Anonymous speaks
we did?
>literally anyone
I didn't. Was it you?
is the psych warfare division still made up of jews?
At Majdanek, (((Soviets))) claimed that 2 million Jews were killed in gas chambers. Thanks to revisionists, today it's believed less than 60,000 died (primarily of disease). The Red Cross estimated only 8,000 had died there. That is a drop of almost 2 million. Most normies don't know that, and continue quoting 6 million.
At Auschwitz, (((Soviets))) claimed 4 million people died in gas chambers. Today, the TOTAL death toll sits at 1.1 million (from ALL causes, eg disease). That is a drop of almost 3 million, though still grossly inflated going by Red Cross reports.
Normies blindly believe 6 million died because they don't bother examining such a grisly topic from a critical pov. They take it on faith that (((Hollywood))) and what little they learnt in school is 100% factual.
Watch these, if you STILL believe the Holohoax myth, you may be a Jew!
>The JQ:
>Auschwitz - Why The Gas Chambers Are A Myth:
>The Majdanek Gas Chamber Myth:
>1/3rd of the Holocaust (debunked):
>Buchenwald: A Dumb Dumb Portrayal of Evil:
>The Last Days of the Big Lie
Spielberg's Oscar-winning documentary about the Shoah uses discredited eyewitness Paul Parks, who lies about being in a unit that liberated Dachau.
Parks, a known fraud, was in an earlier documentary about black soldiers liberating concentration camps, criticized by the press after being disproven by historians and military records.
NO BLACKS were involved in liberating ANY camps. But Spielberg uses Paul Parks as 1 of his 5 key witnesses in The Last Days, because the ONE American soldier in it couldn't be a WHITE guy, no he wanted it to be a NIGGER for his anti-white agenda.
Other obvious lies are also exposed:
annymoose isn't Sup Forums anymore and hasn't been for years, literally some faggots that took a meme too far and don't even align with us. Most of those guy fawkes wearing faggots despises Sup Forums despite the fact that we do all the actual work.
We are anomalous
We are a region
Forgive and forget
Expecto patronum
Wow, nearly had some good numbers there. Tomorrow is gonna be bad day.
Hm yes a "globally devestating" world war will surely be kept a huge secret from all citizens.
>Most of those guy fawkes wearing faggots
don't realize what Guy Fawkes stood for
>the citizens will be the last to know
What if it already started? It could be years old by now
Faggots larping as leet haxors.
>isis still exists
>trump still president
They accomplish nothing
>be Sup Forums in 2006 pulling pranks and making memes
>get exposed in 2007
>have anonymous "identity" co-opted by faggots who think wearing a mask and occasionally using a voice changer make their opinions more valid
>now anybody with a phone and a cheap mask can represent all of anonymous
Literally fucking nothing
I truly believe the main goal of Sup Forums is to spread and arm the basic citizenry with this type of info. Once the normies are informed about this deceitful history, they will act 100X more logically than they are now. If Sup Forums fails in this, the jews will lead the whites into another devastating conflict (as per WWI and WWII) that will either completely destroy us or further cement the jewish ruling class.
It's not enough for us to know, it's the masses that will drag us into the future cataclysms.
when was the last time anonymous did anything?
The more I read about people preaching WW3 from Korea or Syria the less I believe these people are incapable of pointing where those two countries are on a map
>I have no knowledge on these subjects BUT WW3 IS HAPPENING GUYS
>are incapable
are capable*
The enemy thinks they have slain our holy kek.
But after three days, he will return.
Tomorrow is the third day.
Rejoice in these
sacred digits.
what was
anonomonanmouls should do something useful and take down the ebt system or something.
am I the only one who cringes at the fact he's still going by Tyler Durden? who here is still 16 and thinks Fight Club is edgy and realistic? "you aren't your posessions" says the millionaire writer.
Anonymous is an FBI front. Back in the day, what's his name got busted and sold them all out, and the US took over the persona.
>War on the Korean peninsula
>leads to WW3
literally how
Exactly, just a way for the intelligence community to make leaks and get away with it.
North Koreas Shores and Seas are mined. The Countries borders are mined and have artilery and rockets pointed at South Korea and have plenty of bodies, bunkers, and tunnels. They also have mountain ranges to hide troops and weapons. You have to move in to take them out. A bunch of tomahawks wont do it.
How does that lead to a world war?
You do realize we have tools and forces specifically trained to deal with all of that as well, right?
I dont think you understand exactly how large their troop forces are, even with underpowered weapons compared to todays standards if they have more its a threat.
How could it lead to a World War? If we are fighting a Super Power because we move in on Korea. Meaning either China or Russia teams up them.
Fake Anonymous
Fake News
You have absolutely no idea what you're speaking of and know next to nothing of how the military operates or its capabilities.
You'd think someone posting on the political board would have some semblance of understanding of North Korea's relationship with China and Russia or basic militaristic knowledge but apparently you were too busy eating crayons while typing out shit, uninformed opinions.
fwiw I kek'd m8 :^)
Looool. You have no idea that China for YEARS has been shielding Korea, and has only recently began backing down. If everything could be solved with missiles we wouldnt have been in Iraq for so many years. Youre the one with no understanding of shit.
expoct us
we r leegun
did they tell everyone to screenshot this?
naw man, Just got home. I kinda just found out about the Comey thing
>You have no idea that China for YEARS has been shielding Korea
That was because big kim could play the game, he only said mean words and occasionally exchanged a bit of mortar fire. Little asperger's kim has done nothing but antagonize and provoke the west to the point China has gone on record multiple times saying if they goad the west into attacking they will not help; China has been amassing troops on its border because the rabid dogs beginning to bite the hand that feeds them out of delusions of grandeur and if anything happens it's most likely going to be action from China themselves to keep that nice buffer zone; the only reason no one has stepped in and fucked spergboy up is the gigantic humanitarian crisis it will cause due to millions of illiterate dirt farmers starving because their entire country survives week to week with grocery stores only being stocked for days at a time.
Learn what the fuck you're talking about sped, WW3 will never happen from either Syria or North Korea.
20 million you sick fuck. Have not you see Schindler's list. No sources either, of course, you deniers are all alike.
t. Flat earther
And we are still fucking with Chinas claim to the expansion of the South China Sea. You would have to be an idiot if you think because they put some troops at Koreas border that means we are friends when theyve made statements telling us to back down our presence of the Waters they are trying to claim and build upon. You cant have a World War without at least 2 super powers fighting each other, thats what the fuck the article above is claiming. You are fucking dumb.
>Tyler Durden
My fucking SIDES
I picture some faggot post 90's born shitstain going through his edgy phase typing this
This. A war in North Korea won't be as easy as Trump thinks. It would be devestating. And everyone would feel it.
>You sir, are and idiot.
Memed trump into presidency
>are and
Russian education.
china seems to be getting tired of north korea's shit
Lurk moar newfag.
It wasn't you then..
shut the fuck up you little rat eurotash nigger.
>I have 0 knowledge of what i'm speaking about
>better double down on ignorance
i was only pretending xd
>And we are still fucking with Chinas claim to the expansion of the South China Sea.
Has nothing to do with North Korea consistently pissing off the west and threatening to nuke people they don't like.
>You would have to be an idiot if you think because they put some troops at Koreas border that means we are friends
Not friends, just two countries with mutual goals. Currently North Korea is a gigantic liability and China would gladly join a coalition with the west because of two big reasons, #1 live combat is a greater learning experience than simulations and #2 resource control. America and Russia were not friends in WW2 and yet they still worked together.
>You cant have a World War without at least 2 super powers fighting each other
Good thing America is the only super power in this, with China being a regional power only due to low force projection capability. Having all those tanks and zerglings means fuckall when you can't get them anywhere.
i'll say it again, you know nothing about this subject other than what you've read on Sup Forums (that is IF you read anything between stuffing your face full of arts and crafts supplies)
Your shitposting and dedication to it are impressive, and youre still wrong.
Anonymous leaked the coming of a third World War!
Not an argument.
It's okay to be wrong, user. There's always books of the non color variety whenever you feel like not being an ignorant piece of shit.
You really believe China would let America gain control of another neighboring Country and set up more anti missile silos, set up more military bases, and airfields right next door to them? They are trying to deescalate the situation because they dont want to have to fight us.
Sup Forums did what now?
sorry it was me al along
>You really believe China would let America gain control of another neighboring Country
No you fucking mongoloid I already said they'd act to prevent this very situation.
>They are trying to deescalate the situation because they dont want to have to fight us.
They've gone from "we won't do anything if they piss you off" to a show of fucking power directed at the Norks.
who is tyler durden?
...I mean is it one writer, or is it a label given to anonymous writers?
Why is this on zerohedge?
>watch these youtube conspiracy videos for proof!
or you could link to like
Is sad what a pathetic collection of useless children "anonymous" became following 2008.
Its as if all the people who just found the "deep web" aka 9gag and knowyourmeme are the ones who throw around the name "anonymous" because they think its some leet hacker group .
The saddest part is that THEY actually think they have influence. I can even put into words how non threatening "anonymous" is. Just the fact that ik writing this, some retard who thinks hes muh anonymous boogyman will simply delude himself into thinking im hiding my fear of them by mocking them.
The whole situation bothers me more then it should. These people are a laughing stock. They think its cool. They think they arent laarping. They think people tremble at the mere mention of anonymous. As someone who has browsed Sup Forums since 2005, It really bothers me. It bothers me that these weenies truly believe someone actually takes them seriously. I wish these fags could see it through an oldfag veterans eyes like myself. These retards are a disgrace.
I think the disconnect is this.
Facebook kiddies and 9gagers find the knowyourmeme page on anonymous. They read a disingenuous spinned version of what "anonymous" was *believed to be* they think is so neato and decide,
"Omg kewl. Im leet anonymous too. These guys are super heros wow"
What they dont realize is thst everyone from those times are laughing at them. Even people not from those times understand what a joke it is. At keast i hooe they understand.
Some of you guys are alright.
Don't go to Planet Earth tomorrow
>some random teen posts some shite based on publicly known current world news events
>news outlets go wild and run with 'muh anonymous group' meme
what a load of bollocks, stop perpetuating this shite, this kid is late to the party stating the obvious.
Woah woah woah. Who the fuck told them that we were starting ww3. Jesus guys. Keep your mouths shut. We are going to have to postpone AGAIN for maximum damage. You know what, no. Fuck this. I'm done organizing this stuff for you guys.
I only have 2 apps on my phone, and one of them is zerohedge. I read that shit daily and I only take about 5% seriously.
"Ananomoose announced", Really?