Prelude to the Impeachment

Prelude to the Impeachment.

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This will not stop keks will.

I'm a dumbfag. what does mean?

>Prelude to the Reelection



grand jury will determine if there is enough evidence to indict.

no way anyone could have seen this surprise move coming and destroyed data beforehand. What a sudden and unforseen move this is. I'm sure all the evidence will totally be intact at this early hour.

It mean CNN are making shit up.



(For Fagerson Poopscoop)


Are you ready for Comey's revenge Dumpftards?

Are you ready for Comey's revenge?


Is this a rush of desperation because of Comey?

Uh the DOJ issued those subpoenas... So sessions/trump want that grand jury convened

CNN Fake news

this. If a grand jury is formed for any investigation into indictment it's against Hillary

Means you waste your time shitposting on a politics board and don't know shit about how your country functions. Kill yourself.


Moloch shines upon his children. Progress will not be stopped by the tiny handed, orange buffoon.

Hah this about flynna financial dealings. Nothing to do with Trump.


>It's Trump!!

>eh no, it's Flynn!!!!

>eh no, it's Flynn's friends

lol next it'll be Fynn's dentist under investigation

still nothing to do with Trump himself

Look at the fucking timelines, user. If anything it's the other way around.

Yup, I am sure THIS is the time. Quit leaving folks w/ blueballs on this either put up or shut up

>Trump impeached
>Trump refuses to go
>Trump supporters riot in the street
>police can no longer contain it (maybe they don't even want to?)
>national guard called out
>Trump, who still refuses to go, declares state of emergency
>military has to choose who to back - Trump, or the opposition
>they choose Trump
>Trump Reich
Let's hope.

hahahaha no

Comey was sacked because of this, Trump wants to place someone loyal to him in his place

>Its another CNN article where the headline has nothing to do with the article

It means shills will be along soon to tell you how it's all 4D chess.

Except russian money laundering and collusion.

They are busy in all the other threads doing exactly that right now

Wonder if trump has completed his "investigation" yet. Report should be out. Any day now.


Just about any day.

FBI is the one who investigates
Obvious he needed to fire them

Claude Taylor was screeching to have knowledge of the coming subpoenas two fucking weeks ago and Trumptards were saying he's full of shit. Now he's saying there are 9 sealed indictments with 16 more coming.

Basically, Trump is absolutely fucked, deep state is going through all the legal processes right now. The MSM found out about the subpoenas just hours before Trump sacked Comey.

you're mistaking hilary/obama for trump.

Yes, then it's open season on libcucks.

Ausie's, everyone.

Yeah maybe on the day of election but Trump has far fewer hardcore supporters willing to take up arms than he did 100 days ago. How many of the people who voted for Trump are willing to shoot at cops and national guard do you think? How many of them have nothing to lose?


Not even fake news. Just literally nothing.

Ummmm no sweetie. Aussies are far smarter than Amerilards

Say it with me now...Mr. President.

>if I pick enough, surely they'll break

Trump supporters are too pussy to show up. Thats why PB has to be a thing. Give em time

wait are you claiming the subpoenas haven't been issued just because CNN said it? How are blumpf supporters this delusional?

If Trump goes down he's going down with him.

>what does mean?

it's only on CNN land of disappointment

Just because you don't like it doesn't mean it's not true. You follow trump blindly it's sad how easily you trust him

is Chuck crying because he is going to jail?

fucking hope so

>CNN Headlines

how fucking new are you?

I just read this article and its subpeonas are for Flynn's associates and really just their records.

calling this a "russia investigation" when they're looking into flynn's associates and his dealings with Turkey is a wide stretch, trying to tie this to Trump is an even bigger stretch.

With Flynn at most.

>You follow trump blindly

not everyone does, I'm very disappointed in his lack of efforts to help the plight of homeless drug addict veterans

>Trump uses the Obama-era NDAA powers to declare Comey and all of his associates terrorists and send them to Guantanamo
>can't appear to testify because they're busy being tortured forever
>investigation is dissolved for lack of evidence
Flawless victory.


Read the article

It's about Flynn

You're blinded yourself

oh shit


Comey is the colluder?

Never post again. I hope your mother gets raped

Lefty twitter is exploding like this is it and Trump is done for

Kinda worried desu

I'm sure you don't know how impeachment works

and watergate was just a broken door. its gotta start somewhere.

Indict Flynn, sure, but that's not enough to impeach Trump.

he's crying because his terrorist friends had to wait 90 days before they can commit Jihad on America.

See Nothing to do with Trump

hush justin, the adults are shitposting

Can someone please buy Anderson a one way ticket to Chechnya? I'm tired of occasionally having to look at his dumb CIA faggot face, I mean the Biltmore house is cool and all but fuck this Vanderbilt faggot.




He wasnt right about those.

don't you need evidence of a crime to indict anyone? what crime are you claiming happened?

lol I just noticed that Trump changed his avatar to a smug slow clapper.

Flynn is gonna sing like a canary isn't he?

chances of CNN telling the truth aren't very good. a subpoenas is just an order to appear...any court in the country can order one.


It means someone has to finally produce proofs

Whatever soothes you mind, don't get too triggered when nothing comes of any of this.

this is great

Hahahahaha truely we are but children on the shoulders of a giant

this is fucking funny, CNN claims that there is some grand jury whatever. they are officially out of cards to play. they have no evidence and can not proceed with a criminal trial. what are they going to do? have more hearings in the senate? have more house hearings? on what basis? the DNC is in for a world of hurt.

Sing on what? There is nothing to sing on. Flynn took money he probably shouldn't have. That's the closest thing to a crime here.

subpoenas into probing the salad and other weird eastern European shit Flynn ate with putin when Flynn decided to take shekels.

They are just gonna keep on acting like they have some new groundbreaking shit about to take place every other week or so and staging stunts.

Only shills are the ones still trying to create something out of nothing. You guys even read the article?

Going down for what?

The left is going to shoot themselves in the foot big time if they keep pushing this fairy tale.

The only evidence that's going to come out of this investigation is that the Obama regime used phony accusations of Russia hacking as an excuse to use the NSA to spy on the Trump campaign.

What does flyyn taking. Money fro turkey have anything to do with this fake Russia conspiracy?

you really think a guy like flynn will sit quiet in a prison cell and be mob loyal until his pardon? or will he through names under the bus to save his own skin? that goes for whoever is being subpoenaed.

This Desu.

He took money from both Russia and Turkey and then LIED about it. It's the lie that is illegal and will land him in prison. He was required to disclose all foreign money and he hid it. That's a crime.

he tried to get immunity in exchange for testimony but FBI refused. that was a while ago. now these subpoenas are going out... doesn't look good for him or trump


The evidence is going to be classified at this stage. Based on all the circumstantial evidence out right now I'm going to say it's Trump's financial ties to Russia and collusion during the election. There will likely end up being 50+ indictments for different issues though.

yeah that request for immunity was a little odd at the time.

CNN=fake news

And then Trump firing Comey on the day that the investigation indictments are coming out is even more odd. There's some deeply shady shit going down.

Indictments aren't going to happen because they're not going to be able to produce anything in court that actually counts as evidence.

what leafy said. So president Ryan?If Flynn is dirty and he has been askibg for immunity. Why u think?

>Ummmm no sweetie. Aussies are far smarter than Amerilards

Sure you are.

what's even more odd is that the FBI refused. does that mean they already had everything they needed?

We'll see. There's so many connection now it would be almost impossible not to find something. At the very least, Flynn and Manafort are going to prison. Probably Carter Page too. Maybe Rex Tillerson, Jeff Sessions, Jared Kushner, and Roger Stone too. They've all been caught with Russian connections. Donald Trump Jr will probably get off. His connections to Russia are real but he's not a government employee so he's not violating any laws.

Has nothing to do with Trump