/old/pol Honor Guard

Sup Forums rules the internet and Sup Forums is so powerful they had to split off an entire new board to handle our banter. We destroyed American political dynasties and changed American politics forever. Think pieces are written every day in national publications of our autistic power. Millions of dollars are spent to silence and dilute our wonderful shitposting. It is an achievement to be proud of but we should be aware that our playground of political thought is under constant attack from normie influence due to our recent notoriety. I would just like to take a thread to acknowledge the changes that our newfound popularity has spawned and a chance to spread some on the best content old/pol/ used to offer. This is one last cry into the ocean of piss before this user swallows another mouthful of a shill's salty spray straight from Brock's cock. Love all you crazy diamonds.




Exactly. We get more people browsing this board in two days than CNN gets in viewers all week. We MSM now.

I wonder how many times a day moot considers suicide?


like 5-6 my dood

These posts are just share blue vacuuming up old memes so they can use them at a later date to "prove" they have been around long before the Trump bullshit and pretend they aren't the garbage gang that they really are.

>skype spam zimmerman
How far we've died

>Exactly. We get more people browsing this board in two days than CNN gets in viewers all week. We MSM now.
fucking this. They are putting us on blast because we ruined the entirety of western political discourse. They may attack our home, but we have killed their hubris.

We were busy trading anonymity for political power. Kek demands a tribute.
>More blood for the blood god

>>skype spam zimmerman
We will always have the memes, user.
Our memories fade, but our memes last forever

No matter if this place gets turned into /kikebook/, shuts down, becomes overrun with furry twink pangender deerkin, know that I will always love and never forget you.

As sad as it sounds, this is my only social interaction. Everyone here feels like family.

I'll follow you anywhere user

>Think pieces are written every day in national publications of our autistic power.
Truly, we bear witness to the collapse of civilisation

I'm being completely honest, I miss my shitposting crevice. When Sup Forums became mainstream everything just started to suck within a month or two

>Truly, we bear witness to the collapse of civilisation
We Will Remind Them

>When Sup Forums became mainstream everything just started to suck within a month or two
We finally got the worlds attention, but what should we say. Are the newsmakers of society so crass that they admit they are losing a battle of cultural influence with a Rhodesian Basket Weaving forum? Have we truly sink this low?

>No matter if this place gets turned into /kikebook/, shuts down, becomes overrun with furry twink pangender deerkin, know that I will always love and never forget you.
They will know that here men stood. Here warriors fought the battle against darkness when all seemed lost. They will write of our deeds for centuries user. The future will smile on you.

Pls Winter-Chan! You are Europe's Only Hope!!

I used to love the racist atheists vs the racist christian memes. I could even go for a JIDF thread to spam anti-hasbara memes at.


>Sup Forums mods won't let us flood the board for a week or two with fluffy threads and poo poo pepe
Is it surprising we can't keep normalfags out if we can't use our weapons? These rules of engagement are shit.


