Tell me pol,
Should I join the free masons? Why or why not?
What other societies would Sup Forums recommend joining?
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I contacted the freemasons once asking to join them. I sent them an email and it basically said something along the lines of "I've been reading about your group, it seems interesting, can you tell me some more about it, etc." The guy that got back to me was kind of dickish about it. He didn't outright say that I couldn't join, but it was like he took offence to the fact that I had looked it up and researched it on my own, and wanted to see what it was like, as opposed to being recommended by somebody. He also took a dig at me for saying I was a Buddhist, so I figured it was probably just a grown up frat and said fuck it.
I have a coworker that's one, I've been meaning to ask him about it.
sure if you want to be in a club that accepts blacks and allows them to rise up the rank just for the color of their skin instead of their character.
Trayvon Martin's dad was a master mason, let that sink in.
No, they're a bunch of Lucifer worshipping dingbats that are also able to pull a lot of strings in society.
Albert Pike writes about Lucifer being the chief god of Freemasonry and he was a very high level Mason.
I know a few people that I work with who may be able to point me in the right direction. How can I: 1 find out that they are in fact freemasons (code word or something?) and 2. ask to join without offending someone? Forgive me I am socially retarded
yeah in a fucking prince hall lodge lmao
Not even close to Scottish Rite
>Researching it yourself
>Being Buddhist
Two parts of the Freemasons are
A) You have to be recommended by someone in your community to be initiated.
B) You have to believe in a god. Buddhism isn't a directly god-worshiping mantra.
>We have to keep these secrets because we are superior to the (goy) non members XDDDD. if they find out anything let's stalk them xdd Epic XDD
They are a retarded Luceferian society, if you want to become the Jew then go on, but you won't get any gain from it unless you so some pretty nasty stuff to others.
Niggers have their own made-up play-pretend masons just for themselves, there's one a couple of miles from me converted from old 711.
>he took offence to the fact that I had looked it up and researched it on my own
What an arse. You did the right thing trying to learn about it. But yea, Buddhists usually can't join.
>Albert Pike writes about Lucifer being the chief god of Freemasonry
He doesn't, though.
Not even Prince Hall. It was a fake group. "Most Worshipful Robert Brown Grand Lodge" or something like that. So he wasn't a member. He just thought he was.
And anyway, PHA can join regular Scottish Rite.
>"Lucifer, the Light-bearer ! Strange and mysterious name to give to the Spirit of darkness! Lucifer, the Son of the Morning! It is he who bears the Light, and with its splendors intolerable, blinds feeble, sensual or selfish souls? Doubt it not!"
>Albert Pike, Morals and Dogma of the ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite of Freemasonry, p321, 19th Degree of Grand Pontiff
>Open thread on Freemasonry
>Get butthurt at Freemasons being in it
Lol, what a gay. Pic related is you.
Glad you agree. Or did you not actually read the quote. You could also read the entire passage if you're still not getting it.
Oi mate
are you banned from making threads?
I am
It's basically Judaism by invitation instead of by blood. I recommend against it. Also they are near irrelevant. If there's anything worse than a puppet, it's a useless puppet.
Not even close.
Freemasonry has been anti-jewish and anti Catholic since the times of the ancient brotherhoods.
Read Albert Pikes Morals and Dogma and you'll see him pummel Jews into the ground.
Dunno. Haven't made a thread on Sup Forums in years. But if you're on mobile it's like that all the time.
Apparently some fags on Telstra IPs have shitposted hard enough to get most of them banned.
I don't think you understand the context of you have any other examples? from what you posted he's basically saying it's a trick. mocking the "light bearer" aspect as in that context it's used to "blind feeble sensual or selfish souls". that doesn't seem like a positive thing. I'm genuinely curious about this stuff though.
protip: there are two bloodlines of Jews. They fucking hate eachother. Look up the book Demonology of History by Eustace Mullins.
I go pretty hard.
Sometimes I go to the archives to see what threads reached max replies then just repost it.
Rudyard Kipling had a Jewish Tyler at his Indian lodge. They were banned from Nazi Germany for admitting Jews and engaging in egalitarianism. Also it's a near-eastern morality system replete with dualism.
>thinking Lucifer and Satan are the same thing
You clearly haven't even read the bible enough.
Superstition and Fear blind the eyes of the profane. If only you could cast aside your conditioning for a while and see the true beauty of the universe and the Immortality of the soul.
They are literally Satanist
Do you believe in a higher power and think that brotherhood can help all men improve their knowledge and power in the world?
Because it really is just an adult frat with some stolen rituals from the Rosicrucians and the like.
yea join it cause your probably stupid enough and need something like that through life. instead of life
u need those mob gangs cause ru a retard to tell you what ot think
The reason behind the required belief of "god" is because they convert you to luciferianism. Their fucking symbol is a pentagram, there are no coincidences in life. If you want to be a satanist, go ahead its your choice and damnation, but don't pretend it is anything else.
literally google or talk to your coworkers like "hey what do you guys think of freemasonry" shit like that
>basically saying it's a trick
Pretty much. If you read the whole passage, it basically translates to, "Wtf are people calling the spirit of darkness the light bearer?"
>They were banned from Nazi Germany for admitting Jews and engaging in egalitarianism
Which is funny, because that wasn't the case. Like, German Rite only accepted Trinitarian Christians, and in the 1920s, the Grand Lodges there (there were always several across the states) changed their rituals to be more German focused. So instead of being about Solomon's Temple, they were about the building of Koln Cathedral, and so on.
The only place Jews were allowed to join was in a single lodge near the French border, which was actually under the Grand Orient de France (a clandestine group, excommunicated by legit lodges), who just wanted to fuck with Germany.
Don't talk to namefags
thats a good meme.
Most of these words are in allegory and symbol and history; They have no means to be "jewish".
Masons study ancient history, and their histories as brotherhoods date back to prechristian times.
You wouldnt know if you weren't one or if you didn't do extreme research.
Be my guest, keep thinking they are a bunch of evil kikes.
But behind the veil, you have a sacred brotherhood that loves mankind and seeks to bring freedom to all.
Who BTFO'ed the Catholic Church? The templars; the masons.
Who BTFO'ed French Monarchy and set men free? Freemasons.
Who founded America? ALL FREEMASONS
The truth (as much as is available) belongs to the esoteric orders; The brotherhood of Light.
my bad, that was from a Risk thread.
>Who BTFO'ed the Catholic Church? The templars; the masons.
>Who BTFO'ed French Monarchy and set men free? Freemasons.
>Who founded America? ALL FREEMASONS
All of those things kind of support the "they're evil kikes" narrative, especially the second.
I'd join the (((Freemasons))). I give up on the cuck society that we have now.
>The reason behind the required belief of "god" is because they convert you to luciferianism.
Why would that require belief, and do you even know what "luciferianism" is?
>Their fucking symbol is a pentagram
So? What's wrong with Christian symbolism?
>Who BTFO'ed the Catholic Church? The templars; the masons.
Well no. Or rather, what BTFO are you thinking of?
>Who BTFO'ed French Monarchy and set men free? Freemasons.
Set free? They enslaved them to the Jewish form of government until Bonaparte gave temporary reprieve. Besides, it was the greedy bourgeois, not Freemasonry who did that.
>Who founded America? ALL FREEMASONS
Well no. Maybe 15% were. The rest were regular traitors. More Masons on the loyalist side, obviously.
>believes Phoenicians=Jews
Not very likely.
There are alot of profound statements here with no evidence.
However, again, I will say that masons do not like jews. They hate them just as much as you.
your club is really gay and stupid. I know all your symbols and you are a fool for trusting your secrets will protect you.
t. DeMolay
>Should I be a Satanist?
Jesus Christ is the way, not Catholics though, they are luciferian.
How do I get invited to the freemasons? I want to make the world a better place.
Professor i was really cool with in HS invited me, then I spoke with one of my Pastors who was ex free mason on it because it rubbed me the wrong way.
Basically told me it's cool until you get deeper into it, at a certain point they get all esoteric with you and you invoke demons such a Moloch and Ba'al, as well as Baphomet and Satan himself.
Don't do it user, not the wa. On the real think of your eternal soul
You don't. Invites are forbidden.
Literally the motto of the enemy, unchanged since the garden.
Freemasonry has always been a source of secularization, globalization, and revolution, first against monarchy, then the church, and then finally against any authority but itself.
the warmth of your inner light, the divine spark that made you, you, is all one needs to find eternity. while the masons would be a great fraternity, the have been coopted by people who pushed up in power that push esoteric knowledge which pushes you down, so they themselves can be pushed up.
yourself can bootstrap itself. what happened to the masons is a shame.
That's how you get in dipshit.
Jesus Christ was predicted in even the mystery religions. That they cover up the comming of the Lord is rediculous
>Freemasonry has always been a source of secularization, globalization, and revolution, first against monarchy, then the church
So Freemasonry has always been anti-Masonic? That's some next level shit.
Nope. Anyone invited is required to be expelled, along with the person who invited them. The literal second question you're asked in lodge is, (paraphrasing) "... Are you joining of your own free will and accord, uninfluenced by the improper solicitations of friends..."
How can you compare masons with jews? The rule for jew is simple: If you aren't at least 1/8 jew (or was it 1/4?) you aren't a jew and can't become Israel citizen for example (or at least it's very hard to become one)
Masons have other rules, to join them you need a recommendation first, if you go in like that
and just ask them to join they will look at you like at an idiot
Are you a catholic?
Not at all, they are one of the darkest sources of pain on peoples' souls
Indeed, they believe the coming of "the lord" is at hand.
What they are trying to summon is the sun child, nimrod, literally the anti-Christ.
When I say anti-Christ I don't mean against Christ, but instead of Christ.
Deception, don't trust what comes!
>First against Monarchy...
Pushing towards constitutional monarchy, ok. Which would have been good because the king controlled nothing by that time. But against it make me laugh.
Digits confirm.
Religion dates far back but the messages have been the same through asia, africa, the americas, and the european areas. The exact same story has been told time and time again. Hermeticism seems to be the stem of it, which predicted the coming of Christ.
Right, clearly what is supposed to exist is thousands of fragmentary churches, each with varies theologies, some complete and utterly irreconcilable.
The truth is as fixed as its source, and yet you argue that christianity is better when fragmented and contradictory?
They did not start that way, but were corrupted. It's quite sad, actually.
no one here could become a Free Mason, if you're not already a Free Mason by now than you will never be one... If you ever get "invited" its just the "Normie" sect. True FreeMasons are FreeMasons from the day they are born. You are either born into the family or adopted
ask one to be one
that's because they invented "jesus" you retard. I predict that I will eat captain crunch tommorrow. When I do, it'll be a fucking miracle
Right, and those dastardly hucksters were SO committed to the act, their leaders willing went along with getting their heads lopped off or tortured to death, attested to long before Constantine even was born.
You are referring to the first few steps of the pyramid. The people at the top never face the guillotine.
Freemasons are controlled by the Jews.
Sup Forums will recommend only Ku Klux Klan
Literally the first few popes and bishops were regularly martyred, and did so when the concept of triumphing over roman minds was ridiculous. Moreover, the state religion was still being used as a political tool and was wholesale pagan. The apostles to the man as well seemed rather committed to finding a way to die horribly, Paul included, despite often being claimed as the "idea man" behind the concept of the christian church.
The Klan.
proof or it didnt hsppen
>muh Grand Architect
Masons are minion Shabbos Goys for the Greater Israel takeover. Literally "builders" of the psychic infrastructure that allows for the Rothschilds' all-seeing-eye (Zionist elites) to rule the base of the pyramid (Earth).
Most of the lodges are ashes of their former selves, like seashells without the crustaceans. Most don't even know who Albert Pike was. They watched Disney's National Treasure or their wives read Dan Brown trash, do they joined to network and to get out of the house.
Israel has lodges. Many Sup Forumsaks and shills say Zionists can't be Freemasons. Not knowing about Israel's Rothschild-built Supreme Court. The entire court is inspired by Freemason doctrine. The 30+ degrees are represented by the three private floor of the library; only retired esteemed judges access the top floor.
>Divine Spark
You happen to be a fan of Swinburne Clymer?
Glad to see another brother.
>Most don't even know who Albert Pike was.
Why would they? He was just a GM of a side degree in the USA south. It's only tinfoilers who made him famous.
>pic related
>Kushner's startup Cadre
>Sup Forumsack discovered old logo had a Masonic-looking letter A
>overlaid Masonic compass
>like pottery
>the letter A also is pyramid with floating top
>"cadre" is term used by Bolsheviks and Marxists
>cohencidence, search Twitter for "cadre" to see how much they still use it
>George Soros loaned Cadre $250 million
>CEO of Cadre is ni6 who worked at (((Goldman Sachs))) and was hotshot at (((Blackstone)))
>Goldman Sachs
Pick one.
My Grandfather was a freemason. He left and was immediately run out of town. On my father's side are relatives I've never met that own the antibacterial company Purell and are extremely rich. They were all freemasons. My Grandfather would also tell me but never specify activities they carried out that would freak him out and mess with his head. I never really tried joining but I heard you either have to have family members that were/are members or less likely a best friend that could vouch for you
And "cadre" does come from the French word meaning "square."
Maximum spoop.
The attestation to the martyrdom of Paul is widespread. For the apostles and bishops, it exists within christian writings, but before the church had been in. other's words, co-opted by Rome in the 300's. That was the point of the initial post. The concept of converting Rome on a national scale is ridiculous in the first and second century AD, especially considering its vitriol towards christianity. So, considering the outlandish nature of this goal, why are documents attesting to the martyrdom of its leaders existing during its period of persecution? Propaganda only would make sense in retrospect, i.e. the 4th, 5th, 6th, etc. centuries, and yet the martyrdom is attested to far sooner.
I believe these fraternities are meant to be recruiting centers for the elite in society and that people who are useful to them get the true teachings and those who aren't fed bs.
This is basically true. There are many gateways to the Establishment.
They stared in liberalism, they were born degenerate
Most are FBI agents LARPing as KKK members
>Albert Pike is a meme
His DC statue. I do agree the WWIII quotes attributed to him are bunk. Morals & Dogma had an impact
>Marxists and Goldman-Sachs are opposing ideologies
This is bullshit. It's a variation on the "Leftwing US joos vs Rightwing Israel joos" and "Zionists can't be Globalists" nonsense often spouted here. Including by Israelanons.
Who do you think funded Lenin and Trotsky? Beta intellectuals using pamplet proceeds Who do you think funds Black Lives Matter and the SPLC? Bolshevism and Marxism are funded by Jewish capitalists. Bolshevism is simply one side a vice and Rothschild tier bankers are the other.
Just as neolibs and neocons are on the same team. This is why Kushner is dangerous...
>"cadre" does come from the French word meaning "square
Yes, Jared Kushner, whose family are the famous "Holocaust Builders" of NJ, and whose parents are strict religious elites, has no idea of "cadre" being a term for grassroots leader in Bolshevik writings and lexicon. A Jewish Harvard grad, and his brother/Cadre partner, never read Trotsky. Their parents being diehard Clinton supporters.
You're delusion if you think he didn't intentionally name his company in a nod to Bolshevism (Jewish domination). Its communist association is in its dictionary definition. If he's the pure capitalist you suggest, surely he'd veer away from this word.
>is a meme
Fucking hate this trend.
>Morals & Dogma had an impact
Not so much. His work on the southern jurisdiction A&AR degrees were the lasting thing (until they changed them about twenty years ago, because Pike did quite a few things wrong). But neither they, nor M&D were at all relevant outside of the Confederate states.
John Birch Society will serve you (and civilization) better.
read tragedy and hope by quigley, first two chapter senpai. we cant get outside of the cycle because its been an evolution of monetary trends. im sure you know, but if you have not read it, go do it. Preface is good too
pdf here for free
>Marxists and Goldman-Sachs are opposing ideologies
Like said:
>Who do you think funded Lenin and Trotsky?
Marx & Trotsky are Jews. Lenin's mother was a Jew.
Now the Jew George Soros, master of the Media, is funding thousands of Commie Groups with Millions of $$ (Perhaps Billions of $$)
Capitalists fund Commies, perhaps just to spread Chaos, then Ordo ab Chao (New Order from the Chaos)
Communism & Capitalism are 2 sides of the same Sheckel.