Should Children Be Free To Choose Thier Gender & Sexuality?


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should those parents have their right to parent their children taken from them?


Yes. Without (((coercion))) 99.9% of them are going to say cis straight.


digits confirm

No you nigger




This bullshit is our chance. Every normie I talk to thinks that it's insane to let prepubescent children identify as anything other than their biological sex. This is a watershed moment. Either we let the degenerates normalize it, or we stop the trend into depravity. This is a crucial time for us anons, and we can win. Most normies are on our side right now, but if we aren't vigilant the weirdos will win.

this is just child abuse

is this a homo midget or something? how can someone post images like this onto social media? this type of shit gets you b& and v& here

they "choose" it when sperm meets egg

my dick just threw up

soo.. you ejaculated?

"gender" is another term for personality.
Gender does not mean sex like all these mentally ill people think it does.

You can't change or choose your sex.
"Choosing" only applies to the tiny, TINY section of people born with both.

Fucking this. I refuse to bump this degenerate thread but we need to seize this chance before the kikes can force it through.


This kid should only be free to choose whether he wants the gas chamber, or, the oven.

Twitter is more pogressive. Very forward thinking. Sup Forums is behind the times.

P.S. according to this site he-she is 15. I thought that was a ten year old...

Shut up.

>TriviaHe had issues with people reporting his Instagram account, resulting in it being disabled several times.

Harrowing story facing down bigots everyday. I hope he gets aids.

How the fuck does this kid look so feminine?

Is he taking supplements?


I'm seriously so confused how someone can get all fucked up like that at a young age unless his parents are feeding him hormones.

I find that lots of young kids who want sex change have mental problems. They always end up killing themselves, and if they survive a suicide attempt they blame it on bullies. The realty is that these kids are batshit crazy and need psychological help. Maybe, it is a good thing they always kill themselves, saves the taxpayers money and gets rid of the weak filth of society. I hope this tranny midget kills himself. Hopefully he buys a suicide starter kit

His pictures are 100% for sure heavily edited.

Look at for example. No editing means you see every little small detail that you wouldn't normally, like face and body lines and contours.

99% of these people look disgusting irl, they are literally selling a character.

he's even doing the duck face

Based leaf.


forgot to post this

Children is a social construct.

>trying to get me to stare at this faggot even longer than I already have

That makes sense, I can see that smoothing filters have been applied but for some of the other pictures but I see no disturbance amongst the compression which would usually be present in the case of editing. I'm more referring to his general shape. Either this kid has some sort of disorder other than psychological, is taking supplements or he's having some sort of psychosomatic response that's making him look like a girl.

Either way this thread gave me cancer so I'm gonna go gas myself.

Based Saudi. Please send more pilots to finish NYC off.

sexuality? Yes.
Gender? No. Because the this one requires that adults intervene and mess around with a kids biology.

But sexuality? who gives a shit if a kid wants to be a gay.



Geez this is a 12 year old talking like this ffs

Is there an actual believable article about this? I'd love to shove this into my leftist friend's faces.

>little underage gayboy who calls himself "timmythick"
hahahahaha how is this real


This is American isn't it?

Land of the free motherfuckers.


i'm glad i only fuck twinks

Kys fag

hah, not happening


>tfw gf has exact same shorts

And of course he's a fan of the Baboon Queen Nicki Minaj herself.

what painting is this from agian?

Was this before Brittany Venti got her tits?


i was when she was known a roxy red

I wish your parents were gay faggot

if they can't legally consent they can't choose their gender or sex or whatever fucking one you change