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not a happening
Hillary will seek asylum in Russia
The only Arrest will be Grumpfts!
Nice source and meme arrows.
There there Trump, it'll all be over soon
haha ok
A lot of people really don't yet understand how big the firing of Comey really is. He was the gatekeeper the entire time which prevented everything moving forward with Pizzagate, Hillary, Obongo, etc.
Trump was waiting until he had all his important cabinet picks in place before firing Comey. He needed the deputy AG as that last piece, who was confirmed not too long ago.
Is it ANY coincidence you are hearing more about Human, Weiner, and Hillary's e-mails? Or how a judge demanded that the state dept hand over the e-mails on Benghazi? Ya its HABBENING
literally nothing
Do you not remember when Trump expressed a clear lack of interest in pursuing Clinton during a rally a few months ago?
Sixteen seconds in to the video, you can see Trump shaking his head as a crowd chants "Lock her up!"
Then he says, and I quote:
>That plays great BEFORE the election, now we don't care.
He made up a bunch of shit about his political opponents and some people bought it hook, line and sinker.
woah woah woah
Just because someone tweets it doesn't mean it will happen, leaf.
>He was the gatekeeper the entire time which prevented everything moving forward with Pizzagate, Hillary, Obongo, etc.
That is a huge pile of horseshit, because the president can appoint a special prosecutor and instructed them to open a parallel investigation. Not only did he decline to fire Comey (Who he now says acted extremely inappropriately during the course of the investigation) for months, but now he has very transparently done so BECAUSE of the current investigation into his activities.
You know how I know? Because Trump took the time in his letter to Comey to make sure we all got the impression that he is not under investigation, even though we know that he is.
>While I greatly appreciate you informing me, on three separate occasions, that I am not under investigation
It's going to be extremely entertaining to watch this blow up in everyones face.
epic. can really tell how much smarter you are.
Thanks for your opinion shareblue, please report to the gas chamber for your next assignment.
>investigation into his activities
I love this shareblue meme. Surely, any day now we'll find evidence.
>no Obama
Go rake yourself leaf
hop in here lads
>while I greatly appreciate you informing me, on three separate occasions, that I am not under investigation
>while I greatly appreciate
>greatly appreciate
Sharebluefags can't detect sarcasm worth shit. He knows that Comey's been trying to undermine him and cover up massive collusion, and the director DID tell him that he wasn't under investigation as the media screeched that he was.
He's throwing Comey's words back in his face
Like the kind that makes you fire your advisers and the kind that make your attorney general have to recuse himself from the investigation?
Remember when it was "Flynn did nothing wrong, he will not be fired because there is NO evidence for this bullshit!"
Welp, just a matter of time till it's all out in the open lol.
>You think trump is full of shit so you are a DEMOCRAT!
LOL. Can you honestly not see any reason why I would not like this false nationalist, jew loving piece of crap aside from that I must be a liberal?
It's cool if you're not down to have this discussion, but you DO remember he basically said he doesn't give a fuck about Hillary, right? Will you acknowledge that it took place? lol
>we know that he is.
yeah but the people going on about investigating him are criminal scumbags, that doesn't help anything for the credibility of the story, neither does the fact that BRICS exists
That would be poetic justice
If you're not a lib, why are you using all the lib talking points? Flynn was let go because the misled Pence. This doesn't mean he colluded. If there was evidence, it would have been shown by now. He'll, we haven't even seen evidence that the Russians are responsible for the leaks, we're just supposed to believe the word of the same government that's lied to us for years about anything.
nothings happening to hillary.
She's suffered enough, user.
That moment when you realize that planting a statement of "They aren't investigating me" is just a german shepherd whistle to make everyone start looking for an investigation so that he can do his job.
Navy Seals converging upon Soros at this very moment
Why is some random faggot LARPing on twitter considered a real news source here?