>The only reason maps dont look like this is because white people made them and put their countries on top
Prove me wrong.
The only reason maps dont look like this is because white people made them and put their countries on top
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No it's because magnetic north is on top.
so like what if north is actually south maaaaaannnnn
Flipping a map upside down wouldn't negate north and south poles tho, it's just north would be down and south would be up
That's not what those directions mean, though. You can't just arbitrarily assign different meanings to the cardinal directions user. Navigation is serious business.
on Japanese globes Japan is in the exact center
Fucking based
That map looks like a total shit
I'm pretty sure Argentines, Australians and New Zealanders are mostly fucking white
yes, generally those who start maps will get to determine things like positioning, and because their general use will be for those in the same sphere of influence, it is more useful to have maps centered on the originating civilization. you are totally not retarded, congratulations.
do you think the White Man™ had always populated those countries user?
Argies may be white compared to mexicans, but not to Aussies or Kiwis.
Well that's white privilege. The South American Indios should have discovered the world if they'd wanted it the other way.
No, that's just to aggravate you - I imagine it's more because the Northern Star stays at the same spot, in the North, always. And being a star, it's above. That probably got translated into North being 'up' on maps.
so i guess we should switch to sideways maps because of the history of imperial oppression rooted in our current map orientations.
... 1 post by this id. Suckered into effort posting, every time.
OP, the Earth is FLAT.
Well for one the northern most extent of Russia, Greenland and Canada are much too far south.
I'm sorry, but all of this is completely made up and arbitrary. There's no logical reason, it's a globe where everyone sees themselves the same way, upside down and changing north/south is just as valid.
>on Japanese globes
>Japan in center
>Japan is in the center
>of the globe
>country is exact center of globe
>red blob isn't in exact center of flag
i thought they do this in every country
Really made me think
It's not though.
You would be assigning them arbitrary directions, it's that they literally won't fucking change.
ex: Antarctica will still be the South Pole, it will just be at the top of the map instead of the bottom
88% of people live in the Northern Hemisphere
It's not just Europe, it's also Asia and North Africa
A compass is going to point to the north pole no matter what way you want to orient your globe you fucking idiot, that's not arbitrary at all am I being baited
Just realized why this map looks so retarded, IT'S GOT NO FUCKING ANTARCTICA
EXACTLY, it would just point to the bottom instead of the top. No you're not being baited, I think they're just mongoloids.
Yeah fuck all 10 people in Greenland getting cut in half and put on either ends of the map.
So everyones on board with righting this wrong and demanding that governments start recognizing the Afro/South American dominant world map, right?
You're dumb. The countries are upside down. If the world was really like that we would just fall off.
It's because when you look down at a map forward is the top of the map, and when a compass is pointing forwards it's pointing north.
Not gonna lie, but that looks MUCH better
Why do we consider north as "up"?
But that wasn't the OPs argument. They were saying that its' specifically designed to put white people at the top. That's not the case; it's designed to put North at the top. Could it be turned upside down? Sure, maybe, but the OP is talking about motivations that aren't real.
>The traditional map of the world, known as the Mercator map, may be the most often seen image of our planet but it is also considered highly inaccurate because Antarctica and Greenland are greatly distorted.
Now, a Japanese artist and architect believes he has solved this 447 year old problem with an 'origami map' that represents landmasses and seas as accurately as possible.
based japs
What direction does the needle on a compass turn towards? Up? Or down?
Look at a compass rose on a map.
Once you have done this, you have your answer, You retarded huemonkey
holy fucking bait batman. this gets a bump.
I was just arguing with the mongoloids who say that turning a map upside down would fuck with navigation. It wouldn't.
It's all made up retard, someone invented the compass. Cardinal directions were associated with colors in some cultures, north/south is a convention, could be the opposite just as easily.
Just use a globe if you are looking at an image on a computer display.
For a paper map no one needs a navigational accurate world map.
White supremacy always hides between motivations that appear innocent though
You could just... steer using magnetic South as the "new north"
You know that they are actual magnetic fields that points certain magnets toward them right?
Magnetic north pole is the geographical south pole.
t. science fucker.
hollow earth confirmed
Please be bait
We're still the center of the world that way.
>up? Or down?
Neither, it points north. If you are facing north and facing down at the compass it points up, but if your facing south it points down.
Correct projection of land masses.
>White people invented maps.
Yes, and when you invent something you get to design it and make it how you want.
Meanwhile, in Africa...
Magnets don't just point North, they line up with opposite poles. Imagine you had a bunch of magnets without any markings on them, could you tell which side was North and which side was South?
Any country I go to it's always the same - the center, at least my knob points that way
If you change the compass label from north to south it'll still works. Or just call it blue, the map is already upside down. It's all made up conventions.
I thought it was bait too, but it's just poorly worded. He means the WORDS north and south could be switch...I hope
what about this
Due to the rotation of the earth, the resulting vector points north (en.m.wikipedia.org
There is a reason why there is more land in the north, and why Antarctica is right in the pole.
Educate yourselves, faggots.
Did non-whites even have maps?
Oldendays whites didn't steal any useful cartography from the natives they genocided.
This magnetic point could just be called south, or blue point, or hue convergence.
always amazing to look at
The map is not only upside down but mirrored. Y u try bamboozle?
Here, open this, fuck up your vision and understanding of the world as you know it
Oh so its completely arbitrary. Thanks for proving the point, racist.
I say we team up with progressive groups to demand that governments recognize the OP map and end this heinous afront to Africans and South Americans
>look at my superior map that doesn't even put the equator at the middle of a globe
>flat projection of sphere
Pick one.
>did non-whites even have maps?
Easier to see why we became an empire when you look at this.
does it even matter. we can start using this map tomorrow n its not gunna change a thing
Yes. Next question?
Actually it's because the earth hangs on a long tiny string you can't see from the North Star, while there is no equivalent fixed point in the South
Planes tickets really are too expensive
Holy fuck how can you be this retarded
Nah mate, NZ is.
the earth is flat retards
>American education
HAHAHAHA The first fucking comment proved OP was a dumb nigger!
>Oldendays whites didn't steal any useful cartography from the natives they genocided.
probably because cartography was a completely alien concept to spearchucking whiskeyniggers
>center of the globe is Mecca
Get out, Ahmed
>not wanting a proportional origami paper globe
>>>>(((google earth)))
not bad
Gall-peters is shit. The size ratios are correct, but land near the equator is really stretched while land farther away is squished. Winkel-Tripel is by far the best projection, because it corrects equally for size, shape and distance.
No wonder you favella monkeys are so stupid.
the magnet orients itself in a particular direction. One end points north and the other end must therefore point south. You could just as easily look at one end as the other, it is an arbitrary choice. Compass designers decided to paint the end that points north red.
the treasure is where the two red lines intersect
What's really interesting is that in every kind of of projection you can clearly see that Australia is full, so fuck off
Learn some surveying and stop sucking Dubay's micro paynus on jewtube. The Russians were the first to sail around Antarctica dipshit.
No, the first post sounded equally as dumb as the nigger OP claiming we wuz maps and shiiiit
have you considered that you're actually just wrong and white people made systems that just work? really really well? because they do.
You probably agree with this retarded South African Black girl: youtube.com
Well shit... How does one fit 1/2 of Africa in EU ?!
Actually there is a logical reason. That way vector of Earth angular velocity is pointing up.
clearly that was stolen from the romans
listen to yourself, you sound like a pathetic kid.
>white supremacy is a jewish boogeyman designed to alienate white people in their own countries.
you are a victim of brainwashing.
>...Anonymous (ID: ZUsRciK/)
05/09/17(Tue)23:06:30 No.124884992
So everyones on board with righting this wrong and demanding that governments start recognizing the Afro/South American dominant world map, right?
Of course you worthless white boi. We demand reparations.