Poland is a mistake.
Is Poland the nigger of Europe?
t. Achmed upset at the one Europa nation not yet cucked by Muslims
French flag is mistake
At least they aren't complete cucks like the frogs and krauts.
France was a mistake, Germany was an even bigger mistake.
We never should have let Germany be a country again.
in roughly that order all beat out Poland by a wide margin. There are other countries that also qualify as outright niggers long before Poland.
shitty slide thread / 10
You won't be saying that when the Slavs are our only hope to save us from Habib
In Poland we don't have niggers and muslims xd
Poland is fucking based, million times better than your shithole
You do realize though that France is one of the most accomplished militaries in Europe along with us, and this hehe France surrender meme was invented by butthurt Americans, similar to how Poland hehe always invaded by everyone.
>nigger of europe
>has no niggers
don't lose your head amigo
Poland wants to keep the niggers out, so no.
We'll definitely do our best to save ourselves
Murica new flag
Nah I'll be right, my missus is Polish so that's gotta count for something right
that's missing alot of history
looks pretty /tasty/ to me desu
>nigger of Europe
>no niggers
really makes you think....
You forgot Polish Bolshevik War, but how would Amerinigger know this? No one made any memes about it, Kardashians don't talk about it so yeah.
How are Spain or Italy worse than Poland? In which way?
Also, Poland is kinda nice, poor, but there are much worse nations in Eastern Europe.
Your country is literally a meme that has only existed for a little under 100 years
It is better to be a nigger than a cuck
Your country have muslims
It has ethnic and cultural continuity, I also recommend to read some history Pajeet, Duchy of Warsaw, Posen, uprisings etc..
Sand niggers
>that has only existed for a little under 100 years
you're a moron
Difference being when Poland gets invaded you faggots actually fight back unlike the surrender monkeys.
The France surrendering meme comes from France lasting for about as long as Poland did, despite being significantly bigger, having more resources, and having better military technology.
How about No.303 Polish Fighter Squadron, bitch?
Poles do look like trash germans you can only identify them if they start talking polish
They are decent people who do low skilled jobs and they dont shit out 10 kids
The niggers of europe are the balkan monkeys
It was owned by Austria, Germany/Prussia, and Russia since 1795. I understand about the culture, but the country didn't actually exist.
Go fuck with your muslims mates
and then actually joining the Nazis in the form of Vichy sufferance
no backbone
The Polish single-handedly saved all of Europe from being conquered in the largest cavalry charge in history.
Educate yourself, you stupid nigger.
It existed spiritually, something that a pajeet will never understand. Also there were some puppet states. Either way we earned its existence.
You forgot Ireland
However shitty it may seem, those lands were fought for and rightfully belong to us.
Wouldn't argue - we have niggas, we have polaks, they are the same low mentality, I can vouch most us of hate them equally, but WTF, why the other whites loathe them, even if they aren't slaving or stealing toasters?
Poland this is bait, they just want to change the opinion here about you so when EU put shitty taxes on you because your not multicultural enough.Dont fall for the bait.
But it has poles which is almost the same thing
You forgot that the french had the support of the british troops and fought on one front only, unlike poland that was also invaded the east by hitlers allies, the soviets.
Not really, but if that makes you feel better, huehue
Brazilians is worse than niggers
My mix child you dont want to start that argument
Poland being pretty much the only non-Cucked-By-Muslim EU country makes poland quite impressive
This man knows.
You are a fucking jew, right?
The day Poland saved Europe
The days France and Germany sent Europe to its doom.
At least they keep refugees the fuck out.
Europeans dont know how to exploit freedom. They need to be ruled. That's why you retards are Eurastan now.
>Tfw dating Polish girl who calls me daddy
>Tfw I'm only slightly over half-white; light brown skin
>Tfw she called a blonde Polish man who was interested in her 'weak and unattractive'
...Is this the power.... of..... the Polish!?!?!
NO! It's Portugal.
>accomplished military
Yeah, you guys had a really strong showing in both world wars. Charging German panzer spearheads on horseback was a masterstroke of genius lol. All kidding aside, I actually have a lot of respect for you countrymen. Eastern Europe ftw.
We ain't saving anyone, not again, you all screwed us over to many times.
Shill go back to your shareblue office...
Germans were rebirthed as an extension of the globalist penis. They really had something amazing.
Hitler was right you know. Utter Untermensch
If you are brown skin you must look like shit
Why are poles always so butthurt? Never can handle any banter
You have non whites we do not, hence we are better.
Only a little bit. I have no problem with women though.
I hate being an Octaroon, so I'll probably BLEACH with your Polish girls desu.
>Calling one of the whitest areas of the world a nigger
LOL. I voted Trump, Euro-nigg.
Daily reminder
>First letters litterally spell out gibs
>believing in nazi propaganda
>haha Polak subhumans charging panzers on horses
Also its still pretty bad ass, even if it didn't happen like that really. You faggot, you'd shit your pants at the mere sight of panzers.
As for military accomplishments of both France and Poland I meant the kang times mostly. You know the times that still constitute most of European history, like it or not
Heh, nice one
4/5 :DDD
You... dumb piece of shit.
Ireland has produced some really great scientists.
Meanwhile, Canada has given us yeast infections.
How are we butthurt, just explaining things to a retarded niggers, you gotta educate them sometimes.
Also butthurt is part of out national identity I guess.
That's pretty much reason we don't have any rapefugees: WE DON'T TAKE SHIT LYING DOWN! like rest of cuckrope seems to.
What is left of your economy at this point? Are you basically owned by Germany now?
>trans-atlantic education
russians are the niggers of europe
they go into space and they have physicists.
Not bright for a bulb, not even for a candle...
with looted German rockets and looted German scientist.
t. beta commie fag
They have shitty vodka
Hamiltonian mechanics?
They own half of polakia, they do!
Obv you havent been in Romania
Nope. Voted Trump. Also, DUMBASS, Russia isn't communist anymore. I've worked with them. They have very smart scientists. You're such a xenophobe.
>implying that the nazis would lie
Shame on you, sir. Also, please give Danzig back, it's ours (Germany's, not Burgerica's).
Only Kalingrad
That was the Jews. Yagoda in particular. I mean like Stalin wasn't great, but he was funded by Jews in the West. Fucking Jews. They ate Russia and Germany.
Now there are some niggers.
Nah, that'd be Irish screw
Retard that is how they got started.
That is how we got started also.
Germany did 60% of the work already and then we made their scientist show us the other 40%
why the fuck is it always a brazil poster calling some1 a shitskin or subhuman? You're the science experiment that is shown to other nations on what NOT to do.
Also their blatant disregard for safety and getting people killed kind of helped them push the envelope also.
Come and get it. Be a big boy this time and don't ask Russia for help.
Got to make your mind up slobby. Are you Irish, polak or an redneck?