCE did I tell some random:
>yo, bitch... I'm a HEROIN ADDICT!
STupid faggot. This is probably all made up and you snorted a bump of h for the first time last week.
Get the fuck away from that shit before it's too late. I am not the norm... I'm like, a lottery winner in the fact that I didn't die from my habit. (mostly because I was incredibly wealthy and married into a family that was even more wealthy than mine.
I lost all of it though. (but kept my life).
Now I'm a lower-middle class norrmie with a decent life.
Not a single person I used to run with is still alive... just me. IF your OP is not a slide thread and is legit... you are gonna die dude.
>i live a balanced, fairly healthy life
>checks flag
>surprised something this good didn't come from down under
you are a weak willed faggot. and a degenerate.
>I say"im a heroin addict sweetie, i do things that are 1000 times more fun than your stank ass pussy"
My understanding is that heroin is not "fun", but the ultimate chill experience. All your problems just fade away, and you become completely relaxed.
Am I wrong?
>hey guys, ultimate degeneracy is the final redpill!
hope ur trollin kiddo, cuz that horse has some kick.
Yeah. Relapsing is the killer. If you want a sure fire way to kill an addict, send them to rehab. They will get out and have no tolerance, so their first shot will kill them. Rehab kills addicts.
Inb4 send all addicts to rehab...
>worse than niggers, liberals, and jews.
bit of a stretch man
>i do things that are 1000 times more fun than your stank ass pussy
wow, and here we have a perfect example of a faggot. I thought Sup Forums was against gays? you need to leave.
I tried heroin once in my early 20's, around the same time I was trying everything else. It was the best thing I've ever experienced, but I only did it once. Sometimes I think I might try it again, but then I watch the news and see 100 people die in a month from fentanyl so I have a pint of beer instead.
Meth was a problem here for awhile but they have totally shifted to heroin and other opiates. Meth remains a problem in some communities but the opioid addiction has spread faster and farther than meth ever had.
Send them to the gulag instead. There is nothing more morally depraved than a bastard junkie. I don't care how much money you make. You're filth. Sort yourself out.
Top tier post
yes thats why its so dangerous. it makes you feel like a 5 year old. not a care in the world. but its enough to know that feeling is inside you if you can just get your shit together and create peace in your life you could feel like that all the time.
Nah. I just love fucking with the system
You all are sex-cucked so hard you dont even realize theres a world that exists outside your faggot epididymis.
once i jacked off for an hour on oxy and couldn't finish myself off
That's like shooting yourself in the head.
> little billy just made one mistake.
Kill all users.
Fucking liar, you can fuck for days, nut on demand. i make bitches cum everytime when im off black. i smoke and go to house parties hooking up with goodgirls haha. and not just heron, an opiates will give you more control sexually
>keeps calling everyone kid
>is a heroin addict
Send all addicts to the fucking Gulag, you degenerate filth are literally the worst possible versions of yourselves. I don't even give a flying single fuck if you "have a job," you will always prioritize getting fucked up over anything and that is why you're fucked on a genetic level, and should therefore be reduced into a slave at a work camp where you would at least be useful
> every junkie I know has a junkie gf.
duh... whores gonna whore for their wants and desires. A junky will just skip the $$$ and go stright for the dope... saves them time.
The funniest part is, is when you are a REAL DOPE ADDICT... you can't hardly get it up (unles the bitch is like, 11/10 and can suck some magic dick..) even then it takes like 3 hours to bust... if you can even be bothered to get there, because if you are REALLY an addict... after 3 hours you need to fix up again (which is 6 gorillian times more important that busting a nut in some flappy vag for the 9,001st time)
but yeah... a junky WITH MONEY and DRUGS does
>always have a junky gf
PLease robotfags... DO NOT pick up a smack habit just to get a gf... or.. better yet, DO IT... most of you suck and are drains.
Is that Eliza?
You want your head clear and free of behavioral influencing medication unless you need them for a medical condition.
>Is heroin the ultimat MGTOW?
hurry up and kys faggot
R u me
>someone is probably ODing on prescription opiates RIGHT NOW
step your game up faggot.
meth is 10X better than meth
we think alike user
You're just a shitty human being user. Being a heroin addict don't have shit to do with your failure with women. The girl I had a crush on in high school was too busy banging a heroin addict to be bothered with my responsible ass, so it ain't like that shit keeps them away. It's you. It's all you.
>meth is 10X better than meth
This is your brain on meth
But I agree meth is a blast, I'll never use it again though.
>Not a single person I used to run with is still alive... just me.
man how does that feel?
>send them to the gulag
>sort yourself out
pick one faggot
Lol, set yourself up much?
Im the heroin addict your dreamgirl was banging.
Try feeding yourself an even bigger handful of feces next time lol
Like I said, I'm not the type of fucking degenerate retard who takes pride in a heroin habit, you brain dead yank cunt.
Thank god natural selection will take care of you and any potential drug addled fuck-up children you spawn.
Send them to the gulag to sort themselves out.
Deadly opioid doses.
Are you serious?
Nah, she turned into a trainwreck later in life so I dodged a fucking bullet. Did manage to make out with her several times while she was still going out with him, so it worked out for the best.
Went to college/ started having a small coke problem and gave it up/ have a great career and enough money now. My life never really allowed me to focus on relationships because I was trying to advance.
Not much different than OP. Now I'm older and see the value in it. All the other shit gets old. Drugs get old unless your a total moron. Once you make a lot of money you understand that it doesn't fill a certain void. Love can...
>like nothing before it
Even the ancient Greeks talk about the evils of the poppy and the danger in becoming "bound" to it. This is no new plague.
Never done heroin but I live in Ohio where we are going through a crisis right now, over half of the junkies I knew growing up are dead. The rest are either still recovering with the ocassional relapse and maybe a small amount has actually stayed away from it for years now. After all, they do say you are always addicted to it and everyday is a fight to stay clean.
Sad thing is most addicts get addicted because they go to the doctor for an injury and get prescribed painkillers.
I'm in Ohio, too. So tired of seeing junkies everywhere.
Fuck your junk, gay sex is the final solution for all the sorrows.
You can get AIDS too.
t. ex addict
you can. It's really hard to get a boner. BUT because heroin lowers your sex drive, you will go a couple weeks without cumming. Then you can get a boner. And when you DO cum? After you haven't came in weeks? And you're on heroin?
shit's alright..
meth mouth is what you're talking about, and that only happens because of smoking things, and forgetting to brush your teef
They are literally the most unpleasant people to be around. Even if they are clean, they all talk the same way and are shady.
They always tell you they're clean, and they never stfu.
having a junkie gf is the WORST possible thing. You will never ever quit
Like I said, when you're an addict, you don;t cum for dayyss. Then eventually you will be able to fuck
that dose of carfentanyl is enough to kill 1,000 people
These subhumans don't have a priority to quit.
They can't even quit smoking, hell.
>make out with her while she was dating him
say it with me
>i make 100k a year
Just like every other larping faggot here
Here's your (Narcan)
Better a cuck 16 years ago than chained to her ass today. Managed to learn from my mistakes and become a better person.
I was a junky, but I don't know if what I did qualifies as full-bore junkie. I smoked heroin, never shot it. I saw a few people go from smoking to shooting, and I saw the complete transformation just by that transition (and we were all pieces of shit when we just smoked it) but when the couple of my friends who banged heroin started that up, they went from stealing from stores and shit, to stealing from EVERYONE, being able to lie in a way that a normal person cannot understand, etc.
My best friend I knew since middle school died from heroin overdose (we think)- he was found dead on his lawn with an overdose in his veins. This dude was a 6' 5" 1/2 German 1/2 Mexican [his fuckin faggot dad is 6' 11" blonde hair blue eye ubermensch german that works at nasa plasma physicist, what does he marry? A disgusting 4' 10" 'housekeeping' squatemalan mexican because he didnt want to be raycis]
Anyway I had been clean for 6 months and hadn't talked to any drug addicts since, when my friend died, he owed many people many thousands of dollars. His gf cheated on him with another junkie and they were still doin drugs together. He also got his gf addicted to smack as well. A week or so before he died, his now ex gf was hitting me up telling me that she broke up with him, and basically hinting that she wanted to fuck me. She was a qt aryan lookin girl, but I wasn't about to fuck my best friends ex gf. Also that nigga had a 10 inch dick
great ideas! fellow MGTOWers, lets kickstart our movement!
your dealer here... i get bricks for 100 bucks and sell you bunnies at 50 a pop. thanks for supporting my lifestyle.
you know what is even more fun
Selling out your dealer to the feds, and watching them climb the ladder and take out serious chad/ mafia shits
going a bit far there but yes op is a fagot
Understand that feel m8, girls and all. i only ever smoked, but was involved with all manners of the street economy. i couldnt chill with shooters for that very eason, i had a philosophy that once yOu inject into your blood stream, it becomes a part of you. so i just smoked, not that it is see in a better light among nirmies, but to people in the life there is a big difference between bangers and smoker. Regardi gave thatup quite some time ago. got my life together now, still think about getting high fromtime to time tho, how about you
You are a fucking faggot