Movement To The "Left"

Why has there been such an extreme shift to more ideologically "left-leaning" ideas and values over the past few years?

What has allowed for the entire "trans" and "Black Lives Matter" movements to become tolerated and supported today as opposed to say 20 years ago? When did this start and what was the catalyst?

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Only rural and suburban retards think left wing ideas are bad.

City people all know left wing ideas and values mean progress and prosperity and peace and advancement.

The elites (jews) seek to polarize the populous into extremes of right and left.

They saw the rise of national socialism and how the nazis were almost unstoppable compared to their communist counter-parts. They seek to bring them back but this time they will be in control.

They are fermenting hate and resentment towards the brown people so that we will be more willing to kill them.

tl;dr greater israel

I never said anything about the ideas being "good" or "bad" I am simply asking why the trend is happening now and what started it.

it's copy pasta, don't respond to trolls please.

a fucking leaf

Divided into two so people can fight each other while ignoring ((important issues))

United enough so people feel secure and safe enough to not go full tile crazy

>Greater Israel

Yup. Why would they not?

In the future nations will be solely judged on their amount of trannies per capita. When that time comes Canada will be unsurpassed.

/thread. It was literally the Jews.

The first time a read a modern-day liberal arts journal article was when it truly hit me that the Tumblr left has taken over. Academics unironically say shit like deadnaming trans people.

It's pretty insidious. Why should we kill innocent brown people, spread them all across the earth and radicalize our own populations so they can expand there country to the size of newfoundland.

They should fight their own battles, but they will trick us into killing their enemies for them so they can look like the good guys.

You may think "Well why don't we just do what they say?" because they will turn on us and keep stabbing us in the back after it's done.

it's easier to get sympathy by being a victim

I am not saying you are right or wrong, but I am really curious about when this all started and what allowed to take place over the past few years? Any ideas?

It started during the israel palestinian battle that happened during 2010 - 2011, the mainstream media turned on da jews and started talking madshit. That's when the jews stuck their hand up their ass and started to puppeteer them. I'm not saying, that's when it started, but that is when the psy-ops began.

canadians are to passive asressive

But how does being passive-aggressive lead to the changes over the past 10 years or so, and what did Canada do?

>rural and suburban retards

i'm convinced that one poster is using a VPN and typing this sentence over and over.

canada has and will aways be in the shadow of usa.
we are so stupid and try not to be american so hard that we will fuck ourselves just so we can say we are not like america. we are passive agressive to ourselves because we hate ourselves.

women loves """"free""" stuff, they love to be pampered and taken care of they love socialism and communism
they love refugees, because of the mother emotional instinct.
Antifa is full of women
how many women you see going to rallies defending donald trump?
almost none.
we are not getting a right wing society until we deal with the eternal women.

I think you are right in a lot of ways. What is Canadian? More often than not, we define ourselves by what the Americans are not.

Conspiratorial presentations aside, this is exactly what seems to be happening. You can bend a stick forever and not expect it to snap, but this time, there's seems to be a very precise way the stick is designed to snap. I don't like it. I don't want to see political extremism come back.

When no Candidate you vote for fulfills their election promises, democracy essentially does not exist. This is the world we live in. When your vote is meaningless, people tend to turn to political outliers.

On the one hand we have trump and the Alt Right movement, and on the other we have SJWs, social Democrats like Bernie and a small but angry communist left.

Canada didn't do anything, we didn't own slaves, we didn't kill the natives (much), calling it genocide is literally bullshit, the whole reason we had the schools was because chugs were in the woods dying of polio and retarded shit. So we had to re-educate them, other wise they would have genocided themselves.

We are hated because we are majority white and of british decent, so the u.n. pushes decolonization, and the jews push degeneracy, the rest writes itself. Why? As I explained above. Why? Not entirely sure, the world is going to turn brown, and brown people think jews are white. So it looks pretty bleak for them (jews) also.

If your argument is right, what was the pivotal event that put the power into women's hands to make this change?

Why did they choose the route of movements like Black Lives Matter, Transgender rights, and not others that are more ideologically centrist?

It's not been over twenty years. Royal loyalism is a far right ideology. It is conservatism.
Over the last century, our world has moved toward more liberal ideologies, and socialism was extremely popular in the beginning of the 20th century.

BLM and trans acceptance are not exclusively left leaning political things. There is room within conservatism to address problems that minority groups face in our society.

But it seems the reactionary groups latched on to conservatism and traditional conservatives got pegged with that group of bigots. And the left as a monolithic group has always strived to generally make things better for everyone. So it was in their benefit to accept gay rights groups, trans, BLM, etc.

If you go back far enough, there were socialist groups that were anti progressive. So it's not like socialism or leftism can't be divorced with the acceptance of diversity. And since it can't be left exclusive, the hate of it can't be right exclusive.

What I'm saying, man. Is that the shift toward more humane governments has been a thing for a long time. And to create societies that are better for everyone, has been humanity's modus operandi since we made farms.

This is why I'm not an alt right/reactionary conservative/neo nazi. I just can't honestly see that as a real solution to the college liberal/sjw problem.

Shitposté you mean.

the thing is that we cant compete with usa on anything.
so, what is left. what is the thing that makes us feel superior to americans.
morality is our thing. that is why we are cucked.
we cuck ouselves because "it is the moral thing to do"

I think in some ways political extremism has always been there. However, the change today is that the voices of the "extremists" are much louder because of mediums such as social media.

What does a return to political extremism mean for Canada? I honestly don't even know.


it's time to start effectuating western priorities with substantial hard targets. This is the 30 second campaign. 30 seconds to change America. If you have 30 seconds you can change the world.

So by all means faggots play capture the flag or follow me and play capture the country.

You may not realize this /pol but the federal government funds winning "civil rights lawsuits." why does this matter?

This Money funds ACLU, the NAACP, the ACLU, the ADL, the SPLC, the den of vipers and charlatan Race Baiters and even the Westboro Baptist Church. That's right the Westboro Baptist Church is government funded.

By stopping federal funding of "civil rights" lawsuits it will Restore sanity to the schools, take back the narrative, and Make America Great Again by reversing the horrific secondary effects on American culture and institutions.

--This does not destroy civil rights it merely stops the literal government funding of insanity and heals America explained below.--

Imagine a world with no Westboro Baptist church, or transgenderism being forced on 5 year olds, where the schools are not corrupted by leftist infiltration, and our history and philosophy is not silenced. That is the future this will bring. America will be land of equality and freedom and normalcy again



Free Unlimited Lawyers for only one side means legalized extortion and necessitates perpetual victims.

This happens everywhere. In every business, in every school, in every media channel. It is the reason they want hate speech laws etc. because their pay checks from the government rely on "discrimination".

And as we all know when there is a discrimination shortage artificial discrimination must be manufactured and so --new "markets" need to be made in order to keep the monster fed. --

The war on Christmas, "islamophobia", "transgendered rights", BLM, pronouns etc. these "lawyers" and race hustlers need civil conflict to get money.

America can never be allowed normalcy. It must be degenerated or this massive cottage industry of government funded degeneracy is cut off at the knees and they lose their jobs, funding, platform, and life's work.

--Even where statistics disprove their narrative the facts themselves must be silenced in order to keep the machine running. Like women being discriminated against educationally while they make the vast majority of college matriculation and graduation --

--It is literally government funded insanity.--

For example the Westboro baptist church is funded by this exact model when people violate their "civil rights" they get paid because they are lawyers who defend themselves. And that is why Westboro baptist church went away in the media because they know defunding them meant defunding their own apparatus of hate groups and with continued optics people would realize the government is literally funding the insanity.

Ever wonder where these stories in the media come from? I would not be suprised if there is a PR arm being funded indirectly by government subsidy to push these perversions because for these groups optics mean money and new markets whereas stagnation is death.

It also allows them unimpeded power to push their agendas of which schools are a great example.


there was no pivotal event
women are wired to be leftists
women wants to be protected, taken care of and to be pampered
socialism and communism preaches all of that.
it preaches we will give you free stuff, the big daddy government will take care of you.
why do you think we have all this "beauty in all sizes" movement led by women?
it's because they are egalitarians by nature
the greeks figured this out thousands of years ago

>Assemblywomen, Congresswomen, Women in Parliament, Women in Power, and A Parliament of Women) is a comedy written by the Greek playwright Aristophanes in 391 BCE. The play invents a scenario where the women of Athens assume control of the government and instate pseudo-communist reforms that ban private wealth and enforce sexual equality for the old and unattractive.
>In order to be more convincing, some women developed tans and stopped shaving their armpits to appear more masculine.

sounds familiar to you?

A very well thought out response. Thanks.

Where do you see these movements (perhaps more importantly, their impact) in 10 years or so? Will they be effective?

The voices of extremists are not just louder because of social media, they are louder because neoliberalism is failing the common man.

1930 - 1960, wages doubled thanks to keynesian economics
1960 - 1980, wages doubled again thanks to keynesian economic policy
1980 - now, wages haven't changed, neoliberalism took over and this is the result, stagnation, the only ones who make money in this economy are the bankers and they are going to keep it that way as long as they can

I see your argument. I still go back and ask what allowed women in the western world as a whole to move politics overwhelmingly in this direction very recently? Why not 1? 10? 30? 40 years ago?

The previous history of reactionary hateful movements have always had them losing the fight in the long run. They're outnumbered and they know it. You can have all the III%ers all you want. But the moment you get into a fight with a mass demonstration, none of that matters and it's down to sticks, stones, and the mass press of bodies.
It's all the alt-right can do; hide behind cops and act tough. Sit around on the internet and spew hate. Harass people on Twitter.

I don't foresee a white genocide as I consult the history books. If the left keeps getting stronger, we will see equality become more of a natural force.

Just the same, this new SJW movement lost it's steam. It never offered solutions to problems, just constant outrage.
But by the same token, the Alt-right does exactly that. Outrage after outrage, no solutions.

You can also thank Reaganomics for the current situation we're in, and the repeal of Glass-Steagal. Conservative economic policies have not done us any favors either.

Reagonomics are textbook neoliberalism, so yeah definitely

>what allowed women in the western world as a whole to move politics overwhelmingly in this direction very recently? Why not 1? 10? 30? 40 years ago?

we allowed them.
we gave them vote rights
we let them work
we let them into politics
we started treating them as equals
in the end, it's our fault
the greeks warned us about women
the bible warned us about women
the koran warned us about women
practically every culture warn us about women
but we didn't listen
and now it's late.

While you're not wrong to point out that extremism has always been there, ultimately it is the new, overbearing progressive and anti-democratic policies that signaled the real shifts and changes.

This is why the authoritarian progressive left were able to succeed where the social conservatives failed. They were both backed by governments that were in bed with economic elites, but where the moral traditionalist came off as overbearing, the left was able to present themselves as, well, progressive and win over public support. Once this is done, naturally, and rightly, these changes are associated with them, but more importantly it became much easier to influence politics with ideology.

Politics becomes less of a way to create a commom society, and more of a way to impose your illusory dictatorship on others. This is why I'm afraid. I don't want to end up living in a country where politics is perceived as a zero sum game by eceryone involved, because it isn't!

>Da Jews
>and Unelected corporate world government


left wing ideas are always bad. every time

It's not Marxism to blame for the current state of the world, Capitalists have been in power in every western country entirely

a fucking east leaf

>where the moral traditionalist came off as overbearing, the left was able to present themselves as, well, progressive

Well put! In this light, a return to more morally traditional values (for good or ill) is a matter of re-branding them to appear more progressive and less overbearing?

Why are economic elites from your understanding so closely tied with the progressive left? Why not centrists or the ideological right?

we import asians to increase canadas iq.
we allow asians to invest and increase the cost of living.
native born canadians cant compete.
we are getting what we diserve.
we will never become part of usa because we will be a muslim county.
so, usa will have 2 failed states to fuck, canada and mexico.

What does capitalism have to gain from having a dynamic political and ideological shift in the western world? What solutions would Marxism provide?

it has always been wall street and the bankers. They launder money through leftist organizations because its anonymous if you 'donate' to them. They can also fund politcians indirectly this way.

the few elite who make money off capital gains have an infinite amount of money to spend to manipulate the masses. We weren't joking when we say jews.

ok Ahmed

I'm not a Marxist and I don't believe Marxism is an effective solution, I just don't think the ideology should be blamed for something it had literally no influence on.

We do need to do something about corporate control of our democratic process though, and I'd endorse practically any candidate that actually promised to do so.

>Using political terms correctly makes you a Muslim

Guess I'll get my burka out of the closet

For sure, I think that democratic institutions should be separate from political interests, but that is very difficult to do in a world where like it or not money flows freely and has an impact on nearly every aspect of public and private life.

What could be done to stop this?

Marxist uni teachers.

>I just don't think the ideology should be blamed for something it had literally no influence on.

research critical theory. it is the reason behind ALL of the madness we have seen for 40 years.

How did the Marxist university teachers have so much of an impact as to fundamentally change the political direction and social climate of the western world?

Having graduated from a liberal arts university (God preserve my soul), I thought the ideas there were stuck in the ivory tower, but I guess not anymore.

Realistically I think it's too late, I don't think anything short of a revolt will stop it. The corporations have so much power even our laws don't stop them.

I'd like to see smaller communities with smaller governments in a confederation or something similar. A return to community lifestyle with direct democracy.

Calling critical theory Marxism is generally considered revisionist.

I haven't thought too much farther ahead, but looking at history, it's all just a razzle dazzle and a matter of practicality to them. Sensing that people are growing tired of the 60s new age BS, they pushed conservatives for a while and reaganomics became a thing along with "ultra-conservative"(expansion of censorship powers and erosion of civil liberties) policies and mega-churches (Jesus bucks and cable news propaganda). In this light, the left just looks like a mirror opposite of that, designed for a society that is now tired of conservatives and christcucks; once this trend has passed, all the superficial changes will erode and all the important ones- which would be the same as the ones mentioned above, as always- will have been built up that much more.

Since when did leafs post serious discussion?

>we import asians
>we will be a muslim county

I have lurked on Sup Forums for several years now, I post only on seldom occasions when I have a question and would like unfiltered, honest feedback. I think a lot of people do the same. A good question though.

Do you think a return to community life would have a positive impact on social and political development in Canada?

I have a feeling that the nature of having a connected world where people, money, and ideas can travel almost instantly when this was not the case throughout most of humanity's history has had an impact on the world we live in today.

I think "capitalism" is a development of humanity's primal nature to compete for resources. Would the cycle repeat itself (and capitalism re-emerge) by returning to a more grounded lifestyle in smaller communities? I'm just a bit skeptical.

what? what religion do asians have???

Rodney King type incidents started coming out on a yearly basis.

And contrary to Sup Forums shit posting only the anarchists cause problems after BLM protests, the same way anarchists have for the last 100 years.

Without even thinking, if we keep heading down this path, it'll just lead to a GLOBAL popular revolt that will probably just result in a better global-ish democracy. There's no point in even asking if this is worth all the corpses it has created, because it's inevitable.

The female vote is probably a big part of it. Women are hardwired to seek security (nothing says security like a welfare state), and they see the world through a matronly lens: everyone is either an innocent victim (baby) or an evil aggressor (outside threat to baby).
But I think all forms of government naturally shift to the left over time. They eventually go socialist, then they collapse, and then they're replaced by right-leaning countries if you're lucky. Repeat process forever.

*all the corpses it will create

Got really prophetic there.

I don't think competition has to go away, it just needs to be redirected. You're more likely to fight for your neighbor when you work with them everyday, focus that competitive spirit on the success of communities instead of the individual.

I don't think that's impossible in this connected world, but we'd have to integrate technology heavily into our communities. I'm not sure we could even implement such ideas before the technological singularity though, and that tosses everything into the air.

I think this is true, but I'm less positive about the results. We've seen uprisings like this end in fascist regimes that don't respect the people.


Right-leaning people are naturally attracted to quiet jobs for small private companies where they will make lots of money, but have little to no influence on public opinion.

Leftists are ideologically-driven and take up "feel-good" jobs (academia, arts and entertainment, media, public relations) where they essentially can get paid to force beliefs on other people, and have a far-reaching platform to do it with.

>fascist regimes that don't respect the people

Which are still high pressure, and responsive governments. Dictatorial, but extremely fragile. We might just have to go through longer waves of unrest and revolts like a longer French Revolution.

I actually have the same question and all they say is jews