Red Pill me on Female Psychology and Inteligence


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summed up in a neat, easily memorable package:

Women are property.
You can mold them to believe anything if you are seen as a capable potential father of her offspring.

Women act on emotional triggers all the time, no matter what.

Women are stupid and useless

>female intelligence
doesn't exist senpai

>Women can be just as good as men at anything if they apply themselves.

Vs neutered trannies dominate women's sports
Tech jewtube 95% male viewers, gurls 97% makeup tutorials

Sheep are far superior to women these days

take the sheeppill

Got to say, this is spot on. I'm grateful to have good role models in my husband and father-in-law. Almost all women with poor male guidance are messed up.

women are inferior in almost all aspects, their weaks minds often get them to be easily controllable by the media, satanist, feminist etc. They are controlled by feelings and emotions, the part of the brain responsible for this is the limbic system, you can see this litle monster controling almost every women on earth

women are commodities.

They're natural followers.

Never join a social group with female leaders. It's literally impossible for them to be actual leaders in any form unless they dominate people sexually.

Women have a mind that works on quantum mechanics principal, they want it both ways at the same time, and if you pin one thing on them the want the other.

>not noticing he spelled intelligence wrong in the title

I'm a grill btw. OP, you've probably come to your own conclusions, but in case you haven't: there are exceptions to every rule. I'd like to defend my gender, yet at the same time I can't even make one friend who is a girl irl. Most are SJW's now. I don't know what to say. It doesn't matter how hard I work or that I'm majoring in Computer Science and excelling, in the deep pit of my heart I hate everyone, men and women alike :3

Every fucking jackoff thinks they're above average intelligence, including you

Implying men without moral guidance aren't fucked up.


rule violation, enjoy ban

Half the people in the world are above average intelligence, retard. IQ 100 is not very high, with pattern recognition abilities verging on the pathetic.

The very act of writing on this shitty comment board makes it that a person is more than likely >100 IQ.

I didn't say I thought that about myself

Why do you feel so angry user?

for which rule?

Also, one of my favorites:

>all those African countries

I think an interesting note to this is that I made no claims to my intelligence at all

Of course. All children need role models of both genders.

The average IQ on pol is definitely over 115!

"Redpill me on X" threads

I really do like all of you autists gathering in this thread to talk about female intelligence, like you have the spare brain cells to run together. Protip: everyone is an idiot including you and I. The sooner the realize, the sooner you can overcome it

When more than half the voting constituency is an easily led bunch of consumers (women), that's a lot more desirable than men, who are inherently more individualistic. Notice how national debt and gibs and national identity have all pretty much circled the drain ever since women's suffrage

Why are there no democracies without women's suffrage though?
There are autocracies like Saudi Arabia who treat women right, but no democracies. Why?

>Every fucking jackoff thinks they're above average intelligence, including you

This, average IQ of males and females is the same.
Males have more spread, so there is 1 Marie Curie for a 1000 of Einsteins but only 1 Einstein for each million of mortal mens, so you don't usually meet either for the spread to matter (Bullish statistics to make the point)

There is also more mens who are idots and autist because it works both ways

On the other hand testosterone makes males risk takers (good for pushing society further bad when things fuck up) and more violent ("morally bad", but that's subjective on a dog eats dog world)

So for average Joe Sixpack, Plain Jane is as dumb as he is. The fact that Joe seems more "skilled" or "intelligent" than Jane is because society is designed to protect women because men are expendable for the continuity of race, so she can get away without self improving.

Being taken care for also fucks up men, so you have fatass neckbeard worthless scum that can get away with being worthless because natural selection isn't allowed to take curse.

women can't think by herselfs, they are not individual thinkers, to get in a conclusion they need to discuss the matter with other women, and in group they get a conclusion by consensus

Women evolved to survive, just like their male counterparts. It has taken very different forms for them however, and has made them be easily swept up in other ideas/culture/trends/etc because if there was an invading tribe, the best chance for them to survive and continue their lineage was to become subservient. This isn't necessarily bad, but it is easily preyed upon as we see in the current media and politics. Getting males to join a cause, who are naturally more individual and combative, is much harder than the female who is more likely to favor her own preservation rather than ideals.

women dont love a man for what he is, but for what it does or provide, men love women for what she is. She will never love you, the thing that women love men is a fantasy created by the media.

There is no such thing as unconditional love.
Love is an emotion that helped a male and female to bond to raise offspring.
Very few men don't love a woman for what she is and even fewer women love a man for what he is.
Grow up!

Female IQ has a higher standard distribution, compared to male IQ.

to feel true love for a romantic partner is a privilege only of the man


>new zealand
you been sheared yet? i want a sweater

It has a lower standard deviation with the same mean you cunt!

after the 30's women hit the wall and are useless, especially feminist and liberals

Psychology is probably the weakest "science" currently practiced.

Psychologists are only a step above witch doctors and clairvoyants, and anything produced in the field should be imbibed with a fucking kilogram of salt.

Gender studies major detected!

psychology is not a science is a thing created for shadow the true nature of women, to keep the western civilization going.

No he's right. Psych might as well be called excuses for my life decisions 101 as a cop-out for every criminal or retard or friendless faggot that labels themselves an imaginary psychopath with no friends when they just weren't capable enough to meet a group to hang with and team up with.

Plop one of those psychos in a BUD/S class and let's see how quick these wannabes get ate up chopped in half and spit out for not being team players or excelling then they get the shit beat out of them leave and tell everyone they're incapable of caring that's why they didn't pass. No, they just weren't quality meat. End of story.

Not going to defend psychology. Fewer than 5% of their best papers are reproducible.
However there are some deep ideas around there especially in evolutionary psychology.

Female iq both has lower mean and lower variance.

The lower mean however is marginal (but still too politically incorrect to be admitted in public), while the lower variance has significant implications.

Yeah I understand it's not all bad I just see it making a negative impact and I'll do all I can to fight it. Some people literally believe they are this check list and they act like it and it's great and all but just walking around acting like it gets nothing done so I'll always oppose individual psych or whatever it's called in favor of getting people to communicate or be more team oriented.


Psychologists are low IQ betas trying to feel smart

Are you homo-friendly by any chance?

If so, you can prototype some Javascript objects with me

Why have you used the larger cranium of the Asian female? in comparison to European male.?
Asian female is probably more advanced than other females.
.hm. interesting choice.

If women are so easy then why can't I get any?

get rich and go to the gym

Is 15k in the bank rich? Why do I need to be rich? I don't want to spend money just to get girls. That's like prostitution. I do need to go to the gym

Anyone got the survivor game show pic where they gave each sex an island? The men ran like clockwork and the woman's was a fucking disaster. They ended up having to combine them together cause the women literally couldn't do anything

I'm going for my Doctorate in psychology, he is right. Our studies are complete bullshit that gets manipulated and retried until we get an interesting result (read a result that you like) and then no one takes time to attempt to replicate so that one study, that might have been "alpha tested" several times to get the population correct, is now definitive and gets cited in other studies and becomes de-facto "knowledge.

The only thing that has any realness is the therapeutic side.

they are social constructs


don't shoot the messenger


Lmao, just go out and look yourself. Women acts like children, they don't know any responsibility for their actions, most of them very selfish.

the dominance of women thinking in a religion tent to satanism, see jews and muslims. Muslim is the communism of male privilege, where your masculinity is secured by society not by yourself, and you can't have variety of women, just a bunch of fats behind a hijab.

no matter what women will always seek for a man with more money and social hierarchy, and will dump you for him, in the first moment you fail to provide or promise to provide, fidelity is nothing for women

Dont know about low IQ, but betas, judging by my own experience it's true, very true.