What is wrong with T_D? They've circle jerked each other off so hard that they see any resistance to them as a evil plot from the left.
>saged shareblue cuck
Leave Sup Forums if you immigrated from T_D we don't want nor need you here.
What is wrong with T_D? They've circle jerked each other off so hard that they see any resistance to them as a evil plot from the left.
>saged shareblue cuck
Leave Sup Forums if you immigrated from T_D we don't want nor need you here.
Other urls found in this thread:
They think they made Trump win, and they think the fact he won validates all their cringey beliefs.
I saw just the banner of TD and my eyeballs caught on fire. Its so awful.
true it's like donald used to be /ourguy/ to advance our ideas but we knew it was a fucking meme and a laugh at the same time. now you now have to part of Trump's group. People have been taken over by the meme.
Newfag here
T_D is gay, purge immediately
2007-2011: middle school, Sup Forums
>haha NIGGERS let's say NIGGERS all the time, it's edgy and funny, I'm not racist just a troll!
2011-2015: college freshman, no chans, r/TheRedPill
>women are the gatekeepers to sex, men are the gatekeepers to commitment. Men are inherently worthless, women the opposite. Stop being nice to women and they will fuck you.
2015-2016: r/TheRedPill leads me to r/The_Donald.
>finally someone who opposes feminism and political correctness! Globalism? Fuck that, Trump 2016!!!!
>Trump's "No drugs, no alcohol, no cigarettes!" echoes in my mind.
spring 2016: join /rel/ on jewbook
>redpilled on my past degeneracy
>wow these guys really hate Jews, why's it called /rel/ anyway?
>"the religious alternative to Sup Forums"
summer 2016: find Sup Forums
>redpilled on jews
>redpilled on bolshevik revolution, kike revisionism, marxism
>redpilled on race
>redpilled on Hitler, WW2, bad guys won
>Full-blown NatSoc now
>read more in last 8 months than I have in my entire life prior combined
t_d is an outlet and was an important (and at times faggy) part of my redpilling. if you aren't shariablue/jidf, stfu with the "back to duh dunuld" nonsense
T_D is the furthest thing from Sup Forums, there is no anonymity, there are mods constantly sticking their threads abusing their status for posting power, it's heavily moderated by banning anything racist or sexist. Worst of all it's an echo chamber, any dissenting opinions are banned. Here I can say whatever I want, I might get assblasted for it but I wont be banned. Plus what really grinds my gears is they steal all of Sup Forumss memes, develop your own board culture for fucks sake, and you too 8/pol/, you're nearly as worse.
This containment board needs a containment board
nice flag
Why is it the Canadians that always post the dumbest shit?
You need to fuck off. This has nothing to do with ideology and everything to do with you. plebbitfags have always been cancer. You're presence here ruins this website like the presence of a jew in Europe. Stop posting.
Oh look another newfag shill who is trying to ruin websites by instigating immigration. You can't even follow the first rule 1. You don't belong here.
reminder that anyone who uses "T_D" instead of just calling it reddit is a shill. someone post the discord screencaps. Saged you fucking faggot, eceryone knows reddits gay, we don't need your faggot ass telling us.
good job guys your shilling is going very well keep up the good work darlings
remember the curse for it strikes at midnight
Another Canadian, not fucking surprised
you have to go back
another fat low-iq nigger who is likely a shill and clearly a newfag. go back to the discord, you're not fooling anyone
Oh shit im exposed. The use of the word nigger will of course make me seem like a normal user of this board and not a angered 12 year old who supports Trump blindly because its "edgy". Fuck off leaf.
actually I dont mind them so much as I find cunts like you annoying
you're all faggots
Thanks for the ball, added to my self-hating Canadian folder.
Glad the most reading you've done in your life has been on a echochamber where all dissenting opinions are labeled as a shill and shouted down.
That's where you fucked up nigger, thats when the word memes and all that was associated with them went mainstream.
All over FB.
Everyone is filling out their rolls in this thread as usual. Canadian idiot, Australian Shitposted, all we need is Indian claiming authority and we'll be a perfect thread.
no shit you're exposed, we're not all double digit IQ retards like you.
>m-muh Trump
classic, you faggots can't go more than 3 posts without whining about him. Do I really have to tell you again? fuck off back to your discord and come up with another strategy, cunt.
same thing goes for the stormniggers from 8pol and stormfront, and most of all, TRS
well we've definitely got the dumb american. You're fat too, don't deny it.
>summer 2016
Jesus fucking christ, lurk moar you faggot. I came here while you were in middle school, and didn't make a post for well over a year. You are literally SUMMER.
That's worse than being from plebbit.
Disgusting. You need to leave.
Yall heard? They got legal weed in California.
lol look how much fatter the coal burner is than the step mom. Dad traded up.
You just don't fucking stop with your stupidity don't you?
Can you describe it so we don't have to live the horror? The only place I want to be on ribbit is r/anarchy.
Yeah, im a bit on the chubby side
we elected trump because it was funny.
Sup Forums will chaotically lash out against anyone anytime for any reason. doesn't even matter who the target is really as long as its not a cat.
Don't reply to me you worthless sac of nigger feces
You got sick of crying in the Chucky Schumer thread you had to Cry here? This board has always been Trump territory since day one. T D wouldn't exist without us colonizing it. You are a paid shill or a newfag. Obviously don't remember how we plotted to colonize reddit years ago.
You know those supposed discord screencaps and all the other 'hardcore infographics totally proving Trump haters are just shills!!!11' are all doctored or just baseless speculation, right?
I mean even the discord SS itself was made in the actual Sup Forums discord that I could post a link to here but won't because everytime I do the kike mods ban me for 'encouraging doxxing' for some reason.
pls leaf, go back to r/LE_DONALD
Pepe everywhere. Something about leftists this and leftists that. A bunch of "NSFCucks" tags. It was really actually seriously upsetting.
It's a character trait of the right... paranoia eventually leads to extreme factionalism and infighting.
Stop right there, i already don't give a fuck.
Sup Forums was never good
Its backfired buddy
Was okay as /new/
you are what is wrong with this website.
before faggots like you Sup Forums had way fewer retarded posters. you just follow anything you hear. you have no creativity. fuck yourself gay bitch boy
>'hardcore infographics totally proving Trump haters are just shills!!!11' are all doctored or just baseless speculation, right?
cool. then prove it faggot
don't speak to me you honorary nigger
It depends whats happening. Different events bring out different people.
Noticed how almost nobody cared about t_d one month ago? It's pretty obvious we are being raised by redditors.
Uh oh canadacuck is being corned
>literally too retarded to follow instructions
Post the discord screencap here and I can point to you the mods online on that discord at the time are also mods on the Sup Forums discord.
Bingo the chink got it
Since when do Sup Forumsacks carry the flags of the bitch made pack mentalities.
name calling sally sallys btfo my Sup Forums
>Literally too retarted to understand sarcasm on a website basically dedicated to being sarcastic and fucking people
Yeah!!! Sup Forums has never done that before The_Donald was conceived !!
JIDF pls go
>thinks i was being serious
you really are an idiot
there's many of them, and there's no proof that theyre fake
it's a divide and conquer strategy. they want us to focus our hate on reddit instead of the true enemy
Tfw you get called out and say "I was just joking" you are legitimately autistic. Off yourself we don't need your genes in our gene pool
I immigrated from AOL Kids
I immigrated from screenkids.com
Bite the fucking curb, nigger.
I like your trajectory
>using Tfw like a normie
>not quoting in greentext
>trying to fit in by whining about muh gene pool
>le autism xd
everything about you just screams newfag shill. You're fat and stupid too, you've even admitted it.
Gee i wonder who could've sent you.
Why are you fags still bitching about T_D? All you do is shit up the catalog.
these digits confirm that Sup Forums needs immigrants to survive and function as a board
T_D sucks because they're civic nationalist faggots who keep crying about MUH STORMFAGS and being total pussies about race realism.
If they'd just take the 14/88 pill and get on the right track, I'd be cool with them, but they're just too in love with their kikes and niggers to get those cocks out of their mouths long enough to say anything useful.
>newfags don't recognize the meme
>yet another libtard divide and conquer thread
when will mods start banning this spam?
Anyone here caught in the left right paradigm is a normie. There is no excuse. The government is by the jews and for the jews.
Fuck Jews
>Spartan spirit
>Revive Rome
>Revive Athens
>live in peace
>Muh gene pool will be the one passed along into the comsos
>No Reddit fags
>No same fag nigger parrots.
I hate everyone on this board.
My parents love T_D and have incorperated "pep pee" , "cucks", and "normies", into their everyday speech at home.
They also brag about how they memed Trump into office.
...and they think I got fooled by shils apparently. We have the best Isreal friend, folks. The best. Believe me. Nothing weird about that country. Shills will tell you otherwise.
They're even elitist that they aren't 'normies' because they browse t_D... and they think Sup Forums idls t_D's personal meme factory of basement autists that exist to work for them.
Make it staaahhhp
Why are your parents 10 years old