Why do leftists want Islam in their countries so badly? Whenever I see them argue about immigration, they always say "they don't cause as much crime as you think" or "they improve the economy". But I don't understand why they even WANT to defend them in the first place; why do they want so many muslims in the west?
Why do leftists want Islam in their countries so badly? Whenever I see them argue about immigration...
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They don't think. They have no brain, they don't use logic.
It's all about them really. Virtue signalling on normiebook or Twitter about wanting to accept refugees is fulfilling to them like shitposting and discussing politics is fulfilling for us.
>why do they want so many muslims in the west?
That's exactly the question you have to ask. The answers will surprise you. Many of these people are full of self hate or at least a severe lack of self preservational instincts. Most of them however are just unaware why they have these opinions.
You have to discuss this question often and intensively. That's the only way to make it even into their consciousness of why they hold these positions.
Automatically assume having more culture is a good thing. Have never been in proximity to Muslims and the dangerous differences in culture they have.
More votes. Refugees are never going to be productive members of society just drain welfare and vote for those that give it to them.
Those refugees would rape and beat these 3 without hesitation given the chance. They don't realise this.
The useful idiots
The leaders
You know who didn't get a sign that said refugees welcome (much less by cute girls)?
-People fleeing communism
-people fleeing the breakup of yugoslavia
-people fleeing communist take over of rhodesia
-people fleeing the pseudo-communist take over of south africa
no pattern there whatsoever, no siree none at all
because they're slaves proud of their mind slavery to the jew/globalists
they want you to see how much they've rationalised their slavery into a good thing
Because they genuinely believe all humans on earth are interchangeable. Not some, ALL races are equal and can integrate or don't even need to. If you think like this it doesn't matter if all of Europe is displaced. You need to be scientifically literate and unemotionally honest and objective to understand why it's a bad idea and then you get lumped in with people who are just straight up hateful which is not redpilled.
What if they just say "because multiculutralism is good" or "because its the right thing to do" or "because we have destoryed their countries so we cant deny them here"
Because they want to prove they are better people. Better than us. Better than their fathers. Better than Muslims too.
And they are incapable to put things in perspective, because they are drive by their ego. Hedonistic people have zero historic perspective, have zero religious perspective. Carpe Diem came with a price: end of civilization.
>What if they just say "because multiculutralism is good"
But why is it good? Empirically there aren't any examples of successful multicultural countries. Let them read some studies, like Putnam.
>or "because its the right thing to do"
Subjective morals. And morals shouldn't have a place in politics in the first place. It's a darwinist world.
>or "because we have destoryed their countries so we cant deny them here"
see above
And the argument isn't even correct most of the time. Usually these savages are just too dumb to run their own countries or rearrange them in a way that works for them.
"Moderation" is a very important part of Islam. It's called "wasatiyyah" (وسطية) in Arabic. There are several hadith and a few verses from the Qur'an that mention the importance of "wasat" (moderation) in religious and social life.
Very good question but it's literally because they see it on TV, talmudvision. It's that simple!
Integrate with the Southern Mediterranean - - > New Roman Empire
The truth about immigration, by the numbers:
Cultural Marxist Jews Admit Organizing White Genocide
The plan to eliminate the white race:
Cultural Marxism in action… Political Correctness, the tip of the blade:
Cultural Marxism & Social Justice Explained:
Why are we in Decline - Cultural Marxism:
also see
The facts about slavery in North America:
Cultural Marxist Jews fund media propaganda against whites on an enormous scale:
Does this sound familiar at all? (starting at 6:52)
The Holocaust:
Because leftists believe that if they are loving and accepting to sand niggers that they're all going to hold hands together and sing kumbaya.
They're trying to fulfill their rape fantasy. I thought this was obvious.
Virtue signalling ignorant useful idiots. They will be among the first to disposed of by the very invaders they are enabling. Hard to feel sorry when women like this get raped and murdered by the migrant invaders.
Another thing, most people don't want Muslims and gays in their country or neighbourhood, but the TV makes them think everyone does want this - even though they don't. So then people walk around thinking " O, I can't say this or that" subconsciously there brain remember all that reality from all that TV, o vey, people don't like racist better just try to fit in - meantime everyone else is thinking the same thing and don't even like Muslims, etc. Meantime next generation is brainwashed under the radar because teens don't like what adult like so it goes unnoticed.
Because unlike right wing racists, they are actually good, kind, and decent people
Kek lives.
Because white culture is dead and diversity is more interesting
Sad but true
Premium bait
>It's all about them really. Virtue signalling on normiebook
But to what audience?
Who's in the audience that they want to impress, so much so that they'd burn down their own societies? It's like they're all in a single anti-reality leftist bubble, a circle jerk, and they are terrified of any kind of alternative view (ie reality)
I mean, France's jails are vastly disproportionately populated by Muslims. That indisputable fact alone should end the debate on immigration.
Improved version.
I despise this generation
Couldn't put it any better way. When you dedicate your life to seizing today, you forget about and lose tomorrow.
I don't understand it either.
Virtue signaling. They will push for anything that makes them feel morally superior, even at the cost of their own well being.
Why do people lock their cars? Because it makes braking in harder and more time consuming. Why would the US lock down the border? It's not because of race. The reason is the illegal immigrants are not in the system, so they do not pay taxes. The illegal immigrants are taking tax, in the form of government programs. Government programs are paid for by taxation. The people who are here illegally are taking advantage of American citizens.
Illegal Immigration is wrong because the immigrants are initiating force against peaceful people. The immigrants come and they rely on government programs. These government programs are paid for by taxes. This money is forcibly taken from you to pay for these people. The use of force is wrong when used against peaceful people. Do you people see what is happening in England? The immigrants are having a rape fest. The government is destabilizing the population by importing a hostile incompatible group of people. This will result in uprising and or war. These immigrants dilute education; resources have to be poured into rendering to a different mindset. The religion of these people indoctrinates a deep hatred for anyone not in the religion. Having open borders is fine as long as people in the society are not getting taxed. Since immigrants are not provided any financial help they will self deport, if they are unable to get a job or provide for themselves.
Also worth a caption.
>"because multiculutralism is good"
It objectively is not. See: Balkans, Israel & Palestine, ethnic conflicts in Soviet/Russia, kurds. With the comfort of the western economy things are semi-alright for now, but it won't last. Aren't you leftists always crying about how the west didn't take into consideration of tribes in Africa when they drew up the borders?
>"because its the right thing to do"
It isn't. More people are born every year than Europe and USA could even dream of taking in. And the people we do take in aren't even the poorest among them. And guess what, those people who come here are the ones with recourses, intelligence and money and would be the ones who could help their native country get back on its feet. But the west is brain draining them.
>"because we have destoryed their countries so we cant deny them here"
Throughout history, Europeans have easily been the most noble race (except for niggers and abbos, but they are too stupid to achieve anything, good or evil).
Why are rightists afraid of the world?
Virtue signaling.
Excessive compassion.
Suicidal altruism.
Huh? What a shitty straw man.
What are you even attempting to refer to?
This might be due to some form of narcisistic injury. They get two assume a position of superiority in two ways:
1) They get to FEEL 'responsible' for helping the supposedly weak, almost childlike projected, refugee, thus giving care by virtue of their superiority. (even if only signalled and not personally and concretely implemented). They, of course, would never explicitly admit to this position of superiority, let alone where this position stems from.
2) They get to percieve a morally superior position towards anyone less optimistic/critical.
-> then feed on it -> crave for more narcisitic gratification -> loop
Thats how it seems to work internally and can be traded in virtue signalling currency units with everyone else's and one's own ego. Intellectual corruption through fragmentation and emotionalization in essence.
Also, them fema.. persons with menstruational background might get to phantasize about the noble exciting wild man.
Islam, then, is just another religion, its exotic and exiting and all, and you have to be a complete closed minded bigot to not accept this as obvious. If you don't, see 2).
So most wouldn't want it badly but are willing to accept and defend it manically as part of the package.
(Assuming you're talking about normies such as in photo and not some die-hard saulalinskyesque 'strategist'.)
There's a blogger named Anonymous Conservative who espouses r/K selection theory which postulates that these voting trends and globalist nation destroying policies are genetic in nature and origin.
In short, it's in the leftists' DNA.
r's (leftists) are like rabbits. They gorge themselves on free resources and abundance (welfare, cellphones, starbucks frappucinos, etc). They don't care so much for offspring because they have a lot of them. They are against competition in any sense, for sexualization of the young and other, evil, leftist tendencies.
K's (conservatives/ nationalists) are like wolves. They care of the group, foster competition and distrust outsiders (for good reasons) They put a lot of effort into raising a few young.
These characteristics are genetic and (science has shown) the amygdala and other areas of the brain are different in rabbit people and K people. It's interesting stuff and there's a lot of reading material on his blog. He also wrote a book called "The Evolutionary Psychology behind Politics.
Stephan Molyneaux has some informative videos on it.
r's vote in mass migrants because (even though they won't admit it and maybe don't even consciously realize it themselves) they want the "K's" that they are importing to kill off their own indigenous K's, that is, their "K" conservative/nationalist countrymen.
The theory goes that, when this happens, since their K countrymen are being killed off, there will be less competition and it will be easier for them to have access to their females and other resources that the K's now dominate and control.
It's a biological urge which drives these voting patterns, policies and thought processes originating in their genetic makeup and amygdala.
Of course, being the useful idiots they are, they don't realize that they will be killed off too and, really, since they're usually weaker, perhaps even first. But, that's okay with them, because, unlike a wolf who cares for other wolves, a rabbit doesn't care so much when another rabbit is torn apart by a hawk. The rabbit just keeps contentedly munching grass in the vast pasture of endless resources. The rabbit can always have a dozen other rabbits.
Dark stuff but I think it's a valid theory and there's probably truth it it if it's not outright 100% correct.
It really explains why you can't convince 99% of them. They're programmed that way. It's in their genes to vote these migrants in and bring down their own "K's"
Why do Westerners want to Westernize the whole world so badly?
Some migrants move to the West and you lose it (which to be honest is entirely your fault as a result of your policies). Meanwhile many Muslim and non Muslim countries are forced to adapt Western "morals". Biggest NGOs pushing their shit everywhere are Western. The so called globalist pushing for the erasure of boundaries are doing so to establish a Western mentality.
The whole "MUH JOOS are behind everything" is not entirely accurate. Westerners are behind the destruction of cultures, norms and races. Jews just happen to be better Westerners, the good Westerners since they're so much more intelligent.
Once Westerners stop thinking the West ought to exist outside of it, then you can start worrying about preserving it. Right now, UAE is being forced to adopt Western "values" and most of its natives will soon not even be able to speak English because of foreign marriages. The citizens are already outnumbered 10 to 1.
>not be able to speak Arabic because of foreign marriages
Also trying to save the West when you're living in the age of postmodernism is nonsensical. The West is already dead. There isn't going to be a movement like the Renaissance or Enlightenment anymore. Western civilization can very well continue but you won't see culture doing any big strides.