Italy had no Arabs or Africans before the US chimped-out in the Mid East. Now all mongrels come to Italy. Every week a new fucking Somali family moves into my neighborhood. Stop it!
Why are you Americans ruining my country?
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Im sorry, Mario. Repel the foreign invaders from your homeland. Do it for my ancestors and yours.
Kill them, what the fuck is your shitty mafia doing these days?
Even if you get rid of them, it's still going to be full of Italians.
they come in droves. there are too many liberals in this country for us to mow down everyone.
why can't you stop destroying the mid east for your jew masters? the nogs would stay in their countries.
not our fault your politicans are cucked into letting them in
making profit bringing many shitskins becuz merkel give a shitload of shekels for anyone who can provide a shelter to the rapefugees.
> Why are you Americans ruining my country?
Nigger, your problems will never be solved until you can identify them.
>not our fault your politicans are cucked into letting them in
actually it is. USA placed their pawns everywhere in europe to create this mess. never forget we are your colonies since 45
>Nigger, your problems will never be solved until you can identify them.
Americans destroy Iraq/Syria. Americans create South Sudan. Refugees flood into Italy. Italy's fault?
Your people are truly a menace.
>they come in droves
that's what machine guns are for, mario
Soros is Hungarian pizzapuffer
why would we want to fuck over europe with muslims if we are currently killing them by the dozens in the ME?
we clearly identified our problem. it's (you).
Do i really have to ask an italiabro to remind you the Gladio operation ?
The Jews are your enemy, pastanigger. Go blame the ones pushing for your "immigration needs", leave us alone.
>let them in
Just don't let them in, retards.
More comes if Assad gets CIA'd
The center of Jewish power in the world is Jew York. That's your country, you dumb nigger.
Why do you let rats like pic related make your foreign policy?
The Mafia are the ones bringing them in sucker.
You must purge them Mario... Purge them because your brother Luigi is a weak ass nigger bitch and got cucked by Bowser
Just make them better
> blaming Russia's shit job in Syria on AMERICA
> blaming France's arms selling to al qaeda in Muslim Africa on AMERICA
America is good, Fuck you. Who is taking Libya's oil *cough*Italy Germany Britain... Who declared Libya non official again? Oh right it was France. Who did NONE OF THE WORK AND IS GETTING ALL THE SPOILS?
Stop complaining you little shit you get what you deserve. America is the only reason Europe still exists, if Russia doesn't turn Europe into the next ottoman empire
>ME conflicts instigated by US politicians
>US politicians think they are doing it to gain control over ME governance & make friends in military supply rich
>Merchants rub hands as Europe turns brown and ethnic nationalism fades away.
italians are part north african
you dumb dago
Blame the Ashkenazim, not America.
That mafia are the ones taking gibs from the EU and settling the refugees. Did you actually think Mafia is pro-white? Fucking LOL, why do you think Mussolini BTFO them? He even diverted a dam to sink an entire fucking village in Sicily that was full of mafia trash.
The USA is the most Jew friendly country on earth. Israel is criticized more inside Israel than in the USA.
Bullshit you stupid fucking Canadian, America is totally at fault
You're not American, stop trying to act like you're one of us. Fuck off, we hate you fags.
And you (((Yankees))) are the mindless goylem of the jews who mindlessly do their bidding.
SeeIf you retards can't see you're being cucked by Russia you deserve to die.
There were no Iraqi refugees, yet billions pouring out of Syria every minute. Trying to hide from Putin's carpet bombing.
Russians make shit pilots they miss all the time cause their eyes are Mongolian
America created ISIS
America created terrorism
How do we stop America? Easy.
>muh red scare 2017
fuck off shill
Wow what an argument
No we hate fags like you jamal,the canadian made a good point you cunt
I know we're part nigger spawn. Over hundreds of years we've bred out the worst of traits and we've actually integrated with countries we immigrate to. Same can't be said for the mudshit invasion in the EU, the one that the US narrowly avoided by picking a candidate that gives a shit about their people over outsiders who'll vote them in again and again as long as they keep promising gibs to them.
>killed over 10x the number of Nazism
Why not just shoot down any approaching boats in the Mediterranean? Seems easy enough.
Guess what retard? You can only blame the Jews for so long. Yes, the Jews were at fault. But when 99.999% of your population is too fat, dumb, and lazy to even so much as lift a finger against this kikery, then YOU also become the bad guy. This makes the vast majority of Americans either complicit or direct accomplices to these agendas since they are too fucking lazy and dumb to fight back.
You know what Germany did when they had the Jew problem? WW2
I mean just look at Obama, he came out and told every American to their face that he was spying on us - too bad, so sad. What did Americans do about it? Not even a single fucking riot.
Fuck you and fuck America and fuck Canada too
Either the bourgeois dies and the true poor and working class get their fair share, or we eat America from the inside out. There's no losing, comrade! JOIN US!
It's your white guilt over colonialism. Reap your rewards.
Americans are just too comfortable to do anything. How to make Americans more engaged in politics?
My man Thomas Jefferson would roll in his grave at the condition of the average American today.
> complains about refugees
> doesn't want to stop the source
> Not standing behind the flag
Cuck spotted
Russia created refugees
Russia is gay
The world will be much better off without Russia. We could give Russia to Poland, Croatia, etc. Divide up the country, reparations for for what the Soviets did in eastern Europe, Afghanistan, and are doing in Syria
You need to remind him which Northern African countries were Italian colonies.
I personally don't have anything to do with jew wars. I'm ethnically italian, you think I want shitskins in my ancestral homeland?
Tell the germancucks to fuck off.
the mafia are actually involved in smuggling them in, for gibs money
Stop letting them in
You can't make them more engaged in politics. They have so many shitskins from all across the globe living here now - there is no unity on anything. This is what they mean by "diversity" (dividing the people) and "multiculturalism", it creates a low-trust society where people cannot cooperate on anything.
This is why America is pushing migrants into Europe so hard, to break down your identity, history, ethnicity, and culture. Then they will replace it with a mulatto-Americanized one.
> ethnically Italian
Mudditteranean, turks look more white than Italian but it's Russia's fault
I agree. I'm actually quite anti-american, like you. It's proven the american government has no loyalty to its citizens and is actively trying to make europe pozzed with niggers.
If I could destroy this country to save europe from kikery, I would, unfortunately one man cannot move mountains. The average americuck is just too good of a goy.
I´d say there is no "white guilt" in Italy/Spain/Portugal.
>Inb4 cause of not white
Learn to speak english please, germanicuck. You destroyed the roman empire, and now are destroying europe yet again. Germanic genes are a blight.
The truth has been spoken
>potato faggot pretending italians are ayrans
what are you talking about? fucking wops talk about how southern itally got invaded by nigs long ago. its why they got black haired blue eyed people
>The average americuck is just too good of a goy.
Why does your country love Jews so much? I thought Trump would be different, but even he worships Jews.
> frog
> just voted a globalist into office
> "our biggest problem is you
go suck your master dick faggot
The fool rages and laughs, and there is no rebuttal
Fuck off antifa go suck a nigger cock lol you anti patriotic cuck
it's just the way it is
I've thought about moving to italy since I'm a citizen. I only speak some of my dialect and we speak a little different, like saying "ssi" instead of "sei" and some other things, shouldn't be too hard to pick up standard italian though
Maybe after I'm done with my bachelor's degree. Europe still has the demographics on its side at least, I don't feel any loyalty to this mongrel country.
You'd be welcome brother. Move to the north if you can, that's still better than the south.
How's torino
seems like a nice city, milan seems pozzed
I'm sorry all the anti American pro European liberal lunacy from your professors has so damaged your brain.
For every nigger who kneeled during the national anthem, 500 others stood proud with their hands behind their hearts. You will never find a sense of unity greater than here, go ahead and fuck off back to Europe, fucking Italy which isn't even white you whiney pansy bitch.
Holy shit you are so fucking retarded this is great I can't stop laughing
>waaaa I don't have any fwends heaaa maybe I move far far away
ok nigger lover, enjoy your mulatto grandchildren
This is shitty logic really, the mideast was already an unstable hell hole the EU is what opened the flood gates.
We attack the mideast, Europe cries about destabilization but won't stop letting them in.
The mideast was ultimately going to be a shithole whether it be Russian/American/Israeli/Saudi backed because it was essentially a shithole after Ottoman Empire fell and the UK gave Israel to zionists, before it was just propped up dictators that prevented floods of migrants but do you think for one second that Russia/Saudis or Israel would be anymore the humanitarian for western Europes sake? They'd probably intentionally flood Europe faster if anything and given I enjoy Assad much more than other options, without U.S. funding for rebels it would've just been Israel or Saudis.
I'm not saying U.S. intervention is good, I'd rather cut the bullshit in the mideast but I doubt whether we left or not the other spheres of influence would be anymore favorable, it's a contested environment that's going to be at war with or without U.S. because there would still be Saudi/Israel influence.
>For every nigger who kneeled during the national anthem, 500 others stood proud with their hands behind their hearts. You will never find a sense of unity greater than here, go ahead and fuck off back to Europe, fucking Italy which isn't even white you whiney pansy bitch.
I don't care. I have no kinship with mongrels. I will always stand with my ancestors and bloodline over a piece of paper, a football game, burgers, and a couple meaningless songs. Go and salute trumpstein and your flag that means nothing.
>fucking Italy which isn't even white
Italy has been the main creator of white culture for two thousand five hundred years you mongrelized idiot.
Enjoy your nonwhite pets and spitting on your ancestors' graves. Just leave Europe alone and free from your americanism.
enjoy your nigger friends and your dwindling bloodline
at least you got to sing the stars and stripes while jerking your mutilated jew cock, eating a big burger, and watching the niggers throw a ball around :') america fuck yeah brah xD
W-why don't I have any Somali families in my neighborhood :(
Is this a joke? The reason southern Italy is mostly brown people is because of hundreds of years of Arab-Muslim (moorish) invasion. They have a history of invading for nearly a thousand years and you think that this newest wave is because of the US?
you are a retard. The US is not even in Somalia and if anything as spend good shekels in aid to keep the people from dying en mass
what part of italy you from everyone south of rome is basically black anyway so it should be no big deal if you live in those regions
Did you see that le epic quentin tarantino movie about how "sicilians have da nigga gene xD" and now you think you're an expert on history?
Amerilard IQ at work, that fluoride really did a number on you huh
Doesn't count, she is traveling.
Agreed, I'm hoping to go back to Europe as well. Best of luck bro
Good luck to you in turn. As soon as I finish college I'm leaving this jew-controlled nonwhite country behind, in the trash where it belongs.
I don't know what you're talking about with Tarenjewno, but there's a long history of Muslim aggression against Europe and if you don't know anything about it, you should comment on my grasp on history.
Since when does the US runs the EU?
it doesn't mean that southern italy is nonwhite though, north italians have stronger germanic admixture from racial mixing
sardinians look like southern italians and they have been almost totally untouched genetically, it's just a mediterranean phenotype, not someone half between a nigger and a nordic- mediterraneans are like a sub-race with their own physical features like olive skin etc
by the way the genetic testing all shows that this alleged moorish influence is completely negligible, and a total meme
A lot of the reason southern italy is a shithole is because of things like america bombing the fuck out of the infrastructure, and the economy really never recovered even 70 years later. Before unification Sicily was actually the richest and most prosperous region in italy.
It's time for us to admit we botched up all our shit in the middle east. All those years, all those American deaths, and we didn't even take the oil. I've been saying it since day 1..."take the oil!"
I'm sorry that you have to pay for our manhandling of this, Luigi. We were just trying to glass some sandniggers. Surely you understand.
by the way OP, italy doesn't want the boats, germany forces italy to accept them under duress, they're more at fault than america, as much as I hate the USA I can't blame the US too much for this one- your ire is better turned towards the germans